Tuesday, 17 August 2021





Daniel 6:10-11, KJV

"10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. 11 Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God."

When you read, "prayerlessness is pride", you may enquire plainly or wonder with ego why it is pride. That's why one of the things that's difficult to judge by all that's written instantly for meditation is a quote. It is not all quotes that seems so glaringly explanatory at contact. A quote is like a tip of the iceberg. The iceberg itself is deep down and more massive than the tip. You can't even have the tip without the iceberg. My quotes are from my teachings for instance. And at times when I receive a quote before a teaching, I could then go to do a teaching from the quote. So, don't be quick to judge. Those who won't judge are those who have had that revelation of why prayerlessness is pride already or those who are meek to learn. 

Prayerlessness is pride! In today's passage, Daniel was caught praying to God. In the words of his accusers, he was praying and making supplication to God. 

When we pray, what do we do? We acknowledge another's presence or existence. We address an invisible God that by faith we believe exists and rules in the affairs of men. No one prays that don't believe God exists first of all. The Bible says, " he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He's a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. [Hebrews 11:6]"

In prayer, you acknowledge your helplessness the moment you begin to speak to God about something or someone. If you could help yourself, you wouldn't look unto another. That's what reliance is all about. That's what self sufficiency is. So, any that prays or prays often can be described as humble because it takes humility to acknowledge somebody else over oneself. 

Now, when we come to pray, what do we do? We make supplications. This is a type of prayer. You can come to God to declare or make decrees but in Daniel's case which I believe you've fallen into before, he was making petition otherwise known as supplication to God. Supplication is also entreaty. What does it mean to entreat? It means to beg. "Begging" here don't connote having the slavish mental attitude of not being bold or believing God is One's Father. Have we not been told "to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need [Hebrews  4:16]?"

Now, a going up is to get what accomplished? "To receive help." 

Any that acknowledges he need something but which he can't give himself but looks unto another to give can't but pray. So, if you're this reliant on another, you're not proud. That's why those that are wealthy according to human standard tend to be proud thinking they are a self contain kind of people. Why many of them proclaim themselves atheists is because of all they have working for them in the natural. Affluence can make you detach from God or even any human relationship while equipping you with the mindset of my money answers all things. Was it not said of Jeshurun that when he grew fat, he kicked against the Lord? [Deut.32:5]. Was it not said of Uzziah that after the Lord helped him till he was strong [could then stood on his own] kicked against God? A revelation that one can declare his detachment at the revelation that he is now something.

Whether you decree or supplicate, you still acknowledge somebody over you and you trust Him to bring to pass what you're praying on. "Prayer" or "praying" is an encompassing word. It describes many types of prayers. That's why we were told to "pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints [Ephesians  6:18]."

We humans must know that we are not on our own. If you claim there are what you can do for yourself without God. It must be clear to you also that there be many things you'll need the supernatural to do for you. If you don't want to seek the devil for what's unnatural which you can't accomplish, you're left with no option but to submit to God, believe He is, take his yoke (demands on you) and pray to Him while you await Him show His obligation towards your prayers.

Daniel didn't say he was enough. He was the number one politician amidst all appointed by the king. Yet, he was found to often go back (detaching from the kingdom duties) to pray and supplicate to God. No wonder, though he was popularly known as Daniel, many prophecies of the end time was still received by him. That makes him a prophet.

Daniel's prayers to God shows his need of God. Your day/moments of prayerlessness reveals your not being a needy again. It's my prayer that perpetually, we will be needy so we can be tossed back to Him. Show me he who has no need to meet now or later in the future and I'll show you a man that can do away with God and man. It is need that makes us cry to the one Jesus offered prayers unto in the days of His flesh. When you're shaken but needs the stability that no man can provide, you'll need to look up somewhere for help. May that be to God!

PRAYER: Lord, may I see my helplessness as to often pray to You for help.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalm 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3

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