Tuesday, 15 October 2024





Acts 3:12, KJV 

"And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?"

God wants us to beware of misinterpreting His work and will. When God healed this lame from birth, one could have expected that Peter and John would leverage on that to blow their own trumpets or place an offering basket before the bewildered and impressed people to take a special offering of them. However, they didn't seize the moment! They rather did the contrary. Ministers should beware of calling for offerings when God has just specially moved in a congregation because they believe the people would be more disposed to give and vulnerable to whatsoever they command at such time even when God hasn't called for any. That would be extortion and impersonating God!

This is why ministry or God's work has been reduced to, "what do you bring for what I would give?" First, you have nothing to give or do! It is God who uses anyone. You can't use yourself. If you try it, it'll be faking it and that would be outside God. If God should prove your not being sufficient to you by disciplining you for one day by leaving you alone, you'll agree you can do nothing without Him. So, shut up and stop acting God to people. 

God is still addressing us on what our behaviour should be after we might have been used and it seems men are becoming desirous of us instead of Christ. The example of these two apostles tells us what their priority was - that they weren't seeking to turn the stage light on themselves but have Christ glorified. When the man who is healed clings to them and by reason of that, crowd was pulled, they rebuked that mob from fastening their eyes on them in high esteem as if it was by their own power or personal holiness they had made the man to walk. These apostles know that their righteousness is as filthy rag at best. They know how frail or weak they are. I attempted healing a lame for the first time in 2016 after much compassion and stirring of the heart. That was in Birchi, Kurfi Local Government of Kastina State during my service year. The boy didn't get healed anyway but I took him by the hand to stand up. He only kept saying, "never, never." Having been this close to what Peter does, I'll say I can relate to the worship of miracle workers and any God uses. Miracle is not usual. That's why men with signs and wonders could even mislead people on doctrinal or righteousness matter and still be believed. The average mind believes, "if he could do the impossible, what else can he not do and do correctly with it?" Pitfall!

Peter and John knew that they had healed Him through the name of Jesus and off course, the willingness of God and not because they're so big or holy. Though apostles of the Lamb Himself, yet they're aware of their being vessels of clay in whom God has only deposited His treasure. 

They rather pointed the crowd to He who the glory, praise, esteem and accolades should be directed to. Read their acknowledgement of God as the doer of such wondrous act. 

Acts 3:13, KJV

"The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go."

Minister, until you pass this test, you may not have more room, chances or privileges to do another. God will just encircle, enclose or close you up. He'll just shut ministry door against you. You'll be hedged and curtailed. Instead of flowing out like a stream to bless and touch lives, God would just clip you. You'd bring regret on yourself. So, let's all be this humble or else, we'll fall from the height of glory, success and great moves. Whenever God has just finished using us and gazes and ovation are attending to us, sincerely let people know God does by singing, "To God Be The Glory; Great Things He Hath Done..." Redirect their gazes. You're not the object of attention. It's Christ!

PRAYER: I'm a vessel and I remain so that I might carry the weight of Your glory, Lord.


I Thessalonians 5:1-28 & Isaiah 61-63

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Monday, 14 October 2024




OH! HE FORGOT! - Humbled At Heart Series 002. 

Daniel 4:29-30, NLT

"29 Twelve months later he was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in Babylon. 30 As he looked out across the city, he said, 'Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor."

I once tasted the terror of God. What happens when you do is you begin to warn and persuade others of not coming to experience same. Even before I was born again, I could share an experience by which I knew that God indeed exists. I was the best fine artist in school (at my primary and secondary school levels). No doubt, I have talent to draw and it showed in the great works I produced which didn't commensurate with my age. I still have some preserved art works which I'll pass to any kid of mine that might show exceptionality in that. Teachers would call me to help sketch or draw things on the board often. I was in demand and even made some tokens from my drawing. 

One day during a Fine Art class; I was in Primary 5 at that time. We were to draw a box and probably some other things from our imagination. However, I do recall a box featured in the list. One of my class mates who was by my side had said, "we sure know yours would be special." He was praising me, knowing my exceptionality. But he didn't know what was going on in my mind. In my mind, I had said, "even God couldn't remove the memory of box from my mind." I was saying, "what's so special in drawing a box? Even God can't confuse me with what to draw or disappear its memory." But guess what, I immediately went blank just after that statement. I neither recalled how to draw a box nor what to actually do. I was very confused because God had just removed the image and memory of box off my mind. It was as if something hit my mind. I was suddenly wiped clean and I stopped teeming with the ideas on how and what to draw. I was swept dry. 

For the sake of my reputation, I couldn't call other friends to help me to draw what was so simple that everybody including the girls were attempting. They'd be confused and might thought I was trying to mock them. So, I drew a nonsense box but which the teacher still marked and rated for four out of five. I knew he might have given me such mark out of my previous reputation of having been good. That box I drew that day was a wreck. I was totally confused, tried hard remembering how but all was to no avail.

It was in Primary 5 I knew experientially God exists. I never knew I'll later do ministry or become a minister. My point is this, "God reigns supreme in the affairs of men." You may think God is invisible and because He is, He could be taken for granted. You might do that but if He ever proves Himself to you, it'll be so candid, tangible and indelible. It'll always be fresh in your memory and don't say, "how could that be."

Nebuchadnezzar had just has his dream interpreted by Daniel and it predicts being sent away from humans to live with animals. The question is, "how would that be?" But if you read that shocking story, you'll reckon it indeed happened. One day, Nebuchadnezzar did an act that gave a handle to that prediction coming to pass. Just at the end of twelve months, as he paces up and down on his terrace, the thing he was ruminating on was, "how would it be?" "Is this not Babylon which I built by my own mighty power..." For that proud utterance that didn't give glory to God, God became irritated and sentenced him from humans that instance. God hates it when you don't return all glory to Him. He hates it when you have done something or become something from the well being, sound mind, gifts and wisdom He has bestowed and you're now shadowing Him by saying, "you accomplished or did it all by your self." Your mouth or your mind (if it were still a thought) would get you in trouble.

That's what got myself and Nebuchadnezzar in trouble. That prediction couldn't manifest until there's a thing it could latch on and that was his not glorifying God. What consequence follows?

"31 while these words were still in his mouth, a voice called down from heaven, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. 32 You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses."

God didn't delay judgement on him at all. He was fired just immediately those utterances began to slip out of his mouth. His arrest was that prompt and swift. 

What's your accomplishment? Is it special, breath taking, awe stricken, longitudinal or spreading to the ends of the earth? You'd better keep your head and don't boast as if it's by your own power or work of your hands (without aids of God) you had accomplished them. Those who keep falling before God even when God has wrought much through them are those who'll go far with God. Some of you, the glory days that has began in your life would be put on pause like Nebuchadnezzar's because God wanted to see if you'll come to repentance and know from whom flows all goodies and graces. Until, no restoration. You'll just remain ordinary and be a former champion - somebody who'll not be known with anything new but boast of his former laurels. Beware, lest God sentences you to relegation and a sort of imprisonment in the shadows like Nebuchadnezzar. You'll just observe your wealth, glory, power, speech, ability, favour, beauty, grace wane. When it does, all men would leave and you'll be alone. You'll just see that what used to work for you like Samson's stops. If you ever detect quickly and comes to your knees, you'll be hearing good news from God soon. 

PRAYER: O Lord, let me always remember. May I not forget my days of little beginning, how you took me from the ewes great with kids and make me a king.


I Thessalonians 4:1-18 & Isaiah 59-60

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John 3:27, KJV 

"John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven."

Stop the boast! Shut the swelling and show off! There's nothing you have that you have not first received. When we know this, we can be full of gratitude to God and acknowledge God as the source of all we have or who we have become. Our becoming is not without God. Memorize this by saying, "I cannot receive anything except it is given me from above." That'll sit and cool you down!

When you boast about something in your life as if you're sovereign on your own, you ought remember that if it was not first given, impacted or received, you could never have had it. If the receiver who should be abased so boast of his prowess, what should the Giver do? Should He not more glory over what He has given and to whom He has given it?

The Bible says, "and of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." (John 1:16). 

John the Baptist knows this. Anyone who refuses to submit to the fact that no one can have anything except it's given to him from above would be full of jangling, contest and competition. He might contest that truth and it'll immediately show in his action. Such would immediately be filled with jealousy and might begin to slander or persecute the other who has received something from the Lord. Even when others are trying to help him cool down that it is the Lord's doing because it was God who had given that visible manifestation to that other one, he would disagree. He might go ahead to cook his own up in order to rival or stand tall to the other person. However, fake or false would be discerned and judged. 

However, John tells them that what was happening - in everybody going to Jesus isn't unusual because He couldn't have had that if it was not given Him from above. John didn't fight Jesus because he knew that it was God's act to Jesus. He acknowledges that it wasn't Jesus' wisdom, strength or sweet persuasion that was drawing men to Him but the fact that they were people allocated to Him from the Lord. So, Jesus is just a manifestation of what He was given and had received; not what He thought of founding, starting or creating by His own will. All of us would do well knowing what we have received and operating in it and the measure in which it was given. Never compare yourself with another. 

All of you who have been puffed up like puffer fish because of one gift or the other that God impacted to you, do come to remembrance that there's nothing you have that you haven't first received. If you had said you'll stop being generous with it, remember, it wasn't yours in the first place. So, you didn't start it at all. It didn't originate with you or any of us. It came from God. You couldn't have been sufficient or extraordinary if you were left to yourself. If you had not received, you'll have been as ordinary as those who don't have that gift or grace to exercise. Recall Samson when the Spirit that stirs him to strength and great ability leaves him. He assayed to do like before but it was all futile. That's how anyone becomes when he's no longer worthy of what he had received from above and the thing not worthy of him in return. It suddenly turns sour and what was once working would stop! Who we are is thanks to God who made us and from whom we have received - not even once but overtime as John 1:16 puts it. 

So, always fall before your face when you're tempted to think "all begins with you and ends with you." Always remind yourself that there's nothing you have that you haven't first of all received. It'll also fill you with a grateful heart (Psalm 103:1-5) and makes you not exceed your measure. Knowing you have first received from God without which you could do nothing makes you a dependent on Him too even if some people are dependent on what you have received, and by same hope on you. It'll be your acknowledgment of God as your fountain. Is it wealth, it is God who gives you power to make it (Deut.8:18)? Is it a spiritual gift or ability (I Cor.12:1-11)? That also is administered to you by God. So, if you'll look all around carefully, you'll indeed see and acknowledge that there's actually nothing left or new that you could lay hold on as having wrought individually for yourself. You have received everything, including your salvation as a free gift though at the expense of God by the laying down of His one and only begotten Son (John 3:16, Rom.5:8,18). See this and be a grateful creature, always owing God and doing unto men just like it has been done unto you.  

PRAYER: Let me always be reminded that you made me Lord. May people's dependence and hope in me lead me to dependence on you.


I Thessalonians 4:1-18 & Isaiah 59-60

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share and tag others. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com





Ruth 2:3, KJV 

"And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech."

There will be those who are unfortunate. When they are telling their stories, it'll be that of maltreatment and tragedies. Not that there's no one who doesn't experience tragedy, however some are not really comforted when they experience it. So, their testimony remains that of "broken bones" (Psalm 34:20). 

I perceive in the spirit that I should make this announcement. The table has been set for someone and the cry is come and eat. Just like some walked into their traps headlong, you can walk into your blessing under the shepherd's guidance and surveillance. I'm hearing, "the table is set." There's a place where God has finished His work but is looking to fling, post or throw you to. He wants that place to be your habitat and your place of abode. It could be a location or an institution. Look at Mary the mother of Jesus, I wouldn't understand why it was her who met with the table God has set in the life of Joseph, of the lineage of Judah (where there's a promise of birthing the Saviour). 

Look at Ruth, a moabitess - a foreigner walking into the portion of her future husband as if she has come to take what belongs to her and claim her right. In Ruth 2:1, the Bible describes Boaz as a wealthy and influential relative of Elimelech, the father-in-law of Ruth. Later on, we see her as one of the kinsmen redeemer closest to Ruth (Ruth 3:12). O God, how I pray again for myself and all reading this that their journey would be effective and straight to the table you have prepared. Ruth doesn't have to start struggling for what to eat after marrying Boaz. Never! Boaz is a settled man with an estate that can pamper any woman, even a dozen if he chooses to have that much. Boaz is a man with God's fear. He wouldn't take advantage of Ruth even when she laid at his feet (Ruth 3:8). He's also just. He wouldn't take advantage of the nearest kinsman redeemer to Ruth (Ruth 3:12-13). He rather offered him the chance to redeem and buy their estates first of all. It was when he couldn't, he accepted the responsibility to marry Ruth. Ruth just came in to enjoy wealth and all the harvest that has been accumulated. This is how God would guide those ladies who cling to Him and love His blessedness more than the perishing rewards of sin. Meanwhile, there are those God will be posting to places where they'll be needed. A place where they'll find acceptance and manifest the will of God. All things are ready for them as well. Rejoice for the table is set. 

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am rightly guided. The table is set for me.


I Thessalonians 1:2:1-16 & Isaiah 54-56

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Friday, 11 October 2024




NOT TOO BIG TO BE TAKEN CARE OF - Where Art Thou Series 011?

Read Ruth 2:1-18

Ruth 2:3, NLT

"3 So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father in law, Elimelech."

I had said it many times that I am not too big to be taken care of. When I come to God's presence, it's like a tender plant or shoot just growing up before Him. I would tell Him, your son is here. Olusola has come. As far as I'm concerned, it is before God I can fall. I have trusted Him in times of great needs when I was thirsty, full of anticipation and I saw His hands. As such, I know He listens and hears. So, I'm open to His welfare over my life. Don't get where you get big and independent of God. You should rely on God just like your children rely and hope in you. God can take care of you though you labour with your own hands. He can still adopt you and give you to men to look after. Who doesn't want favour?

In my last series, we saw vividly how Ruth was guided to no other's farm but a relative that would do them (Naomi and herself) favour. May people who have heard your story and the good you have done to somebody they esteem meet you (Ruth 2:5-6, 11). May you too encounter them. You see, Ruth has been the one taking care of Naomi, her mother in law. When Boaz discovers who Ruth is, she pampers her with encouraging words and tells her to keep with his maidens and sway not away from his farm (8). He even warns his labourers who are men against touching or harming her (9).

Imagine the portion of land Ruth fell! A place where care and better treatment awaits her. Some people's lot has always been difficulties. No matter how cautious they are, it's as if they're programmed to choose wrongly or have it fall for them on a bad ground. However, it can change this morning. You can have the guided feet that goes to the right place where what you'll meet, see, hear and experience would be good. 

Boaz so much cares for Ruth that he even tells his harvesters to deliberately let her  gather amidst the sheaves while leaving  some extra grains for her to glean. That's an extra portion on top of what they would usually leave for the poor to glean. What sort of favour is this that a man would even open himself to feeding the other freely (14)? I cause your story to change as God's oracle. Wherever you've been encountering and meeting difficulty because of your placement, situation or outworkings over you here or there in life, let it change. Carry this anointing of Ruth - that doesn't miss her way but goes like one shepherded to where the table has been set. If you're hoping for a spouse, this is your time. The administrator of all good things in the spirit is guiding you right. The house, family and lineage you'll fall into will be those carrying ancestral prophecies that are waiting to blow up for good. It's a Joseph you'll join so that the promise of birthing a saviour might be fulfilled through your own Mary. If out of four friends, three are destined for future death and failure, someway somehow, they won't take a liking to you and if they approach you, you'll refuse them all. Your own spirit won't just agree with them. If Ruth's spirit refused other farms but walked right into her relative's who'll later become her husband, then you're settled. In ten thousands encounters, you'll walk right and straight to places where you'll be favoured. Some will walk and wander into kidnapers' den or cross path with highways robbers or someone who they'll partner with to their disadvantage. However, what the covenant of guided feet is saying concerning you is that your own feet is washed and delivered from all enchantments and bewitchment that make a man choose or walk into a wrong lot for himself. This morning, you're permitted to have no other testimony except that of being justly guided and falling where you should fall. A prophetic imagery is before me. Have you seen coconut trees by the sea shores before? You'll usually see many of them. Those fruits had to travel great distances on water before they were washed to the shore where they now found as resting place to grow and take living. God has planned that you too swim on but make a stop over at a shore of fulfillment or self actualization. Today by power divine, I'm declaring, "be washed to your shore - to the Rehoboth where you can have space to do all that are your intents."

PRAYER: My journey is guided and timed. I make stop overs at favourable and destiny places. I meet it so. 


Colossians 4:2-18 & Isaiah 52-53

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share and tag others. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Thursday, 10 October 2024





Psalms 17:4-5, KJV 

"4 Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. 5 Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not."

When you follow God's command and you're ordered by His instructions, you'll be preserved. One, God's word will set you right not to keep company with those who could get you ruined. Two, God's word will so much become light ruling your life that as you live by it, it ensures your life and affairs doesn't hit any rock or cross path with anything that can bring you destruction.

Some have companied with those who plunged them into tragedies but God's word lived and followed would rather exclude you from dangers and any snare of the destroyer. There are those who didn't know what came upon or was motivating them. However, they were moved out of a jurisdiction that God has put their preservation and located their provision. They just had a motivation to move. These are people that ten thousands of demons couldn't get but who are now vulnerable to temptations and even backsliding upon moving. You must know that the will of God for any Christian is very germane. See the will of God as a circle that's drawn for you in which your affairs must be conducted and life lived but which can open you to attacks of the devil when you break the hedge of that circle through disobedience by stepping outside the jurisdiction God draws for you. 

As I persisted on this series, I have brought you the story of Naomi and Ruth who relocated back to Bethlehem. Do remember that this relocation was prompted by the good news they heard on God having revisited His people with food.  Upon that visitation however, God begins to guide the path of Naomi, even Ruth's so that His claims over them would come to pass. When Ruth takes permission of Naomi to check out to go and glean on any farm she would be permitted, she didn't intend to glean on the farm of a relative of theirs. As a matter of fact, she has no foreknowledge of Boaz. However, the Bible comments succinctly this way on how it goes. 

Ruth 2:3, NLT

"So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech. 

Have you gone to keep an appointment before only to discover the fellow you were to meet is someone who knows you and that you know? How God has chosen to butter your bread? That'll be favour in manifestation for you. Two weeks ago, I applied for something online. When I went to keep appointment with the founder and representative of that institution, as we got talking, we discovered that both of us are of Anglican background from Yewa Diocese Area of Ogun State. I told him he might know the father who raised me up in Christianity while I was growing up in Ayetoro since he mentioned they are from the same hometown of Isaga-Orile. He immediately gives him a call, put the phone on loud speaker and hand it over to me to declare my presence to him also. It was a convergence of Yewa people that day. So, I got the offer I went to pursue though I still had to pass through due processes which I passed. Favour just flowed for me additionally by God having sent me to someone from my nativity. 

Now, let's ask ourselves, "how did Ruth get here?" Did she just jump on Boaz's portion? No! Providence made it so. God's guidance could have made it so. My guidance to that man began when that offer looked attractive to me to apply for at first. I just had a motivation that this one is possible and is mine. I like it when God guides people. They can't but become different in experience. It'll be clear that their fate is different from others'. This is where the Spirit is leading us this morning. Like somebody hypnotized, you can choose to go on a journey of great things. Even if you wander or take a stroll unplanned into a place, it can serve a purpose in God's hands at day's end. As if you had seen events lying ahead, you can be guided to choose a lot or part where good is hidden. There is the mystery of the guided hands. Have you seen basketball players make a throw? Well trained ones would have their throws run into the net even if the shot was taken from a distance. Then, you'll wonder and ask with mouth agape, "how?" To attain such peak of excellence, much trainings had to have gone into it. He had failed many times before he began making in-throws his habit. However, you don't have to engage in trial and error once you let God lead or guide you. You'll just see that under the Spirit's guidance, it'll be people and places that'll favour you you'll often choose or walk into. You'll just observe that if there are four interview joints, you'll find yourself (no matter how the card is shuffled) with the team where somebody who knows or takes a natural liking to you would be. As such, when others are wailing and saying, "it's tough and this is no good news at all", you'd say, "praise God! What a lifting up!"

People, you can find yourself where it's happening or would soon happen. People who are unaware that you were guided by the Lord and are ignorant of how it had worked out perfectly might accuse you of colliding with some unknown authorities but you'll know deep down that, "this is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our sight."

You can find yourself in the right country! You can find yourself in the right group! You can find yourself in the right course! That's what would work for you beyond your imagination at day's end. You might not have planned it but when you reckon it, you'll praise it as the best option ever. 

PRAYER: The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places. Behold, I have a goodly heritage. I choose right! I am located right. Whenever my things fall or are distributed, it'll fall right.


Colossians 3:1-4:1 & Isaiah 50-51

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share and tag others. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 9 October 2024





Matthew 4:1, KJV

"Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil."

Continuing from where I had rested this teaching yesterday, I want to tell you how possible it is to be led up to meet with divine appointments. Leading is one of the manifestations of sons. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom.8:14). And if you'll submit to divine leading or let your life be leaned on being swayed, sweetly persuaded or influenced by Him, you'll reap its dividends and look outstanding and supernatural to people. One of the ways by which a Christian can look as a wonder to people is to be led. When you are led, you'll keep divine appointments and meet with good unimaginable that you never planned or knew was part of the package for you. You'll become outstanding amidst your peers by these therefore. If you share your story, they'd doubted and would wonder how things have chosen to work for you especially. Leading of God would intentionally carry you to where preparations and good has been prepared for you to take. When a man is led, he'll simply meet it so. He himself would wonder, how possible? How could it be? Look at how everything fell in place? How could I leave my country to another where I know no one yet I found adoption and favour all around? When you're led, before you get to a bus stop, emissaries commissioned by God would be waiting there to collect you and ensure you aren't late or fall into wrong hands. When Psalm 91:12 was written, it answers to any emergency that any Christian might face. It says, "on their hands they'll bear you up, lest you dash your foot on a stone." Who don't know that disgrace, confusion, kidnapping or the possibility of getting lost is possible if God refuses to put provision at right junctures for you. My people, I have travelled to foreign places and lived with people I don't know but who I believe were God-raised. They took me as their son and catered for me without demanding of me a penny. They were part of the resources that God allowed to work for me where I had no one to act as a parent or carer for me. As I'm looking at you, men would adopt you because God has adopted you first of all. Once you're born again, you've come into the lineage (John 1:12-13). You have been adopted as God's son or daughter. You're now the apple of His eyes and as that, you're specially custodied, guided and led up. 

In today's reading, the Spirit leads Jesus up to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Some other versions might say, "Jesus was driven, sailed, moved, stirred towards the wilderness (a definite location) to be tempted of the devil (to keep an appointment that's in the will of the Father for Him). 

Let me tell you, this is not bewitchment falling on you but if you're a man of the Spirit who has grown the God reality in him, you would have learnt by now how the Spirit leads you. You might begin to have sensation towards a place or person. At the beginning of my Christian life, I had sensation and special attraction towards Reverend Olusola Areogun of Life Oasis International Church. I just love listening to him. I didn't stop this listening until I was anointed one day as I tarried to listen again to one of his sermons, "Covenant Compliant Life", which I listened to uncountably. It was from that impartation I could teach like I do now. 3-4 years down the line from that time, I began to author a devotional like he does. The works he does I'm doing. Jesus was driven or led of the Spirit to the wilderness to keep an appointment. Leading is not something that's forceful. It's rather an appeal to you to carry a step with God or make a move with Him. God is where you're going before He comes to say let's go. Jesus Himself had to hear that appeal and follow it. When He heeded that persuasion of the Spirit, He ended in the wilderness - His designated location (though a place any of us won't naturally want to be) but a place where God ordains that He is tested. So, Jesus met with time and divine appointments in life. He walked and His walk wasn't futile but walks that are geared towards fulfilling certain purposes. I tell you, purposelessness ends in your life right away. Under God's leading, you become purposeful - having what to do, where to go and what's next. Confused people are those still looking for direction. God will be coming your way too in order to lead you in the path of life or the way everlasting (not only to get born again if you aren't but to preserve you rightly). 

You might felt a tingling, liking, attraction, love or obsession that is Spirit instilled just for the sake of leading you up to a place where you must keep divine appointments and meet good for your life. It'll happen. You'll meet it so. If they're waiting for you somewhere as an answer to their prayers, you won't delay but yield to God's leading to be moved there. God may use providence to get you there or His leading. Today however is on His leading, where you know what you're collaborating with and you intentionally give handle to God who's seeking to express Himself through you. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to the gentle influence of the Holy Ghost to be persuaded and moved. I receive the yielding and obedience of a child.


Colossians 2:6-23 & Isaiah 48-49

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Tuesday, 8 October 2024




YOU CAN BE ON TIME - Where Art Thou 008?

Ruth 1:22, KJV

"So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest."

Yesterday, I said there'll be those God would be persuading or moving to relocate from where they have been scattered to where God has put plans for them to manifest. 

Indeed, God can reorder the steps of he or she that once upon a time went AWOL! When Naomi heard of God having visited her people with bread, she put in plans to return and eventually does. At arrival to Bethlehem, the Bible records how well timed her arrival was. The Bible says, "she arrived at the beginning of barley harvest." If you aren't sensitive or prophetic, you wouldn't see any divine ordering or providence beginning to work for her through that. She has relocated back to the land she once left but God's plan is to totally restore to her the years that have been wasted and eaten by cankerworms. As such, the set-up of God begins to play out for her. The first interest of God in her return is depicted at her favourable time of arrival. Her arrival was made during the time that barley harvest had just started. So, she happened to arrive when something good has started and is already in motion. She arrived when much is available and is being brought in. It means she could be a partaker of it! She arrived when the opportunity and ground by which God would cause her restoration and lifting has not been tapped or over-flogged by another. It's still there: reserved and waiting for her. She arrived at the beginning of barley harvest. No far-gone harvesting has been done. Much harvesting still lies in the future to be done. That is when she arrived. 

If you read the next chapter which is 2, you'll see that providence begins to work for Ruth, the Moabite that had returned with Naomi, and consequently for Naomi too (Ruth 2:2-3). You too can arrive in a place at the beginning of an opportunity God would want you to take. It's possible to arrive in a land at the midst of a revival sweeping the entire place. Sunday Adelaja arrived in the former Soviet Union close to a time that the iron curtain of Communism would tear. Many who are already thirsty for God but are being kept in private worship could then rise under a central leader that God has sent. It's possible to arrive at a country where God has planned your prosperity in the very midst of a newly legislated law that would favour the business you'll start or your new life there. For Naomi, she arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest. Not long after that, Ruth would take permission of her to go and glean in the field of any who'll allow her. Fortunately, she'll find no field to glean in except that of a nearest kinsman, Boaz, who'll be her husband in no distant time. It is through this providential work that began far back that Naomi would get to have her years restored in a son that'll be born on her laps in the person of Obed. 

My own prayer for you is that your journey won't be normal in life. My own journey has not been. Rather, I've collided with time and divine happenings. Something supernatural and providential would work with you and for you. If you remember the pool of Bethesda event in John 5, you'll see that any that would be healed of whatsoever disease must fall into that pool very timely. The healing virtue still remains as long as nobody has tapped it after it might have been stirred. So, the only person it would bless is any who rightly times it right to fall into the pool while the virtue lasts. Coming after the virtue has been tapped guarantees no healing. Same way, Naomi returns at the right time - at the beginning of the barley harvest when God could leverage the barley harvest and the events that'll surround it as opportunity to restore her and remarry her faithful daughter-in law - Ruth: through whom she'll be brought liveliness again. Your timing would be right. You won't lag behind and you wouldn't be ahead of God also. You won't miss steps with the Almighty. Rather, you'll be on time. This morning, I declare upon you to arrive when good is cooking; to come in when gifts are being distributed; to lend hand towards a great thing that'll yield dividends and be part of what would make you a history maker. You'll be moved towards such! The Bible talks of Jesus being led to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Matt.4). The time that has come upon you would be recognized for what it is. You too will just be stirred to walk or wander somewhere where appointment has been booked for you by God to happen. It'll happen to you according to God's Word and the saying of His mouth! You won't just journey again! Your journey would begin to meet with divine appointments and schedules. Say, "amen" to that!

PRAYER: Lord, I am led, moved, stirred and governed by the Holy Spirit to be prophetic. My path won't cross with the devourer but rather with lifting.


Colossians 1:24-2:1-5 & Isaiah 46-47

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Monday, 7 October 2024





Ruth 1:6, KJV 

"Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread."

This is to nations and people losing manpower. You know, I previously said there are places that people are pouring out of currently. Whether it's in the will of God or not for everybody, they just want to leave such places. As such, they don't even mind where they find themselves. God has a word and comfort for such places that people are leaving or thronging out of. 

The Bible says, "when Naomi heard that God had visited her people, she prepared going back home."

Some of you are as stubborn as a goat and you won't heed God or His comfort to rebuild you until you see convincing and clear evidences. Until you hear some good news about your nativity, some of you would never believe that it could be well with you in such land. You don't have to see the marks of the nails before you believe however. Don't be a doubting Thomas. I'm sure if Naomi didn't hear that God had revisited her people, she might not conclusively take it serious to go back home. Bread, bread that people are looking for is not something that is everywhere. Europe may be an interesting place to be but your bread may not be there. What you must know is that wealth or riches is usually hidden and it takes discovery and enlightenment to see where your gold mine is. I've met people with professions that no one would suspect could guarantee wealth who are wealthy. How? God hid their wealth in a seemingly thoughtless profession, act or location. Your own wealth giver has to be discovered. You might have studied business but God might tell you to start farming. Farming cannot prosper everyone but it may be what'll prosper you. Some would be going straight but God might tell them to bend through leading. That may be where their wealth is!

That verse, "of God revisiting Israel" would literally happen to some countries before the end of time comes I believe.

Though Naomi had lost all and she could be debased, shamed or called unpatriotic by shamers, yet she counted all as a fair share for having missed it. She refused to allow her ego get the better of her by delaying or refusing to return. Some of you my readers who have missed God by miles, God might be bringing a clear, confronting evidence and proof for which you have to return back home to you just like we have in today's anchor verse. You might not have heard anything hopeful about your nativity but yours might be in the conviction that God wants you to return to go and get ready for His visitation in your country. When God created Adam, He puts him in the garden to till and see to it. That became his jurisdiction to watch and tender. I believe you too have a place to tender and watch. It's your fertile soil but you might have been displaced from there. God wants to take you back there. It's the place God would be coming to but he wants you to have been settled there, continue in putting preparation in places, learn how to take advantage of the opportunities that land could offer before His arrival. God might be setting you up for a big harvest if you'll heed Him and leave the wrong place you've been scattered to. 

While this is a comfort to a place or people being jilted, it's also an encouragement to those who are in such nation where it has always blown hot to persevere, be contented, continue with their training and await what God would make them by the time some who have missed it would be returning lately. When people like Elimelech left, they could be said to have forfeited their estate. When they returned (in Naomi and Ruth), it was people like Boaz who bought their inheritance. Just by staying, he has become so wealthy that he has everyone's ears and could accumulate and annex other people's estates without fear of forfeiting his. 

If the mouth of the Lord hasn't ordained it, be immovable but if you're persuaded, run!

PRAYER: Lord, situate me in my fertile land. Guide me to the discovery of my gold mine. I pray for my nativity to be blessed.


Colossians 1:1-23 & Isaiah 44-45

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Ruth 1:1, KJV

"Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons."

God is asking some people, "why did you leave?" Some are leaving where God is or coming to, to where God is leaving or has departed from outrightly! Such people will have themselves to blame. 

This is usually the story and regret of those who relocated out of their countries when the mouth of the Lord hasn't ordain it. They might have done it out of public opinion, pressure, ego or what have you but when the trouble starts, it's a foolish child who would bear the consequences of his foolishness (first of all even if anyone connected to him would be a sharer). 

In a sympathizing voice, God is asking some who like Naomi went out full but who are now empty where they are and are finding it hard returning "why did you leave?" Naomi called herself Mara. She denounced the name Naomi. Mara means bitterness. Why won't she be bitter since she went out with a family who never returns with her to Bethlehem. What a loss  of two children and a husband!

Some haven't lost any soul they took abroad but they have lost all their properties and wealth which they sold back in their nativity before travelling. Where they are abroad now, they are like carcass walking. As in, a living dead - a zombie. They are very dry with no hope of revival. Fellowship with God is down because they need to use their time to work as to be able to offset bills. No rest: either physically or in the Lord. The plan of starting all over abroad is frustrated and is verily slowed down. 

But I heard concerning you, "you shall be brought back. You shall be recovered. God shall turn your captivity if you'll see where you've fallen to retrace your steps and return." Until then, breath can't enter into you. Until then, you cannot rise a vast army again. Don't say, "it'll be too embarrassing returning to your nativity early. Don't therefore continue to live in pretence when you know what the Lord is raising with you. Those who tarry out of the will of God always count some losses. When a man makes a move outside God's will, He loses God's favour and protection. That man becomes vulnerable. The hedge that surrounds his family and all he has becomes penetrable if not immediately removed. Relocation outside the circle God draws for our individual leads to that and continues if we remain adamant and unrepentant. 

You were trapped by sin when you travelled abroad to the land of anything goes but once you return (first to Him in fellowship) and by making plans to return physically (since God never wanted you there in the first place), God will restore you. That's the cry, "come back."

PRAYER: Interpret Your ask of, "where art thou to me?" Lead me in the path of Your righteousness.


Philippians 4:4-23 & Isaiah 42-43

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Saturday, 5 October 2024




FIG LEAVES CANNOT COVER YOU - Where Art Thou Series 005?

Genesis 3:7, KJV 

"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."

There are those who at this time God's Word is coming are trying to experience what they used to experience while with God - standing before Him in fellowship. 

When Adam and Eve sinned and came to the knowledge of it, they were full of guilt and shame. Without God rebuking them or calling them to accountability, they reckoned they were wrong and so fled from His face. It takes God to call and ask where they are. Their response (in what Adam gives) hints at something having gone wrong with them. 

Genesis 3:9-10, KJV

"9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."

When the Bible says in Proverbs 28:1, "the wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion",  Adam's response and their run-away act vividly portray that. When you sin and lose your righteousness sense; your conscience immediately testifies to you of sinning and your heart being conscious of your wrong naturally puts you at the disadvantage of being confident. You'll begin to fret, shiver like a kitten. However, they just didn't flee also. They sought and tried looking like they were before they discovered themselves to be naked. So, what did they do? They sew fig leaves as clothes. That is the nakedness God's glory covered before sin came into their world to expose and prove them as nobodies who can't live without being covered (unfortunately with something physical and unlasting). Have you observed that when people stumble at sin or trespass, one major thing they are tempted to do is to cover themselves by covering or hiding their sin. That's what Adam and Eve tried out here. They thought the covering of their physical nakedness would fix things and return them to their status before sinning. However, that helps nobody because leaves can never substitute God's glory or provision for atonement for sin! Instead of covering your sin, the Bible admonishes the opposite.

Proverbs 28:13, KJV 

"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."

While in their glory days, they were naked and were not ashamed. Why? Because there's a supernatural clothing that they did not have its consciousness that clothed them, therefore  preventing against the knowledge of "I'm naked, now inferior and affected. As such, I'll need a make up or help which my own hand can provide." Frantic racing and dashing all around to keep things secret (like it never happened or like before it happened) is an act of a man who doesn't want to be discovered. To him, he'll lose face and be embarrassed. It would be better if the earth can swallow him alive but that won't even happen!

Oooh God, help those who are naked yet are sewing fig leaves (a solution that won't cure it to attempt it). Convict them that they'll need to jeopardize the pleasure of sin and find their way back to you to be properly clothed. Would you open their eyes to see this Lord? Would you wash them in the slain blood of your only Son and cover them with the garment of righteousness that they might take their sit and place as once was lost but now is found? The animal from which God sources the skin by which He eventually clothes Adam and Eve foreshadows the death of Jesus that takes away all sins (Gen.3:21). He's the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). 

If you'll come under His claims, you'll be sheltered! Your own righteousness is as the filthy rag at best. Take Christ's and be all new! Turn to page one to see how to be born again. 

PRAYER/ACTION: Bow your head and repent and God would do as we have asked.


Philippians 3:12-4:1-3 & Isaiah 40-41

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Friday, 4 October 2024




OUT OF HIS PRESENCE  - Where Art Thou Series 004?

Genesis 3:9, KJV 

"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

Once a man is no longer before Him, he is cut off from communication immediately and all spiritual vitality that makes a spiritual being a living spirit. God breathed into the first Adam and he became a living soul. Just because of the breath, he received life. "Araulah" wakes him up like a dead vehicle that has just received the installation of a new engine. As such, Adam could wink, move his body parts or speak. Previously, he was as dead as wood. 

When Jesus told His disciples to wait for the promise of the Father - the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:4,8)), He meant when He comes, He'll enliven them. And indeed, when He came, He brought with Himself liveliness. He brought power by which they could lift hand or foot and accomplish spiritual and ministerial things. Else, they'll have been incapacitated and powerless. As a matter of fact, before then, the church was not living and functional. 

This same experience is over time renewed and repeated in our lives when we stand continually before God. Those who have been uprooted, unfortunately transported or transplanted by distraction, luring or seduction of the devil may not know this joy. Why? They have left God's presence. That's why the Bible says, "thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore" (Psalms  16:11, KJV). 

So, instead of having joy which impacts strength, they are as lifeless as a stone. Joy is not patronizing them. They lack motivation, encouragement and initiative. They lack ideas and the power of intuition or the ability to be personally counselled. As such, they look used, spent and finished; resembling egg shells that have given up the substance in them.

More importantly, they are cut off from divine supplies of information that guides and orders the step of a man. They are therefore far from experiencing the sure promise that says "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). 

God is calling you back. Elijah is able to declare the decree of the Lord because fellowship and relationship has not been broken. If he were far away from God's presence and was not standing where communication could still reach him in the realm, he would have picked or known nothing to decree. Are you clueless about life? Come before God now. In God's presence, you'll discover what life is all about and how to spend it. You'll call unto Him and He'll show you great and mighty things which you know not of. In God's presence, you'll know what's next? In His presence, confusion is banished and you're permanently alien to which path or way to take. Why? There's light and clarity in His presence. 

PRAYER: Father, I receive light and clarity before You. May I not run dry of strength, ideas and spree of information that You alone gives.


Philippians 2:19-3:1-11 & Isaiah 38-39

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Thursday, 3 October 2024




Happy New Month!!

AT THE ROYAL COURT - Where Art Thou Series 003?

I Kings 17:1, KJV

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

By experience, I know when you cultivate intimacy with God, you'll develop special boldness and confidence. I just have this assurance that things are subjected to me and can be handled. That's even when there's turbulence. I believe in divine settlement and I can sing, "All is Well with My Soul." Intimacy can give you strong confidence that you have done all you should do and that God would do all that He should do. In intimacy with God, you cannot be shaken even when there are situational earthquakes all around. Why? You know you always have the King's hearing. Once He speaks especially, light and reassurance would flood your situation. 

Did you see the act of Elijah there? He decrees in confidence and so it is. He speaks with ultimate assurance that created the situation he called for. That's what standing in God's presence avails you. It arms you with the mind of "everything is impossible! Who else would God listen to if not a frequent like me?"

I want to bring you to the royal court. In ancient times, standing before a king is a rare privilege. There are even kings whose faces are not seen. So, when Elijah says, "as the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand..."; the Lord God of Israel is God Almighty and as Elijah notes, he stands before Him. God is King and Elijah is now before Him in His royal court - where other divine beings are and where He could be part of the proceedings and counsels of heaven. So, when Elijah says, "before whom I stand", he paints the imagery of being in the court of a great king, in whose presence and by whose  endorsement, nothing is impossible or hard to do. If you stood in the president's presence probably by the virtue of being his personal assistant, you know how much you could ask of him. 

As we all know, kings used to have the power of life and death over their subjects. Their decrees are not subjected to opinions or legislation of men. Kings are gods and they're treated so. So, when Elijah talks of standing before God, you should have an idea of his standing before a God that can grant all things. No wonder, he ceased both dew and rain for some great years. He even assures that nothing more happens on that closed case except by his word. Imagine such kind of bold talk! What did he swallow to have been this defying and unconcerned? Yet, a mortal like us. 

In a physical king's court, you won't find the whole town but you'll find the privileged  who might have been sent for by the king or are stewards before his face. Elijah is just one of such privileged with access, who has left the destination of the mob for the King's court. Welcome to the King's court. The King is here seated on His royal stool, ready to grant your requests. He is saying, "ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Psalm 2:8-9, KJV). 

Make your tender. You have the ears of the King as far as the earth stretches. You're this privileged to have been blessed because you're born again - have a regenerated spirit that intimates with the King. You have been brought into fellowship with Him who can do all things. If you'll not ask amiss to spend on your lustful or selfish desires (James 4:2-3), then you'll have the midas touch at every request of yours. As for us, what we should do should be after God's heart and will. We should be found, "declaring the decree of the Lord..." (Psalm 2:7). As such, you can't but collide with God's will and have answers always.  

PRAYER: I utilize grace to be personally discipline to cultivate your presence. I shall declare what the Lord has said.


Philippians 2:1-18 & Isaiah 35-37

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Wednesday, 2 October 2024




Happy New Month!!!

BEFORE WHOM I  STAND - Where Art Thou Series 002?

I Kings 17:1, KJV 

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

In whose presence do you stand? God needs to ask that question in order to locate some people who are lost yet are rejoicing in their being missing. You need to be found. You need to be recovered. You need to be brought back home! I sense God redeeming men and gathering them from the four corners of the earth where they've been scattered and are vulnerable because they went without God's consent; from what they have done that has trapped and taken them captive but redelivering them into purpose by planting their feet strongly in His house and presence.

Some rejoice in standing before great men. You might have heard people say, "I have the contact of the governor." That's declaring the presence of He who they stand. They boast that way because they know the power and influence the governor has. With that relationship, it means there are things they could drag and order around. No wonder, Elijah could order things around in the spirit. If you're not a man of God's presence, how can you legislate that there should be neither rain nor dew except by your word. I'm sure no politician or big man in the flesh has such authority. That's the difference between standing before men and being stablished before God. Christian, rejoice in ever having the privilege to access God and stand before Him. When you're recognized with His presence, while others are done with, you'll be well compensated for. Someone might ask, "how do I know God?" Then, I'll reply, "how did you know your spouse?" If you don't court God, you can't know Him. Fellowship with Him by studying the Bible and you'll learn hows on how to stand or be a man of His presence. What does Elijah say concerning himself?

"As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand..." 

Yet, he wasn't praying or doing anything spiritual at that time other than the fact that he has not departed out of God's will for his life. When you're in God's will, you're continually before God and your wish are even commands! A man on a mission is always availed heaven's resources. 

Before who do you stand? Before who do you fellowship? Before who do you pleasure or spend your time? Before who do you take your being? Before who...?

Has the Bible not spoken true when it says, "in Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28)?" The motivation of Christians should first be to be a man of His presence and not of pleasure, immovably standing and staring at the TV but a man found always before Him so much more that if he's walking or working, he could still be said to be standing before God.

Check yourself! Don't waste time. Don't let the sheet God brought down to minister to you depart without your catching or succumbing to it. Cling to it now. Surrender and confess to the fact that you have left His presence either when you sinned or violated God's will somewhere. Your conscience or the Holy Spirit might even be calling you to the remembrance of same but you may ignore it to your detriment. Speak to God about it and cry for a restoration as you go back to the place of intimacy. For those of you who left a geographical area to another outside God's will, retrace your steps back to the location you left without God having commanded it. That'll be your giant step to restoration and prospering. Don't tarry in Moab until you begin to count some losses!

PRAYER: Restorer of men to fellowship and their rightful places, I take my place (not only by confession but decision).


Philippians 1:1-30 & Isaiah 33-3

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Tuesday, 1 October 2024



Happy New Month/ Independence Day To Nigerians!!!


WHERE ART THOU? - Where Art Thou Series 001

Genesis 3:9, KJV 

"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

When this voice begins to interrogate you, just know that you have trespassed and moved outside the circle God draws for you. Everybody has a circle of operation. For Adam, God places a restriction on his eating   the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The Bible says, "and the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die" (Gen.3:2-3). 

God's warning is so stern and so particular to them that the restriction of God is far revealed in what sort of distance He told them to keep from that tree - to not even touch it at all let alone eat it. God knows if they played round it, they might be tempted to take part of it. For that sake, he builds a wall of defence round them through the far reaching instruction He gave them. The moral is this. What you don't want to eat, you shouldn't play in its vicinity. Don't say you can't fall into any particular sin (notable or intangible in human description). If you play around it, it could ensnare you. God knows that very well and you yourself must come home with that. 

When Adam and Eve took of this forbidden fruit, they immediately disobeyed God and at once sin came into the world. Also, a number of things happened. They became aware of themselves that they were naked which promoted their fleeing to cover themselves with unlasting wears made of leaves. But what is leaf to God's glory? What is human shelter to God's shelter? What is human cover to the one God provides? Sin brings people into shame and guilt. Adam is a typical example. When God visits and calls out, he was nowhere to be found. The man who would rejoicingly and confidently meet God before had gone to hide himself because of sin consciousness. Is God speaking to someone there? God is also saying, "where are you?" I expected you to be here, to be in my presence like Elijah and other men of fellowship stand in the Bible. However, where are you? Where have you gone? What has displaced you? What are you beating yourself over that you have done? What has happened and broken the fellowship between us?

Or is it that you have relocated to a place I didn't author? Have you travelled abroad out of popularity and pressure when your Shepherd didn't lead you there? And now He comes meeting an empty space!

I pray for you that you'll not have disappeared when God is coming to inspect or reckon with you where He had put you. Some would have left where God was coming to at such time. It'll be a great disappointment. God is calling and asking, "brother/sister, where art thou?" Is your feet still planted in the house of the Lord or... Do you still journey with those who says, "I am happy when they say, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD or..." (Psalms  122:1). Answer those questions and resituate yourself in God's presence and will this once. Don't do anything or go anywhere that would be tantamount to breaking the circle God draws for you. For those who do, the voice they hear is such questioning their displacement and saying, "where art thou?" That's nothing but a disappointment!

PRAYER: I refuse to be removed where God has put me. Anything creating sin consciousness in me, may I mark them and have them dealt with.


Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9 & Isaiah 29-30

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