Monday, 14 October 2024




OH! HE FORGOT! - Humbled At Heart Series 002. 

Daniel 4:29-30, NLT

"29 Twelve months later he was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in Babylon. 30 As he looked out across the city, he said, 'Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor."

I once tasted the terror of God. What happens when you do is you begin to warn and persuade others of not coming to experience same. Even before I was born again, I could share an experience by which I knew that God indeed exists. I was the best fine artist in school (at my primary and secondary school levels). No doubt, I have talent to draw and it showed in the great works I produced which didn't commensurate with my age. I still have some preserved art works which I'll pass to any kid of mine that might show exceptionality in that. Teachers would call me to help sketch or draw things on the board often. I was in demand and even made some tokens from my drawing. 

One day during a Fine Art class; I was in Primary 5 at that time. We were to draw a box and probably some other things from our imagination. However, I do recall a box featured in the list. One of my class mates who was by my side had said, "we sure know yours would be special." He was praising me, knowing my exceptionality. But he didn't know what was going on in my mind. In my mind, I had said, "even God couldn't remove the memory of box from my mind." I was saying, "what's so special in drawing a box? Even God can't confuse me with what to draw or disappear its memory." But guess what, I immediately went blank just after that statement. I neither recalled how to draw a box nor what to actually do. I was very confused because God had just removed the image and memory of box off my mind. It was as if something hit my mind. I was suddenly wiped clean and I stopped teeming with the ideas on how and what to draw. I was swept dry. 

For the sake of my reputation, I couldn't call other friends to help me to draw what was so simple that everybody including the girls were attempting. They'd be confused and might thought I was trying to mock them. So, I drew a nonsense box but which the teacher still marked and rated for four out of five. I knew he might have given me such mark out of my previous reputation of having been good. That box I drew that day was a wreck. I was totally confused, tried hard remembering how but all was to no avail.

It was in Primary 5 I knew experientially God exists. I never knew I'll later do ministry or become a minister. My point is this, "God reigns supreme in the affairs of men." You may think God is invisible and because He is, He could be taken for granted. You might do that but if He ever proves Himself to you, it'll be so candid, tangible and indelible. It'll always be fresh in your memory and don't say, "how could that be."

Nebuchadnezzar had just has his dream interpreted by Daniel and it predicts being sent away from humans to live with animals. The question is, "how would that be?" But if you read that shocking story, you'll reckon it indeed happened. One day, Nebuchadnezzar did an act that gave a handle to that prediction coming to pass. Just at the end of twelve months, as he paces up and down on his terrace, the thing he was ruminating on was, "how would it be?" "Is this not Babylon which I built by my own mighty power..." For that proud utterance that didn't give glory to God, God became irritated and sentenced him from humans that instance. God hates it when you don't return all glory to Him. He hates it when you have done something or become something from the well being, sound mind, gifts and wisdom He has bestowed and you're now shadowing Him by saying, "you accomplished or did it all by your self." Your mouth or your mind (if it were still a thought) would get you in trouble.

That's what got myself and Nebuchadnezzar in trouble. That prediction couldn't manifest until there's a thing it could latch on and that was his not glorifying God. What consequence follows?

"31 while these words were still in his mouth, a voice called down from heaven, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. 32 You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses."

God didn't delay judgement on him at all. He was fired just immediately those utterances began to slip out of his mouth. His arrest was that prompt and swift. 

What's your accomplishment? Is it special, breath taking, awe stricken, longitudinal or spreading to the ends of the earth? You'd better keep your head and don't boast as if it's by your own power or work of your hands (without aids of God) you had accomplished them. Those who keep falling before God even when God has wrought much through them are those who'll go far with God. Some of you, the glory days that has began in your life would be put on pause like Nebuchadnezzar's because God wanted to see if you'll come to repentance and know from whom flows all goodies and graces. Until, no restoration. You'll just remain ordinary and be a former champion - somebody who'll not be known with anything new but boast of his former laurels. Beware, lest God sentences you to relegation and a sort of imprisonment in the shadows like Nebuchadnezzar. You'll just observe your wealth, glory, power, speech, ability, favour, beauty, grace wane. When it does, all men would leave and you'll be alone. You'll just see that what used to work for you like Samson's stops. If you ever detect quickly and comes to your knees, you'll be hearing good news from God soon. 

PRAYER: O Lord, let me always remember. May I not forget my days of little beginning, how you took me from the ewes great with kids and make me a king.


I Thessalonians 4:1-18 & Isaiah 59-60

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