Tuesday, 8 October 2024




YOU CAN BE ON TIME - Where Art Thou 008?

Ruth 1:22, KJV

"So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest."

Yesterday, I said there'll be those God would be persuading or moving to relocate from where they have been scattered to where God has put plans for them to manifest. 

Indeed, God can reorder the steps of he or she that once upon a time went AWOL! When Naomi heard of God having visited her people with bread, she put in plans to return and eventually does. At arrival to Bethlehem, the Bible records how well timed her arrival was. The Bible says, "she arrived at the beginning of barley harvest." If you aren't sensitive or prophetic, you wouldn't see any divine ordering or providence beginning to work for her through that. She has relocated back to the land she once left but God's plan is to totally restore to her the years that have been wasted and eaten by cankerworms. As such, the set-up of God begins to play out for her. The first interest of God in her return is depicted at her favourable time of arrival. Her arrival was made during the time that barley harvest had just started. So, she happened to arrive when something good has started and is already in motion. She arrived when much is available and is being brought in. It means she could be a partaker of it! She arrived when the opportunity and ground by which God would cause her restoration and lifting has not been tapped or over-flogged by another. It's still there: reserved and waiting for her. She arrived at the beginning of barley harvest. No far-gone harvesting has been done. Much harvesting still lies in the future to be done. That is when she arrived. 

If you read the next chapter which is 2, you'll see that providence begins to work for Ruth, the Moabite that had returned with Naomi, and consequently for Naomi too (Ruth 2:2-3). You too can arrive in a place at the beginning of an opportunity God would want you to take. It's possible to arrive in a land at the midst of a revival sweeping the entire place. Sunday Adelaja arrived in the former Soviet Union close to a time that the iron curtain of Communism would tear. Many who are already thirsty for God but are being kept in private worship could then rise under a central leader that God has sent. It's possible to arrive at a country where God has planned your prosperity in the very midst of a newly legislated law that would favour the business you'll start or your new life there. For Naomi, she arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest. Not long after that, Ruth would take permission of her to go and glean in the field of any who'll allow her. Fortunately, she'll find no field to glean in except that of a nearest kinsman, Boaz, who'll be her husband in no distant time. It is through this providential work that began far back that Naomi would get to have her years restored in a son that'll be born on her laps in the person of Obed. 

My own prayer for you is that your journey won't be normal in life. My own journey has not been. Rather, I've collided with time and divine happenings. Something supernatural and providential would work with you and for you. If you remember the pool of Bethesda event in John 5, you'll see that any that would be healed of whatsoever disease must fall into that pool very timely. The healing virtue still remains as long as nobody has tapped it after it might have been stirred. So, the only person it would bless is any who rightly times it right to fall into the pool while the virtue lasts. Coming after the virtue has been tapped guarantees no healing. Same way, Naomi returns at the right time - at the beginning of the barley harvest when God could leverage the barley harvest and the events that'll surround it as opportunity to restore her and remarry her faithful daughter-in law - Ruth: through whom she'll be brought liveliness again. Your timing would be right. You won't lag behind and you wouldn't be ahead of God also. You won't miss steps with the Almighty. Rather, you'll be on time. This morning, I declare upon you to arrive when good is cooking; to come in when gifts are being distributed; to lend hand towards a great thing that'll yield dividends and be part of what would make you a history maker. You'll be moved towards such! The Bible talks of Jesus being led to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Matt.4). The time that has come upon you would be recognized for what it is. You too will just be stirred to walk or wander somewhere where appointment has been booked for you by God to happen. It'll happen to you according to God's Word and the saying of His mouth! You won't just journey again! Your journey would begin to meet with divine appointments and schedules. Say, "amen" to that!

PRAYER: Lord, I am led, moved, stirred and governed by the Holy Spirit to be prophetic. My path won't cross with the devourer but rather with lifting.


Colossians 1:24-2:1-5 & Isaiah 46-47

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