Friday, 11 October 2024




NOT TOO BIG TO BE TAKEN CARE OF - Where Art Thou Series 011?

Read Ruth 2:1-18

Ruth 2:3, NLT

"3 So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father in law, Elimelech."

I had said it many times that I am not too big to be taken care of. When I come to God's presence, it's like a tender plant or shoot just growing up before Him. I would tell Him, your son is here. Olusola has come. As far as I'm concerned, it is before God I can fall. I have trusted Him in times of great needs when I was thirsty, full of anticipation and I saw His hands. As such, I know He listens and hears. So, I'm open to His welfare over my life. Don't get where you get big and independent of God. You should rely on God just like your children rely and hope in you. God can take care of you though you labour with your own hands. He can still adopt you and give you to men to look after. Who doesn't want favour?

In my last series, we saw vividly how Ruth was guided to no other's farm but a relative that would do them (Naomi and herself) favour. May people who have heard your story and the good you have done to somebody they esteem meet you (Ruth 2:5-6, 11). May you too encounter them. You see, Ruth has been the one taking care of Naomi, her mother in law. When Boaz discovers who Ruth is, she pampers her with encouraging words and tells her to keep with his maidens and sway not away from his farm (8). He even warns his labourers who are men against touching or harming her (9).

Imagine the portion of land Ruth fell! A place where care and better treatment awaits her. Some people's lot has always been difficulties. No matter how cautious they are, it's as if they're programmed to choose wrongly or have it fall for them on a bad ground. However, it can change this morning. You can have the guided feet that goes to the right place where what you'll meet, see, hear and experience would be good. 

Boaz so much cares for Ruth that he even tells his harvesters to deliberately let her  gather amidst the sheaves while leaving  some extra grains for her to glean. That's an extra portion on top of what they would usually leave for the poor to glean. What sort of favour is this that a man would even open himself to feeding the other freely (14)? I cause your story to change as God's oracle. Wherever you've been encountering and meeting difficulty because of your placement, situation or outworkings over you here or there in life, let it change. Carry this anointing of Ruth - that doesn't miss her way but goes like one shepherded to where the table has been set. If you're hoping for a spouse, this is your time. The administrator of all good things in the spirit is guiding you right. The house, family and lineage you'll fall into will be those carrying ancestral prophecies that are waiting to blow up for good. It's a Joseph you'll join so that the promise of birthing a saviour might be fulfilled through your own Mary. If out of four friends, three are destined for future death and failure, someway somehow, they won't take a liking to you and if they approach you, you'll refuse them all. Your own spirit won't just agree with them. If Ruth's spirit refused other farms but walked right into her relative's who'll later become her husband, then you're settled. In ten thousands encounters, you'll walk right and straight to places where you'll be favoured. Some will walk and wander into kidnapers' den or cross path with highways robbers or someone who they'll partner with to their disadvantage. However, what the covenant of guided feet is saying concerning you is that your own feet is washed and delivered from all enchantments and bewitchment that make a man choose or walk into a wrong lot for himself. This morning, you're permitted to have no other testimony except that of being justly guided and falling where you should fall. A prophetic imagery is before me. Have you seen coconut trees by the sea shores before? You'll usually see many of them. Those fruits had to travel great distances on water before they were washed to the shore where they now found as resting place to grow and take living. God has planned that you too swim on but make a stop over at a shore of fulfillment or self actualization. Today by power divine, I'm declaring, "be washed to your shore - to the Rehoboth where you can have space to do all that are your intents."

PRAYER: My journey is guided and timed. I make stop overs at favourable and destiny places. I meet it so. 


Colossians 4:2-18 & Isaiah 52-53

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