Wednesday, 12 June 2024





Genesis 1:26, KJV 

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

"...and let them have dominion over the..."

What I want you to see is that a man can receive nothing except it is first given him from above. If it is not given you, you can't will or exercise it. Anything you ever manifest is as a result of having been given or received in the first place. 

God, the Father in the company of God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit says, "let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air etc...that creeps on the surface of the earth. 

Did you observe that the statement "let them have" reveals permission and a kind of authority (delegated authority) being given to Adam (or let's say humanity) to bear rule on behalf of God. God had to permit or allow man to bear rule on His behalf first of all. Without that permission coming from God, man wouldn't be able to do so. With that instruction follows an equipping and comprehending ability to man to govern. As that statement was spoken, man became enabled and empowered (capacitated) to bear rule for God on the surface of the earth. 

When you are not permitted to have an office, you can't bear rule in it. Except you're chosen for something, you can't act in it. Such is the blessing of humanity. God delegated the right to rule all of creation to them and we know that an equipping follows such delegation immediately. God doesn't just call any to get something done for Him. He rather equalizes them to the task at hand. How did God equip or equalize man with the task at hand? It's by making him the peak of His creation. Psalm 8:5 says, "God has crowned man with glory and honour". This is what God didn't do for the animals, fishes and the fowls of the air in their habitats. However, he ordained leadership and headship for man and crowned him to rule on His behalf. 

Speaking on the fact that Adam (and the entire of humanity) were given right to bear rule by God and wouldn't have been able to get it done unless God allowed it. Let me quickly take you further. Psalm 8:6 says, "thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, thou hast put all things (all of creation) under his feet." Now, the question is, "who made man have dominion over the works of his hands? Who subdued all of creation under Adam's or man's feet?" You'll say God and that's correct. This affirms again that a man can receive nothing except it is given him from above. God had to do a subduing work for the sake of humanity first of all. Else, man wouldn't be able to actually subdue all of creation. However, God puts it under his feet by creating and crowning him with glory and honour, giving him wit and understanding of the mastery of all the spheres of creation. As such, humanity has been able to master all of creation. 

Jesus on having sent the seventy out in Luke 10:19 says, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Looking at that verse, you'll see authorized authority again. They were given 'power' or 'enablement' to tread (exercise dominion or rulership) over the devil and his demons and whatsoever power they might manifest. And indeed, if you look at verse 20 of that Luke 10, the testimony that follows these disciples is that the devil was subject to them. The devil wouldn't have been subjected to them without their having been given an overcoming power to exercise first of all. That overcoming power and delegation of authority from Jesus to them is what causes them to have dominion over the devil and all his works. 

What God wants you to see is that dominion is your right. It has been willed to you even right from the beginning. So, weave it without being afraid. Over the natural creation and the spirit world, you sure have power to exercise dominion and authority. So, don't shirk back. Colonize creation, bind and rebuke the devil. Cast out devil. Heal men and set them free. Those demon spirits are to be subjected to you. They will listen because God puts them with all other things under the feet of the believer. Don't forget, you're seated with Christ in heavenly places and it is from there you now rule! So, bear dominion!

PRAYER: Lord, I see my right in Christ and exercise same. I'm equipped supernaturally to comprehend nature and all of creation while exercising authority over the devil and his cohorts.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27

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Matthew 25:35-36, KJV

"35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me."

In a state (nation) where the religion is separated from the government, it might be difficult penetrating the many institutions that make up such country if you don't know how. While I was growing up, I thought or believed that people who engaged in social works instead of the outright religious activities we do in church wherewithal we minister to people are doing lesser. I never knew that that's a strong ministry and could be an extension of the church to even reach the unreached, especially those that the law of the land would have cut off from being outrightly ministered to by religious names or institutions. 

For instance, there are students to influence but you can't just go to a state school to begin to preach Jesus to their faces. You'd be arrested for that as religion is separated from the state. That's how it is in many countries. So, what to do is to register a social organization - a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), brand it with some underlying Christian values (that doesn't look Christian or religious) and go into such institutions own by government that you want to reach. Since you're registered and covered by law as a social organization and not a religious body, you'll be accepted and welcomed. 

There and then, you can influence them with your Christian beliefs, values, doctrines etc without referring to the Bible or mentioning Jesus. For instance, a typical social organization to schools might want to enhance the moral life of students. It might want to educate them on obedience to parents, purity and virginity, virtue of hard work amidst others. All these that I've listed for instance are virtues that are very much rooted in the Bible. Since it's a problem they have you want to solve, what matters is looking for how to solve it without offending or abhorring the authority. Or else, the door might be slammed at you. Without quoting any Bible verse, I can quote philosophers who support being morally upright. You can go further to use instances in nature and of those in our present world which support respect to those with oversight over us. However, as a Christian organization disguising as a social one or one with a social arm, you must have done all spiritual activities possible that God would touch their lives and have them changed. Even if you can't preach Christ to them but could have them persuaded to live a morally upright life, we'll still be able to lead a quiet and peaceable life here on earth by that. Only that they'll need to receive Jesus for their eternal security. 

Jesus while speaking says, "while I was sick, naked, imprisoned etc, you didn't check on me." Then, He commended some other people for having done otherwise. Those two sets of people looked dazed as to when Jesus was in those conditions. He rather says, "as long as you have done it to the least of these people, you have done it to me." Here, we're seeing that Jesus isn't against social organizations, physical ministrations and reaching of the vulnerable, orphans, widows, prisoners or the sick. The church knows this and sincerely has been doing it. Meanwhile, we need to penetrate more. We need to know that we've been given a ministry to take every mountain for Jesus. By our practical acts, we can show love, spread joy and meet physical needs of people until they ask who these are. A show of love would win faster than mere words without corresponding actions. 

Social organizations or NGO aren't wrong to found. They could be expressions of some other ministries to the less privileged. In that manner, we'll be reaching our world for Christ by stealth where there are prohibitions on religious manifestations in state owned institutions which may include orphanages, correctional centres, prisons, hospitals etc. May God fill us with compassion for our fellow humans as we do all to give hands to them. This way, we'll be meeting the needs in our society and creating a better one even as we minister to their physical immediate needs. 

PRAYER: Lord, help us to know the way of practical ministration to the needy. Teach us stealth in ministration.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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Jonah 1:1, KJV

"1 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me."

When God raised Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria and cry against her wickedness, God didn't ask that they should be pampered. Rather, the word to Jonah to them is the word of judgement. The idea of "crying against" suggests that. When you cry against something, you decry or protest against it. That won't be cosmetic toleration of evils but intentional rejection and abhorrence of it. 

Indeed, when Jonah got there, what was his cry? "Yet in forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4). Are there still God's oracles in the land? Are there still voices of correction and rebuke in the land? If there be, God is saying Jonah's declaration should be your declaration when wickedness has overtaken righteousness in the society. At such time, the declaration should be, "woe to all workers of iniquity." That is not time to feast at any king's table. Boycott them and let them sense that God is angry at them. It ain't time for blessing because none has done anything worthy of blessing. Blessings just don't fall on people. It is usually caused. Speaking of Job, the blessings of he that was perishing that he saved came upon his head. So, he got a return for his good works. 

Job 29:13, KJV

"The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me..."

But that was consequent upon his works of a human right activist and humanitarian which he discharged to the uttermost to the poor, widows, fatherless and the perishing. 

The same applies to curses. It is as well caused. 

The Bible says, "a curse causeless shall not come" (Prov. 26:2). You have to attract it or must have done something worthy of a curse landing or sticking to you. 

The message of Jonah like that of John the Baptist in Luke 3 is also that of a social reformer. His message changed Nineveh through their repentance in dust and ashes. Seeing this, God repented of the evil He has planned against them. 

There's an impending damnation over the wicked which if he doesn't turn from would fall on him. Irrespective of where you are placed or what you do, seek to have a clear conscience in the discharge of your work. Let your activities and daily living be swallowed up in righteousness. Uphold the moral standards at the gates and your lot shall not be the wicked's when the judgement shall come. 

To change any society isn't far fetched. A good righteous living will establish the order. This is what we are all called to preach. We must renounce and denounce evil personally and first of all. Then, we must wage war at social, gender, economic, political injustices and any evil parading itself in our community in boldness. When we challenge it and spare not, it'll shrink and disappear. We must call workers of iniquity by their names and shout out woe to them while reminding them of God's impending judgement. 

PRAYER: God, strengthen us to do the community work of crying, rejecting and abhorring the evils in our society.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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Numbers 21:18, KJV 

"The princes digged the well, the nobles of the people digged it, by the direction of the lawgiver, with their staves. And from the wilderness they went to Mattanah."

If you don't know, the many deeds and acts serrated through our society are consequences of the bills and laws made by parliamentarians or the law givers. Homosexual bill, abortion enhancement bill etc are results of the bills that were passed and eventually ratified into law. Someone thought of it and fought for its promulgation yet it is an act in conflict with God's will for man. Whether you like it or not, once such bills are passed into law, our society becomes a victim of it. It immediately gives right and lend voices to indulge in such debased acts that God has afore warned against.

Today's reading is such an effective verse on this matter. The princes digged a well and the nobles of the people digged it. However, the digging was at the direction or instruction of the lawgiver. That is, what came to be that wouldn't have been happened because the lawgivers or parliamentarians commanded it. If no decision or compromise was reached to build wells, it couldn't have been built head on for the people. However, the compassionate heart of these legislators make social amenities available for her citizens. Anything that's done is usually at the permission of lawgivers. 

When Joseph was made the prime minister of Egypt, Pharaoh says, "Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou" (Genesis 41:40, KJV). 

Genesis 41:44, KJV

"And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt."

It means unless Joseph ordains it, no action whatsoever could proceed from any quarters. It is by his words people would rather be governed. What makes it lawful and makes your action have the State's backing is that you have support through legislation. 

As such, we need men of high morals in our parliament. They don't have to be Christians but anyone who just have a heart that beats as God. You know, a heart that wants to save humanity from immorality and all the things troubling and vexing his existence. 

William Wilberforce was such a lawgiver though a Christian. He believed it was his destiny to pass bills that'll eradicate slave trade. At day's end, his effort paid off as it was eventually eradicated. Meanwhile, he has an unquenchable insatiation to see to that problem besetting humanity and revealing our baseness. It is time not to enjoy the privileges of the office only but rather to use its influence for the good of humanity.

PRAYER: Lord, raise for us godly parliamentarians and politicians.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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I Samuel 17:34-35, KJV

"34 And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: 35 And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him."

We need the shepherd's heart for any who'll function in the two offices above. First, there can't be the ministry of a deliverer without the ministry of the oppressor. Wherever and whenever a deliverer rises, it means oppression and some destruction have been ongoing which necessitates a rising. Consider Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Junior and a host of Black Americans who rose to protest against racial discrimination. They did because the Whites were oppressing the Blacks. For the inequality seen, God raised freedom fighters to fight the cause of the timid, segregated and oppressed people. 

Taking you into the Bible would suffice. A human right activist is a selfless individual who fights for the rights of others (especially) the weak to be respected. David exemplifies that in this popular story. David while opening his resume to King Saul says, "when a lion or a bear came after my sheep, I went after it and pluck it out of his mouth and smote him when he rises against me."

A sheep is considerably weaker to a lion or a bear. It is defenceless. It needs another to save it from predators and who it has rightly found is the shepherd. A shepherd loves the sheep and even lays down his life for the sheep. Jesus did that for us as our ideal Shepherd. The ministry of freedom fighters and human rights activists are the same with a shepherd's. It is one of self denial. They have a call to lay down their lives for the people they're fighting for if need be. No wonder, Martin Luther King Junior died in the process after being assassinated by the threatened White community. However, his "I have a dream that America would be a land of equality" came to be realized further after his death. So, if you have the call of a freedom fighter or human right activist, you're called to sacrifice and suffering. Martin Luther King was threatened many times. One time, his house was bombed amidst many anonymous letters of threats and deaths he received. When he would have given up, he heard a voice while shivering in the kitchen urging him on. 

Jesus while speaking says, "a hireling owns not the sheep. Who seeing the wolf runs away and the wolf catches the sheep" (John 10:12-13).  This attitude isn't of the ministry of freedom fighters and human rights activist. They stay and fight off invaders. That's how many countries get to be independent today and that includes America. They fought off the oppression of their colonizers either by peace talk at a round table or by struggle in blood as it was the case with a country like Anglola that earned its independence from the Portuguese through war. 

God is calling men to the administering of these two offices. Unbelievers ought not to be the ones championing the cause of the oppressed though God could use any who has a heart for the work. If we Christians indeed practice righteousness and hate iniquity, we'll stand up and talk and fight bondages and oppression wherever it is found. Job does. 

Job 29:12 - 17, KJV

"12 Because I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. 13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me: and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. 14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me: my judgment was as a robe and a diadem. 15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. 16 I was a father to the poor: and the cause which I knew not I searched out. 17 And I brake the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth."

Breaking the jaw of the wicked and plucking the prey out of his teeth is the ministry of freedom fighters and human rights activists in play. They can't just sit comfortably because they aren't the oppressed to watch others being evil treated, diminished and swallowed up They'll rather pick up their causes like Job did for the widows, fatherless, the blind and even the lame. 

God is counting on us. Fela Anikulapo Kuti was an unbeliever yet he heralded and fought for righteousness and fair rule in the society than many believers have ever done or would ever do. He uses his music as a tool to criticize the government of the day. Indeed, he was effective because he suffered many things for same. Use the platform God has given you too. Be it at work, church, community gathering, school, groups and teams, ensure you stop the mouth of violence and fight for the rights of the weak. If you're even highly placed with a voice, this becomes easier. People should be running to you for salvation; not fleeing from you for fear. Let your righteousness shine forth and be known that way. Stop fearing those who kill the body but can't kill the soul! Go into the field. 

PRAYER: Lord, raise Davids and Jobs for us who fear nothing of harm but are ready to jeopardize their lives for their countries and the oppressed.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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Happy New Month!!!


Genesis 18:23-24, KJV 

"23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? 24 Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?"

The decay of any society is due to lack of righteous men. Or, let me say men of morals. While one of the major goals of any minister is to see that people get born again to ensure their eternal safety, yet I dare to say that we can have a good and peaceful society if everybody would adhere by moral standards even without getting born again. However, it'll be a foretaste of glory to come to have both hand in hand. 

Before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God and an intercessor in Abraham entered into a long banter and bargaining for the souls of men, especially the righteous (that may be found in it). Abraham asked if God would destroy the righteous with the wicked. Immediately, we see a clear cut principle that the lot of the wicked and righteous aren't the same. God cares enough to protect the righteous. However, no righteous could be found despite the bantering from the high number of 50 men to 10. What is 10 men out of the numerous population of Sodom and Gomorrah that they couldn't present 10 to escape the damnation to come on them? One would be assured that God would even get fifty cheaply. However, God was judged right because the request could not be met. 

This story illustrates to us how lacking men of righteous or moral standards are in our world. Many are mere confessors of life they do not live and ways they do not follow. One would have thought the need would never arise to get to such a low degree in search of righteous men. Yet, arrival was made at 10 but with no one to still present. 

It's a big truth that God do spare lives of men (unbelievers and wicked fellows) for the sake of a righteous or well reputed son or daughter of his. For instance, God spared the lives of all aboard a ship for the sake of Paul.

Acts 27:23-24, KJV

"23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee."

God wanted to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if He had found at least ten righteous men in it but all was to no avail. The challenge is to be the change we want to see. It's to be that righteous man or woman we covet in our society. Our influence will be that of the salt and light in our society and by our little leaven, the entire lump would be leavened. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be the change I want. By your searchlight, may I see what I need to repent of.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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Happy New Month!!!


Matthew 21:29 - 30, KJV

"29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. 30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not.

For you to be saved, you must repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. This has been thoroughly explained so far in this series. Meanwhile, repentance doesn't end there. A born again or a Christian would still need repentance often and often in his journey. It'll be easier walking with someone with a repentant heart than another who jetisons it because of pride or ego. 

Christians must continue in the practice of what I call daily repentance especially when you miss it and you come to its knowledge. You must immediately seek to adjust and repent. Repentance is not only for sinners. Repentance might be done by you to change your resolution. You could repent of a particular choice or course of action you said you wanted to take as well. When you do, you let one go to cling to the will of God.

I could testify to the fact that there was a supernatural enablement to living the Christian life when I got born again. Apart from the fact that I was able to stand against idolatry and refuse its practice in my family, my life becomes worthier to be emulated. I could remember that my elder sister one day offended me. Truth be told, she was guilty. I abused her in retaliation and walked out on her. Immediately, I lost my peace. The event I'm describing was so vivid that I could still recall it as it was. I made attempt to suit or make myself comfortable but it was just not working. The persuasion I was receiving from my convicted heart was that I should go and restitute. After much struggle, guess what I did, I ran into the room where she was still awed and embarrassed, hurriedly prostrate in shame saying sorry and running out again. I ran because I was embarrassed begging her also. It was humiliating but I did. As such, I restituted and repented of that.

In today's story, two sons demonstrate to us the importance of repentance in our daily walk with God and how it majorly involves action and not mere confession but the conversion from our own will to doing God's will. "Go and work on the farm", says the father. I will go one says but to repent of it. Meanwhile, another who refuses at first eventually goes. We should take heed in our daily walk not to miss God and how not to miss Him is to be obedient to His written and revealed will.

Wherever there's God's will at hand, that's the ultimate to do for you. If you had walked away from it at a particular time, you should go back to it like that other son does after conviction or proper rumination and discovery of what to do. Repentance doesn't end at salvation for Christians. We'll continue to take dressing and change our ways even as we journey in faith. There are things God will call us to yield up, when we do, we'll be repenting of them. Your obedience is what God is ultimately looking for. God is looking for a heart that'll come to the discovery of having missed it in decision or action and would repent of it like that obedient son does. You might have taken the wrong turn or resolved to go the wrong way, coming back is the ultimate. May God help you. 

PRAYER: Help my decisions and choices on daily basis.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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