Wednesday, 12 June 2024





Genesis 1:26, KJV 

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

"...and let them have dominion over the..."

What I want you to see is that a man can receive nothing except it is first given him from above. If it is not given you, you can't will or exercise it. Anything you ever manifest is as a result of having been given or received in the first place. 

God, the Father in the company of God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit says, "let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air etc...that creeps on the surface of the earth. 

Did you observe that the statement "let them have" reveals permission and a kind of authority (delegated authority) being given to Adam (or let's say humanity) to bear rule on behalf of God. God had to permit or allow man to bear rule on His behalf first of all. Without that permission coming from God, man wouldn't be able to do so. With that instruction follows an equipping and comprehending ability to man to govern. As that statement was spoken, man became enabled and empowered (capacitated) to bear rule for God on the surface of the earth. 

When you are not permitted to have an office, you can't bear rule in it. Except you're chosen for something, you can't act in it. Such is the blessing of humanity. God delegated the right to rule all of creation to them and we know that an equipping follows such delegation immediately. God doesn't just call any to get something done for Him. He rather equalizes them to the task at hand. How did God equip or equalize man with the task at hand? It's by making him the peak of His creation. Psalm 8:5 says, "God has crowned man with glory and honour". This is what God didn't do for the animals, fishes and the fowls of the air in their habitats. However, he ordained leadership and headship for man and crowned him to rule on His behalf. 

Speaking on the fact that Adam (and the entire of humanity) were given right to bear rule by God and wouldn't have been able to get it done unless God allowed it. Let me quickly take you further. Psalm 8:6 says, "thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands, thou hast put all things (all of creation) under his feet." Now, the question is, "who made man have dominion over the works of his hands? Who subdued all of creation under Adam's or man's feet?" You'll say God and that's correct. This affirms again that a man can receive nothing except it is given him from above. God had to do a subduing work for the sake of humanity first of all. Else, man wouldn't be able to actually subdue all of creation. However, God puts it under his feet by creating and crowning him with glory and honour, giving him wit and understanding of the mastery of all the spheres of creation. As such, humanity has been able to master all of creation. 

Jesus on having sent the seventy out in Luke 10:19 says, "I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Looking at that verse, you'll see authorized authority again. They were given 'power' or 'enablement' to tread (exercise dominion or rulership) over the devil and his demons and whatsoever power they might manifest. And indeed, if you look at verse 20 of that Luke 10, the testimony that follows these disciples is that the devil was subject to them. The devil wouldn't have been subjected to them without their having been given an overcoming power to exercise first of all. That overcoming power and delegation of authority from Jesus to them is what causes them to have dominion over the devil and all his works. 

What God wants you to see is that dominion is your right. It has been willed to you even right from the beginning. So, weave it without being afraid. Over the natural creation and the spirit world, you sure have power to exercise dominion and authority. So, don't shirk back. Colonize creation, bind and rebuke the devil. Cast out devil. Heal men and set them free. Those demon spirits are to be subjected to you. They will listen because God puts them with all other things under the feet of the believer. Don't forget, you're seated with Christ in heavenly places and it is from there you now rule! So, bear dominion!

PRAYER: Lord, I see my right in Christ and exercise same. I'm equipped supernaturally to comprehend nature and all of creation while exercising authority over the devil and his cohorts.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27

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