Thursday 23 February 2023




THE POWER OF ONE - Our Saviour Series 001

Read Exodus 15:4-6

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

Today, I'm teaching on, "the importance of one." One is important. It's very very important and I want to be able to say like Jesus that I have kept all that is entrusted to my hands. If anyone ever falls or misses of all that'll be committed to my custody, I want heaven to clearly understand that that one is a child of perdition (John 17:12). Despite this, I carry a thirst for the salvation of people that Paul carries when he says, "he wished he were accursed for his brethren" (Rom.9:3).

The captains of Israel says, "we have numbered those under our charge and not one is lacking." One! One? It means if one were lacking, it would have been excusable. At least, they'll praise such commander who lost one out of ten soldiers, ten out of hundred. Everybody would understand why those ones have died at war. Yet, God preserved a testimony for these captains and not one of those under their charge was missing. They were glad to report that. So, one is this important? So important that the captains of Israel gladly brought their thanksgiving offering for not even losing one. What an importance of one! May we all come to this discovery. 

Look at Luke 15:7 and 10. It reports summarily that there's joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. Not two! Just one! I'm baffled. If you're a fisherman and after toiling all night, you could only catch a fish - as in just one; I know you won't be filled with gratitude because that worth nothing. It would be better if you enclose a shoal of fishes. But in the sight of God and all who have come to discover the importance of the human soul, one is important. There was a time I went on evangelism with my beloved in our neighbourhood. We were able to speak to three people over a period that lasted one hour thirty minutes. Two of these confessed to be Christians but one was a practicing Muslim. Though she didn't receive Christ in our presence that day yet we sow the seed of life to this one.  Now, we do not know much good that'll happen or be done until this one is saved.  The Bible says, "one sinner - just one sinner will destroy much good (Eccl. 9:18)." Now, if just a sinner who has the potential for much evil by destroying much good is saved, how much good do you think would be preserved from destruction? Let's say that sinner is a corrupt official who takes bribe, gives bribe, gets offended when not given bribe and could use his office power to get you in trouble when not bribed; now, don't you think an end would be put to some good he has been destroying? Don't you think he'll begin spreading the fragrance of Christ by the time he begins to say no to bribery? What would people say? To who will they trace this? This is the good Satan doesn't want to allow even one sinner to come into. He knows he'll redeem much evil even after destroying much good. That's why there's joy and such joy in heaven just over a soul who repents. Heaven knows he stops destroying much good to begin to redeem much evil. A sinner saved will save God, Christendom and the community a lot of headache. Sinners are those filled with all evils we detest and seek to even arrest by law. What if one by one, they now become saved and godly? How good will our society be? So, never recon that you're not achieving. If it's only a person who faithfully reads this devotional daily and the fellow becomes strong in the Lord from such act, I'm grateful to God. It means it is not in vain. If heaven who has perfect understanding would think it wise to go into jubilation just because hell has lost a soul and heaven has gained one, then I should rejoice if my message only gets a fellow impacted. I shouldn't get offended that my labour is underpaid. That only one could become such a tremendous tool that will cause Satan much harm. Today, let us seek to preserve one and in the bid to preserve one as leaders, we'll be preserving all by our care and constant responsible act which has now become second nature. Imagine if you care for one in your local assembly and he becomes such a Christian that lightens and set others on fire for Jesus. Would you be said to have done nothing or contributed insignificantly? Samson is just one yet he created a fire that has such impact that even the Philistines asked, "who has done this?" You don't ask "who did this" unless the harm is such a visible one that you can see for what it is. Yet, just from one. Moses is just a soul and Jesus is just a soul. What if these two have not been saved alive? Would much have been done as to change the course of destiny of nations? One is important. If it's important to God, it should be to you. If only one person shows up in your church on Sunday apart from you, do all the necessary things. Don't shortchange him of kingdom training by shortening the process. If your sermon is 1 hour 30 minutes, don't let it become 30 minutes. This one, this sole one, this lone one may be your salvation and that of the world. Ooh, may God take you over. May you see something special in that Moses as not to give up on him. May you say, this child is beautiful." Even when placed among the reeds, may your heartfelt prayer ever go with him. Who knows that I'll be authoring a devotional and doing good today? Yet, just one! Ooh, may there ever be a jealous watchman over all one. One who won't be ashamed to say, "I will get you a nanny for him (Exo.2:4,7)." Don't forget also that God doesn't save by multitude. It's just one, just few. The question we should be asking as leaders is, "who has God chosen to give us deliverance or salvation by." 

Judges 7:7, KJV

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every man unto his place."

Did you see? By who will the Lord save Israel and deliver the Midianites into Gideon's hands? By the multitude or the chosen few? Locate that one or those few and as a leader recon with them because they're the ones God have to do. The future will not end that way. People will receive their salvation that way. I pray, God won't let you esteem less the ones that are His tools. May you see the hint of destiny in people as to adopt them for destiny training even if they're just one, just few. May this be as long as they are the few 300 God will save you by. 

PRAYER: Lord, give us our one - by who we'll be saved. Move us to that one - to choose him for adoption above others.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 14:1-57; Mark 6:30-56; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 10:11-12

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Wednesday 22 February 2023





Read Numbers 31:41-54

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

If you're a leader, much is expected of you. This is because when things fail, people are quick to point to you. One time, David went to war and accompanying are his men. At their arrival, they found their entire families taken away. You should have seen how much was expected of David that day though he was away and as victimized as any of them who had gone to war. He was almost stoned! (I Sam. 30:6). This tells us the masses have earmarked a supernatural quality to their leaders. Their expectation of you could be out of this world. "You must deliver", is their cry. If things aren't working therefore, you'll be called to answer. Somebody lost a loved one, she turned to her pastor with tears and say, "pastor, why did he die?" You see, she's almost holding the pastor responsible.

The captains of thousands and hundreds came to Moses to express their rude shock and ultimately thanksgiving. They have one habit. They number men drawn for battle before the battle and renumber them after the battle. This is to count their loss and survivors.  But on this day, the report is astounding. The question is, "how possible?" Can you take men to battle and not record any loss at all? Yes it is. While we don't wage physical battle as a church or individual Christians, yet I'll say, we still attempt what could bring us losses today just like in physical battle. The spiritual battle we wage daily is number one endanger. Many untold people have been lost due to inadequate spiritual fight personally or especially by their leadership. Also, imagine travelling to and fro. This alone has been reported to have caused the death of thousands. Therefore, anything that can endanger the human life when a human goes into it but comes out safe and sound is worthy to be esteemed as "war" with potency of claiming lives.  So, if you as a minister, parent or leader take out successfully and bring back successfully, then you'll have the testimony of these captains. I pray that all school owners, founders, pastors and leaders won't incur losses - especially of human life. 

Those captains said, "we have numbered those under our charge." This is responsible leadership. They're not ignorant of those allocated to them. This leadership begin to reveal responsibility when they take the sum of those put under their charge. This numbering would make them provide war gears and provision for them according to their number. It won't be that they'll get to war and find that one is not adequately equipped because they didn't take proper headcount. No! Statistics is well done. 

Two, those men are put under their charge. If people are put under your charge, it means they'll be asked after afterwards. It also means you're also under someone's command. So, they anticipated accountability by numbering them for knowledge of what number they're going out with and should trust to return with. If you have no anticipation as a leader, you'll work at nothing. They knew they'll give a report on each of them and at the end, their saying is, "no man is lacking." May God make your family, church and organization have this testimony. With my experience, if God hasn't called you to found a thing for Him and you do, one of the things you'll lack is the experiencing and witnessing of "God's salvation." God's salvation is deliverance and quick intervention between you and death or losses when it seems inevitable. The Psalmist praised God who gives great deliverance to his king (Psalm 18:50, KJV).  But if you're a genuine minister with Christ as the head of your church, you'll witness it. What God gave to Israel in today's passage is simply God's salvation. God just intervened and didn't allow anyone lose his life. It isn't that what could claim life didn't happen at war but God's preservation was sure. Anyone who's not subject to God can't have this cover. Who can resist the devil unless he's first subject to God? Such defiants will therefore take out but won't bring back. If they depart with a whole, they would return with a part. Then, they'll be at the danger of accounting for that sum or one that's missing. I know people including school owners who have been endangered before by just one student they couldn't watch over and keep secure. But for these captains, their testimony is, "we've taken a sum of them (obviously again) and not one is lacking." Not even one for that would still have been a good excuse and a good success. Are you not a successful warrior if you take 100 as a captain to war and you return with 90? It seems you are but what success there be in that if you're a father who takes his family on a trip only to return with one less? Would you be applauded? If not, that's how important one is in the sight of God. So, fight and do all to ensure that at day's end, "none will be lacking." I pray for you that you'll have done all as not to lack one. If you have not done all (be subject where you should, ensure no edge is broken by sinning, pray to build hedge where it should be built) and preservation will be sure. So, coach the sheep over whom the Holy Spirit has made you overseer how to live and stay alive in conjunction with the "doing of all" you are observing. I pray that neither you or them would be found wanting to have given the devil a foothold to strike. May none committed into your care get lost. May you always return to share the testimony of going out in full and coming back in full.

PRAYER: Give us shepherds after Your own heart who look to the ways of the flocks. We ask for cover over all that God has made us overseer of from the family to the church and to all institutions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 13:1-59; Mark 6:1-29; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 10:10

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Tuesday 21 February 2023




THE POWER TO RETRACT! - Retract Series 004

Read I Kings 13:1-4

I Kings 13:4, KJV

"And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from the altar, saying, Lay hold on him. And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him."

Did you read, "so that he could not pull it in again to himself?" There's a power. It's the power to retract. Many people can sponsor, initiate or launch but the problem is in retracting. And if you can't retract, the cycle is not complete and you're really not powerful. 

Today, my own prayer for you is that you'll be given power to start out and retract. It's that you'll possess within you the ability to initiate and yet bring the cycle to completion. Any who begins the process but can't bring it to the intended end would be gloried over by the force that incapacitates him. So that your case won't be same, God wants to specifically endow you with the power to lay down and take back again. I call it the power of "to and fro." Jesus says, "no man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again (John 10:18, KJV). Jesus speaks of His own life here but from this, we have an example of a man who exhibits the power of "to and fro."

In today's reading, the minister who cried against the altar and gave a sign whereby it is torn down was almost arrested. The king in specifying pointed at him - by reaching or pulling his entire hand at him. Within a jiffy, that part shriveled up and it could not be retracted in again. What a power! What a power that treads over scorpions, serpents and every power of the enemy! What a power of the Holy Ghost (to us nowadays)!

You see, Jeroboam reached at that prophet. But it doesn't end there. His reaching is for a purpose. To have the man of God taken and hammered. But the process he began or set in motion never saw completion. That's because an interruption actually occur on the way. This is how God will make those who rise against you share in disgrace. Their intention would be theirs. Their devices won't see the light of the day. If they set out in activity, it'll be interrupted. The cycle of their evil plot would never be allowed to complete. 

The hand therefore shrivels up and he couldn't retract it. This is an enough warning to the guards who might have wanted to move at the king's command. On your matter, God is saying, "I'll make a scape goat that all eyes would see so that they might fear." 

However, God will like to point our attention to a fact. The fact that a man set out and couldn't return. So far, we've been considering going out and coming in. We've seen that it's not everyone who sets out that comes back. Jeroboam's inability to retract his hand affirms that again. Jeroboam set out but he couldn't come back. On his way back, on his intending to retract, he was rather suspended. All the people who went out and never came back home had this revelation fulfilled in their lives. But God is making you another kind of man today. The one who will set out and would be able to retract. Jeroboam wanted to retract but he couldn't. He has been incapacitated and so lacks the power to return his hand. God's power has arrested him. His will is now under subjection of a higher power. A simple lesson that wish doesn't translate into will. 

For you, I pray that you'll be able to reach out and at the same time retract. Now, is there anybody with a body part that's stiff and static - immobile and dysfunctional. I pray, be loosed. Today, you're receiving power to reach out and retract. You'll begin to pull out and pull in that body part. Also, you're receiving the power to bring an expected activity to ending. If you've gone out, nothing shall successfully hold you from ever coming back. It is still, "for he shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways - both in going out and coming in." For you, "retract is a possibility. Taking back is a corresponding action!" If Jesus "laid down" and also "took up", then you're birthed after Him in manifestation today. 

PRAYER: I receive power to retract or return. I shall not be incapacitated by any strange spirit. When I go, I shall come. Healing for all dysfunctional parts. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 10:8-9

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Monday 20 February 2023




TO KEEP YOU IN ALL YOUR WAYS - Retract Series 003

Read Psalm 91

Psalms 91:11, KJV

"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."

You see, a Christian is most opened to the best security system in the world. Part of his allocation and security system are some divine beings which God allocated to him which are incomparable to men. One, they excel in strength (Psalm 103:20). Two, they minister for the  saints and they are spirits    

(Heb.1:14). Three, they're swift and distance isn't a barrier to them because they're spirits. It's these beings of great potentials that God said He has appointed unto each of us. First of all, they had to be charged with the responsibility of keeping us. Imagine God commanding and warning them concerning us. That is, God invested some to see to each of us. They have orders concerning you. How I wish you'll know how to service your angels. Many people's company of angels have no work to do. They have no confession and commands keeping them at work. But you, you must send angels on errands. You must keep speaking, specifying what you want in declarations and they shall be busy like ants to get it done. 

That place says, "for He will give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways." Did you read that? Case closed! First, you have an allocation. You've been allowed and allotted guards. Many of us have always coveted principal men who travel in convoy. You've believed this as possible but the designation of angels to you as impossible. Whereas, God is saying to you this morning, "you have an allocation." Part of your security system on earth are some divine beings known as angels. I have given them. Take them, employ them. Great people on the earth have allocation of security personnel watching over them. God declares you're also precious in His sight (Isa.43:4).  For this reason, you're just worthy of preservation. 

Now, this company have an assignment. It's to keep you in all your ways. It's to keep your to and fro. It's to ensure your going out and coming in is preserved. Wherever you will turn, their assignment is to turn with you and keep you in all your ways. Your feet must not let slip. What they're protecting you against is all harm. It is, "lest thou dash your foot against a stone." This protection covers when you sleep. What a thing! Say with me, "in all my ways." Yes, that's their assignment. That's the expanse your Father, the King said they should cover in your life. It is, "to keep you in all your ways." Now, tell me, if these guards' protection covers this expanse, what loop hole is there for the devil to enter through since your area of cover is, "in all your ways?" Everywhere you go, you're just preserved and have an installed cover. It doesn't matter if you're in a hostile community or you're on your way and now encounters hostility. You, you'll have safe passage. By the power divine, a path will have to be opened for you like it was opened for Moses and the Israelites in the Red Sea. When violence or the water drowns others, your testimony would be, "passing on dry ground" while evil stands and stares at you both left and right (like the parted waters watched Israel harmlessly - Exo.14:22). As you personally put God's words in your mouth, they shall be ever busy as the ants (for that's what I'm seeing). I'm seeing an image of ants carrying pieces of materials and meals to a destination. This signifies how these angels will be busy to fix things for you by their activities. For your sake, "they shall go to and fro"; "walk by your side" and indeed, "keep you in all your ways" while ensuring you suffer no iota of harm. This is your testimony. 

PRAYER: I enjoy to and fro protection. I am preserved in all my ways. In violence, evil shall only be a wall unto me. I shall pass through its divide on dry ground.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 9:7-10:20; Mark 4:26-5:20; Psalm 37:30-40; Proverbs 10:6-7

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Sunday 19 February 2023




FOR THOU ART WITH ME! - Retract Series 002

Read Psalms 23

Psalms 23:4, KJV

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me..."

Brethren, aaaah! You know the Bible says, "...I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me..." You now know why David is not afraid. It's because of God who's with him. David is not ignorant of God and to what extent He can conquer. David knows that He's the Governor-General of all the earth. He knows that the earth is His and even they who dwells there. If that be, then He has the greatest power. It's for this reason David was never troubled even at moments of fear. It's because of He that's with him. What a blessing not to be alone! What a blessing to always have the terrible One by one's side! What a blessing to carry God along; for God to be right by one! What a blessing!

Today's devotional is titled, "For Thou Art With Me." Let me ask, "for who is with you?" You'd say, "for God is with me." That settles it. If whenever you go out, God is with you, then you're a settled man. If because of God's presence only which stood as a terrible One by David he didn't fear when he got to quarters of fear, then it stands to reason that you can't be shaken even in turbulence if God is with you. Or did you not read David's testimony? He said, "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." Then he attributed why he won't fear to God being with him when he says, "for Thou art with me." Kai! What a thing! What an investment that God is instituted by your side and keeps you everytime! What will kill you? Who can seize you? Ooh, I have not seen even one!

Yesterday, we read that the Lord will preserve our going out and coming in from this time forth and for ever more (Psalms 121:8). "To preserve" means to "watch over or keep safe". That immediately gives away two facts: that God goes with us as we go and that God never sleeps nor slumber watching over us. First, in order to preserve us, He's very close to us. He's closer than an escort and even goes with us all around. He has sent a dispatch of angels and fiery security personnel to see to us and our smart needs. That's why they answer with immediacy "to bear us up on their hands so that we might not dash our foot against a stone (Psalms 91:12)". One reason why you don't have problem going and coming in is because you travel in company of guards - angels. This company is given you for your preservation. They're the first move of God towards your preservation. Since you're too precious, God can't allow a hair of your head to fall down. So, He makes preparation that ensures you not only go out but with an invisible convoy or attendants that sees to your welfare, safety and coming in. These attendants are so sensitive that if you should give a cry of fear, you'll immediately see the salvation of the Lord. Your question would just be, "how did I escape that?" How did I get here?

David knew presence is a reality. That's why he says, "for Thou art with me." Because God was with him, he enjoyed not being moved. He enjoyed stability. Because God's with you, by your side, walking with you when you step out, that's why you've been going out and coming in successfully. The mystery of God's preservation system is that, "I'm with you even when you pass through the waters. It won't overflow you (Isa.43:2)." And it is this that assures us that when we go, we'll also and always retract. Say with me, "for Thou art with me. When I go, I shall always come back." Please, take that to hold your body. Take that and sleep on it. Let it become assurance assuring you. That one can't be broken. We've searched it out before serving it as meal. Bless you in all your ways this week. 

PRAYER: For Thou art with me, I fear no evil in the day and in the night; in my going out and coming in. When I go, I shall come back.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 6:1-7:27; Mark 3:7-30; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 10:3-4

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Saturday 18 February 2023




YOUR TO AND FRO! - Retract Series 001

Read and confess Psalms 121

Psalms 121:8, KJV

"The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."

You have promises from God and here is one to lift to Him. So far, I have learnt we've been bestowed everything that pertains to life and godliness. It may be that we have not discovered them all. But, these discoveries which may come through revelation will make our lives better. 

You have a reason to go and come back. For you, there should be nothing like he left but couldn't return. You're meant to always return because you're fated so. That's the sure word God speaks concerning you. He promised that, "He'll keep your going out and coming in." It means you'll go and also return. It means in the process of going, you won't slip to  go away like that. And even when you have not journeyed, you have nothing to fear about not returning. The conclusion has been predicted already and you should allow it build up faith in you. Even the journeys you haven't slated have the affirmation of God that you'll go and return.

The "going out" of many have been their end. They went out and there was a suspension in this rule for them. Instead of consequently returning, they hanged outside there and never returned. They therefore created much anticipation and fear in loved ones. Eventually, they became, "never to return." But God has another thing to say concerning you. He's saying irrespective of what hit the earth, irrespective of the unrest, turbulence and violence, you'll go and return. The reason is not because you're rich or poor but because He promised to preserve you. And as far as I'm concerned, that's all I want to hear - that He's keeping watch and looking after me. Who else can do this better than God? Your ways are in His hands. That's why if a million of us check out anytime, we'll return completely and without diminishing. It's always nothing missing; nothing broken. When numbered, we always remain our perfect number even as a family. One will not have been kidnapped or another, fallen away. The number we take out is always the number we return with. It's our covenant to go out as a bundle and to return wholly or increasingly.  I say, "we don't diminish." We go and we return. If you're a leader, God is releasing such blessing to take out and bring in. The number committed into your custody won't lack. You won't be summoned to give account and suddenly lack words. You'll always have a reason to say unto the Moses set over you that, "thy servants have taken the sum of the men (of war) which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us (Numbers 31:49, KJV). That's your mystery. Your end from the beginning. 

God is also saying you shall be preserved, "from this time forth and forever more." The preservation is like an all expense paid visa. It covers a lot. So, it covers all your trips in this life. You can't use it up at one going out. It's rather a remedy that works for your lifetime? You have the promise of preservation that covers your to and fro any time you step out. It can always be invoked for remembrance before heaven. I therefore declare, your going and your coming are preserved. Even "when thou passest through the waters, He will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee (Isaiah 43:2, KJV)". All these shall be because God is responsible for your preservation to and fro. It will be because you must of surety return. I don't know how thick the smoke is or what affliction has come on the earth, you must always retract. A hollow and a passage will always open for you where there's no way for safe journey to retract and come back in. You won't go and get lost! That's what God promised you. You have His commitment on that and that's heavier than a bag of gold. Therefore, go because your going out and coming in is held in His hands. You go and you come.

PRAYER: I invoke this promise to keep my feet and body from slipping away. None is lost but all is accounted for.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 6:1-7:27; Mark 3:7-30; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 10:3-4

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Tuesday 14 February 2023





Read Luke 19:36-40

Luke 19:40, KJV

"And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."

One time, I was on the queue waiting to board a vehicle. I was worshipping God, beating the drums and humming all together. But, not with words! As I persisted in that, a thought occured to me questioning if I'm not inconveniencing the fellow before me. Just at that instance when I wanted to give it a thought, another thought came with the title of today's message and said, "the temptation you shouldn't fall for". With this statement came the above verse also. 

Brethren, there's a temptation you shouldn't fall for. It's the temptation of keeping silence. That day, I have many reasons to keep my conscience clean. One, I was humming, singing and beating drums in synchronization under my breath. It couldn't have disturbed any. Two, it couldn't have been problem to any around because God gave a go ahead to that act. God doesn't bring chaos to the world. If He saw I was inconveniencing anyone indeed, He will not instruct me not to worship but rather to do it in a way none would become its victim. And I thank God for the voice that came from the excellent glory (II Peter 1:17) to tell me not to remain silent. 

Where you must not get to is where you get to get silent. Ha! Being silenced means dying or deactivated already. So, never get where you no longer produce and pronounce sound. That day, though I had not fed afore that event yet I've exhibited so many characteristics of a living being. I walked down to the bus stop myself in respiration (breathing). That morning, to the glory of God, I had visited the rest room also. That may sound condescending to you but all these amidst the MR NIGER DAC that science identified for us were what I did. Only living souls do all those. Any who's alive who can't is earnestly seeking solution to be able to because that is a dangerous indication of ill health. Why then should I not act and live as a living soul? If a baby is born and he won't cry, they'll spank him. What testifies to his being of our community is that he gives off our sound. Why should I not hum, sing, beat to the praise and glory of He who created, gave me speech and spared me till now. 

Jesus while on this matter didn't take it easy with some people of His day who became advocate of taking the vow of silence where it matters. Firmly, He rebuked them and advocated that their (the disciples') sound should be allowed to sound. They advised, suggested, recommended that all the disciples should shut up. But Jesus replied shockingly that if they should shut up, stones would immediately shout out. Substitution is real. One reason why you should not stop bringing pleasure to God is that. If you retire from it, many will pick it as duty to God. You've not been created for many things actually but rather to bring pleasure to God (Rev.4:11). Either through your daily living or intentional worship of God, you must not stop bringing joy to God. Cause Him to be happy. That day, as the multitude of disciples shout, 'hosanna in the highest' and left everything jubilant, heaven could actually feel it. They were doing what they were created for. Why should their sound stop? Why should they be silenced?

I pray for you that you'll be made willing to do all activities of a living being. Wherever by ill health, you can't function in good health, I order your restoration and declare your prosperity in there. May you not be replaced in what is your primary duty to do. May you ever keep the second choice waiting for eternity. Where humans should sing, may stones not shout out for joy. May our churches not lack voices and abilities. 

Prayer: I will not be silent. I will always worship You. None of my organ shall be silent (by being dysfunctional). I shall not be replaced. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 35:10-36:38; Matthew 27:32-66; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 9:7-8

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