Monday, 24 October 2022




HE SETTLES ME ON THE HEIGHTS - Large Place Series 008

Psalms 18:33, KJV

"He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."

Did you read in that place that it was God who settles each upon his high places? So, if anyone asks you, "who or what gives you the effrontery and permission to take the heights for yourself, tell them, "it is God." You didn't promote yourself. Any who is showing envy, jealousy and bitterness and will seek to harm you for having come to be settled on the heights are directly fighting God and He'll fight them. It is therefore, "come sit at my right hand till I make your enemy your foot stool" and also "hold your peace and you shall see the salvation of the Lord." I like the fact that I didn't call myself. Since He called me, it is He who also will do it and silence all silencers. It is He who will break the mouths of lions and open a place in the rock for me to quench thirst when in need. It is not me. He settled me there. It's His work solely and He should be held responsible, faced or accused by any who asks by what power or name I Do what I do.

The word, "settled" also means "established founded, anchored or sited." If you are thus founded in the ground and with a root firmly established in the soil upon your mountain, who will root you up? God is wise. He settles you there means He also watches over you. The One who sent His word on an errand is same that watches over His word to perform it. In this wise, you can trust flamboyantly that He who calls you has not called you in vain or to shame. He has called you to make the heights your heritage and your perpetual dwelling place. If you'll stay true, you'll live in the heights until all your descriptions become the heights, until you acclimatize and can't revive living the valley life. There are many who have carried the calling for decades on their heights so much more that people know them with a particular thing. Yet, they didn't soil their hands or entangle themselves with the world. Such are witnesses of those who possessed the heights and stayed there for long. Example in the Bible was Daniel. He continually found relevance from the reign of one king to another. He came to the limelight and remained there. I pray for you that you'll arrive and stay. The very planting of the land that none could fight or uproot. You have come to stay.

PRAYER: Lord,He that watches over Israel neither sleep nor slumber. I'm under your oversight. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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Sunday, 23 October 2022




YOUR HIGH PLACES! - Large Place Series 007

Psalms 18: 33, KJV

"He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."

Brethren, the Lord is on me. He is heavy on me and I am wet by the dew of His anointing. Ooooh, listen to me, there's a thing called, "the heights or your high places." It is specifically yours. It is the place that God's intent and working is seeking to actually settle you eventually. God won't stop half way. The very purpose for which He has begun to work in you is to bring you to this place. The height is the hills and you're the ordained city (fellow) to be set there. If you've ever seen a building on a hill before, what's its characteristics? It is obvious and very visible to public view. That's why Matthew 5:14 concurs that a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Except it doesn't come on the hills but once you become a star by being brought to the heights or your high places; by being revealed to the world, your face becomes the face in banners, the media, bill boards and one every heart carries its remembrance around. What's working for you? The fact that you've been set on the hills - a place where no one needs effort before they sight you or needs introduction before they know you. You are just known. The hills or the heights you're placed simply makes you obvious and revealing. That's not your own doing. If you were set in the valley, you would have gone unnoticed like many whose duty is to gaze up to the skyscrapers to clap, cheers, rejoice with and seek to model after those who have been vindicated and already set on their heights. As they do this and observe their own consecration however also, some of them will be fetched up there into the streams of their callings and manifestations of their gifts. Today, be set on your hills, high places or the heights. Let it be you people are seeing as they journey to and fro. That's where kings reign and rule from. Only kings, nobles and those who have transited from days of test to receiving God's approval are there. It is a colony of those who have singlehandedly and solely pass with God. It's not all men who are there because some suddenly became reprobate and were discarded to the potter's field but some are already settled there and are known to be established in their callings by which they delight both God and men. However, you have a place there and God is ready to bring you to your high places - a place of introduction to the whole world; a place of concourse meant for a celeb that God has caused his rising.

Once more, let us see the work that God singlehandedly does. It says, "you've set me upon my high places..." Please, who set the Psalmist with all assurance and confidence on his high places? God! That's He Who you must seek to partner with and receive such settlement from. It's not even your mentor who's settled already and on whose shoulders you believe you'll climb to yours. God may use him but that's if He's willing enough, having seen you've fulfilled all requirements to be brought to your high places. These high places is synonymous with the "large place" because it's a place of free hand manifestation where you're solely the man they've come to watch.

At the high places, you shine so bright for men to see your light to give glory to your Father who's in heaven (and not your mentor, sponsor etc who are on earth). Why some quickly begin to have problems with God is that as soon as they get to the heights - a revelation of the large or wide place also, glory was ascribed and then solely to man. In their acknowledgement story of how they got here, they slapped God with a backslash back hand and told Him to stay somewhere in the corner. They believe since He's invisible, He needs no introduction or acknowledgement. So, God gave them the sentence of Nebuchadnezzar until their reason had returned to them (Dan.4: 32). Once you're on your heights, you become a city set on a hill that can't be hidden. It's what you do that becomes the culture and the order of the day. You won't even understand why it's everything you say people tend to make meaning of. They'll just blow you and your words up more than you intended it to be. Why this big inflation and estimation? God has solely caused your time to come on you. He has solely brought you into your heights of unhindered manifestation and public view of attention. I pray that you'll tarry long in the heights and not be flogged down by all cultures and practices that a Samson or Nazarite ought flee from. Some will flee for Potiphar's wife while on their way to the heights and carry themselves cautiously but once they secure the throne, consecration is thrown into the waste bin. To such, I'll say, "a fall awaits you" and its bidding you'll answer to except you gird yourself to live perpetually by the rules of the heights in order not to know a descent.

PRAYER: Father, make my light so shine before men that they might see my good works, be amazed, give glory to You and then reward me with a call to the heights.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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Saturday, 22 October 2022




THE FLOOD GATE IS OPENED - Large Place Series 006

Read I Samuel 10:1-12

I Samuel 10:7, KJV  

"And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee."

God, what sort of trust is this? God, is it in a man you're placing this? What has he done? What should I do? God, why give a man such a blank cheque of doing whatsoever he likes as occasion demands yet having same blessed by You? God, I covet this kind of wide place! I covet this kind of unrestrained manifestation. God, I desire with all in me Your committing Yourself wholly to me in such manner. 

Here's Saul and he has just been anointed. As Samuel pours on him oil, he also instructs him on signs that'll follow as to establish his being God's anointed and one God is now with. After the parade of a number of signs as predicted by Samuel, upon such, Saul should not delay at all to begin to act as the occasion demands, as it enters his heart, as he'll deem fit or as his hands may find to do. Imagine the wide gate and arrays of options he could act out without any limitation. It means Saul has been given the endorsement and approval of a striker. Whatsoever he does is done. The remedy is not acting it out, once it enters his heart and he takes the step, it becomes so. How possible? It's because Saul has just been anointed. God's favour is always with any anointed and God ordains them to have special results. Like I said yesterday, anointing or being anointed opens the door for any carrying it to be like this man given a wide ground of manifestation by the Lord here. Under the anointing, there's no impossibility. It's rather  wherever he pushes to that he reaps from. Yet that's all because any who gets anointed by the Lord has satisfactorily pleased Him. There's no one that God releases Himself to (in the anointing) who God doesn't have a level of trust in. With God (the anointing), nothing shall be impossible through such. This is the bringing in into unlimitedness. It is the outworking of the anointing on anyone God wants to bring to the centre and focus. He'll just suddenly know how to do it. Before he finishes prayers, the deeds and manifestations are visible to be contacted. Then, all would wonder and esteem such man. Then, they'll noise his name to the ends of the earth. They'll never know that it's God who has opened up His flood gate of manifestation to him. If God is not allowing him, how could he flower? But for God, all because of God. I pray for you that you'll satisfy God. God will seek to work with you. One characteristic of being brought into a wide place is that you're not restrained. It's that you're esteemed and regarded as a master who should know what fits the occasion and should be able to act in line per term. So, no one will struggle for control with you. Rather, you're given a free hand to act and manifest. Saul earned it. Have this gate opened unto you. Have this flood gate, this wide gate, this unending approval given you to enjoy today. Who's there that God is saying to, "your works have been accepted. Therefore, go and do as occasion demands or as you'll see fit." God is now throwing Himself to you. You've purchased trust with God. He's believing even though you now have power and the mouth of the striker, you won't use it to hurt or bring revenge on people. Rather, you'll go about doing good like Jesus who healed those who were sick and oppressed of the devil. Aaah, congratulations to any who find such big favour in God's eyes and to whom God is saying to, "go, and do as occasion demands. Go and do as it's best to you." Lord, may I become this man that you have no fear concerning but unto whom You custodies Yourself fully trusting in Him to be able to maximize the trust and oil in his earthen vessel.  

PRAYER: Lord, may I earn Your trust. May your earned trust be my release into my large place of unrestrained manifestation and free hand operations.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28; 1 Timothy 6:1-21; Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 25:28

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Friday, 21 October 2022




Read II Sam.12:15-24


Ecclesiastes 9:7, KJV

"Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works."

May God accept your works. May you delight God so that He'll admit you amidst those who have satisfied Him, met His requirements and are now qualified for promotion and a walk into their large places and manifestations. Imagine God telling someone "to go and dine in joy because His works (which is a product of him) have been accepted?" Does that not describe somebody who has been lying down, fasting and praying yet in denial, weeping and in expectation of something from above? My mind goes to David. He laid humbly, fasted all night that the child from his product of adultery wouldn't die yet God struck it because His work wasn't acceptable before Him. When your ways are crooked before God, He'll resist you Himself. Balaam is one. He never had the release of God. He only thrusted through (Num.22:21-25). The Holy Spirit is saying I should tell you to seek to satisfy God or else you'll lay there labouring and seeking for the same thing to be met yet you won't receive a reply of peace or release of "go, rejoice because your works have been accepted now." "Go, eat your bread and drink your wine in joy" may also mean, "go and do whatsoever thy hand finds to do." That utterance suggests a break from one ongoing activity into another. It therefore could also be interpreted as "go and do your daily human activities." Yes, it is. May such voice therefore speak peace to you. May those of you waiting to receive a word from the Lord rise from your long lying down and receive answers to your persitent knocking.  

Let all those who are ministers listen carefully. When you're anointed, you'll begin to experience a stirring especially of your peculiar anointing. That anointing resides in your calling permanently but it'll come for usage occasionally and when there's only need to be met which God could see. It won't tarry on you all permanently like that or else it'll wear you out or make you useless as a human being amidst other dwellers. Reason being, no man ever tarries under glory still that desires the earth or wants to do its things like eating, sleeping, raising family etc anymore. They only become Enoch whose desire can't but be to resolutely go and be with the Lord. So, it'll go and come but whenever it shows up, you're meant to administer that anointing there and then. If you want to use it to heal, it is all available to heal any sickness or disease. If you want to use it to draw magnitude blessings to someone, all is accepted. Once that anointing hits you, it gives you the room, an all expense paid room to act in the way you think best by using it for whatsoever. This is the anointing that affords the minister to accomplish anything including things he or people might not have faith to receive on a normal day. It made him reap benefit wherever he pushes to. When our verse above therefore says, "go and dine because your works have been accepted", it means that man has been finally answered, justified, vindicated and has pleased heaven who has received his prayers or lifestyle as fit enough to be endorsed. It's therefore such man that could do whatsoever and will not be withheld by Heaven because Heaven has afore said his works have been accepted. Be careful you don't fight such man or you'll fall for his sake. 

Have you seen a man who God detests his presence wins His favour? Unless you receive acceptance from the Lord; unless He's pleased with your life, "He may not let loose His commendation on you let alone pave way for you to be His representative or ambassador in some wide places (where He doesn't have to set a governor to watch over you again or be stricken with a bolt of fear that you might misrepresent Him). Until Jesus Himself satisfied the Father by earning His commendation and approval, He was not released into His public ministry or brought to His large places. Do you know why? If any ascends the height without Christ likeness, whatsoever He does which will go viral will become the model to follow. If polluted and perverted, it might cause onlookers to stumble and model corruption after their kind (the model) they're watching. God is therefore very intentional of those He sets on the heights, hills or their lamp stands to give light (enlightenment or serve as models) to all in the house. God is calling you to responsibility. You have a work to do if for once you'll hear, "go and dine/ do whatsoever because your work has now been accepted." Until then, your Word has not come and you must by necessity wait. May you therefore understand in time and not toil with your ascendancy into your large place where the world awaits your entrance with tiptoe expectance and fixed gazes. 

PRAYER: Lord, create in me a clean heart and a pure heart. Take away the dross in me. Purify my gold. I shall wait on Thee.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 35:1-36:32; 1 Timothy 5:1-25; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 25:25-27

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Thursday, 20 October 2022




LOOSE HIM AND LET HIM GO - Large Place Series 004

Psalms 105:18-20, KJV "18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: 19 Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. 20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free."

People of God, today, I stand in my calling and say, "may your word come." Ooooh, may your word stop tarrying! What can you do unless your word comes. A man would only be vexed and vexed until he's eventually frustrated. But when his word comes, I see an open heaven on him. When his word comes, whatsoever his hands could find to do, let him do because it'll be prosperous. But until then, he must learn waiting. He must learn to sit quietly somewhere with eagerness, mutter prayers and be consoled by God who has times and seasons in His hands. At that time, he will patiently await his word to come and a command in the spirit to say, "loose him and let him go. Oblivion is now enough!"

Galatians 4:1-2, KJV  

"1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; 2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father."

Until it is time for God to let the "heaven and the earth" of being under protocols and even processes pass away, the word of any man doesn't come. For Joseph, God must ensure he's a man purged of revenge. God was working on him to refine him to tarry in the palace with the correct attitude and behaviour. Let me say this to all people of destiny. Once you begin to reach a point where it looks like a breaking point, where you want to give up or say, "raca, it is enough", you ought persist a little because your dawn and your word is almost here. Many couldn't see their word coming until they had illegally freed their feet from the stock God would want it kept before the ordained time. May you have the patience of Joseph who waited until his word comes. The truth is God has not forgotten you. Since He delights in you, you're on His mind but you must fulfill your days of oblivion in the prison like Joseph or wilderness like David till your time be accomplished for you to be loosed into glory. God does this so that all of us might have the story of humble days or beginning. No man just arrive in destiny with immediacy. No!

If God will ever bring you to a wide place, your heights and your place of manifestation, you'll need your word to come. Your word is the order from God in the spirit that you should be allowed to flower now. I found out that God reigns in the affairs of men and without Him, no man or woman could lift hands or feet. It is always, "who is he that decrees a thing except the Lord commands it?" Nothing manifests but at God's approval and no one claims a thing successfully for Himself without His yielding same up. Due to this, He retains custody of the time of manifestation and flowering of anyone. Once he opens His hands and say, "now!", the whole earth would come together to see that it is accomplished with immediacy. When it was time for Joseph to be brought into the palace, nobody could hold or postpone it till tomorrow. It was with urgency they bathed him to have him brought before Pharaoh. When this season is called forth by the word of the mouth of the Lord, even whatsoever the enemy does would work for good to ascend you.  Why? A man is in his season. It is the word of permission or action spoken by God that opens our times to us and we to our time. If this word has not been spoken over you, may it not be that you'll forever be in the oblivion and not come to the palace of great things and manifestations. When God spoke that word over Joseph, Pharaoh (a bearer of God's authority on earth) called him forth and sent that he be loosed. Until that time, Joseph was safely kept in prison with his feet hurt by fetters. He was in his narrowness but just one day, "he saw the sun." He was brought into the palace and he experienced what it means to have one's feet set in a large place. A place with room enough to walk and a place where one's desire and dreams are met. What forces are holding you down? What situation is keeping you caged? I say, "loose him and let him go." I said you've satisfied Jehovah and He's satiated that you've fulfilled all requirements to being set loose today. 

PRAYER: Lord, let the cry, "loose him and let him go" cry over me in the spirit. My word has come; my time is here. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 35:1-36:32; 1 Timothy 5:1-25; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 25:25-27

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Wednesday, 19 October 2022




ALL FOR LOVE - Large Place Series 003

Read I Sam. 17

Psalms 18:19, KJV

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me."

God did two things for this grateful David who won't stop recounting same. If you don't know, that verse above is David's testimony of what the Lord has done for him. He's not an ingrate. One, he singlehandedly brought him forth to his wide place. I'm seeing a field. A very big field. That's where God brought him to yet he was a man of sorrow and one acquainted with grief ahead of that time. Did you know how long it took him to possess the throne? Saul was after him. He was fleeing here and there. But at the time of this testimony, his status has changed because we could hear from the horse's mouth that God brought him forth to a place of length and width, a place with room enough for manifestation where he and God had to take a walk before he could comprehend and see its end if we were to describe such place physically. It's "as far as you can see place." God brought him forth but that was consequent upon God's deliverance first of all. This man David who God brought to the palace, a place where any could not restrain or put a measure to what he does was a man who was previously at the back side of the desert also. No one knows him as such and he's poorly reputed as a main stream soldier. If not for the Lord who set the occasion and brought him by the errand of Jesse to the battle ground that day, this boy might as well have been locked up for eternity at the back side of the desert. The only thing he might ever know are experiences in his days of loneliness and not palatial ones. However, all that changed. Though Eliab would want to send him back to the sheepfold, God didn't approve same. His fate therefore wasn't closed like a dead that a stone is placed on its tomb's entrance. It almost seems so but God rolled away his stone and called unto him by his destiny name, "to be loosed and to come forth." When that deliverance happened, he was brought forth into a wide space - an open ground big enough to accommodate hundreds if not thousands. Now, why did God did all this? I say, "all for love." David said, "because He delighted in me." God, how I pray that if heaven and earth pass away yet because of Your delight, you'll never forget me in hades or let me wrath in sheol (which are metaphoric of being at the back end where oblivion prevails). Love is a watchman. It makes God not sleep or slumber over you wherever and in whatsoever condition you are in. It propels and keep propelling God to be putting in place in order to see that you're finally out of your narrowness, famine, helplessness and delivered into a land teeming with all opportunities that you can't wear out. I say, "all for love." The Bible says,   "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32, KJV). Love has been the very soul and motivation for which God does what He does. That's why you'll be hearing, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son... (John 3:16)." What's the propellant? Love. Brethren, one thing can't be debated. It's the fact that while you're here today, you'll soon be there tomorrow. It's because the unfailing love of God will find you out. It doesn't matter where you're locked by the devil, unjust step parents, life or situation, God's love knows the way and His light will shine and lead you out into a place where like a man seeing the sun for the first time, you won't be able to gaze at it for awhile. I say, "all because of love." May you always be in His heart. May you not cause Him displeasure nor be separated from the love of Christ. With the love of Christ, all shall be well even if things seems not to now. You're in the hands of Love for God is Love and He'll deliver you from oblivion and bring you into your room enough because of same. You, continue to gather the approval of God by delighting the Father. Once God could say to you, "you're my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased", a way has to be made for you amidst the strong and great. You have to be set in your destiny land and that place as I'll say repeatedly again has room enough for whatsoever you might want to display or become. 

PRAYER: For love, make me your vessel of glory and honour. Experiment with me. Let Love never leave me in oblivion and the prison. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 31:27-32:44; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 25:20-22

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Tuesday, 18 October 2022





Read Psalm 18

Psalms 18:19, KJV

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me."

That place says, "He brought me forth also..." Who? Who's such that has the power enough to let the years of obscurity, darkness and oblivion a man of destiny has been experiencing end if not God? It is He who said  "for promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another (Psalm 75:6-7, KJV). It is He who has the ability to open prison doors to those the devil has sighted their natal stars and by that put measures in place to restrict their greatness. He's the one who's saying, "come out of your prison. This is the year of Jubilee. Come out into your large space, under the heaven spread by Me and feel the sun and see the honour awaiting you."  

Who will therefore shut the door against such a man vindicated by the Lord and brought out by God in His great convoy and glory into his large place? Who will say, "enough of you" and so send him back to the prison, narrowness or the life of obscurity he has formerly known when it's the Lord who it was ascribed to to bring any into his time and seasons after the completion of cycles. I have not seen any who will shut this man who's therefore experiencing a rising and promotion that only the blessings of the Lord could give without adding sorrows. That Psalm is clear. It says, "God brought me forth also into a large place or a room enough." Sound the alarm therefore that this is the Lord's doing, not another's and it's marvellous in our eyes. If this is the Lord's doing, take heed of fighting it lest you be found fighting against what the Lord has initiated and processed to happen. 

People, are you desirous of being felt, of touching the world with your gifts and calling, of wanting to die all empty? Then, appeal the headquarters of every good and every perfect gifts. Let God come and take you by the hand and lead you into your palace. Some will do it another way but it pays if you wait for this deliverance of the Lord that breaks one's season of obscurity and brings one into the king's court where the banner over one is love and the show of heaven's generosity. It is better for the years to be accomplished. Having fulfilled their numbers,  you'll be much more grateful knowing greatness because you have once upon a time known humiliation and nothingness. As such, you'll learn how to be indebted to God. If God is the One who brings out to a wide place and not any man, it means no man really has in his or her capacity to bring you into your large place except the Lord commands it or decides to use such. The space any man of his own accord will give to you is a space they'll hold its key in their hands. If you manifest too much on that platform or doesn't do well, they might as well lose their patience, become overbearing and crowd you. So, I admonish you, "wait until the Lord whom the Psalmist acknowledges as He who brings him forth into his large place break your shackles, loose your chains and shines His light in order to bring you out of obscurity into the limelight." Then, the glory would be God's and the honour yours. The cheers would go nuts and it would worth it. You'll at such time of manifestation even be ready and feel ready to take your place because you'll have become that proper heir. Please, don't break this cycle. Let it accomplish and let God solely do His work. We have not known another who delivers and brings by His great power and accompaniment into one's large places except God. God is the doer of such. He delivers and then walk you into your large place. He does that to ensure there's no foul play. That tells you how much He cares and desires you indeed possess your inheritance without same being collected from you. If you hear such testimony being delivered any man, trace such to God and give Him the honour due Him. It is He who solely has the power to deliver and bring people forth into their large places. No man does this. The source of every good and perfect gift in timely and lasting promotion and ascension is still God. 

PRAYER: Lord, use Your power to bring me out of the prison and every hole I'm hidden into the palace and my large place of destiny and manifestation. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26; 1 Timothy 2:1-15; Psalm 87:1-7; Proverbs 25:18-19

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