Wednesday, 19 October 2022




ALL FOR LOVE - Large Place Series 003

Read I Sam. 17

Psalms 18:19, KJV

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me."

God did two things for this grateful David who won't stop recounting same. If you don't know, that verse above is David's testimony of what the Lord has done for him. He's not an ingrate. One, he singlehandedly brought him forth to his wide place. I'm seeing a field. A very big field. That's where God brought him to yet he was a man of sorrow and one acquainted with grief ahead of that time. Did you know how long it took him to possess the throne? Saul was after him. He was fleeing here and there. But at the time of this testimony, his status has changed because we could hear from the horse's mouth that God brought him forth to a place of length and width, a place with room enough for manifestation where he and God had to take a walk before he could comprehend and see its end if we were to describe such place physically. It's "as far as you can see place." God brought him forth but that was consequent upon God's deliverance first of all. This man David who God brought to the palace, a place where any could not restrain or put a measure to what he does was a man who was previously at the back side of the desert also. No one knows him as such and he's poorly reputed as a main stream soldier. If not for the Lord who set the occasion and brought him by the errand of Jesse to the battle ground that day, this boy might as well have been locked up for eternity at the back side of the desert. The only thing he might ever know are experiences in his days of loneliness and not palatial ones. However, all that changed. Though Eliab would want to send him back to the sheepfold, God didn't approve same. His fate therefore wasn't closed like a dead that a stone is placed on its tomb's entrance. It almost seems so but God rolled away his stone and called unto him by his destiny name, "to be loosed and to come forth." When that deliverance happened, he was brought forth into a wide space - an open ground big enough to accommodate hundreds if not thousands. Now, why did God did all this? I say, "all for love." David said, "because He delighted in me." God, how I pray that if heaven and earth pass away yet because of Your delight, you'll never forget me in hades or let me wrath in sheol (which are metaphoric of being at the back end where oblivion prevails). Love is a watchman. It makes God not sleep or slumber over you wherever and in whatsoever condition you are in. It propels and keep propelling God to be putting in place in order to see that you're finally out of your narrowness, famine, helplessness and delivered into a land teeming with all opportunities that you can't wear out. I say, "all for love." The Bible says,   "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32, KJV). Love has been the very soul and motivation for which God does what He does. That's why you'll be hearing, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son... (John 3:16)." What's the propellant? Love. Brethren, one thing can't be debated. It's the fact that while you're here today, you'll soon be there tomorrow. It's because the unfailing love of God will find you out. It doesn't matter where you're locked by the devil, unjust step parents, life or situation, God's love knows the way and His light will shine and lead you out into a place where like a man seeing the sun for the first time, you won't be able to gaze at it for awhile. I say, "all because of love." May you always be in His heart. May you not cause Him displeasure nor be separated from the love of Christ. With the love of Christ, all shall be well even if things seems not to now. You're in the hands of Love for God is Love and He'll deliver you from oblivion and bring you into your room enough because of same. You, continue to gather the approval of God by delighting the Father. Once God could say to you, "you're my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased", a way has to be made for you amidst the strong and great. You have to be set in your destiny land and that place as I'll say repeatedly again has room enough for whatsoever you might want to display or become. 

PRAYER: For love, make me your vessel of glory and honour. Experiment with me. Let Love never leave me in oblivion and the prison. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 31:27-32:44; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 25:20-22

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