Sunday, 23 October 2022




YOUR HIGH PLACES! - Large Place Series 007

Psalms 18: 33, KJV

"He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."

Brethren, the Lord is on me. He is heavy on me and I am wet by the dew of His anointing. Ooooh, listen to me, there's a thing called, "the heights or your high places." It is specifically yours. It is the place that God's intent and working is seeking to actually settle you eventually. God won't stop half way. The very purpose for which He has begun to work in you is to bring you to this place. The height is the hills and you're the ordained city (fellow) to be set there. If you've ever seen a building on a hill before, what's its characteristics? It is obvious and very visible to public view. That's why Matthew 5:14 concurs that a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Except it doesn't come on the hills but once you become a star by being brought to the heights or your high places; by being revealed to the world, your face becomes the face in banners, the media, bill boards and one every heart carries its remembrance around. What's working for you? The fact that you've been set on the hills - a place where no one needs effort before they sight you or needs introduction before they know you. You are just known. The hills or the heights you're placed simply makes you obvious and revealing. That's not your own doing. If you were set in the valley, you would have gone unnoticed like many whose duty is to gaze up to the skyscrapers to clap, cheers, rejoice with and seek to model after those who have been vindicated and already set on their heights. As they do this and observe their own consecration however also, some of them will be fetched up there into the streams of their callings and manifestations of their gifts. Today, be set on your hills, high places or the heights. Let it be you people are seeing as they journey to and fro. That's where kings reign and rule from. Only kings, nobles and those who have transited from days of test to receiving God's approval are there. It is a colony of those who have singlehandedly and solely pass with God. It's not all men who are there because some suddenly became reprobate and were discarded to the potter's field but some are already settled there and are known to be established in their callings by which they delight both God and men. However, you have a place there and God is ready to bring you to your high places - a place of introduction to the whole world; a place of concourse meant for a celeb that God has caused his rising.

Once more, let us see the work that God singlehandedly does. It says, "you've set me upon my high places..." Please, who set the Psalmist with all assurance and confidence on his high places? God! That's He Who you must seek to partner with and receive such settlement from. It's not even your mentor who's settled already and on whose shoulders you believe you'll climb to yours. God may use him but that's if He's willing enough, having seen you've fulfilled all requirements to be brought to your high places. These high places is synonymous with the "large place" because it's a place of free hand manifestation where you're solely the man they've come to watch.

At the high places, you shine so bright for men to see your light to give glory to your Father who's in heaven (and not your mentor, sponsor etc who are on earth). Why some quickly begin to have problems with God is that as soon as they get to the heights - a revelation of the large or wide place also, glory was ascribed and then solely to man. In their acknowledgement story of how they got here, they slapped God with a backslash back hand and told Him to stay somewhere in the corner. They believe since He's invisible, He needs no introduction or acknowledgement. So, God gave them the sentence of Nebuchadnezzar until their reason had returned to them (Dan.4: 32). Once you're on your heights, you become a city set on a hill that can't be hidden. It's what you do that becomes the culture and the order of the day. You won't even understand why it's everything you say people tend to make meaning of. They'll just blow you and your words up more than you intended it to be. Why this big inflation and estimation? God has solely caused your time to come on you. He has solely brought you into your heights of unhindered manifestation and public view of attention. I pray that you'll tarry long in the heights and not be flogged down by all cultures and practices that a Samson or Nazarite ought flee from. Some will flee for Potiphar's wife while on their way to the heights and carry themselves cautiously but once they secure the throne, consecration is thrown into the waste bin. To such, I'll say, "a fall awaits you" and its bidding you'll answer to except you gird yourself to live perpetually by the rules of the heights in order not to know a descent.

PRAYER: Father, make my light so shine before men that they might see my good works, be amazed, give glory to You and then reward me with a call to the heights.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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