Tuesday, 14 December 2021




THE MEETING OF PROPHECY AND TIME - Spirit's Turning Series 002

READ II Kings 7:1-20

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

I had the blessing of visiting the headquarters of the largest denomination on earth recently. I was left in awe at what God could do through a singular man He's delighted in and has called. I started asking myself how he has been able to do all the things that span the whole world which are visible and have gone as testimonies that we hear. The answer I got was that of Mary when she asks, "how will this thing be?" Gabriel replied, "The Most High will overshadow you". It is this overshadowing that will lead to Mary being able to do the impossible - conceive a child without having had sex or reported to have passed through the natural process of conception common to all women. Who don't know that is an impossibility but which however defies gravity! May God do you a miracle where He'll choose for you that will break processes. Mary also reasoned this prophecy but she didn't doubt it. She rather accepts it [Luke 1:38]. Come to such place of rest even if you don't know the details or road to its fulfilment. The nature of prophecy is to offer the conclusion only while the walk is yet to be walked. I beg once more, in your reasoning prophecy, don't doubt it. Consequences do follow it even if you'll later have it. People fall into the trap of doubting prophecy because it is always too high. Too high that even the wise will call it void and call God's mouthpiece a liar. That's why that Lord in all his human wisdom, investigation of the situation, conclusion of same as impossible said, "even if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? [II Kings 7:2]" Even that one - the making of windows in heaven, I believe it since God's arm has been afore shown me on occasions that defies my thinking. Yet, God didn't have to go that extra mile before He brought to pass what He had said. He only had to create a circumstance on earth (while still using the Syrians as His test tubes) and rather not aspire heaven in order to bring to pass what He had said. 

Prophecies always make  fool of men. There's always a reason to doubt it. However, don't behave like that Lord. No matter how high a thing may be - taller than you or far off from your sight or farther away from your understanding, just believe that "with God nothing shall be impossible" [Luke  1:37,KJV]. We don't reason many natural things or take thought for them as to doubt their coming to pass. God that gives the prophecy, promises, vision and revelation will fulfill it. Its coming to pass does not hinges on how you've been able to find out how God might work it out. God always conceals His work so that when wrath, it will be seen and esteemed as a miracle. When a couple have intercourse, do they worry themselves as to how the sperm will fertilize the egg? Do they worry on the inner working inside of the woman? What they concern themselves with is, "intercourse". There's a God that sees to the sperm fertilizing the egg after that. That's His own specialization. May I tell you too, the sperm will hit the egg. They will meet. Your prophecy and time will collide and like a man born out of due season, you'll emerge into destiny and God's will for you. Mary became God's handmaiden on whom the impossibility was wrath. It's my prayer that God will find you a vessel to use to display His unlimitedness to the world. So, don't be caged in your thinking. Let your mind be very spacious to accommodate the future your spirit is downloading into your soul. May I tell you that if a very great future is revealing itself to you through your mind and you wonder if in years to come you'll become that, I tell you, you'll become it by believing and working actively towards all you've perceived. The receiving of prophecy is not the end of active steps. If you have a prophecy of prosperity, you must still work because God is looking for a justified means that won't be illegal, criminal or evil to bless you. When abundance came at the gate of Samaria, the people went out to gather their ration. They exercised faith towards possessing what they've being prophesied to. Look, are there things you harbour in your mind as "too deep, way heavy or too wonderful to utter or share?" Their manifestation is at hand. The zeal of the Lord God of hosts is doing it.

PRAYER: God watches over His word to perform same. As He has spoken, so will He do. He isn't a liar. May your faith not crack up from fueling your vision and at the sight of your prophecy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jonah 1:1-4-11, Revelation 5:1-14, Psalm 133:1-3, Proverbs 29:26-27

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Monday, 13 December 2021




THOSE ASKING HOW THIS THING SHALL BE - Spirit's Turning Series 001

READ Luke 1:26-35

Luke 1:34-35, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

This is what Gabriel, God's messenger angel told Mary, the virgin. Why Mary wouldn't believe in her giving birth to a child was because she hasn't known any man. We should all question the possibility of becoming pregnant and giving birth if one doesn't have intercourse. How will that be? It is this realistic question she asked Gabriel that made Gabriel respond with the response we have as our quotation. We all know with man, it is impossible but with God or by the Spirit's aid, all things are possible. How? The power of the Most High will overshadow Mary and that will result in her being able to conceive supernaturally and do that which she couldn't have done except she has intercourse with a man. 

There be those asking how these things shall come to pass for them as well. Before Mary asked how this thing would be, she was told what would be. Have you been told what would be? What will come to pass shortly through you but which you wonder in great curiosity how they'll be. This message is for you. How all the 'impossibilities' communicated to you will be is by the Holy Spirit overshadowing you. You just need the Spirit's touch and aid to do the unnatural and you'll begin to see the manifestations of what you wonder how they'll be. Mary didn't get pregnant by the will of man. That holy thing was conceived supernaturally. All the prophecies you have received concerning being the head of nations will not come to pass by your desire or hard work superiorly but by God's Spirit aiding you. Only the Spirit makes difficult things easy. How do the sick, the deaf, the blind, the halt, the lunatic etc get healed? It is by God's Spirit overshadowing a minister and using him to touch them. Healing doesn't happen by the minister remaining man but rather being altered as a man through whom the oil could flow. It's that oil otherwise known as the anointing or Holy Spirit that now heals. How could a man in his lifetime take the gospel to the ends of the earth and plant churches at every five minutes trek of every place? How easy is it turning a jungle into a city where the headquarters would be settled to draw all races to itself if not through the handle of the calling leveraged on by the Holy Spirit overshadowing one? How could a nonentity and the despised build orphanages, schools, health institutions e.t.c from his calling if not for the Holy Spirit that has overshadowed him and now makes him able to get this done? Do you think it's easy opening branches? In the secular, people have retail outlets. Ask them how difficult it is for them opening another one let alone going from nations to nations and having branches where they don't know people from Adams. That is why Gabriel said to Mary, "Don't worry. I know it is a difficult, hard and impossible task. Meanwhile, with and by the Spirit, it is accomplishable. What will happen won't be by or through any man but by the Holy Spirit's overshadowing (aiding) you.

Look, there's nothing that can't be cracked by the Holy Ghost. He masters all impossibilities and makes them answers. If you have received a promise, prophecy or a revelation of what to become but same seems too gigantic in your sight, don't fight it but surrender to it in order to be the vessel on which they'll be done. Just believe by the Spirit's aiding or swallowing you up that nothing shall be impossible. Today, the testimony that they'll begin to give concerning you and I is "by the Spirit", even if the thing to do is harder than a stone.

PRAYER: Lord, anoint me afresh for my assignments - to fulfill calling (destiny). Anoint me specifically for  (mention them).

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Obadiah 1:1-21, Revelation 4:1-11, Psalm 132:1-18, Proverbs 29:24-25

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Sunday, 12 December 2021





READ Psalm 139

Psalms 139:12, KJV

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee."

Don't we know that it's adversely out of order for night to shine as the day?

Is this not why we all require illumination when night falls? Night ushers in darkness. Even when awake with open eyes, yet vision is always impaired at night. However, the reverse is the case in this revelational Psalm of today. I'm already  apprehended, noising Yahweh because His ways are past finding. Night couldn't become night to Him. What a fellow! For God, when people are saying, "I can't see"; He sees. He does because of the spiritual faculty that makes the physical night as day to Him. This matter has gotten to the head as it has hit the crescendo of all seriousness which necessitates you to enter into this realm of activity also. When other professionals, artisans or people are saying "off season" in your field; because of this medicine that will become a reality in your life, you will stand akimbo with mouth agape and wonder aloud in sincerity "you don't mean it?

They'll say, "aren't you experiencing same? Who don't know our business is seasonal? You're not an apprentice but a master in this profession, yet you're asking why sale has not been forthcoming."

Those ones are category A and that's the album they release often.  However, what is yours as one that Christ is his hope of glory? 

"The night shines as the day".

Nothing changes for bad for you though seasons, times, periods be altered. Your day experience however is translated into the night of world's affairs for you. By an invention in the laboratory of spirituality, we're causing a replication of your day experiences even in the night. We have captured the night and subdued it for you. It is now your slave and you will rejoice in every moment men hollers, "something has suddenly gone wrong!" This remedy worked for Joshua, for he cheated the night by the agreement of the Almighty and went on operating when the whole world knew it should be out of season for him.

Joshua 10:13, KJV

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Look, when others are lacking in spiritual strength, what is night to them will be day to you. By the Spirit of prophecy on me, I call you to begin to have distinct results even at night time. Your outcome will deviate from that of the great congregation at the outer court of life. In war, you will know peace. In recession, you will know abundance because of grace, mercy, power of preparation and the anointing that empties supernatural outcome into your container. Yours is different in this December. Let night function as the day for you. 

PRAYER: Thick darkness will cover the earth but the Lord will arise on me.  When people's confession is "it is night/bad, I'll testify it's day/good."

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 7:1-9:15, Revelation 3:7-22, Psalm 131:1-3, Proverbs 29:23

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Saturday, 11 December 2021





Read Luke 5:1-9

Luke 5:4 - 5, KJV

"4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net."

Today's devotional title is the excuse and reason why many people don't try again. They'll say, "I've done that before. This same thing you just said, I worked it but nothing happened". Tell any who's too tired  to try again that he can't as well see the difference for which he had afore tried (though they may be said to be humanly understood for not wanting to try again). Let me ask, do you want all the labour you've done in the past to be vain labour eventually? Yes, it is vain labour eventually if you don't persist until you see the result for which you've first tried. You might have failed 100 times but if you succeed once, that lone achievement will swallow your 100 times of futility.

In today's reading, Jesus told Peter to let down his nets for a catch. His response was that of a tired, spent and discouraged man. He told Jesus point blank that he had tried before and despite the maximal time of trying, he caught nothing. He told Jesus how bad it was. "We caught nothing though we worked really well all night!" This is where people's labour don't equalize their result.  In labour, Peter and co didn't fail but in result, something was not adding up for them. Be delivered from such However, in order not to be blamed for being disrespectful or having taken the anointed for granted, he reluctantly agreed to let it down. When he did, he was not curious for result because he had proven that same act not to be result yielding all night. So, he was not in any way expectant. Let us imagine what would have happened if when he finally reluctantly let down the net, nothing happened. He could have hissed and said, "I said it. I'm a master in this thing. I just did that to satisfy you." We all knew he let down the nets not because he indeed believed but actually to please Jesus. That's why he said "but at thy word." He was trying to create a ground not to be held responsible if things don't work. He excluded himself from the process of active participation. Meanwhile, God proved him wrong. It was a large yield for Peter. His not believing in a thing happening in the first place added to what created such huge shock in him when he saw the net breaking and ship sinking miracle. That's why he knelt in humble submission and deviation from his pride of "I tried all night. I know what I'm saying" to saying, "I'm a sinful man" [Luke 5:8-9]. Have you also tried before? Have you had the futile result of Peter? Being a master and one who has expert's report over that thing, are you drawing a conclusion with that? For having tried and reaped nothing, are you saying, "I won't attempt again?" Are you by that disregarding the anointed or a stirring in your heart to try again. This time is different from other times. When you tried those times, it was without a Word from God but now the anointing is easing things to bring you result. Have you failed an exam many times? Have you lost pregnancies? Are you tired of giving love to your spouse again because children have not manifested from it? Are you just tired of repeating that act because you've come to the realization that it didn't work these much times? God is saying, try again but AT MY WORD!

Noah didn't relent in sending out scouts. Finally, a dove came back with good news of the water having abated [Genesis 8:11]. I pray for you that you'll have a testimony this time. The authority that asked Peter to cast the net was the One that gave the fish. Always ask yourself at whose word what you're doing is being done. If God is in it, even if the result has not come, it is not that it won't come but that it is oncoming. Experience differently on that note. Your going out is not like other times and so you can't reap as at other times. This interview will be different. Peter failed and failed because he had no assisting words at those times but at the declaration of the anointed, fish that were no where to be found gathered. I pray that your result will gather. The cloud will gather for you and result shall rain for you now. Now! 

PRAYER: Lord, I receive forgiveness where I've subtly disregarded You and taken your prophet a liar. I receive at Your Word now. I'm open to You.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 4:1-6:14, Revelation 2:18-3:6, Psalm 130:1-8, Proverbs 29:21-22

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com



If there's anything I'll like everyone take its handle, it is the handle of faith that draws. You might have exercised your faith to receive healing or break out of a seemingly difficult situation before. It may be that you didn't wilfully exercise faith but because you were besieged, surrounded and there was no visible way of escape to your mind; you pressed the trigger of faith that draws, redeems and catches God's attention.

However, faith or living by faith ought to be our daily life. Do you know that any service or anything you do unto God that doesn't proceed from faith is displeasure to Him.

Hebrews 11:6, KJV

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him".

This makes faith and living by it a necessity. 

The just have been said for long to live by his faith [Habakkuk 2:4, KJV]. His survival and continuous survival is based on that. The quality of life you'll have apart from what money or any human being can give you is determinant on your faith and its quality. 

One day, I heard a Nigerian minister say, "the best of the best at the expense of Jesus". Everything is in store and for those who have graduated faith to the place that it draws, they will always have whatsoever they trust God for. It's like casting a hook and then believing for a fish. You will successfully bait or attract whatsoever you have faith for. Faith can be so strong that you believe you've received when the request has not been possessed. Time will fail me to speak of how faith has given many salvation, provision and all unimaginable. If I recount, you'll become envious of such.

Today, God desires you have faith enough that can make Him look in your direction. Have we not read that no doubter shall receive from God?

James 1:6-7, KJV

"6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord".

Faith is what God respects. It is also the equalizer. Money isn't equal but faith is available for all of us to exercise and if you know how to fish with your faith, you will be rich. But because people are not still fishing with faith but their hands only, they become limited and finally not equalized. The Bible describes some people as being rich in faith. You don't have to be poor before you're rich in faith. You can have this earth's goods yet know how well to weave, sling, throw and shield with faith.

James 2:5, KJV

"...Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith...?"

Imagine what such set of people (those with faith) will be catching. There's nothing that's too outstretched beyond the arm of an exercised faith. Faith yearns and as it yearns in desire for that thing, it begins to get closer and the thing closer until it is handed over. Faith is a living thing. Let it breathe. As it breathes, it pants after an obsession until it's possessed. Brethren, develop faith to meet your daily needs. When you're exercising faith, be specific in prayer. This is how to know if it is God that has answered your prayer or not. You need furniture. Specifically state the kind or colour you'll want those settee come in. Be down to the last details. While a faithless fellow will doubt if God could meet his needs down to its last minute details, exercisers of faith uses it to discern God's faithfulness to them when it happens. If this God is real and the Bible isn't a cunningly devised fable that we're obeying, we ought to be testing its realities. He answers to the last details. I read of how a mighty preacher we all know asked for a furniture and even specified the kind of wood the furniture should be made with, believe it, that was what he received. Many are deceived to think exercising faith is only the privilege of ministers because the anointing might be aiding them. No, it is the exclusive leverage of all children. Every believer is just. Begin to test faith out. Begin to trust to receive by faith. It may take time but if you'll persist, your request in hope shall drop. Then, you'll testify that all good and perfect gift only comes from God.

Olusola ADEJUMO, 


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 


+234 81 3704 6812






James 1:4, KJV

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing".

You can jump the hurdle or pass underneath. One time, I had a dream. Two men were holding a rope. I was to jump over the rope to the other side like we do in High Jump. As I ran towards the rope, I was suddenly scared. The rope seems too high for me. Then, I went underneath. I met myself on the other side but by breaking the requirement. Do you know what happened next? Those two men told me, "go back". So, I went back in order to observe the process and obey the protocols.  That's how the dream lifted. God was actually telling me to go observe the correct requirement of a thing I was entering into then.

When process is concern, you'll see two men. Those who defy it and those who keep it. In John 10, we read of the sheep fold and he who enters by the gate and he who enters by another way. One observes the process, one though enters breaks it. When you submit to process, it may seem rigorous. However, there's a thing it puts inside you. You're concretized. Delay is a test and it is a process that can process you. Delay always forces deception to reveal itself. Since delay is hope or expectation not manifesting on time, you either learn patience or you get that same thing by another means. This is where we have waiting and those who wait on the Lord. Patience is necessary if you'll really have some things and I'll encourage you to work it. Some will never let patience have her perfect work. They're being worked on, they're already enduring the process but suddenly they'll just speak up, they'll retaliate and say, "am I the only one?" Believe it, that's the end of their letting patience have her perfect work. Formation of godly character is not title bestowed on people. They're formed by endurance of processes. The fire Paul created forced a snake pretending as a stick to declare its true self [Acts 28:3]. Same applies to what process or patience does. It will push out undesirables in you for you to be entire. Have you seen gold being refined before or the turning of coal into diamond? It endures pressure. So also, virtues don't come out without your being shrunk, tested, pressed on all sides etc. As you groan, and as your sweat becomes thick as blood falling to the ground from exercising patience, you're being formed into a fellow lacking in nothing. "Entire" means whole. When you talk, no one will say, "who's that fellow" since you're already entire? But if you're not, when you behave, people will begin to ask questions. God's will for you as His craftsmanship is that you'll be lacking in nothing. Your cooperation is what will make this happen as He brings the test. 

The night will soon become dawn. Don't break this process. Let patience have its full work. If you give your vehicle to a mechanic, you don't halt him from completion of the work when you know he has not had his perfect work on it. You'll be scared doing that for it may endanger your life. You'll rather tell him to take his full time on the vehicle. What about you as a person? So, don't seek relief when work has not been thoroughly completed and certainty given. Long-suffer a little more and there comes your break. You'll always thank God you waited till then. Many regretted their not letting patience have its full work. Though they've been waiting but are now out of patience. So, they begin to engage in premarital affairs, off another goes to do money ritual, off another goes into prostitution. It was after these that they were shown how close they were to their break. They raised an alarm and with great weeping wept. Sorry, it can't be reversed. This is how they become vessels of dishonour. When patience is having its work and it becomes unbearable, persist with encouragement that it is this hard on you because you're almost reaching. Even when you don't reach that soon, make that your encouragement until patience certifies you to have been well processed.

PRAYER: What will it take? Let me be able to give it. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 1:1-3:15, Revelation 2:1-17, Psalm 129:1-8, Proverbs 29:19-20

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Thursday, 9 December 2021





READ Psalm 65

Psalms 65:2, KJV

"O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come."

Why do some attract multitude - having them flock round them like swarm of bees? Is it because of their strong perfume? It is because of charm, skill, favour, anointing, gift or attraction they manifest. What you must know is this, vultures are not just seen gathering like that. They could only be found gathering round a carcass. Unless something is dead, you won't see the community of vultures gather round the table. They always ask, "what will it profit us?" What draws them is the carcass itself. They come for nothing else but that. "Wherever there is a fallen body (a corpse), there the vultures (or eagles) will flock together" [Matthew 24:28, AMP].

Did you see now that vultures just don't come around? It's rather because of something that benefits them. Who's that icon, superstar that has more fans or followers than God? If God were on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc, the likes and comments He'll rake in in an hour would be much than that of the whole earth's put together! You'll read His comments and you'd be tired. As this one is saying, "thank you sir for the answered prayer"; this is saying, "amen." There will just be uncountable patronising Him and that's how they'll keep trooping in like all bodies of water emptying themselves into the ocean.

Today's Psalm says, "unto you will all flesh come.." Why will all flesh seek Him? Don't they have businesses to do? Why will their attention be turned to God? Why won't they seek Him when He is said to be He that answers prayers. The multitude you see at the corridor who have come to worship in spirit and in truth throng to Him because of His deed. God has already being proven. He is said to be the One that answers prayers. On that testimony, we can as well climb to receive from Him. No one climbs to Him who first don't believe He exists. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" [Hebrews 11:6, KJV].

Do you know why that place says, "but without faith it's impossible to please God: for he that comes to Him must believe that He is and that He's a rewarder of those that diligently seeks Him?" It is because God is invisible. For as many that will come to Him, they must believe that He is first of all. That He exists somewhere and that when they come to Him or call on His name, He gives answers and replies. He is the need meeting God. No need is too challenging to be met. If you visit some affluent people, they'll ask you, "what do you want to eat?" They're not asking out of pride. They only want to satisfy you. To tell you the truth, they have everything at home. God has a warehouse for all type of needs. When you pray, like a Father Christmas deeps his hand in a pouch to bring out a parcel, so does He do. It is readily available. Your request can't shock Him. This is why God is the One we're all running to. Who goes where he sees no profit? Who invests in a business without a guarantee of returns? No one does that. So, why God commands such a large crowd known for its multitude whose number we'll even lose counting is because He has made Himself important by meeting people's needs. I don't know that artisan that people patronises more than God. What value does he actually offer that would make people queue at his door? For what? Who's he? But when it comes to this Attractor, He collects the attention of the whole world to Himself yet He opens no amazement park. He only gives answers to the cries of people. For this, people keep mounting to Him, seeking His face and seeking His help. If you're reading this devotional now, you're doing so as to be attended to by He that all flesh comes to. Did you see that we've not left talking yet that verse is finding fulfilment. May you be this important. May the value you offer multiply as to have men come to you. Wherever people get irritated and get off from you, may it be amended. The Psalmist was overwhelmed. He said, "O thou..." He wonders at how God keeps printing output for men yet without his ink or printer developing a fault. Look, God is a satellite that's somewhere in heaven that sends signals to the earth. It is this signal that He sends, that we interpret and then receives as the answers to our prayers. God is an answering God. You've heard the testimony of the Psalmist. On the strength of that, mount up to Him and ask Him to meet your needs.

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for being Shammah (the Lord is there) and Jireh (the Provider). I thank You because You hear.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joel 1:1-3:21, Revelation 1:1-20, Psalm 128:1-6, Proverbs 29:18

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