Saturday, 11 December 2021



If there's anything I'll like everyone take its handle, it is the handle of faith that draws. You might have exercised your faith to receive healing or break out of a seemingly difficult situation before. It may be that you didn't wilfully exercise faith but because you were besieged, surrounded and there was no visible way of escape to your mind; you pressed the trigger of faith that draws, redeems and catches God's attention.

However, faith or living by faith ought to be our daily life. Do you know that any service or anything you do unto God that doesn't proceed from faith is displeasure to Him.

Hebrews 11:6, KJV

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him".

This makes faith and living by it a necessity. 

The just have been said for long to live by his faith [Habakkuk 2:4, KJV]. His survival and continuous survival is based on that. The quality of life you'll have apart from what money or any human being can give you is determinant on your faith and its quality. 

One day, I heard a Nigerian minister say, "the best of the best at the expense of Jesus". Everything is in store and for those who have graduated faith to the place that it draws, they will always have whatsoever they trust God for. It's like casting a hook and then believing for a fish. You will successfully bait or attract whatsoever you have faith for. Faith can be so strong that you believe you've received when the request has not been possessed. Time will fail me to speak of how faith has given many salvation, provision and all unimaginable. If I recount, you'll become envious of such.

Today, God desires you have faith enough that can make Him look in your direction. Have we not read that no doubter shall receive from God?

James 1:6-7, KJV

"6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord".

Faith is what God respects. It is also the equalizer. Money isn't equal but faith is available for all of us to exercise and if you know how to fish with your faith, you will be rich. But because people are not still fishing with faith but their hands only, they become limited and finally not equalized. The Bible describes some people as being rich in faith. You don't have to be poor before you're rich in faith. You can have this earth's goods yet know how well to weave, sling, throw and shield with faith.

James 2:5, KJV

"...Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith...?"

Imagine what such set of people (those with faith) will be catching. There's nothing that's too outstretched beyond the arm of an exercised faith. Faith yearns and as it yearns in desire for that thing, it begins to get closer and the thing closer until it is handed over. Faith is a living thing. Let it breathe. As it breathes, it pants after an obsession until it's possessed. Brethren, develop faith to meet your daily needs. When you're exercising faith, be specific in prayer. This is how to know if it is God that has answered your prayer or not. You need furniture. Specifically state the kind or colour you'll want those settee come in. Be down to the last details. While a faithless fellow will doubt if God could meet his needs down to its last minute details, exercisers of faith uses it to discern God's faithfulness to them when it happens. If this God is real and the Bible isn't a cunningly devised fable that we're obeying, we ought to be testing its realities. He answers to the last details. I read of how a mighty preacher we all know asked for a furniture and even specified the kind of wood the furniture should be made with, believe it, that was what he received. Many are deceived to think exercising faith is only the privilege of ministers because the anointing might be aiding them. No, it is the exclusive leverage of all children. Every believer is just. Begin to test faith out. Begin to trust to receive by faith. It may take time but if you'll persist, your request in hope shall drop. Then, you'll testify that all good and perfect gift only comes from God.

Olusola ADEJUMO, 


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812


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