Tuesday 27 July 2021



Read @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Let me ask, "have you been hungry before?" Know ahead of time that the kind of 'being hungry before' I talk about isn't the kind where you'll say I'm hungry and not too long, you have eaten. That one isn't hunger. If you receive the stimulus of hunger and you can within a limited frame of time satisfy yourself, I'll say you've not really experienced hunger.

The hunger I'm talking about is the kind that descends and for at least twenty four hours or a reasonable time one wouldn't have continued without food [if he has the wherewithal himself to meet his needs let alone being tempted to act against moral or the laws] continues without food. This kind of hunger do carry consequences in its trail. 

It can lead to cold. Have you seen somebody that's clothed and well clad in swollen clothe yet shivers before? That kind of cold is internal. Not the one that the breeze causes. The breeze can only top it. If you're hungry till you begin to shiver from the inside, then you're really hungry. That is when you leave being hungry to being famished. That is, you have nothing left in your belly to sustain you. Esau got to that point and he sold his birthright for food. Don't blame him, he was desperate. He reached a breaking point. Each of us has our breaking points on all issues of life. May you not be tempted beyond what you can bear as said the Scriptures. Even if you're on the road to being broken, may God's salvation redeem you from consequently reaching there. I order angels to give you an immediate passageway of escape. Syria was waiting for Samaria to break but my Lord rather made Syria hear the noises of many chariots [which he mistaken for many armies rented against him] and so fled. That's how Jireh broke that process and redeemed Samaria from surrendering. Receive redemption in any area of your life. I pray you won't go. You won't go just like that. Satan is disappointed!

Now, from that point of real hunger, you'll become frail and less interested in common activities. More so, it can now visibly than before easily show on your face that you're hungry. The aspect of hunger showing on one's face was what Jesus wanted us guard against when we fast when He said these.:

Matthew 6:16-18, KJV 

"16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; 18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."

Jesus Himself acknowledged hunger showing on one's face when fasting. It's because God didn't create any man to survive without food. We're not angels. That's why Jesus proffered a solution which was to cream one's head and wash the face often to ease that tension of hunger being noticed. 

Except you're a fasting Christian like some Christians; that's when your breaking point where hunger would have been easily noticed on you would be deferred into the future of days to come. If some Christians have not eaten for three days or even more, it won't show so noticeably on them since they've always being living in sobriety. Such fellow's activities may be slowed down but because he has always maintained the quiet moving pace, it will be hard to guess or notice him. The truth anyway is that hunger has a way of describing itself on one's face. A man that the map of hunger reflects over is such man that needs an emergency economic aid. 

Also, any that's really hungry can get to a state of inactivity. A place where he shuts down and stops working. That's why such resort to sleep which may not even come easily especially if headache or stomachache should accompany it. That's because he's too weak to think or carry his body parts to do activities. That is why if you ask those that does long fasting, they'll tell you they only stay in one place to pray once they hit at their time of deep weakness. Long fasting here is not three or seven days marathon to some Christians. If you're doing the kind of fasting that can make you look like a hungry [starved] man, you'll get to a place where you can't speak in prayer again. Rather, you'll be muttering. As time goes on, you'll be humming or groaning. Only in thoughts will your activities even be as you even ascend further. That's how people trek long journey in the spirit. Fasting is hard but definitive and purposeful but hunger is harder because there's no aim being hungry is targeted at. Who experiments with hunger intentionally to discover truths about it?

This is why you must forever be awake and aware to the needs of the needy around you. Many there be that are currently in this position. If they should cross your path, ensure something of yours drops for them. Many there be on our streets, even in Lagos that commercial city. I can't number how many have requested me to buy food for them. Some are even specific. They'll say, "bread." They're now opting for food because many might not want to give them money because of many reasons and what experience have taught men under this sun. 

That's why I'm praying that you won't be hungry. Mind you, you'll be hungry but to get to a place where you'll desire even getting a common food to manage yet without getting, may the Maker of Israel always hinder you from descending there. 

If you ask the prodigal son, he would write an essay on hunger for you. If you can't wait to read that, he'll give you a summary writing on the topic "hunger." Do you know why? He got to a place where he knew hunger and hunger knew him. Let me show you.

Luke 15:16, KKV

"And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him."

Did you see that? He got to a place where he was so pressed on all sides by hunger that he descended in desire to feed on what pigs do eat but even that one, nobody allowed him. Those who knew hunger were those who got to a place where they went back to dip their hands in their trousers' pockets, purses or rummage through their wares for either money or a little provision with which to salvage the situation, yet without getting any.

Father, what did you promise we your children?

Psalms 34:10,KJV

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing."

Lord, that "any good thing", use it to cushion us. Let that testimony become flesh to dwell with us forever. 

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 


+234 81 3704 6812.





Genesis 50:21, KJV

"Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them."

You must know that there will be a time in everyone's life where he or she is fulfilling "when they were but a few men in number and while they move from one nation to another, He suffers no man to touch them [Psalm 105:12-14]. Such time is a period of smallness. It is very much associated with childishness and inability to even rebuke ills for oneself. It is a blessing finding God to persuade and rebuke men on one's behalf however at this time. At that time, a man or woman has not been made. He may not have what it takes to nourish another. It is still his period of gathering when he fights to amount. 

Joseph said to his brethren, "I will nourish you." That won't be the first time he'll be saying same. He had said it to his brothers when they first discovered him. When Joseph said he'll nourish them, he was speaking of nourishing over sixty people or let's say seventy in total [Gen.46:26-27]. Money or resources in some people's hands isn't for fashion parade. It is to fulfill obligation. 

Joseph said "I'll nourish you" as if the whole earth was in his hands. Indeed, he was speaking of things he was assured of. How many people can speak in like manner, looking at all their family members and then say "I will nourish you." The question is, "has he nourished himself first of all?" That statement can never spree out of the mouth of he that's still trying to have bread spared for himself. The fellow who was assuring others he'll feed them was not one relying on the generosity of another. The resources is in his own hands and as it seems, he doesn't even needs Pharaoh's permission before spending it on his family. 

I want you to know that one of the blessings any man can experience is to have other people's bread given to him to keep and release upon request to them. It's a privilege. If you see someone in a family that God raises very high above others with an economic gap they can't easily near, God has chosen that man as a custodian of the wealth of others. 

My prayer is just that God will take all head of families to the height where they can say to their extended family, "I will nourish you and nothing will happen!" Some that are trying to be responsible by taking on the responsibility of a nourisher for now over their own nuclear families let alone extended family have the testimony of it not flowing. The responsibility of the responsible is burdensome. If it were possible, you'll even have loved to escape it but how can you shut your bowels of compassion at your own. That's worst than denying the faith. For this reason, you keep trudging on. 

When Joseph said, "I will nourish you", he was adding responsibility upon responsibility. He already had the work of feeding his nuclear family to discharge but when he took it upon himself in those words to feed the family of his father, Jacob, he had written a letter to a high level kind of job. Yet, you knew it was not difficult for him because he rules Egypt at this time. Grain was under his command. He had enough to eat and give away. The Bible told us afore the famine that Joseph had gathered grain until it couldn't be numbered again. So, there's abundance that can incapacitate responsibility at hand.  There's a height or a place to get to where each you won't see it as responsibility feeding multitude. If you don't know, it was a nation Joseph fed throughout those years of famine. How I pray that you and I will be hastened by the anointing that doesn't repent today to get here. I told someone that even if the government of a country is irresponsible, if every one that God has paved way for can take care of his family needs, the poverty and problems in the country will reduce. Who are those their family are looking up onto here? If I be called with a holy call, may you by grace mixing with favour grow to become a tree that the birds of the air can make houses on. May God accommodate many people under your branches. May comfort arise for your people from you. May it be that you'll be sent ahead of them to put in place for them as to be nourished. 

You see, those of you who have gotten early education in your families or are the first to have a breakthrough that's economic, that's the kind of job God is calling you to do. Joseph also was sent ahead of his people. His journey was accelerated in making it because of some people that must be preserved. Joseph knew the calling that was on him. You must know yours. An economic deliverer is a great deliverer also. It is not only Satan that kills. Hunger, poverty kills. With these prevalent in anyone's life, they'll even be weak and lacking in morale to fight the devil. No man tackles what is secondary when primary haunts him.

To all men especially on whom the call of being a nourisher rests on primarily, by the anointing, I say God is obligated to you today. What is not enough shall be topped. The call to nourish your family, extended and all that will be brought across you shall be effortlessly done. You won't see it as responsibility sponsoring many people at the same time. It won't be from pain, struggle or friction that's murmuring and complaining. The wherewithal shall be given you in Jesus name.

PRAYER: Take me to a place where I can assume responsibility for multitude. Give me the wealth to preserve people.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34, Romans 9:25-10:13, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 20:2-3

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Monday 26 July 2021


MONDAY - 26TH JULY, 2021



II Timothy 4:6-7

"6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"

There's difference between "I have finished the course" and "I'm fulfilling the course." One denotes completion and a laying to rest while the other reveals an ongoing action. 

Yesterday, we saw the reply of Ahab to Benhadad and how he said, "let not he that puts on his harness boasts himself as he that puts it off [I Kings 20:11]." We saw a warrior that has fought and already have a result of battle (success at hand) while we saw one that can't yet decide his outcome. 

Paul said he has finished his course. It is such that can boast. All of us Christians that have not been called home to be with the Lord are still running the course or race. We are not praying for your backsliding but anything can happen to even a Christian that has been known for fervency. Have we not seen men with burning callings, great evangelists that the dead rose in  their hands that became drunkards in their life low moment. There be many who stumbled through adultery as they run their course. So, no one in this flesh can be regarded as having arrived until he is called home and yet with his clean sheet unstained. These are those that can say whatsoever where they are. These are those we on earth can also pull rank with. They are even our best examples of people that made it. Any one in front of us on earth irrespective of how anointed or esteemed by both God and men he may be still needs very much our prayer. That's why the Bible on one hand says "wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall [ I Corinthians  10:12]. The tendency of falling is there while still in this flesh. 

Why? He has not finished his race. He's still running it. If that be, anything can happen. 

At Paul's departure, the league he goes to join is what is known as the cloud of many witnesses. 

Hebrews 12:1, KJV

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."

These are those who have warred and have received witnesses to have won. They are out of the struggle. They rather are spectators watching how we're passing through where and what they've passed through. We hope joining them one day. 

No one should boast and exceed his measure when he is still in this flesh. The reason is simple. He that puts on his harness shouldn't boast himself as he that puts it off. The exam you have passed is one you can call others to endeavour to pass. If you're still on it and still struggles for prove of success, you're still a journeyman. May you and I excel.

PRAYER: He that keeps one's feet from slipping, hold me. Pray for all Christians and ministers. Pray for backsliders and sinners.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14, Romans 9:1-24, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 20:1

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Sunday 25 July 2021


Good day brethren,

This season is a special season. The economy of the country has made it so. Due to this, many are finding it difficult to cope or function to meet their primary needs. 

We have received calls and messages from several quarters even outside our ministry as people trusted Jireh to look down on them.

Please, through you also, God can minister to one or two. Don't withhold. Be merciful. If you've been eating your food alone before, this is the season to share it with someone. Bestow kindness and God's generosity to others while bearing in mind that you're only a steward and custodian of God's resources. 

Every human being has a thing known as a bowel of compassion. It can be shut at other humans. When such occurs, one goes unconcerned and untouched with the feelings of other people. Their complaints, sorrows, pangs and troubles can't be related with. However, if people makes demands on you and you can understand why and then tear a part of you for them; then you'll have reward of your Father who's in heaven. 

I John 3:17, KJV

"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Personally, I've been hungry many times before and I don't want any to be hungry too. It's not good. Hunger can kill the expression of gift. It can handicaps a whole human being from performing. Your only excuse is if you don't have "this world's goods." If you have money, food etc, please give it out. Let people survive through you. 

I'm calling all of us on this platform to give to one, two or any God will bring to cross with our path. As a ministry and a fellow, we have done this and won't withhold to do more. 

May God bless and increase what you have at hand so that it can not only keep you alive but ministers to others. For those of you saying like the widow of Zarephath, "you see, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die [I Kings  17:12]. God has a message for you. It won't finish. Rather, God will give you the provision that can accommodate any seeking for space in what you have at hand. So says the Lord today!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 



SUNDAY - 25TH JULY, 2021



Read I Kings 20:1-20

I Kings  20:11, KJV

"And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off."

One of the confusing statements to many minds in the Bible is this one. What does it means?

Who's he that puts on his harness? This is the warrior that's just getting ready for war. Who's he that puts off his harness? That's he who has just finished battling.

There's a difference between he that has fought a battle and already knows his place and any whose fate in battle has not been decided. If someone puts on his harness or armour and goes to battle, no matter how good a warrior he is, two fates are before him. He either wins or loses. He won't know which would be his outcome until the battle ends. Even if all the parameters of measuring success of wars tends to assure him of victory, he's still like a man whose success is not solely determined by him but also by another. Who don't know therefore that the opponent also even if he's small will not just give up like that. For this reason, war can't be decided to have favoured any until it ends. 

Ahab knowing this told Benhadad not to threaten him with war. Benhadad had earlier sent messengers to ask Ahab of his gold, silver, wife, children and precious things. This king seeing he has been besieged obliged. Later on, the uncontentious Benhadad returned to him with another message. That he will send messengers to rummage through his kingdom to pick anything they found precious. Now, he's no longer allowing Ahab the free hand and choice to send whatsoever he deems to give.

This is where Ahab said no. He counselled with the elders and they said he should refuse Benhadad. Having being made strong in this manner, he sent the messenger of Benhadad to him not to boast with certainty as if he had fought the war and had obtained result. His threat should be humble rather. 

That's how that statement originates. Who don't know that in life, situations may not go as fathomed. Life is unpredictable and we should always be humble at every time and at every situation. The reason is very simple. Life can defy our expectation. Did the Bible not say, horses are prepared for the day of battle but victory belongs to the Lord [Prov. 21:31]."

If victory is what the Lord gives, then it means there are things you can't guarantee personally because it not only solely relies on you.  You must rely on the graciousness of another to give or donate. If all of us know this, we ought to manifest humility in our speech and in deed. The reason is simple, "he that puts on his armour shouldn't boast like he that's putting it off." A fellow who has claimed victory can boast, celebrate, rejoice and noise his success and claims around but any who's yet to enter battle ought to speak in a measure that shows probability of winning or losing.

Be humble! Don't be drunk in pride. Benhadad with all his boasts eventually lose. 

PRAYER: Lord, equip me with humility and foresight. May I speak according to the measure you've given me even if I prophesy. I banish pride and drunkenness. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14, Romans 9:1-24, Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 20:1

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Saturday 24 July 2021





READ Matthew 1:1-17

Matthew 1:17,KJV

"So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations."

Whenever people hear ancestry; evil, ancestral curses and flows that should not be inherited are things their minds shift to. Some have denied their ancestry. They erroneously believe that running far from it is what will make them not be a shareholder in what runs in that line. Your not visiting home or your ancestral land is not what severe the ties between you and your ancestry. That might be on a physical level but on the spiritual and blood level, you're very much with your ancestors. You carry their gene and something peculiar about you is from them.  If blessing or curses work in an ancestry, they'll keep working irrespective of location. They are spiritual forces. Distance doesn't break them. 

In today's reading, you'll see a long ancestry from where Jesus was produced. No man falls from heaven. No one just arrives like that. His arrival predates some people and for him to be birthed, he must come through a line. Such man or woman may not be able to account for everything in the past of his ancestry but he should know what sort of men have predated him. That's where his boast or humiliation lies. If you look at Jesus line, Judah impregnated his own daughter in-law to produce children as cunningly devised by Tamar herself. David snatched Bathsheba, wife of Uriah to produce Solomon from whom Rehoboam came that continues the line. This is a call to be careful of not making a wrong history that can be often referred to.  Do you know if a child gets to school, someone can send him home by telling him at confrontation that his ancestors are wives snatchers. That's how people generalize events: both good and bad. The reason for a clean ancestry. You may not be able to write another ancestral history but from where you are, ensure the kind you'll like people to reference is daily lived.

You need to know your ancestry. How do one know his ancestry? By simply asking those who predates you who are still alive about those who are gone and things past. In some places, their family history which includes family tree etc are well documented down for generations to come to know of their root. In some other places, they're only communicated orally. Either will do. However, you may need to pray too. It is what people know they'll tell you. What of those they don't know because those it happened to didn't disclose. Even you as you are, you have secrets which another or many people don't know of. There's nothing as rejoicing the heart however as to know what sort of stock you're from. If you don't know your ancestry, you won't know where to stop the curses and start the blessing. If you're blessed, you won't carry the conscious knowing of being blessed at heart which assures you of being blessed even in the desert. You can even be called another fellow and agrees to such in ignorance. 

May I tell you that what is aiding some or bringing some down is simply their ancestry. Some ancestries are just blessings to some people while it's a curse to others. Consider the family of former president Kennedy of United States. There's no time something evil don't happen to a member of that family. Kennedy himself was assassinated. If you take this family and put it beside the Jonathan Edwards family, you'll then see a blessed family. 

Only unserious people who wants to be manipulated by what has been in the beginning of their ancestries which they don't know are those who will close their eyes to learning about their family history. People nowadays don't want to learn history. They'll say it's irrelevant to the modern man. Even the Bible has its Genesis and even the New Testament refers to that beginning. God also covers time. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. No one is on his own. You are tied to your ancestors and they're tied to you.

From Abraham to David was fourteen generations. From David to the carrying away into slavery was another fourteen generations and from this carrying away to Jesus is another fourteen generations. If you calculate together, that's fourty-two generations to Christ. Imagine the numerous activities that had happened in each generation. You know some of those characters that predates Jesus. If you pull how they lived together, that will amount into a heap of information. Then, you'll see that life moves in circles and at times circles must be broken for a new life to be lived. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to create a better history than my ancestors. I eat the good fruit and not the sour of my ancestry.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Friday 23 July 2021


FRIDAY - 23RD JULY, 2021



Jonah 3:4,KJV

"And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown."

You know more than ten times, I was asking myself “what did he preach?” I was wondering at the outcome Jonah generated from his message of “yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown” and how the Ninevites responded with a great responding. It doesn’t tally at all. From the A-Z of Nineveh, it was the same proclamation Jonah made. He was just shouting “yet forty days…” I wouldn’t believe that will turn a thing but it did. No special rhema or the tracing of the root of words. 

I’m just baffled at what sort of result that was without dividing the scriptures. He was just proclaiming and yet commanded the attention and obedience of all. After his proclamation, nobody in Nineveh could sit comfortably again. They were moved into immediate action and sought God in fasting with  animals seeking repentance. Who does that? Could it be the high pitch of Jonah’s voice that day that gave him such harvest? 

I found out it was the God given message he preached. That’s what it means to preach under the anointing. Jonah was obedient to preach the message he was given to preach. He preached the message that God had fetched upon investigation (conducting a search on what the need of the people was) knowing it will command the obedience of the Ninevites. Indeed, it was like magic that day. Believe it, I learnt that when we co-labour with God, He does much of the task and leaves us with little burden to bear. Do you know that it was only Jonah’s voice that was employed and his mobility to move from one place to the other? The main tool by which the people began to shiver was not his. It was given him. So, when a man is given a download from heaven, that is the message, song or prayer point that can address issues and change things. If we want to labour less in the public, we will have to first gather this tangibility in the chamber. When God gave Jonah his message, no Ninevite was there but when he preached his message, they knew they heard a sermon and it reached all. Whether he was heard in person or reported by a Ninevite to another, they were just being convicted and catching the fire of revival. When I have just preached or taught under the anointing, I know. There will be unusual boldness and I will have the right words to describe even the minute details. I will so much express myself that I will be satisfied and will have no interest or much in that teaching I have done again. I will sense the satisfaction of exhausting that sermon or part of the scripture I have taught it from. I will want to move on to discover another thing and hear God anew. Also, when I’m struggling to preach, I know. It will just be like irons that are having difficulty rolling well due to friction. It will need grease you know. 

It is a message that God has given a man that will lead to utterance. If God punishes a man with utterance, he will just try ministering and find out that ministration isn’t coming. Meanwhile, if God should loosen his tongue and give him acceptable words to communicate divine intention, he will hit where he needs to hit in people’s lives. He will puncture the right side that will lead to confession, repentance, creation of solutions and dividing of paths etc.

It is not good doing guess work. When you have God’s word with you, you know where to focus it to because the word itself is given with a focus to attack or concentrate on something. What will turn things and bring about change are sermons, songs and ideas that are sparked and birthed from the womb of the Holy Ghost. If they are not received, they will only deceive the hearers. If they are given, you will see your labour not equalizing your outcome. You will ask yourself “but I didn’t preach long, what did I do then?” May we receive  the impartation that will make us make impact.

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to You, fetch me words, sponsor me and let me minister by Your Spirit.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20

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