Tuesday, 27 July 2021





Genesis 50:21, KJV

"Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them."

You must know that there will be a time in everyone's life where he or she is fulfilling "when they were but a few men in number and while they move from one nation to another, He suffers no man to touch them [Psalm 105:12-14]. Such time is a period of smallness. It is very much associated with childishness and inability to even rebuke ills for oneself. It is a blessing finding God to persuade and rebuke men on one's behalf however at this time. At that time, a man or woman has not been made. He may not have what it takes to nourish another. It is still his period of gathering when he fights to amount. 

Joseph said to his brethren, "I will nourish you." That won't be the first time he'll be saying same. He had said it to his brothers when they first discovered him. When Joseph said he'll nourish them, he was speaking of nourishing over sixty people or let's say seventy in total [Gen.46:26-27]. Money or resources in some people's hands isn't for fashion parade. It is to fulfill obligation. 

Joseph said "I'll nourish you" as if the whole earth was in his hands. Indeed, he was speaking of things he was assured of. How many people can speak in like manner, looking at all their family members and then say "I will nourish you." The question is, "has he nourished himself first of all?" That statement can never spree out of the mouth of he that's still trying to have bread spared for himself. The fellow who was assuring others he'll feed them was not one relying on the generosity of another. The resources is in his own hands and as it seems, he doesn't even needs Pharaoh's permission before spending it on his family. 

I want you to know that one of the blessings any man can experience is to have other people's bread given to him to keep and release upon request to them. It's a privilege. If you see someone in a family that God raises very high above others with an economic gap they can't easily near, God has chosen that man as a custodian of the wealth of others. 

My prayer is just that God will take all head of families to the height where they can say to their extended family, "I will nourish you and nothing will happen!" Some that are trying to be responsible by taking on the responsibility of a nourisher for now over their own nuclear families let alone extended family have the testimony of it not flowing. The responsibility of the responsible is burdensome. If it were possible, you'll even have loved to escape it but how can you shut your bowels of compassion at your own. That's worst than denying the faith. For this reason, you keep trudging on. 

When Joseph said, "I will nourish you", he was adding responsibility upon responsibility. He already had the work of feeding his nuclear family to discharge but when he took it upon himself in those words to feed the family of his father, Jacob, he had written a letter to a high level kind of job. Yet, you knew it was not difficult for him because he rules Egypt at this time. Grain was under his command. He had enough to eat and give away. The Bible told us afore the famine that Joseph had gathered grain until it couldn't be numbered again. So, there's abundance that can incapacitate responsibility at hand.  There's a height or a place to get to where each you won't see it as responsibility feeding multitude. If you don't know, it was a nation Joseph fed throughout those years of famine. How I pray that you and I will be hastened by the anointing that doesn't repent today to get here. I told someone that even if the government of a country is irresponsible, if every one that God has paved way for can take care of his family needs, the poverty and problems in the country will reduce. Who are those their family are looking up onto here? If I be called with a holy call, may you by grace mixing with favour grow to become a tree that the birds of the air can make houses on. May God accommodate many people under your branches. May comfort arise for your people from you. May it be that you'll be sent ahead of them to put in place for them as to be nourished. 

You see, those of you who have gotten early education in your families or are the first to have a breakthrough that's economic, that's the kind of job God is calling you to do. Joseph also was sent ahead of his people. His journey was accelerated in making it because of some people that must be preserved. Joseph knew the calling that was on him. You must know yours. An economic deliverer is a great deliverer also. It is not only Satan that kills. Hunger, poverty kills. With these prevalent in anyone's life, they'll even be weak and lacking in morale to fight the devil. No man tackles what is secondary when primary haunts him.

To all men especially on whom the call of being a nourisher rests on primarily, by the anointing, I say God is obligated to you today. What is not enough shall be topped. The call to nourish your family, extended and all that will be brought across you shall be effortlessly done. You won't see it as responsibility sponsoring many people at the same time. It won't be from pain, struggle or friction that's murmuring and complaining. The wherewithal shall be given you in Jesus name.

PRAYER: Take me to a place where I can assume responsibility for multitude. Give me the wealth to preserve people.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34, Romans 9:25-10:13, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 20:2-3

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