Tuesday, 27 July 2021



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Let me ask, "have you been hungry before?" Know ahead of time that the kind of 'being hungry before' I talk about isn't the kind where you'll say I'm hungry and not too long, you have eaten. That one isn't hunger. If you receive the stimulus of hunger and you can within a limited frame of time satisfy yourself, I'll say you've not really experienced hunger.

The hunger I'm talking about is the kind that descends and for at least twenty four hours or a reasonable time one wouldn't have continued without food [if he has the wherewithal himself to meet his needs let alone being tempted to act against moral or the laws] continues without food. This kind of hunger do carry consequences in its trail. 

It can lead to cold. Have you seen somebody that's clothed and well clad in swollen clothe yet shivers before? That kind of cold is internal. Not the one that the breeze causes. The breeze can only top it. If you're hungry till you begin to shiver from the inside, then you're really hungry. That is when you leave being hungry to being famished. That is, you have nothing left in your belly to sustain you. Esau got to that point and he sold his birthright for food. Don't blame him, he was desperate. He reached a breaking point. Each of us has our breaking points on all issues of life. May you not be tempted beyond what you can bear as said the Scriptures. Even if you're on the road to being broken, may God's salvation redeem you from consequently reaching there. I order angels to give you an immediate passageway of escape. Syria was waiting for Samaria to break but my Lord rather made Syria hear the noises of many chariots [which he mistaken for many armies rented against him] and so fled. That's how Jireh broke that process and redeemed Samaria from surrendering. Receive redemption in any area of your life. I pray you won't go. You won't go just like that. Satan is disappointed!

Now, from that point of real hunger, you'll become frail and less interested in common activities. More so, it can now visibly than before easily show on your face that you're hungry. The aspect of hunger showing on one's face was what Jesus wanted us guard against when we fast when He said these.:

Matthew 6:16-18, KJV 

"16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; 18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."

Jesus Himself acknowledged hunger showing on one's face when fasting. It's because God didn't create any man to survive without food. We're not angels. That's why Jesus proffered a solution which was to cream one's head and wash the face often to ease that tension of hunger being noticed. 

Except you're a fasting Christian like some Christians; that's when your breaking point where hunger would have been easily noticed on you would be deferred into the future of days to come. If some Christians have not eaten for three days or even more, it won't show so noticeably on them since they've always being living in sobriety. Such fellow's activities may be slowed down but because he has always maintained the quiet moving pace, it will be hard to guess or notice him. The truth anyway is that hunger has a way of describing itself on one's face. A man that the map of hunger reflects over is such man that needs an emergency economic aid. 

Also, any that's really hungry can get to a state of inactivity. A place where he shuts down and stops working. That's why such resort to sleep which may not even come easily especially if headache or stomachache should accompany it. That's because he's too weak to think or carry his body parts to do activities. That is why if you ask those that does long fasting, they'll tell you they only stay in one place to pray once they hit at their time of deep weakness. Long fasting here is not three or seven days marathon to some Christians. If you're doing the kind of fasting that can make you look like a hungry [starved] man, you'll get to a place where you can't speak in prayer again. Rather, you'll be muttering. As time goes on, you'll be humming or groaning. Only in thoughts will your activities even be as you even ascend further. That's how people trek long journey in the spirit. Fasting is hard but definitive and purposeful but hunger is harder because there's no aim being hungry is targeted at. Who experiments with hunger intentionally to discover truths about it?

This is why you must forever be awake and aware to the needs of the needy around you. Many there be that are currently in this position. If they should cross your path, ensure something of yours drops for them. Many there be on our streets, even in Lagos that commercial city. I can't number how many have requested me to buy food for them. Some are even specific. They'll say, "bread." They're now opting for food because many might not want to give them money because of many reasons and what experience have taught men under this sun. 

That's why I'm praying that you won't be hungry. Mind you, you'll be hungry but to get to a place where you'll desire even getting a common food to manage yet without getting, may the Maker of Israel always hinder you from descending there. 

If you ask the prodigal son, he would write an essay on hunger for you. If you can't wait to read that, he'll give you a summary writing on the topic "hunger." Do you know why? He got to a place where he knew hunger and hunger knew him. Let me show you.

Luke 15:16, KKV

"And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him."

Did you see that? He got to a place where he was so pressed on all sides by hunger that he descended in desire to feed on what pigs do eat but even that one, nobody allowed him. Those who knew hunger were those who got to a place where they went back to dip their hands in their trousers' pockets, purses or rummage through their wares for either money or a little provision with which to salvage the situation, yet without getting any.

Father, what did you promise we your children?

Psalms 34:10,KJV

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing."

Lord, that "any good thing", use it to cushion us. Let that testimony become flesh to dwell with us forever. 

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 


+234 81 3704 6812.