Tuesday, 26 November 2024




HAVING AN EXPECTED END - Become Series 002

Jeremiah 29:11, KJV 

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

You can't know what a drug can do experientially unless you take it. The potential hidden in that capsule or tablet would be manifested in you once it is swallowed and it all goes to work. As sure as the manufacturer is, that drug never fails and it has been specifically made to meet certain health needs like you might have. While that drug is potent however and powerful to recover, he who refuses to take it can't witness to its healing power. 

In like manner, God says, "I know the thoughts that I have towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil to give you a hope and a future." In simple terms, there are certain potentials that we could become or peak as God highlighted here. Revelatory, one of the ways - if not the germane way through which God gives us a hope and a future is through our ordained calling. God has planned for every human being and He has afore ordained that when you do the life's work that He created or fitted you for at creation, that you become an expected end that'll be collosal. 

One of the major hindrances to having hope (continued expectation or trust of gigantic thing) is when you have missed it and have gone into fields that you're less equipped for. God didn't created you to disgrace you or clip your wings. He wanted you to manifest and function succinctly and effectively to the end of the world. So, He loads you with gifts and potentials that are specifically crafted or most suited for a field or way of life. It is not everybody that can endure solitariness I know that because I can but my wife hates it. However, some by their makeups are fitted naturally for such kind of life. So, if you've ever heard that someone became a nun or monk or goes on to become a sage who lives by himself without any interruption from humans except relation with nature, you might begin to have access into the wisdom why some chose certain fields and ways of life and why others find it boring and unacceptable. I don't know any prophet who is not naturally suited for solitariness. If he is not naturally suited, he'll be beaten into one to the measure he can have relationship and communication with God. 

The hope that God will renew or kindle in you (as you feel called and you pursue relentlessly your calling) will lead undebatably to a future or an expected end. When God says, "an expected end", it means "a conclusive end." When God created you, He created your years to come and ordained the details of things you should become as well. Read Jeremiah 1:5 to see how conclusively God talked about Jeremiah. He wasn't an afterthought at all! So, if you align with your destiny and live as the fated one, your result will be the expected one. The kind that has been predestined, foreshadowed or prophecied or slated. Reading through the synoptic gospels, you'll see, "and it is written that it might be fulfilled..." Jesus lived the ordained life. Even when His parents took him to live in Nazareth after the demise of Herod and their return to Israel, the Bible says, "that it might be fulfilled that He is a Nazarene" (Matt.2:23). 

God has ordained that you meet it so as slated or have it as the words of His mouth or His plans have slated also. When you do your life's work (where your destiny is coded and concealed), you'll meet it so. As you go on carrying steps, you'll be unwrapping many things God has kept and hidden for you in that specific calling of yours. 

This reminds me of a revelatory dream or vision Bishop Dag Heward Mills had. He said he was journeying and he came on a heap of gold. Then, he stopped, devising how to move the gold and possess it all. He actually thought of calling for a truck to move the entire thing. But just then, he heard a voice or so saying, "you don't have to halt because of this. Continue your ministry. On the road that I have called you, there are many more of such reward. Just fill your hand with some handfuls and put it in your pocket and journey on."

Bishop Dag Heward Mills is a founder and pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the world. His healing Jesus Campaign Crusade has ministered to many not to talk of his books, especially the Loyalty and Disloyalty Series that has helped countless ministers including those running organizations outside the church world. 

Brethren, the promise of a future and a hope or an expected end as put by some other versions is a manifestation of heeding your destiny. Like a capsule or tablet coded with healing potentials, your destiny is concealing the expected end you could become and will become when your calling is heeded. Your calling is the capsule carrying your destiny or everything God planned you should get great by. Mark that!

PRAYER: I see right and live right. I pursue my calling and become its expressly predicted end.


Ezekiel 27 - 30

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