Saturday, 24 July 2021





READ Matthew 1:1-17

Matthew 1:17,KJV

"So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations."

Whenever people hear ancestry; evil, ancestral curses and flows that should not be inherited are things their minds shift to. Some have denied their ancestry. They erroneously believe that running far from it is what will make them not be a shareholder in what runs in that line. Your not visiting home or your ancestral land is not what severe the ties between you and your ancestry. That might be on a physical level but on the spiritual and blood level, you're very much with your ancestors. You carry their gene and something peculiar about you is from them.  If blessing or curses work in an ancestry, they'll keep working irrespective of location. They are spiritual forces. Distance doesn't break them. 

In today's reading, you'll see a long ancestry from where Jesus was produced. No man falls from heaven. No one just arrives like that. His arrival predates some people and for him to be birthed, he must come through a line. Such man or woman may not be able to account for everything in the past of his ancestry but he should know what sort of men have predated him. That's where his boast or humiliation lies. If you look at Jesus line, Judah impregnated his own daughter in-law to produce children as cunningly devised by Tamar herself. David snatched Bathsheba, wife of Uriah to produce Solomon from whom Rehoboam came that continues the line. This is a call to be careful of not making a wrong history that can be often referred to.  Do you know if a child gets to school, someone can send him home by telling him at confrontation that his ancestors are wives snatchers. That's how people generalize events: both good and bad. The reason for a clean ancestry. You may not be able to write another ancestral history but from where you are, ensure the kind you'll like people to reference is daily lived.

You need to know your ancestry. How do one know his ancestry? By simply asking those who predates you who are still alive about those who are gone and things past. In some places, their family history which includes family tree etc are well documented down for generations to come to know of their root. In some other places, they're only communicated orally. Either will do. However, you may need to pray too. It is what people know they'll tell you. What of those they don't know because those it happened to didn't disclose. Even you as you are, you have secrets which another or many people don't know of. There's nothing as rejoicing the heart however as to know what sort of stock you're from. If you don't know your ancestry, you won't know where to stop the curses and start the blessing. If you're blessed, you won't carry the conscious knowing of being blessed at heart which assures you of being blessed even in the desert. You can even be called another fellow and agrees to such in ignorance. 

May I tell you that what is aiding some or bringing some down is simply their ancestry. Some ancestries are just blessings to some people while it's a curse to others. Consider the family of former president Kennedy of United States. There's no time something evil don't happen to a member of that family. Kennedy himself was assassinated. If you take this family and put it beside the Jonathan Edwards family, you'll then see a blessed family. 

Only unserious people who wants to be manipulated by what has been in the beginning of their ancestries which they don't know are those who will close their eyes to learning about their family history. People nowadays don't want to learn history. They'll say it's irrelevant to the modern man. Even the Bible has its Genesis and even the New Testament refers to that beginning. God also covers time. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. No one is on his own. You are tied to your ancestors and they're tied to you.

From Abraham to David was fourteen generations. From David to the carrying away into slavery was another fourteen generations and from this carrying away to Jesus is another fourteen generations. If you calculate together, that's fourty-two generations to Christ. Imagine the numerous activities that had happened in each generation. You know some of those characters that predates Jesus. If you pull how they lived together, that will amount into a heap of information. Then, you'll see that life moves in circles and at times circles must be broken for a new life to be lived. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to create a better history than my ancestors. I eat the good fruit and not the sour of my ancestry.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

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