Wednesday, 27 March 2024





Read Psalm 129

Psalms 129:6, KJV

"Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up."

Very well, you must have seen the grass on the house top before. Eastern houses are built in such a way that grasses do grow on them. However, they lack root. It is difficult for grasses on the house top to send their roots into a cemented or concreted block for instance. As such, they only make do with the little sandy portion on which they're existed. 

Lacking root, they therefore have one destiny - to wither sooner and as soon as they grow out. That's why that place says, "let them be as the grass upon the house top which withers before it grows up." The grass on the house top has therefore become synonymous with holding hope and not manifesting it. It may grow out but it doesn't grow up. It may be born but it doesn't mature. 

In the Yoruba culture of the people of Nigeria, the word "abiku" reveals this. Two Nigerian poets in Wole Soyinka and J.P. Clark Bekederemo have written poems with the same title though different thematic preoccupation. "Abiku" which is translated "born to die" reveals what a grass on the house top is. It might delight anyone that grasses are growing out here; however, it soon shrinks and dwindles for lack of depth as soon as it grows out. Then it dies. The grass on the housetop is therefore a type of 'born to die' that analogizes how many started with a hope of great success yet only to be stopped, eradicated from the race by a circumstance or equation unexplainable and to the termination of their destiny. They therefore become like this proverbial verse of the Bible that says, "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof" (II Tim.3:5). 

The grass on the house top if it be a child isn't one that'll tarry with his parents till old age. The family might rejoice having him but he will swallow up or cave in even before the eight day. You see, he's such who gave a hope of gigantic future but to still and seal it without looking back. Though because of being born many rejoice and smile; yet by his soon departure, many shall also be put off. That's why the Psalmist having this revelation prays that the wicked shall be like a grass growing upon the house top which, "the mower filleth not his hand; nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom" (Psalm 129:7). What does that mean? No matter how promising the grass upon the house top may hold promises, it'll never manifest it. This is therefore a very strong revelation and prayer point. May this revelation not play out in your life. As soon as you start your life at birth, may you go all the way into adulthood and maturity to actualize your being born. The mower is he who weeds grasses away while he that binds the sheaves is an harvester. As for the grass on the house top, their destiny is that they don't grow to give joy of harvest to any of these. They may start the race but they don't always complete the cycle. They don't even grow to the extent where passers-by would see such farm of wheat to envy or bless it. If you remember, Jesus while living His ordained life was blessed from the crowd but they don't (Lk.11:27). They're taken out before then. They're therefore like the proverbial gourd plant which the Lord planted in a night and died out in a night after which it had accomplished its purpose of creation (Jonah 4:10). Nothing different from the seed that Jesus alludes to which when sown falls on the rock but for lack of depth withers after quickly springing up (Mark 4:5-6). They're also not different from what Lenrie Peters, the Gambian poet described in these lines.

"At twenty stilled by hope of gigantic success, time and exploration/ At thirty... Copy book bisected with red ink and failures - nothing to show the world."

That poet was saying, at the age of twenty, one is robust with hope and expectation of a bright future. But about thirty thereabout or upward when one checks, one realizes there's nothing to show for his life."

Today, I'm anointed of God to separate you from such end. This is not what the Bible says about the path of the just that shines more and more unto the perfect day (Prov.4:18). The Bible acknowledges in Job  8:7 that "though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase." On this note, I proclaim on you a difference in life and experience. Where people in your ancestry have shown hope without manifestation, you won't walk same road. You're delivered from every born to die experience. As you rise as a youth, you'll go all the way to fulfill your calling or purpose. Your parents who are metaphoric of the mowers and harvesters will reap your benefit at their old age. You're preserved in destiny and for purpose. Anything awaiting like a time bomb to take you out now or later, I detonate it in your life by the anointing. Whereever you're already marked and appointed to death like a sheep led to the slaughter, I request for your life in Jesus' name and call you back. I'm hearing, "the Lord has need of you." God has need of you. This is the claim on that donkey Jesus rode. For that reason, you're preserved and sealed. So shall it be. 

ACTION: Anoint yourself and children with oil and claim a new lot. Confess Psalm 16:5-6.

PRAYER: I claim the path of the just. I'm separated and sanctified from the manifestation of ancestral curses in my lineage. I shall not be vexed, frustrated or gagged by curses. I breakthrough. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

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Tuesday, 26 March 2024





Confess Psalm 139

Psalms 147:4, KJV

"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."

Today, God is bringing you the cure to a sluggish mind or even memory. Praise God! There's a remedy which the Lord has made ready which if taken today, you'll see its results. 

This Psalm above has been making me smile. May the Spirit dissect it for us. It says, "He tells the number of the stars, He calls them all by their names." Who is the "He" being referred to there? Who's the fellow who by all capacity possible knows extraordinarily as to tell the number of the stars and then go further to call them all by their names? Who? Who is that one empowered with such capacity?

It is God - the Creator of heaven and earth. No information is outside Him. He's so brilliant that He knows the exact number of hairs on our heads individually though they vary (Matt.10:30). Psalm 139:1- 6 talk of his astounding brilliance and comprehension. He knows all things that was, is and will be. God is the all brilliant One. It is this special gift and intelligence which sits at the core centrality of who God is that enables Him to be able to tell the number of the stars (which are so numerous that we doubt if science has discovered them all let alone give names to them all). Does God not deserve our applause as the all brilliant One then?

The truth is this brilliance could become yours. Prophets and those who koinonia with God to have His mind revealed to them also do have this knowledge and exercise such brilliance. They could not only know the past, present or future but things do become revelatory and lucid (clear) to them. At such time, codes are broken and all mysteries are demystified to them. Anyone who's anointed to do anything or fulfill a purpose on earth would always hit on and exercise such intelligence where He is called to subdue also. At times, they're taught by their anointing (the anointing of their fields) and so knows all things. To this end, they may not require a teacher. They'll just know and keep knowing what next to do. As a matter of fact, A could lead into B for them. Insights and such breakthroughs they have into Science, Fiction Writing, Economics, History or Spirituality would make outsiders wonder if these are really men like themselves. I tell you (repeating after the psalmist himself), "ye are gods" (Psalm 82:6). You're meant to showcase and reveal the extraordinary to the praise of He Who calls and loves you.

Oh, what a thing that God could tell the number of the stars yet still call them each by name. It means information or much of it couldn't and can't bug down His mind. It means God is never confused by information overload. His mind is so active and so should yours. Like a sponge, He has soaked all in, does retain it all and yet can still reproduce it all. What a thing! According to discovery, there are approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe. Another way, 200 sextillion stars which in figure is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! This may be amidst many undiscovered yet. Now, that place says, "God knows the number of stars." That's top mastery in its class for Him knowing that much number. Being able to know and dictate out the number of something that exists individually by its unit or course is a brilliance depicted and on top of the world supremely. However, His brilliance didn't stop there. Part B of that verse says, "...He calls them all by their names." This is where I think God should experience difficulty and meet a stumbling block in discharging His motive and assignment of calling them all by their names. Yet, He could not only call them by their names; if prompted, He could go on to tell us about each of them - their features and purposes. What a God! He has a very comprehensive incomprehensible mind! I'm basking for you and wagging my tail in your praise. You're too much. If God doesn't confuse the name of one for another considering their number, it means He's extraordinarily brilliant. 

Now, I said your child - boy or girl could have this kind of mind. That aren't a joke. He could become that brilliant, intelligent and of much understanding! The Bible already promises us having more understanding than all our teachers (Psalm 119:99). So, it's possible.

When you see a brilliant student, information doesn't puzzle him no matter the quantity. As a matter of fact, he could act absent mindedly but don't think he didn't get all taught him. He does. Let's say he were to talk about Nations, Tongues and Tribes for instance. He would start by telling you the seven continents that be. He'll then zero in on a particular continent - let's say Africa. After telling you about the geography and details on Africa, he'll proceed to the countries that make up Africa. He'll then endeavour to tell us about these countries individually - about each of the tribes that make them up - their qualities, unique culture, history etc. Imagine him picking Nigeria and wanting to explain on the over 200 tribes we have in the country. That's great work right yet that's not quarter of one-tenth of God's erudity of knowledge and accuracy! As tedious as that info of tracing it down to the least or minute unit is or may be, such student won't become confused or find it discouraging. Why? Like the Spirit vibrated on the waters in Genesis 1:2, a vibration and walkover of his mind has been done by God's Spirit. Because His mind is this cultivated, impressed, intimated and imprinted on by God's, he'll retain whatsoever is sown in it even to its least detail and would be able to reproduce it even in larger and unbelievable details than taught him. This is the brilliant student. He can't but become an exception. If He's a Biologist, he'll know all the names of the plants that be like Solomon (I Kings 4:33). That'll include the birds. If you ask him to talk about birds to you, he could spend a year dwelling and talking only on their feathers/wings and the types or differences they have. Specimens would be clearly labelled and called by what they are by him. For short, he'll excel Darwin in collection of natural life and identification of it.

God wants to vibrate on your child's mind today. He wants to strengthen his mind for adult's business and professional's erudity. As such, let's give handle for that just by confessing in strong believe that Psalm 147:4. Let's say your ward's name is "Ipadeola." Confess this way: "Ipadeola tells the number of the stars and calls them all by their names." You may repeatedly do it. That ain't an ordinary act. It'll bring the power, potency and desire of that psalm and this revelation I'm sharing with you into his life. A replication of what God does and is capable of doing will immediately transfer in fast transient into your ward's life. As God's vessel, appointed and anointed for different occasions and demands (Isa.61:2), I declare that your ward receives such elastic mind that knows the number of the stars and that could proceed to call them by names or label them rightly as they are. No confusion but proper mastery, remembrance and reproduction in grander style and better fashion than he was taught. Here, your child knows it all. His mind is strong. I'm seeing a line of thread being strengthened so much more that as it is being drawn on either size, it does not break. The feeble mind is made capable. It'll become so enlarged, engraced and empowered that it'll be like the sucker plant trapping into itself whatsoever impinges on it. It'll be, "as soon as your son hears or sees something, he gets and can act it out." So shall it be. I seal it by God's Word which is irreproachable. For those with pregnancies, lay your hand on your belly and make same confession. Parents of toddlers should do same. This revelation counters amnesia or memory loss. Even if you're 92, you'll be quickened to have such mind that knows the number of stars and call them all by their names. This is what the Lord has wrought. Do receive it!

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for this new anointed mind, understanding and comprehension. So it is unto me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

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Saturday, 23 March 2024


By Lenrie Peters

The panic

of growing older

spreads fluttering wings

from year to year


At twenty

stilled by hope

of gigantic success

time and exploration


At thirty

a sudden throb of

pain. Laboratory tests

have nothing to show


Legs cribbed

in domesticity allow

no sudden leaps

At the moon now


Copybook bisected

with red ink

and failures –

nothing to show the world

Three children perhaps

the world expects

it of you. No

specialist’s effort there.


But science gives hope

of twice three score

and ten. Hope

is not a grain of sand.


Inner satisfaction

dwindles in sharp

blades of expectation

from now on the world has you.


About the Poem


Being a human being qualified Lenrie Leopold Wilfred Peters to write a poem titled The Panic of Growing Older, especially having gone past his 20s and 30s (he was born in 1932 and wrote the poem in 1967). Every human being starts out life full of hope, believing he’ll take the moon. But disappointment slowly sets in as the years stealthily pass by. Peters who enjoyed the best of two worlds (as a medical doctor and as an artist) knew about youthfulness, exuberance, dreams and the physiological and the psychological processes of growing up.

Only for a few in the world, is life a harvest of satisfaction. Many at the twilight of age, harvest regrets. Religion thrives on this, with the promise of hope and a harvest of satisfaction at the end of life many fling to it looking forward to the utopian place of satisfaction and joy.





II Timothy 2:20, KJV

"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour."

In 1946, a Baptist magazine printed an article on the young men who would impact their generation. Bron Clifford and Chuck Templeton were listed. Both men were in their twenties and drawing crowds of eight to ten thousand in their meetings. Ommitted from the list was another young minister. His name was Billy Graham. Ten years later, Clifford reportedly had died of cirrhosis of the liver while Templeton had left the ministry for a sports commentator job. The two men who had been expected to make the greatest impact for God's kingdom fell off the line. The unnamed and unlisted third Baptist minister, Billy, became a world-wide vessel in God's hands. Billy proved it is not how fast you come out of the starting block but how you finish the race that matters. Even the turtle made it to Noah's ark by persistence and commitment.

One of the narratives I do recall often is also that of my undergraduate days in Tai Solarin University of Education. It's my greatest experience on earth. At the time I hit campus, I was battling with inferiority complex. I saw myself as less better than others. This view began to change when I saw my first exam score and I had 84 of 100. Though a Minor student of English Department, I was second best after a Major student who had 86 in the course - "Introduction to Language" taught by Dr. Apanpa. It was there and then I had confessions from those I thought were better students pointing to me that I was intelligent. From that day forward, I didn't doubt myself again. I had learnt a lesson that'll become part of me and that was how I began tutoring my mates. I was afore intimidated by the beautiful faces, impressive backgrounds, astounding gadgets of the many students I saw and how many feigned to be better. I never knew they lacked the discipline to study and die there. It was this that distinguished me. If I had not seen myself as inferior to them also, I wouldn't have studied very hard. It was my inferiority complex which I wanted to compensate for that made me study harder and it did paid off. While the well to do students thought they had it going for them and were not challenged by anything, I was challenged by the multitude of weaknesses, family problems and failures etc that I don't want repeated in my life. As such, I pushed harder and pushed through. This was the story of how Billy Graham might have pushed right through over others. 

How many of you know that geniuses often don't become the best or attain their inherent best? Do you know why? They stop at their talents without adding the rigour of training and discipline. Why? Geniuses or talented people could succeed and have results at the level of gift and it'll equate what another had to labour for on average level.  However, somebody lesser than them in talent and comprehension who could die there rehearsing might eventually surpass them in skill. If you're talented and you refuse to concentrate on what you call your calling, eventually, you might be disqualified or overtaken. It'll look as if you were not called or made for greatness while others who'll testify of not being gifted as you are will surpass you in greatness. In a great house, there are many vessels. Some for noble and some for ignoble uses. It is which makes himself ready by clearing off anything that could disqualify him that the master would use. Take for instance the people we know as stars today. Don't think they're the best that exist. Some best might still be hidden but who couldn't give focus, attention and discipline to rise like them.

Billy Graham was not listed amidst the greats at his starting. Who knows whether he read that report? If he did, what do you think it did to him? Since he was seen as a non-entity of a minister, it must have fired him to more discipline and give sacrifices that others could not have thought to give. Whereas, others were deceived by the judgement of men who adjured them as the best. So, they rested on their oars and were overtaken and taken over. Today, search and clear yourself of ignoble things. This includes not being focused on your calling. Why? It's only through diligence that any could make his calling and election sure. Else, you might eventually look like a mockery or someone God didn't start with or call in the first place. 

PRAYER: Father, how I humble myself this day to end well. Help me. As I renew my love and make ready for my calling, I go all the way to the top.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 33:40-35:34, Luke 5:12-28, Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 11:23

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Read Matt. 3:1-6

Matthew 3:5, KJV

"Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan."

Be sure to go where He sent you and be faithful to say what He gives you. These two are very important keys for a successful ministry. I can join many faithful ministers to say, "there's a place and there's a message." One major mark that you're a founder or a novel thing that God is raising is that He gives you a message that's considerably unique or peculiar from others that people know. I'm not saying you have to be branded as a prosperity, holiness or deliverance minister. However, you might be given grace and endowed with more passion to exert yourself towards one major theme from which you could expound the whole Bible to a congregation or people. Offcourse, what you'll see is that people would brand you with that known theme as time goes on. Just note that there's the preacher but there's his preaching as well. This in no little way reminds me of the book of A.P. Gibbs, "The Preacher and His Preaching." That being said, "you want to see how your message and to whom you're sent is of utmost importance here.

Jeremiah 1:7, KJV

"But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak."

That's God's word of consolation and encouragement to Jeremiah when he started feeling intimidated when he was called. I began to wonder recently how to have all men come to one again. What I stumbled on is what I began sharing already. The anointing is the greatest possession a minister could have. Once anointed, his message becomes real, believable and need-meeting. There's always an ability of the anointing that draws people by itself. If someone is anointed, when he preaches, it'll be smooth. You'll hear the voice of the Almighty in it. You'll be convinced and even convicted. That's because a power other than what the minister could will or enforce is working to achieve the intent that God designated to the Word of God to have once preached. 

The Bible says, "then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan." Basically, John emptied the entire communities to himself. John has been sent to a place and he has been given a message amidst the fact that he's called and anointed. The Bible opens that chapter by saying, "in those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt.3:1-2). 

John has a location. It is God who admnistrates us. While principles are duplicatable irrespective of geography yet God do send each of his sons to a place He needs to cultivate and as a requirement, their success is in obeying to go there. Meanwhile, John preached a message also. He keeps shouting, "repent, for the kingdom of God is near." He brought the message of repentance to the populace. Don't doubt it. The Bible affirms that everybody was gripped with this message so much more that they trooped out to him, to confess their sins and be baptized by him. There are moments when as a pastor, you have to dip your hands in people's mouth to make them talk or confess. Until you probe some things, you're not going to get answers. However, that's not like we have here. Voluntarily by the power the message he preached conveyed, they were confessing their sins. They were just speaking unashamedly and unreserved. 

Oh, such power could work with you. God could honour you this way. An entire community and its regions all about could come to you. They can come to watch the preaching, singing, burning and even dancing minister. There, they'll be gripped. Even gossips and journalists won't be able to retract to run their primary errands again. They'll be collected by the power of the season and time with which God is working with you. Obedience is key. Only you knows where God is leading you and what He has given you to say. Stick to the message and don't reject the people. That mustard seed will soon become a big tree. 

PRAYER: Lord, coat my message with power that convicts and draws men. I align to the message and to the people. I shall not compare myself with another. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 32:1-33:39, Luke 4:31-5:11, Psalm 64:1-10, Proverbs 11:22

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Monday, 18 March 2024





Read Gen.19:1-17

Psalm 1:5, KJV

"Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous."

God does put a distinction  between what happens to the righteous and the unrighteous likewise. From Genesis to Revelation, we have many instances that attest to God separating the righteous from the unrighteous in reward. 

The Bible says, "the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement..." That is, when judgement comes, the ungodly shall not endure. They shall pass away. It means in judgement, they shall be searched and no longer found. However, what'll happen to the righteous. The Bible answers that in Psalm 1:6 when it says, "for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish." 

If the Lord knows the way of the righteous - what he has been doing and how he has been living his life righteously, don't you think the Lord also knows the way of the wicked and his wickedness? He does obviously. That's why God assures that the way of the ungodly shall perish. It means while the righteous is saved alive in judgement or evil that shall come uponthe earth, God shall make provision for the righteous to survive or be saved. However, one thing is for sure, the way of the ungodly shall perish. The Lord knows the way of both the righteous and the ungodly. He won't mistaken one for the other. 

In today's Bible reading, without a contest, we see how God is jealous for His own. While the sensitivity and generous action of Lot opens him to having divine intervention yet we can't deny that as a severing between the righteous and the wicked. 

"12 And the men said to Lot, has thou any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: 13 For we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord has sent us to destroy it.' (Gen.19:12-13). 

Lot didn't perish with people of Sodom and Gomorrah. He rather was brought out. God severed and separated him from the reward of the wicked. Don't forget why God judged Sodom and Gomorrah is because of their Sodomy act. As a matter of fact, they were attempting to do it against those heavenly inspectors sent by God to assure if they were truly known for such an act (Gen.19:5, 18:21).  God does reward the wicked and He does reward the righteous. This narrative is a proof once more and assurance to all Christians that the same event doesn't happen to us all. God is obligated to the Christian, to those who are serving Him, to those who are righteous alike to protect them from evil. When the wicked are caught up in their wickedness, God always sever the righteous from them. Herein you can trust that you'll not be suddenly caught in the evil net. It is whatever a man sows he shall reap. That stands for sure and you can trust it. 

PRAYER: Lord, give to the wicked their reward. Let them melt away like wax melts before the fire and the righteous satisfy with thy goodness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Psalm 35:17-28, Proverbs 9:13-18

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Sunday, 17 March 2024




GOD DOES PUT A DIFFERENCE - Does Good Pays Series 004?

Read Exodus 11:1-7

Exodus 11:7, KJV

"But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel."

We began by looking at Malachi 3:13-18 where the saints' thoughts were heard by God for their complaint that He didn't put a difference between them and the wicked around them. However, far be it from God to suffer the righteous like the unrighteous. The One who created the ears, will He not hear? The One who created the eyes, will He not see? The one Who created the mind, will He not know? It's therefore obvious to believe and say that God knows the righteous and marks him separate from the unrighteous despite the fact that it is His own children who accuse Him of not drawing any difference between them in this part of Malachi 3.  

Today, I shall take you to Egypt to see how the Lord separates between Israel (His own) and Egypt (Pharaoh's). Occasionally, as you read, you'll see the Bible say, "and I will SEVER in that day the land of Goshen in which my people dwell that no swarms of flies shall be there (Exo..8:22) ...or and I will put a DIVISION between my people and thy people... (Exo. 8:23)."

This is the Lord speaking through Moses to Pharaoh. It means if sickness, diseases, pestilence, plague is ravaging others, a Christian can believe for his house or household. It won't just cross over because God will sever between his Goshen (where he lives) and the general Egypt where other heathens live. In the latter verse above, God also claims Israel (though in Egypt) as His own. He calls them, "my people." Indeed, when the swarms of flies came, that difference and separation the Lord did was very visible to see. His own people didn't suffer anyway. 

Further also, the Lord also severed between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt so much more that nothing dies of the Israel's (Exo.9:4). Mark the word, "sever", it means to demarcate or separate away and then between two or more things. This is a convincing picture that God cares after the economic life of a believer or any that serves Him indeed. He'll never allow the accidents of the unbelievers to happen to him. The Lord is the One watching over their experiences. He ensures He severs the believer away from the unbeliever's experience. This severing even continues in the light God provided Israel and the thick darkness that covers Egypt so much more that none rose from his place for three days (Exo.10:23). Even in the final blow God gave Pharaoh and the land of Egypt, we as well see this idea of God claiming or severing between two people. While God says, "there shall be a great cry throughout all Egypt because their firstborns shall die, He assures that no dog shall move his tongue against man or beast of Israel to the end that they may know that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel" (Exo.11:7). 

All these acts and many more that we couldn't pick to talk about prove the fact that it pays to serve God, belong or be separated to Him. God is a very rewarding God. He watches over His own and severs between them and others. He allows for a distinction in the lives of those who serve Him so that they might be envied and coveted. That may also bear down to discipline and obedience on the part of His own but He does put that difference truly. Obedience in the sense that He told them to mark their lintels and they did (Exo.12:13). If any Israelite didn't, he'll obviously share in the reward of Egypt. You see that? There's always a difference. 

If there's no difference between the heathen and the believer, why serve the Lord then? You may be living in a society where being educated no longer pays. It means the distinction between school leavers and illiterates are now closed up or the reverse is the case. However, it ought not to be. If that is, people won't want to study again. They'll say they could make it without having formal education. As such, they'll call schooling a scam. Meanwhile, I know it is not. We only tend to call a scam what we trust but which doesn't distinguish us from others who doesn't trust it. So, if you're on this side of the Lord, there are what you'll enjoy sincerely. The Lord will be your keeper and shade upon your right hand (Psalm 121:5). The Lord will be the maintainer of your lot (Psalm 16:5). He'll see to every affair of your life like an overseer or manager sees to it that a business runs well. The moment you commit to the Lord like Psalm 91:1 says, then you can say of Him that He's your refuge: your God in whom you will trust amidst believing other blessings in that Psalm.  Since Egypt is symbolic of the world and Israel, of the church, it means Christians could expect to have the happenings of the heathen not crossing to them. If you share a fence with a notorious heathen, the fire burning in his house by God's difference won't cross to yours. Though Israel and the Egyptians are in one whole piece of land, yet God demarcated and separated Goshen away from all those plagues He brought on Egypt. 

You're a son and daughter of difference. This is your testimony that you serve the living God others are not serving but Who they should serve also. Look, God will draw the difference for you. If you have committed to Him, He'll commit to you. If you're on His side; He'll side you. 

PRAYER: I am a child of difference. I call on the covenant to put the difference now. Difference activated.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 24:1-25:18, Luke 2:1-35, Psalm 59:1-17, Proverbs 11:14

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Saturday, 16 March 2024




IMMEDIACY OF JUDGEMENT - Does Good Pays Series 003?

Ecclesiastes 8:11, KJV

"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

To have that society of our dream isn't far fetched at all. It all begins with being prompt with the execution of judgement. When matters are unnecessarily adjourned, you may begin to suspect if fairness will be struck at all. 

In many nations of the world today, their experience is that you can buy yourself out of any crime case. It doesn't matter how criminal it is, once you could rub or grease the palms of those at the table, it'd be settled. This act amidst the delay antics in judgement is what makes many faint or weary of good doing. Many stories of crooked men who like Barabbas continue to walk scotfree and make appearances in the society warns the citizenry even of the danger of exposing evil or serving as eye witnesses to one. Fear has now come to grip the just as they cower at what untold evil could happen to them when they seek to expose the works of darkness in their society. I'll say no society lives this way that won't deteriorate. 

Our anchor verse today warns against delayed judgement. I had said it in yesterday's devotional that if one offends and is quickly brought to book, it'll serve as a deterrent to others that crime doesn't pay. It'll also be an encouragement indirectly to the righteous and law abiding citizens to continue in the discharge of good. Delaying judgement, being unfair at judgement or not prosecuting the offender at all only encourages more evil in the society. In some society, they have perfected the art of bringing people to book. As such there's sanity and respect for sanctity of life. In others, it is not so. Therefore, the hearts of men are fully set to try evil or continually do evil.  

When that place says, "therefore the heart of men is fully set to do evil", it wasn't talking only about the hearts of wicked men being continually set to do evil but even the righteous being converted to follow after their example to do evil."

Any society that'll live in relative peace and civility must ensure that there's a distinction between law breakers and abiders. Offenders should be hunt down irrespective of where they flee to for refuge while abiding citizenry should be justly rewarded as an example of the expectation on the enter citizenry. If you protect certain offices due to the immunity of the office, you'd be fighting this principle also. It means leaders and those with status or offices could bully the less privileged. And we have seen that a lot. Such bullying ranges from forceful collection of landed properties to even violation of the human rights of the poor. In some countries, we've seen presidents serve terms in jail for offences they were found guilty of. Rule of law should indeed be upheld without an exception. It'll warn men irrespective of status of proper behavior. 

The onus of seeing to execution of judgement lies on us all at the levels we are - either at home or outrightly in government. Don't delay judgement for the offender. Strike the iron while it is hot and let him bear the justness of his actions. This way, the righteous will rejoice and do more good while the wicked will withdraw and fear the law. Without a proper rewarding system in any nation, you'd destroyed the citizenry and produce a dummy nation that switches right for wrong and wrong for right.  

PRAYER: At all stratas of our nation, we declare the justness and fairness of God as supreme. We ask for courage against intimidation to pursue righteousness and uphold the rule of law.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 22:21-23:30, Luke 1:57-80, Psalm 58:1-11, Proverbs 11:12-13

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Friday, 15 March 2024




REBELLION OF THE RIGHTEOUS! - Does Good Pays Series 002?

Read Malachi 3:13-18; Luke 15:11-32

Malachi 3:13, KJV

"Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?"

It may eventually become inevitable but for the righteous to join the unrighteous; the obedient becoming disobedient when there's no clear cut rewarding and punishment system admnistering justice to the deeds of both the righteous and wicked. It is for this the elder sibling of the prodigal son calls the father's attention. He'd said to him, "all this while that I've been with thee, yet you've never given me even a kid to celebrate with my friend but when this waster son of yours came, you killed for him the fatted calf" (Lk.15:28-30). Forget the fact that he's beginning to be legalistic; yet he has spoken very wisely. He has a point. What he's requesting of his father is a distinction to be put between himself - an obedient son who has continued with the father till now and his younger brother - one who has wasted the father's resources and love, giving it to prostitutes. I want to ask you, "should there not be a distinction or clear cut mark of treatment between the obedient/disobedient children in our homes or the law abiders/non abiders in our society amidst the citenzenry?" There should be because when there's none, you'll be tampering with the justness of the righteous, telling them it doesn't pay to do good or abide by the law. If your second son sees that his elder brother gets away with all his disobedience act, do you think he'll act obediently? No! He'll also begin to defy you. This way, you'll have changed an obedient son into a rogue because you were too weak to enforce your parenthood. However, if you make obedience look lucrative and rewarding, he'll continue to do good. That's why I can tell you first hand that it is the society by its laws that either promotes crookedness or righteousness. If judgement is not delayed for the offenders, then no one will want to disobey.

In truth, if you'll look at the response of the father to this elder boy's accusation, the father does put a distinction between himself and his wasteful younger brother. Many times, when people tell the story of the prodigal son, they always superimpose the disobedience of the younger brother on the obedience of his elder brother. As a matter of fact, the message they pass is that it is good to backslide because at one's return, you'd be received in fanfare. That's true as there's much joy in heaven and even on earth over one sinner that repents. However, you must know that God cherishes His saints and those who have always continued with Him in His house above those who go and come. Who will you reward as a boss between a disloyal and loyal workers of yours who sticked all through with you? Likewise, the father (symbolic of God in this narrative) gives each of the siblings the reward that fits their deeds to him. What he said to the elder brother encourages obedience and commitment to him and warns us that the disobedient and rebel of a child won't receive like the perfect abider. How did I know they didn't have equal reward? The father said it himself when he consoled the elder sibling saying, "you're ever with me. It is meet we celebrate your lost but found brother. However, all I have is yours" (Lk.15:31-32). Did you read that in your Bible at all? Did you observe God didn't put that returnee sibling and sinner over his brother even after he had been forgiven and received back? God rewards obedience more than disobedience or backsliding? God knows those who have painstakingly followed Him. He doesn't forget our work and labour of love in that we have ministered to the saints and in which we still minister (Heb.6:10). That's why their father could tell the obedient sibling who had lived all his life in the house doing his will that "all he has is his." It means both the returnee brother and even the father would live and survive from then on the share of goods that belongs to the elder sibling only. We know that the younger brother collected his own when he requested for his share of their father's goods at the very beginning. So, what is totally left now is the elder brother's and that's what the whole family will live on. As a matter of fact, the younger sibling is at the mercy of his elder sibling from that time henceforth. 

So, looking at this story, we could learn some morals. One, obedient citizens and children in the house would feel cheated and challenge the existing system if they felt they are being unfairly treated. That's why the elder sibling in this narrative challenged his father for not for once rewarding his obedience and ever presence with him in the family business. Another lesson is that the obedient might backslide or stop the working of righteousness if they don't see or are not assured of a clear cut distinction being put between they and the disobedient. Also, we learnt how important it is for the government, parents and all who upholds the law to ensure that there's a clear cut system and law rewarding the righteous/obedient and punishing the disobedient/offenders. This way, no righteous citizen would feel communicated to or forced to switch into unrighteousness. As such, there won't be accusation, speaking against and daring of the authority or challenging it as we have in these verses of the Bible where the righteous kicked hard against God for His supposed injustice to them. Rebellion happens when people feel cheated and it is not addressed you know. May we have a just system that no citizen can fault. May we have justice in our homes so much more that the righteous children won't be able to challenge or stout their words against their parents. May our nation and that of the world put a distinction between law abiders and defaulters so that those working righteousness won't call it a bullshit and let their obedience fly off, resulting into this verse below. 

"It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?" (Malachi 3:14, KJV). 

Imagine how guilty you will look if your own child poses this statement to you because you've been hypocritical in acknowledging the obedient different from the disobedient at the home level where they co-exist. Yet, that's the exact words of many citizenry to their government nowdays. It's on the same ground such citizens even change their minds from doing good into fellowing to do evil. Why? They saw it doesn't pay to do any good at all. May we not by ourselves create a dummy system that takes effort, righteousness and obedience of people for granted. May we be just and wise leaders always encouraging the obedient to do more and the disobedient to repent. 

PRAYER: Father, help us to create a system where no sinner/offender goes unpunished and where no obedient goes unrewarded.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 21:1-22:20, Luke 1:26-56, Psalm 57:1-11, Proverbs 11:9-11

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Wednesday, 13 March 2024




AND WE CALL THE PROUD HAPPY - Does Good Pays Series 001?

Read Malachi 3:13-18

Malachi 3:15, KJV

"And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered."

May this not be your saying. Have you met backslided Christians before? They usually have that saying. They'd say, "what's so special in serving the Lord? We did but nothing came out of it. No reward; no special treatment - not a bit of distinction. Rather, we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered." Imagine that! Sounds like an act of great injustice or unfairness. It breaks down the wall of any just rewarding system. If any nation operates by this, crime will skyrocket in a jiffy. 

Their saying is, "these are people who ought not to have made it big or given any acknowledgement, office or reference in society. However, they are the ones having the praise and honour of men despite being scoundrels." You know somebody once lamented that those who showed no potential of a great future while in secondary school are now those who could pay the bills. They neither were brilliant or excelled in other things by which they could be predicted and marked for a great future; however, they have the materials now. While some of these said people might not have cut corners to make it, he however talks of those who did. He therefore felt cheated being a law abiding citizen when others who despise and suspend the law at will are those the same society they're ruining celebrate. Does it shock you? Same is the complaint of those for whom that verse of the Bible was written.

They were frustrated and disappointed that those who are unjust are called blessed. In all endeavours, those who are doing well and making it are those who they know to be law breakers, stubborn, disobedient to parents and even heady to God etc. That's why that place says, "we call the proud happy and the wicked are set up." Should it be? It ought not to but that became the new normal because of how the society has come to love vanity and esteem those who could deliver the cash or bring out the goods only. Meaning, if you're righteous and you can't deliver or you aren't bogus or extravagant, you'd not be celebrated by such system. How many of you have felt cheated like this before? How many of you once ruminated and called the proud happy, lucky and fortunate than your humble obedient self?

You see, indeed, the proud may be called happy by men and those that work wickedness may be set high because of the earthly goods they have acquired indecently with which men respect or defer to them, however, it should be known to you that their respect comes from men and not from God. God doesn't make mistakes with the identity of men. He abhors what men esteems at times. You may have the reputation of being good but be very evil before God or vice versa. So, while the proud may be called happy by men, God sees him as unfortunate and doomed. It is natural for those that cut corners to accumulate wealth unduly and hastily and be quickly set up or given  recognition in the society more than the righteous; however, let this be your consolation that when God shall make up His jewels, he shall separate between both of you. There shall be a mark that you have been on the Lord's side and have been contented with what your effort earns you in righteousness. It'll eventually be just, true and balanced like Father Abraham told the rich man. "You in thy lifetime enjoyed goodies but Lazarus evil. But now, he enjoys good while you are tormented" ((Lk.16:25). Even the distinction shall begin to be certain from the earth because the Bible says, "for the wicked shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish" (Psalms 1:5-6). God will preserve you and grant you salvation (Psalm 91:16). If any were to be taken in death or caught in evil, you can be assured it won't be you because you're God's obedient son. Any man spares his obedient son of punishment. God is not unrighteous as to be blind to your godliness. The mystery of distinction still works and it shall demarcate between the righteous and evil. 

May it not ever be your own saying that you call the proud happy and the wicked set up in honorable places while those who stick to the Lord lack the needed recognition and blessing. May you not come to this place of hurt and regret for ever serving the Lord. It's the reason why some backslided. They'd tell you that we've seen it work the other way round. The proud are called happy and the wicked set up. We too, we shall follow suit. Don't. God does put distinction between the wicked and the righteous; good and bad; obedient and disobedient. While Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, salvation was extended to Lot and his family by mercy (Gen.19:16-17). That's the kind of distinction I'm talking about. You shall not be destroyed or caught in the lot of the wicked. "A thousand may fall by your side and ten thousand by your right hand, but it won't come to you", says the Lord. "You'll only see with your eyes the reward of the wicked" (Psalm 91:7-8). Mark that phrase, "the reward of the wicked." It means their getting paid justly for all they have done. Look, the wicked shall not escape his just recompense. Only that you might still argue for justice unknowingly to you that he has been justly paid. To do good and stick to God in obedience pays. I tell you as God Himself says. It pays!

PRAYER: Lord, open your book of remembrance and put distinction between me and the disobedient. Reward my righteousness. It is the Lord who fight for me, so I hold my peace. The Lord is the keeper of my lot.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56:1-13, Proverbs 11:8

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Luke 19:21, KJV

"For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow."

That's a principle being highlighted in that verse. If you have not sown, you ought not to reap and if you haven't laid down, why take up? First of all, memorize that so you won't begin to anticipate where you've not scattered. You may wonder, who does that? Yet, there are people who expect from where they have not given. 

If this verse be true (which it is), it means its reverse will also be true. He that sows must reap. It's on this wise the master of this servant is vindicated over him. He has sown and he should reap. I only wonder why this uncommensensical servant couldn't see that the deposit with him is His master's seed or investment to him. While the master settles accounts with others and with favourable responses on their proves of yield, this one has nothing to present. He rather accuses his master, calling him an austere man. Do you know the meaning of that? It means, "hard" or "brutal." He accuses him of expecting to reap where he has not sown. Who does that? If that were true of his master, that would have made him a truly hard man. It's only an investment you have not put down you shouldn't expect a dime on. If you do, you're simply a robber and a rebel. As a matter of fact, you're the most difficult man that ever be. 

However, this servant out of blindness refuses to see. Envy of others huge talents could have made him bury his. He probably accounted his to be too little or depressing to do anything. However, the master knows their capacity and as a gentleman that he is, he won't request of them when he has not given them at all let alone ask more than he has entrusted to each. That's why his reply goes thus. "22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: 23 Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?" (Luke 19:22-23, KJV). You see, what's the master proving with him? That he has sown to him and he ought to reap an interest in what he has given? On this wise, he's justified over him. 

God has given to us all. We might not have been endowed equally but this is also a prove that we won't be expected from equally. All of us are meant to live a purposeful life with God's investment, talent, gift, anointing, inspiration on or in us. A day of reckoning will come when you'll give account of your stewardship. May you be found faithful. May you not give a lame excuse seeking to accuse God for not endowing you obviously like the stars or superstars of your day. May you live life to the fullest at your level of endowment - knowing that God is not an austere man who doesn't request where He has not given and who doesn't request more than He gave. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not be stupid and churlish in business. May I always seek to bring profit and glory to You who has created and endowed me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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Tuesday, 12 March 2024





John 4:34, KJV

"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."

After discovering what to live for, your next big responsibility or target is to ensure you live it out and to the fullest. You don't want to regret at old age or departure that there are extents not reached. Many time, we focus on discovering the will of God and living it as we are preoccupied but haven't taught ourselves or congregation the need to finish all written or allocated to us to do by God. You're not the one who determines the extent of your work or elasticity of your calling. God does. For John, his assignment was to identify the Messiah and testify of Jesus as he did (John 1:29-34). He identifies Him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world. For Jesus, it was to die for the sins of the whole world and He sure got there as well (John 19:30). For you, you must find out. You'll know if there's still more to cover by the feeling of discontentment you'll often feel in you. God is the One who supplies any called fellow with a sense of purpose. So, you'll always have an experience of whether you're on the right tasks or you've fulfilled all.  

You see, you'll still be a failure of a type if you couldn't complete what God allocated to you to do. On this note, we have to give effort to see that we do the will of God and finish His works before we are cut off. It is this reason that fuels Jesus into saying, "He must work the works of He that sent Him while it is day, for night comes when no man can work" (John 9:4). You see, even if you don't want to stop; you'll be eventually stopped by old age or death. You can not always bear the zest and youthfulness of your youth. It is true of all things that night will come upon you. Night as a moment of importunity is one thing that hinders people from "finishing God's work" which they have found. Many may start, go all the way to do some but may not finish. Not finishing is where the danger is. Imagine if God had to look for another man to finish or bring to completion the very assignment He gave to you to do. 

The very sure way to beat night or time of importunity like sickness, old age or death which may hinder you from doing the will of God that you have known (which is your purpose) and finishing it is to have started earlier and apply diligence on daily basis to fulfill your calling. Once you sense God's call on your life for a certain kind of life to be lived, it is wise to depart once and for all to it without contemplating how you'll make ends meet. Dillying-dallying is a robber of time - your most essential time. Starting early gives you more time in your hands to dedicate to your calling or life's purpose. Any who did something of importance laid the foundation in his youth when his body could bear the burden or shock of the work. As I write to you now, there are different men especially Scientists and Inventors who spend up to 14 - 16 hours daily seeking to make discovery or finish a product. No aged fellow could give such much time. 

However, if you're a latecomer like Paul the Apostle, you may need to take the handle of diligence to beat even your predecessors in the same profession. Apostle Paul while speaking says, "but by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (I Corinthians 15:10, KJV). You see, labouring more than others can hasten your steps and put you into equality with those who already left you behind. It not only made Paul to catch up but it even made him surpass all the other apostles. He laboured more than them all. He started by giving himself away to solitude even at the beginning (Gal.1:16-18) and making his time count daily by giving it to calling henceforth and not frivolities. Peter also talks of "applying diligence to make one's calling and election sure" (II Peter 1:10). Establishment and reknowness of your calling comes through diligence or else you might not be taken as having the call as you profess. Unless by diligence men sees the works or products of your calling, it may not be clear to them that you're called. 

Therefore, let it be in your mind not only to be a good starter but finisher. There are those who'll regret on their death bed by the time God shows them their report card. By the time He shows them expanse that still needs coverage, they'd not be happy at all. Let it be your motivation to finish all as well. If orphanage, university, hospital, NGO, business etc is in your calling, ensure they all come out. If you're a minister and God intends you preach to many and bring them to salvation and sonship, then your thirst must be the thirst of Paul who says, "he's indebted to the Greeks and the Barbarians... and he must share the gospel with those in Rome also" (Rom. 1:14-15). What we have all started, may we see to an end. 

PRAYER: Give me the wisdom, initiative and energy to fulfill my purpose in its entirety. My strength is renewed; my understanding is enlarged.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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Monday, 11 March 2024





Acts 28:2, KJV

"And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold."

The word "barbarous" has been variously explained in the dictionary as, "uncivilized, uncultured;

mercilessly impudently violent; cruel or savage." One thing is observable, because this island is very much far from the civilization of people, its people could have remained very much unchanged or refined. If this is not, they could have refused change all together like the Piraha of the Amazon jungle in Brazil. They might have made of none effect the contacts of people with them. Though uncivilized, they however acted contrarily to that. They showed civility and humanity to Paul and all others who escaped the peril of the sea. They kindled fire for them and housed them.

Humanity is in everyone of us including any dubbed uncivilized or aggressive among us. It is God who puts it there. He is love (I John 4:16) and we are products of His love. Because we are, we are to model after God, the ultimate Love. As such, no matter how hard, violent or unapproachable someone may be, yet we know there's bowels of compassion (I John 3:7) in him that can be triggered or called to act humanly. This barbarous people could have acted otherwise and lived up to the label put on them but they seemed to have proven everyone wrong about their being barbarous. Who knows what myths have been formed round them? Who knows whether it was once noised that they were cannibals and should be avoided? However, we see their heart in such timely help they gave to those shipwrecked on the sea.

While there are those whose bowels of compassion might have been perverted, yet we ought know that all humans inherit the capacity to love and be loved from God. He's counting on us to give love and show a heart of compassion to many that'll come our way in our capacity and at our levels. 

I John 3:17, KJV

"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

This way, we'll be bringing down his kingdom as we model it to men. Love and kindness are languages that any hears or sees. As you speak it by acting it, you may win some wars without fighting and win people without preaching. Yes, just by observing you.

Humanity is in all of us. We are bound together by that rope and we pray that we'll be more human to each other even as the day are hard. Humanity brings tolerance and a strive for peace in our society. It could make two factions even live peacefully as one. May I continually see you as my brother and neighbor. May I do unto you just like I'll like you do unto me. May we all find acceptance in strange lands and with strange people. Irrespective of where you'll arrive at, no matter the strangeness of the land, you can trust God who delivered Paul out of the mouth of the lion to redeem you from violence and make people favourably disposed to you (II Tim.4:17). They'll see you and be tempered. They'll see you and come as friends. 

PRAYER: Teach me more matters of civility, kindness and exercise of human compassion to others.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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Sunday, 10 March 2024





Read I Kings 18:36-40

I Kings 18:39, KJV

"And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God."

We are ambassadors of Light and our duty is to reveal His light. We have confessed for long that, "His kingdom come, His will be done on earth" (Matt.6:10). If our true desire is that the righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost of God (Rom.14:17) should be felt, being established in every sphere of life we find ourselves, then we have to be light bearers; we have to live for a testimony. It is this testimony well lived for and this representation of Christ well done where we are placed that will reveal God's standard, lifestyle and converting principles that'll make "people give glory to our Father who's in heaven (Matt.5:16) or say, "the Lord, he is the God." Through how we live, we can convict the world of sin and even righteousness!

The kind of honour, admiration, esteem and worship we are to draw to God by our accomplishments - which God will wrought through us is what we have exemplify in today's passage. All of us are very much aware of the Mount Carmel Challenge. The prophets of Baal are to prepare a sacrifice and call down fire to consume it. There was culture shift that day because Elijah advocated for fire being called down instead of being lit by any man. Herein we shall prove whose God shall answer by fire (I Kings 18:24). It is such that would be GOD uncontestingly. Despite the effort of the prophets of Baal to call unto Baal for fire, they all failed however. Even when they cut themselves until blood gush out, Baal still didn't give ears. They wanted to attract its sympathy but all was to no avail for them. For Elijah rather, fire immediately come down the moment he prays. As he tells the people to draw near to him, the Lord descends fire and what a sight to behold. With this accomplishment that shocks the citizenry watching, they all confess in unison, "the Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God." That is, "the God of Elijah is the true God." Look at how through Elijah's accomplishment, honour, glory and worship was brought to God. 

This is what should be the duty of every Christian. To live distinctly and outstandingly that the heathen - their lives, products, services etc wouldn't be able to compare with ours, so much more that people would be able to say of us, "the chin-chin she makes is the best. It's the Lord and God of all chin-chin. No chin-chin is comparable to hers." If people have not been talking of the works of your hands this way, it's either you're living way too shalow - not giving attention and refusing to impact quality into what you make or do. In the Mount Carmel Competition, Elijah didn't force himself on anyone. It was what they saw that they repeated. No partiality of any sort. The prophets of Baal had their chance. As a matter of fact, they spent more time trying to bring down fire from Baal than Elijah spent with God. Yet, no accomplishment for them. However, just at a kickstarting, there was a sound from heaven for Elijah. And so, he became distinct, far away from being a fraud or scam like the prophets of Baal who couldn't produce or have their god send down fire. On this note, the people confess who to them has carry the trophy after careful observation on who has delivered the expected result. They said, "the Lord, He is the God." Another way round, "the Lord of Elijah is the God." My concern is that Elijah brought honour to God by his life and act. Is it honour you've been bringing to God as a Christian or shame? Just by how you've been living, has Jesus been winning or losing amidst other gods and religions? Or is it the Hinduists, Confucists, Buddhists, Muslims etc that have been having the glory and praise in business, media, entertainment, politics, sports, social/spiritual etc worlds where you are as God's representative? May we be the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). May our God be the GOAT. That's what God became that day as Elijah sanctifies Him before the people and as He Himself answers by fire. He became the GOAT, the genius, the awe, the commander and winner of the admiration and souls of all present. Everybody immediately believed in God. Doubt was eradicated immediately. 

If God's kingdom will be known and felt amidst all people, it's the responsibility of each of us to bring it down by revealing Jesus, the Kingdom and its principles to people.  Such testimony and incomparable result that people will see come from us is what will set God high so much more that they'll say, "our God, He is the Lord" or "the Lord, He is God." In your day and my day, may other gods not be the God. By how we live, what we do or become with our lives, may we flag Christ very high until men see our good works and undeniably give glory to our Father who's in heaven (Matthew 5:16). 

PRAYER: Lord, I seek to bring you honour, glorify me when I need to make prove of you even as I give diligence to work and become outstanding in my profession or field. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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Saturday, 9 March 2024





Read I Kings 18:1-40

I Kings 18:38, KJV

"Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench."

May God glory over all impossibilities in your life. The Lord is set to minister to someone in power and help you overcome some certain impediments that has stopped, hindered, frustrated you, refusing remedy till now. We can explain or teach but the demonstration of power is what lays a seal on such teaching or explanation. And today, the Spirit of power - the Spirit divine will attend to your needs. God will visit your home, business, career, education etcetera.

In today's reading, there's revival in Israel. If journalists were to create an headline to capture this event of the day, they'd say, "Contest on Mount Carmel: Who Goes Home With the Citizenry?" Elijah poses a challenge to the prophets of Baal and the grooves. Nothing worked however for them. For Elijah however, God met his prayer with fire which according to biblical account not only consumed the burnt sacrifice, wood and dust but consumed the stones and licked up the water - flowing water in the trench. When the fire of the Lord fell, it not only consumed the conceivable to human imagination and consumables like flesh or wood but it as well consumed the impossibles and the inconsumables i.e stones and water. For instance, stone is part of the inconsumable that should have been spared. Also, the amount of water that is present in the trench is so much that it should have quenched the fire itself. That should have hindered the quick consuming power of the fire; thereby constituting itself as an impediment. However, this same fire leaks it up. What a thing! What a victory! Look at how God glorifies Himself over all the impediments and impossibilities on Elijah's prayer being totally answered that day. Same way, God shall glory over all impediments in your life. 

You yourself may be of the opinion that some things are possible in your life while some are not. "The meat is consumable but what about the stones", you ask? Our own God is not only the God of the valley but also of the mountain. He is instant in and out seasons. Darkness is as light to Him; so, He is not confused, discouraged or overwhelmed by what naturally puzzles or troubles the human mind. Are there stones and water, much water around your own trenches today? Let it alone, the Lord shall glory over them all. God is not only a specialist over the humanly possible things in our lives. That someone is God is that He rules supreme even over all impossibilities and unnaturalness in human lives. On this note, you can be assured that your defiant sickness, disease, addiction, spiritual affliction in dreams transcending into reality etc shall all be dealt with and wiped clean from your life. He consumed the stones and licked the water. Now, the Lord is scanning through your life, family and all things that pertain to you. He's doing a running for information now and wherever He encounters what the doctor or any specialist has called impossible, He's taken over them now. Now! He'll consume them. None shall be spared. Impediments to specialists doesn't puzzle Him. 

The Bible says, "who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain..." (Zechariah 4:7, KJV).

As the Lord work this works, all mountains (impossibilities as they're classified by human discovery, wisdom and specialist) shall all become plain. It is Jesus of Nazareth moving on to thresh them down for you. It is what God threshes down for you that is simplified, humbled and possible to glory over. All your impediments shall so much be threshed down to the earth that you'll gain absolute victory over them all. What did David do to Goliath? When the giant was threshed down, David ran and stood over him in absolute victory (I Sam. 17:49-51). Also, when the five kings were taken, Joshua asked men of Israel and the captains to stand putting their feet on their necks in absolute victory (Joshua 10:24). Nothing shows the defeat and triumph of another other than that. Today, you're having that absolute victory. Everything that is above you is beneath God. Now that He's threshing them down for you, they shall come under you too, under your dominion as totally disarmed. It is so! He has consumed your stones and licked your water. He spares no challenge, impediment or difficulty in your life. It's all Yahweh has taken out. Glory!

PRAYER: Place your hands wherever you're sick or diseased. Thank God for His healing there. [Go for check-up, you'll meet it so. Then, send us your testimony]. Also, note down any life's challenge of yours and praise God for settling it already. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Psalm 51:1-19, Proverbs 10:31-32

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Friday, 8 March 2024





Read Ecclesiastes 12

Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

One time, I was meditating on death and how life quickly folds to wrap up. A portrayal was brought me of an elderly minister in my country who couldn't stand to minister any longer. This image portrays the potency of "night" and how it folds we humans up. No matter how agile or good looking you are now, just by the outworking of time, you'll succumb to depreciation before you're made ready for your "long home" (Eccl.12:5). 

There's no wise man or wealthy who can break this process. As long as he's birthed and has a beginning of days; he must sure have an end of days. To this, the law of depreciation which will eventually culminates in a sleep for Christians will begin. The moment a child is birthed, his or her race begins. I'll like you see it as a race. Once the shot is released into the air, the count down to the finishing line begins. Time begins to wind down. This is even best portrayed in sports and activities where the stop watch is put to use. Only God knows when the clock of each will stop and our time will reach.

Today's verse talks about the human spirit going back to God. I'll like to tell you that this spirit that eventually found release and departure out of the human body has been on a journey to the grave since birth. At birth, our race against time starts. As each day is spent and shoveled behind, we actually near death. That's why anyone who's younger than you will be credited with having more time than you do. A fourteen year old has more time to spend on the earth than his dad who's forty two all other things being equal. 

So, the culmination that you read in that verse of the 'dust returning to the earth and the spirit returning to who gave it' began long time ago. It's a journey before destination and set down is made at the grave. However, it ends when "the silver cord of life snaps" (Eccl.12: 6). Look, we shall return. The human spirit will be given up, set free from the body to sail back to Who gave it - God. But before then, the night will first of all dawn on us individually. The night will collapse us and restrict us from ever being useful like we've been. That's why Jesus, knowing the disadvantage that the night brings echoes His strategy for triumphing over it by saying, "I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day, for night comes when no man can work" (John 9:4). 

You can't say you don't want to die or refuse to take things slowly as you age. Of necessity, you must slow down. Jesus recognizes that. He talks of a time of importunity when by old age or death amidst other reasons you may not be able to do the tasks of living beings again. As I write now, my maternal grandmother does nothing much but to walk to and fro in the house and lie down to rest. She's glued and restricted. Night has caught up with her. Dreaming now would be a waste at this time. There's no strength, health and time for it to materialize. She can't even go for any religious activity or business like her former days. She may not like that; she may still want to explore the world and see here and there; however she has been forcefully restricted and must be contented. That's the meaning of "night coming when no man can work anylonger." It's a law. You can't violate it. Man must obey. 

As a matter of fact, as you age, there's a natural acceptance and tolerance of death that you'll have. You'll come to a believe that it would soon be your turn and so your mind and thoughts would turn to the world beyond. Dylan Thomas in his poem, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" urges his beloved father who was sick to rage (fight), rage (fight) against the dying of the light (light is metaphoric of life). While human resolution or the will to live has been proven to help people survive sicknesses and some life threatening incidents, yet we ought discern that no strong will can prove resistant or stubborn when the Giver of life is saying, "let the dust return to the earth." It is God who gives life and when He makes demand of it, no force could stop Him. Job knows this when  he says, "naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21, KJV). 

People, you'll return. God will have your spirit while your posterity will have your carcass - your body. Before then however, you ought live like Jesus lived. You ought work the works of Him that sent you to the earth. You must see to it that His Kingdom come and His will is done in the sphere of life you are or will be called to. This way, you'll have triumphed over death by fulfilling purpose and discharging your life's assignment. As such, you'll have no fear or regret facing death as a born again. As for the spirit - your spirit, it'll return. And I tell you, it's currently on that voyage to returning as you spend day after day. So, don't be idle but live purposefully. 

PRAYER: O Lord, teach me how to live and maximize each day. Let me see life as a gift and an opportunity that mustn't be squandered. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Psalm 50:1-23, Proverbs 10:29-30

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Wednesday, 6 March 2024



As I Was Praying, I Heard, "The Ground Is Wet".

For Us, "Our Ground Is Not Dry And So Our Ground Is Not Hard. It Is Wet!

Dear brother, when someone's ground isn't wet, it is dry and when a ground is dry, it is hard to till or open up for cultivation. 

A dry ground; a hard ground are all signifier of a famine! When there's no rain on the surface of the earth, the ground closes up firmly. It folds up and so the earth (the ground) can't yield up. Throw seeds into it and it'll be seen dying. 

But for you, your ground is wet and so you can bring forth. When the ground is dry and hard, men will dig and dig seeking water yet they won't see and if they ever sight water, much effort would have been given. As a matter of fact, their sweat must have become as thick as blood in such process. 

But for you, when you dig, you'll find water. Water will rush and gush up to meet your digging. You won't labour to death before you see what you're looking for. Your digging will sight water and your thirst will be quenched. 

I'm anointed to declare into your life today that your ground is wet. Water is on your ground. Dew is on your floor. Your ground will flourish with vegetations because both the blessings of the deep and heavens will both be given to you. 

See it here:

Genesis 7:11, KJV

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."

Two things happened there dear brother. First, all the fountains of the great deep (underground) opened up. 

Through that (from beneath), the ground or better still the earth was watered and wet. 

Secondly, the windows of heaven opened up and it also rained from above or the cloud. 

In this way also, the earth was watered and wet again. 

Bro. XYZ, what am I seeing and praying for you? It's that you'll receive help, blessings and favour from all mediums and places possible. 

Heaven will not only give you rain for your ground to be wet. The springs and the undergrounds will also be opened for you. Bro. XYZ, in every way a man could get blessed, assisted or helped until he becomes strong and reliant, God will go those ways to wet your ground and strengthen you. 

When the ground is wet, things are easy. Ploughing or cultivation just becomes simple. And so, things will be easy for you. Heaven and earth will synergize together to ensure you succeed. In agreement, the laws and rules of heaven and earth will work for your good. Their agreement is for your good. Their supplies are brought into your life. You're made fat from their nutrition and feeding.  

With Love From Me [Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings]. 

Say, "My Ground Is Wet"!

@ M'Wings.





Read John 8:8 - 11

John 8:7, KJV

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

It is indeed true that if you have not received mercy, you may not have learnt to give same. It is usually the cup with which you're measured that you tend to use to measure unto others. If you've enjoyed mercy somewhere, you'll really want to give mercy also as a refund and replenishment to others especially in that same area. An illustration I give. 

I once got to a place where funding my education proved abortive and impossible any longer during my undergraduate days. Only that I enjoyed the mercy of a local scholarship. Due to this, I'm usually moved at every announcement on the inadequacy of students to pay their tuition. I see my having a tertiary education as an act of mercy, having found myself almost becoming a drop out. I found it an obligation of a sort therefore to help people fulfill their dreams by involving or contributing to sponsoring their education. This is how the mercy you have received teaches you to show others mercy. One time, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. Afterwards, He instructs them to do likewise unto others. For that example, He sets a pattern.

John 13:13-15, KJV

"13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."

Doing likewise unto others will be proceeding from having received previously such a ministration. You naturally are taught by it to behave yourself. You therefore don't overestimate your service or your ministry to people in your own day because you're a debtor and fruit of some people's ministries also. 

Watch those who are unnecessarily difficult in life however, they might have lacked mercy in their journey. Instead of enjoying mercy, they probably suffered somewhere. Having being abused this way, not learning how best to treat others, they mismanage and maltreat them. That may be because they once met people who made their journey difficult and utmostly stressful. For having not enjoyed kindness, they naturally by default dish same to others. This is where by naturalness, "they do unto others like men have done unto them." I observe the power of modelling there. What you model to people by doing is what they easily pick up to do because they'll find it easier having had an example in front of them. They'll just pick a cue from you. So, if you sow wickedness to people, you may be teaching them callousness to their own after-comers also.

In the verse we began to probe yesterday, Jesus responds to the persistent demand of the scribes and pharisees by saying, "he who has not sinned amidst you, let him cast the first stone." This statement if critically explored means, "permission is only granted to he that has not sinned or can prove so." Only such has the go ahead to cast stones. Now, let us assume there's someone like that in the congregation of those accusers that day who could cast stones because he has not sinned, hope you know his being empowered to cast stones will be coming from the fact that he has never for once sinned let alone receive God's mercy, pardon or forgiveness at a juncture. On that note, same may not be required of him to give or show to others. However, all of them were paralyzed and couldn't prove otherwise because they also at one time or the other had sinned and had enjoyed God's mercy. On that note, they were under obligation to give mercy. That is what Jesus confronts them with. He punctures them where they'll see their human foolishness, see themselves as legalistic men and repent. In that way, they couldn't stone the adulterous woman. They therefore relented and went away from the eldest to the youngest. 

It means those unjust scribes and Pharisees acknowledge being recipients of God's mercy and forgiveness too. Therefore, their conscience prick them and their hearts smother them to give up the case. 

I started by saying, "he who has received mercy will give mercy but he who hasn't may not have been taught to give same." He won't just understand why he should. If somebody needs tuition fee now, how it'll hit or resonate with me if I heard will be different from how it'll hit you. Our differing responses are so because I was once in that condition while you can't testify to what it means to ever desperately need tuition. Meanwhile, you may respond faster somewhere else where giving mercy comes to you as a force of reminder - of how you'd failed if God had not stepped in to rescue you also. 

So, whenever you get to see judgemental people, it might be that they themselves were shown no kindness by anyone. Because they have therefore not been spared, they care less who becomes a scape goat. So, such might seek to cast the first stone because they believe they owe no man no duty or obligation that needs repayment. Today, God wants you to check yourself. Are you a giver of mercy? Are you moved by a bowel of compassion when you see people like sheep without shepherd being harassed by hunger, sickness or a need etc? I tell you, "if you have received mercy, you'll be moved to give mercy." Only those who haven't received mercy [yet none has not because God gives his rain to fall both upon the righteous and the unrighteous] will deny others of it. 

PRAYER: Father, may I learn to do unto others as you have done and role modelled to me. I shall not be a hypocrite. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 10:26

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Monday, 4 March 2024





Read John 8:1-11

John 8:7, KJV

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

You have a reason to forgive. You might have been hurt. This hurt may even be coming from your spouse - as those who mostly and deeply offend us are our integral parts and those closest to us. However, you need to forgive. A just reason will be because Christ commands it (Lk.6:37). Meanwhile, God is set to convince you with yet another reason to forgive. 

When this woman was caught in the very act of adultery and brought to Jesus, condemnation of a sort was being expected of the scribes and pharisees to be meted to her. Though they came to tempt Jesus as to see if He'll rubbish what Moses had commanded to do as to have a wherewithal to hold Him; Jesus, ever leading his foe in wit answered thus, "he who has not sinned among you, let him cast the first stone."

Except those elders will become hypocrites just then, which offcourse is most difficult for them to do, [for they know they have not been walking in blameless or sinless perfection]; they'd lied. Like any Christian, they have stumbled one way or the other and have erred. Even if they have been forgiven and their sins wiped off, it didn't still cancel the fact that they were once debtors who were forgiven. This thought should be in all of us that we were once debtors - sinners who were forgiven and translated into the kingdom of His beloved Son and then believers who receive pardon whenever they err. Your own error might anyway not have been that public but that doesn't justify your grinning at another because yours was a secret sin. Jesus was saying, "if you once fell or stumbled at sin and were all forgiven, should you be here advocating for the death of another? In essence, He was asking them, "what justifies you over her?You were not killed in your own day and in your own time when you erred but were pardoned and here you are, seeking justification and the hand of judgement against another." I say to you, "any of you who has not sinned should cast the first stone."

Obviously, all of them became paralyzed, immobile, dropping the stones with which they thought they'd execute judgement on this woman and leaving one by one from the eldest to the youngest. The Spirit is saying, "if you have received mercy, you should show mercy." As a matter of fact, you'll be held up in judgement by God if you've been an object of the mercy of God and you're refusing to do likewise to men when you have the power of judgement/pardon over them. When my younger ones erred and I pursued them around to measure to them as they've measured to me, my father would say in those old days, "let it go." If I insisted, he'll say, "but you did just that during your growing up years." At times, he might say," you even did more than that." What was he hinting at? The fact that I should forgive because I've once received mercy.

Christ once related the parable of a man who owes his lord. His Lord commanded that he and his household be sold to clear the debt. However, he pleaded and was forgiven by him. Shockingly, this same man on leaving the king's court sees another servant who owes him and holds tenaciously to him to pay up. Has he forgotten that he himself had just obtained mercy as an object of mercy? Why should he be this chronic, unthinking and unforgiving? It took not long before he was reported for unforgiveness by other servants and so taking in by the king (Matt.18:23-25). That's the judgement and end of all who have once received mercy but who refuse to give to others. Expressly, Jesus says, "blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy" (Matt.5:7). If you've not been receiving mercy, you probably want to check whether you've been sowing seeds of mercy. In the academia, there are lecturers who are not merciful. They behave as if they become all by their effort without mercy having worked for them at some point. They never recall that a mouth once spoke to advocate for their causes also. If that was not done, they might be nowhere today. Now, they are the ones making life difficult for students they should show mercy to without compromising the ethics and set standards of their profession. God will visit you and mete to you like he meted to that forgiven but unforgiven servant. 

Look, God is our model. If He forgives us, we should forgive. Even Christ cries, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Lk.23:34). Imagine Jesus still praying for His offenders and persecutors. You might claim your own offender was in his own right senses but that ain't still a justification because you've always received mercy yourself. God is not telling us to do what He has not already done for you. He's not the pharisees who command and won't lift a finger at the burden (Matt. 23:4). We err many times but He keeps forgiving us. As a matter of fact, He made provision for us in the blood of Jesus that we may be cleansed when we err. For the Bible says, "...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sins (I John 1:7)" and "if any man doth sin [acknowledging the fact that we can err], we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, He's the propitiation for our sins [as believers] and also for the whole world" (I John 2:1-2). Did you see that?

So, if you're reading this, saying you won't forgive him or her, you'll be putting a barrier to God forgiving you also. However, a question God is asking you today is, "if you have not sinned [and ever forgiven before], be the first to cast the first stone [start judging or start the process of judging right away].

PRAYER: Lord, I surrender all at your feet. I let go that I may gain you always. I forgive and I'm cured of whatsoever sickness or affliction unforgiveness has opened me up to.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Psalm 47:1-9, Proverbs 10:24-25

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