Tuesday, 12 March 2024





John 4:34, KJV

"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."

After discovering what to live for, your next big responsibility or target is to ensure you live it out and to the fullest. You don't want to regret at old age or departure that there are extents not reached. Many time, we focus on discovering the will of God and living it as we are preoccupied but haven't taught ourselves or congregation the need to finish all written or allocated to us to do by God. You're not the one who determines the extent of your work or elasticity of your calling. God does. For John, his assignment was to identify the Messiah and testify of Jesus as he did (John 1:29-34). He identifies Him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world. For Jesus, it was to die for the sins of the whole world and He sure got there as well (John 19:30). For you, you must find out. You'll know if there's still more to cover by the feeling of discontentment you'll often feel in you. God is the One who supplies any called fellow with a sense of purpose. So, you'll always have an experience of whether you're on the right tasks or you've fulfilled all.  

You see, you'll still be a failure of a type if you couldn't complete what God allocated to you to do. On this note, we have to give effort to see that we do the will of God and finish His works before we are cut off. It is this reason that fuels Jesus into saying, "He must work the works of He that sent Him while it is day, for night comes when no man can work" (John 9:4). You see, even if you don't want to stop; you'll be eventually stopped by old age or death. You can not always bear the zest and youthfulness of your youth. It is true of all things that night will come upon you. Night as a moment of importunity is one thing that hinders people from "finishing God's work" which they have found. Many may start, go all the way to do some but may not finish. Not finishing is where the danger is. Imagine if God had to look for another man to finish or bring to completion the very assignment He gave to you to do. 

The very sure way to beat night or time of importunity like sickness, old age or death which may hinder you from doing the will of God that you have known (which is your purpose) and finishing it is to have started earlier and apply diligence on daily basis to fulfill your calling. Once you sense God's call on your life for a certain kind of life to be lived, it is wise to depart once and for all to it without contemplating how you'll make ends meet. Dillying-dallying is a robber of time - your most essential time. Starting early gives you more time in your hands to dedicate to your calling or life's purpose. Any who did something of importance laid the foundation in his youth when his body could bear the burden or shock of the work. As I write to you now, there are different men especially Scientists and Inventors who spend up to 14 - 16 hours daily seeking to make discovery or finish a product. No aged fellow could give such much time. 

However, if you're a latecomer like Paul the Apostle, you may need to take the handle of diligence to beat even your predecessors in the same profession. Apostle Paul while speaking says, "but by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (I Corinthians 15:10, KJV). You see, labouring more than others can hasten your steps and put you into equality with those who already left you behind. It not only made Paul to catch up but it even made him surpass all the other apostles. He laboured more than them all. He started by giving himself away to solitude even at the beginning (Gal.1:16-18) and making his time count daily by giving it to calling henceforth and not frivolities. Peter also talks of "applying diligence to make one's calling and election sure" (II Peter 1:10). Establishment and reknowness of your calling comes through diligence or else you might not be taken as having the call as you profess. Unless by diligence men sees the works or products of your calling, it may not be clear to them that you're called. 

Therefore, let it be in your mind not only to be a good starter but finisher. There are those who'll regret on their death bed by the time God shows them their report card. By the time He shows them expanse that still needs coverage, they'd not be happy at all. Let it be your motivation to finish all as well. If orphanage, university, hospital, NGO, business etc is in your calling, ensure they all come out. If you're a minister and God intends you preach to many and bring them to salvation and sonship, then your thirst must be the thirst of Paul who says, "he's indebted to the Greeks and the Barbarians... and he must share the gospel with those in Rome also" (Rom. 1:14-15). What we have all started, may we see to an end. 

PRAYER: Give me the wisdom, initiative and energy to fulfill my purpose in its entirety. My strength is renewed; my understanding is enlarged.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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