Sunday, 10 March 2024





Read I Kings 18:36-40

I Kings 18:39, KJV

"And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God."

We are ambassadors of Light and our duty is to reveal His light. We have confessed for long that, "His kingdom come, His will be done on earth" (Matt.6:10). If our true desire is that the righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost of God (Rom.14:17) should be felt, being established in every sphere of life we find ourselves, then we have to be light bearers; we have to live for a testimony. It is this testimony well lived for and this representation of Christ well done where we are placed that will reveal God's standard, lifestyle and converting principles that'll make "people give glory to our Father who's in heaven (Matt.5:16) or say, "the Lord, he is the God." Through how we live, we can convict the world of sin and even righteousness!

The kind of honour, admiration, esteem and worship we are to draw to God by our accomplishments - which God will wrought through us is what we have exemplify in today's passage. All of us are very much aware of the Mount Carmel Challenge. The prophets of Baal are to prepare a sacrifice and call down fire to consume it. There was culture shift that day because Elijah advocated for fire being called down instead of being lit by any man. Herein we shall prove whose God shall answer by fire (I Kings 18:24). It is such that would be GOD uncontestingly. Despite the effort of the prophets of Baal to call unto Baal for fire, they all failed however. Even when they cut themselves until blood gush out, Baal still didn't give ears. They wanted to attract its sympathy but all was to no avail for them. For Elijah rather, fire immediately come down the moment he prays. As he tells the people to draw near to him, the Lord descends fire and what a sight to behold. With this accomplishment that shocks the citizenry watching, they all confess in unison, "the Lord, he is the God; the Lord, he is the God." That is, "the God of Elijah is the true God." Look at how through Elijah's accomplishment, honour, glory and worship was brought to God. 

This is what should be the duty of every Christian. To live distinctly and outstandingly that the heathen - their lives, products, services etc wouldn't be able to compare with ours, so much more that people would be able to say of us, "the chin-chin she makes is the best. It's the Lord and God of all chin-chin. No chin-chin is comparable to hers." If people have not been talking of the works of your hands this way, it's either you're living way too shalow - not giving attention and refusing to impact quality into what you make or do. In the Mount Carmel Competition, Elijah didn't force himself on anyone. It was what they saw that they repeated. No partiality of any sort. The prophets of Baal had their chance. As a matter of fact, they spent more time trying to bring down fire from Baal than Elijah spent with God. Yet, no accomplishment for them. However, just at a kickstarting, there was a sound from heaven for Elijah. And so, he became distinct, far away from being a fraud or scam like the prophets of Baal who couldn't produce or have their god send down fire. On this note, the people confess who to them has carry the trophy after careful observation on who has delivered the expected result. They said, "the Lord, He is the God." Another way round, "the Lord of Elijah is the God." My concern is that Elijah brought honour to God by his life and act. Is it honour you've been bringing to God as a Christian or shame? Just by how you've been living, has Jesus been winning or losing amidst other gods and religions? Or is it the Hinduists, Confucists, Buddhists, Muslims etc that have been having the glory and praise in business, media, entertainment, politics, sports, social/spiritual etc worlds where you are as God's representative? May we be the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). May our God be the GOAT. That's what God became that day as Elijah sanctifies Him before the people and as He Himself answers by fire. He became the GOAT, the genius, the awe, the commander and winner of the admiration and souls of all present. Everybody immediately believed in God. Doubt was eradicated immediately. 

If God's kingdom will be known and felt amidst all people, it's the responsibility of each of us to bring it down by revealing Jesus, the Kingdom and its principles to people.  Such testimony and incomparable result that people will see come from us is what will set God high so much more that they'll say, "our God, He is the Lord" or "the Lord, He is God." In your day and my day, may other gods not be the God. By how we live, what we do or become with our lives, may we flag Christ very high until men see our good works and undeniably give glory to our Father who's in heaven (Matthew 5:16). 

PRAYER: Lord, I seek to bring you honour, glorify me when I need to make prove of you even as I give diligence to work and become outstanding in my profession or field. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

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