Wednesday, 31 August 2022





Jeremiah 29:11, KJV

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

He said, "He knows the thoughts He thinks towards you." You may or may not know same. Satan may or may not know same. But He certainly knows the thoughts He thinks towards you. Thoughts? Thoughts! That someone takes thought about you is enough proof that he or she cares. Our parents are always taking thoughts over us. From being concerned, they tend to slip into worry over us and fret themselves around. They'll wonder if their children would do well academically, if they'll succeed in life and not fall victims like some they know. But more importantly, they take thoughts by putting plans in place for us even before our birth. Many there be who are not married now but who are heavily taking thought for their unborn children on all matters of life. They have on ground how they'll want them instructed, what their destinies would be, likely schools they'll be educated and skills they must acquire. That's taking thought for. You carefully meditate, arrange events, plan it and time them as things that must begin to happen one after the other to such you're taking thought over. If you're a parent, much are your thoughts over your children. 

From this context, we'll get to relate more with that verse that says, "I know the thoughts I have towards you...." At times, it's only our parents who know what thoughts they have towards us. Since we can't see their mind and they didn't reveal it, we may not come into their revelation. As such, it is hidden but as we walk with them, obey them, we'll see each unfold and we'll be surprised. It's then you'll hear confessions like, "daddy, I love you. Mummy, you're the best." Those are our confessions whenever God begins to make a release of His thoughts over us become manifestations also. Only that unlike our parents, we have certain knowledge of God's thoughts to us as written in the Bible. However, some measures are still hidden which by search in prayer would be revealed as revelation.

That place also says, "they're thoughts of peace or good or welfare." Did the Bible not say will a father not know how to give his children good gifts even if he were an evil father (Matt.7:11). "How much more God", Jesus asked? That tells you the nature of man still wants to do good to himself despite his corrupt state. Anyone's children is himself. Even if that man or woman is acting stubborn or irresponsibly, all that may be a cover and disguise against not wanting to own up to not having. He can't have and close his bowels to his own. God's thoughts are good towards you. They're of welfare. Do you know what "welfare" means. It encompass all the goodies their be. If you've ever traveled to Europe or any well developed nation before, especially if you stay for awhile, you'll know what it means to live in heaven on earth. The welfare package even as an employee (when you're labouring) makes you believe this is all that is. There are facilities and amenities. That's why Africans want to die there. They are thoughts of welfare - one that's meant to see to your survival, continuity, benefit, good health and wealth. Did God not say, "with long life will I satisfy you and show you my salvation (Psalm 91:16)?" That's part of those good thoughts. He has given us exceeding and great precious promises. That the Bible verse says, "thoughts of good and not of evil" immediately shows a contradiction and contrast of what the devil serves. God thinks and serves good. That's why every good and perfect gifts are from Him. The devil serves otherwise which is why He has come to steal, kill and destroy. These three attributes, does it esteem anyone as having good intention towards you or caring in same regard. 

Then it says, "to give you an expected end." Do you know things can always go as you have expected it. As you have "expected it" must have been based on "God's promises in the Bible or personal prophecies to you." Because you know God esteems His Word even above His name, that becomes your solid foundation.You knew He has said you'll be in good health and prosper just as your soul prospers, you'll immediately discern it contradictory if you're being constantly harassed with sickness or penury. So, what's the expected end? That irrespective of how much you lose in business or owe anyone as debt now, you'll come out to become a billionaire. There's always an expected end. There's always a prediction to await its fulfilment. That's why Job in all could still say, "though He slay me, I'll yet trust in Him (Job 13:15-16). He knows his "Redeemer lives still and shall stand upon the earth at the latter day (Job 19:25-27)." I pray that God's sum total thoughts to you would begin to be unleashed and fashioned into manifestation towards you. Be blessed by His thoughts in motion towards you. 

PRAYER: Thank you for your thoughts towards me. They are of good and not of evil. I receive them all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

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That day, I came to campus to pack my remaining books. That was when I met this newly priest posted to St.Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Ahead of time, during my excoship as the fellowship president, I had told my second tenure excos that the Lord would have me go to Nicopolis. God gave me Titus 3:2. However, I didn't know where Nicopolis was or who my trainer would be there. But I was very sure God would have me trained for ministry. I told them that.

If you ever knew #EuniceOlabode, #OgunlanaSamuel, #OreoluwaRunsewe, #NguBarak, #OluwabusayomiAdams, #OduroyeMoninuola, #OgunsekanFolakemi, #AnjolaTella, # MelekiDaniel etc, they'll tell you Bro Sola kept repeating Nicopolis and how God would have him trained there. 

When my path crossed with Canon's (as he was formerly called), I was at the gates of St. Peter's Anglican Church also known as Anglican Bus stop in Tai Solarin University of Education waiting to board a vehicle going to Ijebu Ode where I stayed then. He met me at the gate and we started a discussion. He said he had learnt I was the previous fellowship president. He requested for what I had in those bags and I revealed same as, "my books." He said, "come and see."

O my God! Come and see shelves. Come and see books. All the books I coveted to read were there. Kenyon is what I'm seeing. Look at Haggin peeping at me. What about those big big books? Those are on theology. O Jesus! I've never seen an orthodox minister having much books like this. That's how we knew ourselves. So, I'll come to the vicarage to do vigil with him often. From there, I packed into the vicarage. Like he'll say, "I didn't know how 'Sola got into my house.' Indeed, he didn't because we didn't sit down formally to agree, "tomorrow, I'll pack in." Only that as I came, something about him, the anointing -  Holy Spirit and his words which carry spirit and life)  kept drawing me back until I tore myself from Ijebu Ode and became apprenticed to him.

It was said of Enoch that he walked with God and was not again. That happened to me. As I went back and forth from him, I conclusively and decisively weaned myself to be given away to him and what God would have him do to me. After all, I remembered the Nicopolis instruction and concluded after examination that, "this is it." People (especially the ASFITES I handed over to) were later shocked finding me living with this holy prophet and anointed teacher. Since he was their vicar, I'll follow him to observe his ministration with them once in a month. It was then these students saw their former revered papa carrying the Bible of this holy man in honourable service but what probably might have been labelled a reproach. They wouldn't believe it. All those who would call me papa after the campus order having being the campus president and fellowship's might have thought it diminishing for me to submit to someone who's within our jurisdiction and least of all, an Anglican Priest. Even many Anglicans don't esteem Anglican Priests as authentic. They just believe they're sloppy and undiscerning spiritually. But as all of those students would later come to recon, they knew Oyebode was different. He would teach as if he shouldn't stop. You always want to hear him more. Something ties you to whatsoever he utters. The interest is always there. Deliverance would be ongoing. Demons screaming and fleeing their hidden places. His parting and pathing anointing would make people fall hither and thither while he'll bluntly instruct in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terrible teacher and prophet.

It must be for a reason like that the then #BishopAyodeleAwosoga of Ijebu Anglican Diocese who's of blessed memory posted him from Waterside to Ijagun to till the land of students and break up their fallow grounds. And he still did in his little years full of striving against forces hell sent against his ministry. I was eyewitness to all as I fought side by side with him in warfare at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Since 2015 till date, I'm still with daddy. His family opened up to me and many children that the star guided to their Bethlehem. What they (the family) ate was what I ate. Nothing hidden, nothing amiss. Mummy Oyebode would ensure any don't miss home in her home. A woman fervent in prayer and spirituality herself. May the Lord bless daddy and mummy Oyebode for #EmmanuelOyebode, #FavourOyebode, #MercyOyebode, #GraceOyebode and all of us.

I call them my siblings because that's who they are. Grace (their last born) one day asked daddy, "is Bro 'Sola our elder brother?" For a little girl of 6 to be asking this, "it means that Bro Sola must have stayed long enough as to have been counted in as one." Am I not one? I am because I have inherited that minister though he yet lives.

Daddy, you're my father. Your oil is on me. The works you do I do. I won't badly repay you. I won't waste all the secret impartations or even the words unverbalized but which I understood. It's the intention of good fathers that their children would double their work.  Elisha requested for the "double portion of Elijah's spirit." He doubled him. Jesus promised His disciples greater works and they did. I'm doubling you as your soul might have blessed me. This oil of yours on me has opened doors unto us to enter Europe, America and Asia. We've already surrounded the Scandinavian nations with our gospel and are progressing. However, I still seek opportunity to come and serve you though I'm in my own destiny land. I long for home to tarry round your grace while you instruct me and others in wisdom. I want to INCREASE LEARNING! I want to wash your car, polish your shoes, wash your handkerchief, accompany you to ministrations, jingle the bell while you sing (which I was first embarrassed doing the first time you said I should) and above all, "see light in your light."

Anglican Students Fellowship, TASUED BRANCH and Ijebu Anglican Diocese obviously know Venerable Johnson Oyebode. He's a worthy man to learn Christ from. You're a righteous man. Your family is blessed having you. I lived with you before concluding that. I saw you well. 

Discipleship is the goal even if you mistaken daddy for an archaic, rugged and demanding minister. He's a successful minister who has produced children after his own kind. Many in ministry today and other spheres of life. May I speak of #OluwabusayomiAdams, #ToluAdams, #AlfredGod's-Gift (Pastor), #TheophilusSeunKhale (Rev) and those ministers I'll like to cover. From your healing anointing that broke the shackles of a mad man, to your teaching anointing that could stay on a verse or run concordance on a singular word to study, to the prophetic that I've seen dived and divine to fetch secrets hidden about people, I covet all. All is what we all your children covets.

Father, as you hit a milestone and celebrate your birthday, may it be "long life and God's salvation." May you be preserved to do more in the body of Christ. May you eat the fruits of your labour and be rewarded to your face. Morning Wings Ministry and I, #OlusolaADEJUMO M'Wings recognize your impact on us and celebrate you as our father. Baba Mi Oyebode!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry.


Tuesday, 30 August 2022




STILL JEALOUS GOD - HE Cares Series 002

Job 2:6, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life."

Satan incited God against Job. If you know what incitation is, it is rousing or tempting someone to take action. Satan wouldn't stop talking, "do you think Job fears you without a reason." Remove all the reasons for which he fears you, allow his wealth disappear, allow his children perish, let him be deserted and let's see whether Job would still be that child of integrity that you boast of. God granted this and all Job had was lost. God while approving that he might be touched did all to jealous for Job.

Job 1:12, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand.

He commanded Satan sternly first time "to not fall on him." What was God trying to do? He was seeking to preserve him. This is the jealousy of a father over his child. After the taking away of all he had anyway (which Satan might have thought would break and make him curse God but which didn't happen), Satan seeing his goal wasn't accomplished won't still let go. He kept pressuring. He told God, "skin for skin, everything a man has he'll give for the ransom of his life." Why would Satan be speaking suggestively like this? He was advising God to have him get unleased upon Job. God granted this but what permission did God give him again. 

Job 2:6, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life."

Did you read, "but save his life." That's the jealousy of God over you. Despite how pressing all were on Job, God didn't allow Satan exercise one power. That was to take his life. Job could be afflicted with any sort of sickness, Satan could shoot arrows of denying thoughts into his mind and he may be humbled to become a man of sorrow and one acquainted with grief. However, Job is preserved because what could finally justify all Satan would do to him, God didn't allow it. He drew a boundary for Satan to go and go no further. If you're a parent here, I know you won't tell your three year old to carry a load the twelve year old would carry. You know their capacity. So, your mercy, jealousy and consideration would always weigh to each according to his capacity. That's what God did to Job. With that temptation , God granted him a way of escape. When God told Satan to preserve him alive, God was indirectly prophesying the end of Job - that he'll make it. Because Job's life was preserved and held by God's upholding word, he was able to live and recover all he had lost. I know a God who watches over you same way and wouldn't allow you to be tempted more than you can bear. Even with that temptation (that you can bear), He'll still with it create a way of escape (I Cor.10:13). This is God's jealousy towards children. He watches over us in this way. He reserves an area for Himself where we won't be swallowed. In all Job's test, even as Satan kept asking for more, his life was not handed over. If God weren't caring and jealous, He could have given that away to Satan to toil with as well. You know Satan, he's an opportunist. He'll kill Job the next second. He'll maximize that jugular delivered to him by God. Rather, God colonized that place for Himself. He called it the "tithe" that Satan must to him reserve. May I say to you, "let the earth be removed and planted in the waters, you're still in God's hands. He takes thoughts for you behind you and He's advocating for you even in all the pressures. Your end has bee prophesied. You'll come out refined as gold at day's end.

PRAYER: Thank you for "tithing" unto yourself my life. Thanks for this jealousy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 31:1-33:33; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9

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Monday, 29 August 2022




"HE WILL JEALOUS FOR ME" GOD - He Cares Series 001

Read Genesis 20:1-12

Genesis 20:3, KJV

"3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife."

People, I am made bold to declare to you that God is a "jealous for me God." He takes thought. He cares. He concerns. He worries if there's a thing like that and that's all for your sake. Who in this life can look unto the things of a man like that man himself? That's why each person is always selfish, putting himself or herself first in everything. However, I and many disciples have known He Who jealous and cares for one more than the fellow himself or herself! Who's He but God? Brethren, I'm bold to say, "God is a jealous for you God."

Here is Sarah hooked up in the palace of Abimelech because of the survival instinct that had kick-started itself in Abraham. This, "live at all cost" keeps costing people and it almost cost Abraham if not for the prompt decisive stepping in of God. If your wife is snatched by another man for himself - a greater man who has the wherewithal to own you and takes her into his bedroom before you, may I ask what the thoughts of your mind would be? Exactly. Your mind is racing. Your heart is pumping blood as if it wants to fall. That's how Abraham felt. He was jealous. He wondered when Sarah she confessed was his sister is actually his sister though his sister indeed. Only that this is a sister who has become a wife and if we're to go by her current role in Abraham's life, she isn't his sister but wife and that's correctly who she is. Abraham never knew what harm he had done to himself until by his own words and the affirmation of Sarah they had signed her off to Abimelech. But Abraham wouldn't let go. He couldn't sleep in his tent. He could be seen pacing up and down probably entreating God to go and ameliorate his mistake and cause a redemption. These must have been the cares of Abraham and more. He must have requested for the rapid response squad of God to do a thing concerning Sarah immediately immediately. His thought and greatest concern must have been, "God, don't tell me that man is currently having sex with my wife." You could see Abraham closing and opening his eyes in pain and regret while hitting the furniture and saying, "no, no, I hurt myself." In all, there was a hush perfect silence. God neither break the silence nor assure Him of His doing a thing. However, on God's own, God entered into Abimelech's dream and told him, "how dead he was" for having taken, "another man's wife to himself." Abimelech declared to God his innocence. It is here we knew what could have been the greatest prayer of father Abraham. The Bible says, "but Abimelech had not yet come near her (v.4)." Where is this coming from when no question was asked in that line? God is simply showing us the obvious which Abraham's mind was set on as he had been relegated to sleep lonely in another tent. Tell me which man would bear another man doing with his wife? In a later reply, God Himself said, "it was He Who kept Abimelech from going near her as to have sinned against Him (v.6). Did you see that God's work which He did on behalf of his son, even his unfaithful son? Did you see God's thought and jealousy for unfaithful Abraham? I believe it wasn't Abraham's prayer or let's say confession of his sin of lying and repentance from impersonation that made God hurry to stop Abimelech from doing as Abraham wouldn't want. It's rather the jealousy of God which cares, takes thought and concerns for all true sons and daughters that burnt to curtail and hold Abimelech by his bosom. 

May I ask, "what are your concerns?" Before your prayers, God knows what to till, which key to press, who to awake and who to cease sleep from. He jealous for you. He takes thought for you before you remind Him. The reason is simple. You're obligated to Him and He's obligated to you. The covenant between you is stronger than that between thoughtful and committed couples. Even if anything isn't right between you and God, it'll be a chamber thing between you both. I have seen this God's jealousy in the release of provision, meeting of my needs and settling of all my cares. If you're indeed God's serving child - one who worships in spirit and in truth (all sincerity, without guile), God can't but be jealous for you and all that concerns you. So, what are your cares? He takes thought over them before you do. Before Abraham asks God if He were watching, God had put plans in place to have Abimelech realize the trouble he's stirring. Your family is God's business. No one can successfully collect what is yours if God knows you. I pray for you that you'll know God's burning commitment. At all times, you won't be termed forsaken. Even in unseemly places, God will jealously advocate your cause. Do you receive it?

PRAYER: Teach me to cast all my cares on You because you care. Lord, rage and jealously burn to always be at hand for me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

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Saturday, 27 August 2022

WHAT GOD TOLD ME - Adjusting This Your Mirror!

WHAT GOD TOLD ME - Adjusting This Your Mirror!

The Lord picked a discourse with me and I sat back to listen to Him. 

I was ruminating on our being prospered eventually - building a house for the Lord for all nations to lift up holy hands to the Most High. As this went on, the Lord met me in my thought. He came with an interruptive explanation. His explanation was explanatory and insightful enough. Thank you my Father for always being at hand.

The Lord said, "while that is good, do you know there are those who disbelieve in what is too big and popular? You wanna know why? They just hold the belief that if a thing is God's initiated, owned, sponsored and controlled, it won't be too exceeding for them to see the end of its elasticity. Especially in this part of the world - Africa; when the Lord really enlarges you to the extent that you pull down your old barn in order to build new accommodating ones for the multitude of harvest that is beginning to break your wine skin, they'll begin suggestive talks like, "we certainly (kuku) don't know whether he's being aided by something other than this our same God." Nothing mysterious. Read this:

Luke 12:16-18, KJV

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods."

Did you see in there consequences of being blessed? I pray for you, "let your ground bring forth plentifully. Let your handiwork bring exceeding yield. Let what you plough or work at bring you such productivity that you'll need greater store houses." Such work, only God does it. You can plant or water as a minister but it's God that gives the increase. When the time thus comes that such net breaking, ship sinking and wine skin bursting blessings begin to visit as a reward, you can't but look for means of accommodating it. One of the resultant effects of too much blessing in a ministry is a defying population. It'll be so huge that you'll need to pull down your old auditorium to build a new one. In some cases, if the population is growing abysmally and at a rate that your often calculation can't catch up with, you may need a wall less church. It is God who solitarily does this. But as this happens, get ready to contend with the testimonies of those who would say, "it is by another spirit you've been thus hastened and brought this far." In Jesus' days, He was accused of same and He answered them back according to their folly. 

Matthew 12:24, 27, KJV

"24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. 27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges."

So, though it is God working in their own days, they'll distance themselves away from Him. The veil would be, "I don't want to join the devil or what I don't know its foundation." I'll repeat it, that somebody's speed is so enhanced that he reached destination so timely doen't mean he has trespassed or transgressed. God's hand might have come upon him to outrun even Ahabs of his own days to the gates of Jezreel (their destination) - I Kings 18:46.

Now, listen to me the prejudiced, envious, jealous, mockers and slow in heart to believe. That you're not yet due for promotion doesn't connote those whose own have come hurries theirs also. There's no time I'm in the community of men where discussion/testimony on the recent promotion or enlargement of someone is ongoing that there won't be someone at least who would interject with, "who knows how he got it?" Though none knows except himself and God (his witness), yet this should not condescend or handicap you into seeing men as "there's none that's righteous." There are still lovers of God than the world. There's still a remnant. You might have been caught up in the error of Elijah who wasn't seeing and speaking right. He was professing with all assurance, "only I am left (I Kings 19:14)." It took God to show him 7,000 are still in reserve who have not yet bowed to Baal or kiss him (I Kings 19:18). Immediately, he became a quenched raging fire. May I announce to all of you hearing us today that we are part of those alluded "7,000" doing it right with utmost loyalty to the Head of the Church - Jesus. We have not aided our calling with anything other than Jesus and His finished work. It is by that His name "by which all knees are assured would kneel and all tongues are emphasised would confess" that we're doing all that appears and you see and you'll yet see. We can co confess with Peter and John that it is neither our power, holiness or another's but Jesus' only. 

Acts 3:12, KJV

"And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?"

It is rather whose? Jesus' name and faith in same (Acts 3:16).

Greater greatness is coming. You will see what will trouble your sight! We will pull down to build up in order to accommodate all God is sending us. Before this work, you'll see numerous overflows which would culminate into new building projects to house the heritage of God. At such time, any soul especially those whose ways are not clean or upright in heart may condescend to say, "do you know where he gets his power from?" We have learnt that "to the pure, everything is pure. To the crooked, things are twined also." How people see at times is a product of their own crooked experience which has intertwined them not to see uprightly again. They always infer others are failing and living unworthily  because they are. The reason for their big questioning suspicion on who could get it right! Vain people!

If God is your own Father and the Spirit, your Shepherd, can't you trust Him enough to be led to a genuine house of worship that added no sorrows? Why then accuse a denomination or lay a minister bare because the Lord is his upper arm. I tell all of you today, a time comes soon that God's work shall appear to all the earth. At such time, you'll serve as our witnesses that we have had days of no miracles before God reveals us to His body and the Gentiles. This is so that you may defend us at the gates yourself. That's why we're careful leaving a good witness behind as we go.

These are the discussions God brought to me on why some despite seeing the move won't join it in their time because they're trapped in the thinking of "who knows what they're doing?" This fear ought not to be fear at all. I'll say, "if you're really born again, you can't but have a witness about who to follow or which church to go to. Jesus is the head of the church. He knows churches with candle sticks before Him. He'll send you to one and to a Shepherd who will shepherd you in the integrity of his heart and skillfulness of his hands.

Psalms 78:70, 72, KJV

"70 He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: 72

So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands."

God solely does this. Don't choose a church or pastor for yourself. You can be led. Let the Spirit knit your heart with a minister. Such model minister's ministry is often your ministry also. Let deep calls unto the deep. At all these symptoms, you'll receive your pastor from God. Henceforth, stop believing what is correct and godly should only just be a parlour thing - like a church where all the members know themselves without elasticity and meeting of foreign tongues/nationalities. That's not the kind of church God is showing me. He's moving on me and breathing to me a church of many languages. Like the one we saw on Pentecost's Day. There will be many departments and you'll hear people speak in their own tongues. 

Acts 2:5, 9-11, KJV

"5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,

10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11

Cretes and Arabians...."

This is a church where as the minister ministers, translation goes to people in their own languages because none must be left out of this move of God. If the vultures always gather where the carcass is, should gatherers in their different tongues and from their different nationalities not be a beneficiary of God's ongoing work. I see a church of a "thousand languages." I see all nations represented. Say with me, "Jesus to the world!"

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812






Read II Kings 6:24-33, 7:1-2

II Kings 7:2, KJV

"Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the LORD would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof."

Elisha declared what the Lord would do but because of its unreasonableness in contrast with the ongoing situation, a lord examined it and judged it wrong. Situation has finally gotten him. Elisha said, "get ready for abundance"; he countered saying, "would that be possible even if God were to do a miracle."

Please brethren, under what condition then will it be possible to turn hopelessness around if not a "miracle" which has the potency to turn such unwanted situation caused by the Syrians around. If anyone will doubt a thing, it shouldn't be the fact that the mouth of the Lord said, "He'll do a miracle." We all know what a miracle is. We know that a miracle is a miracle. It is that which brings the divine to fore and to humanity's aid in order to cure his desperateness and needs. Miracles break conventions. If that be the case from our understanding of what miracle is, why should somebody then confess antagonistically that even "if the Lord does a miracle (by making windows in heaven), it won't still be possible for abundance to manifest." Yet, that's what God had said He'll do by that prediction of Elisha which ran ahead of the feedback of this straying lord. Are you seeing how mankind stumbles with his mouth? When things are hard and all hope gone, what else I repeat can we trust to plough and break the ground for us if not miracles? Why should any fool or wise one say then, "at the face of miracle, nothing would still change." Such must be crazy and he ought to be shown his folly because his denying that miracle can't be miraculous enough to make a turn around is actually accusing God of incapability. Such would have successfully said, "God's arm is short even if He stretches it out." That is slaughtering God and denouncing His power.

I was in the company of three people recently. We were praying. It was a very beloved sister of mine who was leading prayer on provision towards a cogent project ahead of us all. As the prayer tarried on provision, I saw that verse I quoted floating to me while same was  impressed firmly on my spirit. I heard, "windows in heaven!" Same was explained to me in that hour. The Lord responded, I'll make, "windows in heaven. I'll do a miracle and give one where you all thought less. I'll bring something out of nothing. I'll create ways where there are no ways in simple terms." This answer and explanation fitted the prayer request and so much assured me that I knew God was speaking to us. We've been praying for miraculous provision and encouraging ourselves to believe for same when I heard, "windows in heaven." I gave the brethren the prophecy and we concluded the prayer. That's how we secured our breakthrough and took God by His own appearing to us. Who's there thinking on provision? Who's there thinking of a way of escape over a thing? I declare, "windows in your heaven. Possibilities in your impossibilities. Ways for you where there'd been none. Something is made out of nothing for you."  No matter how hard things are for people and the world, you'll always hear a word behind you making your case different by the comforting declarative utterance of, "windows in heaven." This is your escape orchestrated by God. I say, "windows in heaven."

PRAYER: Thank you for windows in my heaven. Thank you for creating for me a way of escape. Thank you for bringing miracles to break my famine.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 20:1-22:30; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 22:2-4

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Friday, 26 August 2022





I Samuel 17:25, KJV

"And the men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man that is come up? surely to defy Israel is he come up: and it shall be, that the man who killeth him, the king will enrich him with great riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father's house free in Israel."

GOD do put names on assignments. Specific people, specific assignments. Why is it difficult for any to attempt the Goliath project until David shows up? Yet it took forty days. Even the unprepared or yet decided could have decided. The challenge went viral and created a nightmare for all on the battle field yet none could attempt it. Something hidden being the reason is very much there. 

Brethren, if it is for you, God will preserve it for you. There's a place of "none will break rank (Joel 2:7)." As long as you're in peace with God, and in all conscience ready for God's will to be done, you'll always meet it. The Goliath project became "who will bell the cat?" Not at the start when Goliath first came out but after none including Saul could offer himself to go purge Israel of the shame. It was then the king set a price that whosoever purges the shame off Israel shall be greatly rewarded with a wife, riches and his family free from taxing in Israel. You'll still think somebody would be able to attempt it for the coveting of the prize? That even makes it hard. Such price set on Goliath exaggerates his mightiness in the sight of all. So, until David came, they were all in search of one person, "he who will bell the cat." It is not every person that God has given the revelation and conviction to get a task done to. If it doesn't enters your mind at all, it's not even your colony. If it does and it's not clear to you, you can't discharge it. God uses these and many ways to call each of us where He'll like us settle - where He needs men to be beneficial to mankind. All of us can't go and cluster in one profession. We aren't ants. We don't do what sells, we do destiny which has been left in our core or created with us. Each of us would have where God wants us colonize because of God's allocation of assignments and destinies to us. I read of a nineteen years old who created a Block chain that early and even had to drop out of school because he was crazily sought after and couldn't maintain schooling with his job. At nineteen, he's in high esteem like any adult professional. At such age, he was sponsoring an elder brother of his studying overseas and covering multitude of bills which ranges from touring the world on his own to doing jobs and attending great lessons. I coveted having being seriously made like him. God told me, "you're made. Where each of you excels is what is different. While he is being noised in the cryptocurrency, Block chain world, you're finding usefulness in my hands in ministry. It was then I even remembered that I had started earlier like him also and at that age he struck it, I had been going about my Father's business as well very well. However, the mind of anyone could be deceived to say, "what about his fame? Did you have that?" God told me, "some things are reproachful to men. They don't easily win their recognition but as you persist in it, I'll draw all men to myself."

Brethren, God has placed usefulness for each of us somewhere. There's a place where rising and becoming a star is easier for us all. It shows David would be greater than Saul seeing what he began achieving at a tender age than Saul in the same field. It's like where Saul ended it was where David would begin from. No matter how covetous you may be, you can't break rank to go and find value where God destined your friend finds. You may covet what he's becoming, just be careful not to get distracted away from your own area of grace where God has good thoughts for you too. Here's David, it is his to bell the cat. Though he was not brought to battle, neither a soldier, neither given hearing by Eliab nor refined with the latest weapons, he still did the job succinctly. You see, there's a grace for success wherever God tags with us that each of us succeeds. I tell you that if any warrior of Israel had gone to confront Goliath that day, they'll have embalmed his body. What is challenge to those not called to a thing is nothing to the man God destined to get the job done. That cryptocurrency boy can't write the devotional I'm writing also. It ain't his allocation nor his geography. I pray for you that you'll not become a fool wanting to be everywhere. That you won't begin to compare yourself with others because some are finding early obvious achievements. I pray that you'll face front, add diligence to your quarters of calling and see how where you'll be great where you've been placed you'll effortlessly bell your cat. All of us are created for achievement and profit, where and when we'll take it is what is different. If you've began, stay there. David himself didn't stop training with the sling and stone because he saw his brothers using sword. Let God's natural process graduates you. 

PRAYER: Lord, I face front. I receive contentment and commitment. As a man fitted for my task, I submit to discharge to the later. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 16:1-19:29; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 22:1

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Thursday, 25 August 2022



Yesterday, I received the shock of my life from Mile 12 to New Garage, Lagos. It happened that the vehicle I boarded had a conductor who couldn't made sense of money. He couldn't deduce what amount should be given back as change after collecting money from individuals. In this bus crowded with market women who are patronizers of this driver and his lacking in Maths conductor was where I got to receive some lessons I now teach.

I wondered, "in this Lagos. Eko wejenle (the never dare Lagos). Eko ile ogbon (outright teaching centre ready to teach the sluggish and unlearned). Is it where this "folly" is being practised? "How's the driver coping with this man who he had to help over and over again understand simple Maths with which to settle their passengers? Yet, he's driving and again busying himself with accountability on money matters. Why would he have such a man for himself? Couldn't he lay him off?" That last question was the beginning of my find.

God told me, "if he were laid off, how would he (the unmathematical conductor) feed? That's his place. He has chosen to work as a bus conductor and it becomes a must that I find him a place and a support system. God said, "I created that driver for him - to tolerate and bear with his folly, sluggishness and strangenesses." The conductor is not sharp as all of you passengers rightly observed. As a matter of fact, their regular patronizers (the traders) in the vehicle already knew him and his boss (the driver). They, (Driver and Conductor) have learnt by experience how to relate and manage themselves. I only had to speak to A to accommodate B." I was shocked hearing all these!

The Spirit of truth then continued His enlightening saying, "same way, I have ordained that all of you would marry. All of you would marry including the thought less off. Time may differ." I asked, "how?" He said, "I have created for individuals those who will accept them." You may not be clean, whole or totally proficient. This may slow your acceptance process as always esteemed by men. You may have a thing lacking somewhere but there's someone who had been created, placed somewhere by God for you with an instruction and a compelling one at that to receive you as you are (that's not to condone areas you could improve on anyway). I'm only speaking of atrophied portions of our lives that we can't change but accept, live and bear with. For example, someone is a stammerer or an albino. Some may not want to marry them for that. As a matter of fact, the Spirit said, "He created them (the endurers) to find that deficient and accept him or her like that." It pleases me to say that God originally had created such people with a forbearance, long-suffering, patience and an inside or module in them etc to cope with such deficients (in whatsoever aspect) it occurs in such people they'll be team mated with.

The Bible says without repentance that, "God sets the solitary in families (Psalm 68:6). A solitary is a single fellow: brother or sister. When the Bible says that, did you not sense commitment of God in that statement? It means, "it is my duty, obligation and very much within my power to see that all of you including the "worst" of you (in human terms or tagging) marries. It is you humans who categorise one person as fine and the other as lacking. But you are all my creatures, my handiwork irrespective of how you're delivered to this earth (born) or what a cause on earth has turned you to (i.e. injury, accident etc). You're all my children. I have a commitment to see to it that you're all set in a family. I exclaimed, "Kai, my Father!" God told me, "is any maimed, diseased, down syndromed, hyper emotional, over sensitive or unbearable to the community of "proper men?" He said, "such fellow has a fit and He'll find him or her their fit." Their fit like that driver would have been levied with tolerance and inbuilt to long suffer with them. They're specially created or have been tended by training and what life has thrown at them or taught them to bear with such deficients when their paths cross. Brethren, you're not forsaken because God has prepared someone for you (that your path has likely not crossed with) to bear you up from rejection, shame, your inadequacies and bear with you (as you both live together). That's he or she who would understand you. 

God said, because I'm obligated to feed all my creatures; I hooked that moron conductor up with a driver who would bear with him. At least, I feed the birds who neither sow or reap. The lilies also get clothed and the green grass who are sooner turned into the oven. How much more you? Am I not taking thought for you?

Are you saying, "you'll forever lack a partner because of the hemorrhage, occasional insanity, seizure (that leads to public shame) you're facing? God said, "No!" I can hook you up even to an outright better person. The person would just need to see a "better part of you." Even the most despised have a selling point. Even if you're a normal human being, you can't have all aspects of you perfect. There'll also be a place where you'll also need to be tolerated. Those of you who don't have obvious challenge manifesting in any physical deficiency for instance, would you indeed say, "you have no problem when you know as I do that you have anger issue, accountability problem, emotional weakness, spiritual and character defect etc." Yet, you have found a helpmeet. Let us ask again and again, "how did you get this done?" God simply found you one. Just one who your mountains doesn't bother as such. 

Some of you married as over age people also. Some even remarry because of deceased spouse or divorce to end up again with virgin singles yet as single parents! How did you get to marry another with the hang over of a kid from your past relationship? Or don't you know that the higher population of both sexes don't want to marry somebody who has been afore "gotten" and then has "baggage." Yet, because God is under obligation to fulfill Psalm 68:6, He marries you off to another again. He always has a fixer for you. Do you think it's because you have a clean face and bogus buttocks? Many there be who have those ephemerals who are still without covers. It's this commitment of "I set the solitary in families" that each of us enjoys. All of us have people who won't accept us when offered them even if we're the most graced, beautiful, wealthy or straight up people. However, God has one for us. That's my own comfort and should be yours also. To shock you, somebody might even be turned off because of your superfluous credentials. They'll say, "I want to marry someone who's silent." I met a lady who's now a rising star in her profession who told me she would never never marry a star. I said, "how would you know? "I'll just know. I know what I want out of life", she replied. Today, she is a star and I'm thinking she wanted a silent partner because of who she has discovered she'll become. So, she was looking for a point of contact to be hooked with her very opposite. You know, it is always magnet that attracts iron."

People, check your balance. Add, subtract, divide, multiply. Just do the sum. Who do you account yourself to be that you think you can't be fixed up. God is the greatest matchmaker though a pastor in any church has a fragment of this duty on him to help two people also get married by looking at two people who could do themselves good, won't be disgusted with themselves as pairs and then introduce (but without force) same to each other. If they're good in each other's sight and it pleases God, they may eventually hook up together. 

Look, God has an address, a person and a love in mind for you. You'll be satisfied eventually. The day you find acceptance from such people, you'll turn round and ask yourself if you were the one who has been rejected till hitherto. You'll just be dazed! It won't be reasonable again to you but it would make sense to God and His divine community. 

Look at me, are there not many widows in Israel before God sent Elijah to Zarephath? Are there not many lepers to be healed before God crafted  Elisha down for Naaman (Matt. 4:25-27). You have a fixer! One you'll enter into like hook and eye do. One who will meet all you are or have become. The fit! You have he who will receive you with both arms without murmuring or grumbling. His confession to the horrible shock of others would be, "look at the good gift" God has given me. They are not getting it but he or she knows better and would esteem you so even to your own shock. 

Therefore, by the prophetic on me, I order you to fall in line with your time and season, with your place in your placement, your person amidst people. Let your paths cross. Find acceptance. Find a long sufferer. Find a bearer with your kind (made you by nature or life). Find it now. Alignment now and not later. Find same who you'll be precious in his or sight. One that your trouble would be kindness to!

You say, "how possible?"

I answer with He said, "He'll set the solitary in families [even at all cost]."

© Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 37 04 68 12






I Samuel 17:16, KJV

"And the Philistine drew near morning and evening, and presented himself forty days."

We must be discerning. Lack of discernment might hinder us from moving when God moves. Goliath for forty days taunted and tormented the army of the Lord. Does the Lord intend it lasts this long when He knew who He'll use to secure victory for Israel already. There's nothing God wants to do on earth that He doesn't need a body for. That's why partnering with human beings have become a very important thing. That's why yielding as well has become an important thing. Unless you yield, some things might still be fallowed and left undone. 

Israel awaited their ambassador in David for forty days. The challenge went on unopposed while Goliath would come out to shiver them daily with, "are you not servants of Saul and I a Philistine? Choose yourself a man that we may fight." God has appointed a deliverer for Israel and like chess playing, He intends he moves to the battle where the next scene awaits him but a human was failing. Jesse was failing. Jesse didn't discover sending David to the battle to go deliver cheeses to his brothers until after the fortieth day of torment. The problems, challenges etc in your life which you've been praying to God over, does God intends it lasts this long before it's taken away? No! A human might be failing God. God might have spoken to someone to come to your aid financially while disobedience and reluctance is causing delay. There are moments when God comes to people as the first choice while their reluctance makes God choose another vessel for use. Katherine Kuhlman had said she was not the first person God visited with the healing anointing. God went to someone first who was unable to yield before the anointing sought another out to use. It becomes of us today to be sensitive and discerning to what God is doing in the now so that we might always be found in the present with Him. 

The sending of David to the battle field by Jesse was only a disguise by God. God wanted David there and He wouldn't come down from heaven to drag him there. David was a man under authority. God therefore had to nudge and stir a heart to take a step that would benefit Israel and begin to lead David on the road of his journey. If you're slow in discerning, you'll do much harm to what God wanted do. A sinner will destroy much good the Bible says. If God has been witnessing to you to speak with someone and you've been shrugging it off, you may elongate and make more space for such sinner to impregnate, murder, abort another and go on another robbery operation where he'll be caught and later executed. God might have wanted to spare his life but reluctance and unwillingness from you may be the problem. God had to wait for David to be moved before the next scene could be moved. Probably, you're the man God, your country, your family is waiting for to show up. Probably you're he or she God has put a calling on, that without you they can do nothing. May you discover its you, stop living in sin, enter into purpose and find out God's sovereign will for your life. Until cargoes are moved to where they're needed, they can't be put to their uses. Heaven and earth await your manifestation. May this delay ends. May the training God has invested heavily on to train you for the day of manifestation not be wasted. May you put it to work. May you gravitate towards what you're called for. May the challenge that would make you a national hero and reveal you to the community of men draw you successfully to itself. May you be where God is. Backsliding is missing steps with God. May you take a step when God ordains it. May God speak once, may you perceive seven times. May your Jesse pick God's signal that immediate and not let what God intended removed last so long and become inflated into a mountain threatening men. 

PRAYER: Grant me a sharp discerning. I receive willingness and obedience.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 12:1-15:35; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 21:30-31

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Wednesday, 24 August 2022

INCREASING LEARNING: Learning to increase your sea level!

INCREASING LEARNING: adoring the wise and ameliorating the fools

May you become robust in learning. May you increase in learning. May more, some, one etc always be added to what you already have on ground. 

May you not be divided or subtracted from. Rather, I say witness addition and multiplication. I declare, be added to. Increase in learning. Increase your gathering, treasure, find, wealth and resources. No loss or retrogression where you could have profited anywhere and tended forward. You see, God argues not the fact that you already have some quantity with you or in you. What He's saying as His intention is is that you could add to it. Where and what would afford you add to your being a man of robust learning, knowledge or revelation is same that may be the stumbling block of some. 

That place says, "A WISE man will HEAR, and will INCREASE LEARNING; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (Prov.1:5)."

That means, "the fool will hear and will subtract (reduce in) learning." You see, you can hear, read or come upon a thing and it ruins you. Yet, it is intended to build you up and make you attain unto wise counsels and mastery. There are people who argue with obvious result and evidences evidential. All those can't increase in learning. They can't facilitate the purpose for which they're being taught. The information they're contacting is not adding a dime or nutrient to them because they disbelieve in it. Many there be who don't esteem their prophet. How could they be healed?

At times, not receiving the communicator or messenger may make you such who reduces in learning instead of increasing in it. Also, it may be because of inner self doubt or lack of clarification/understanding (on your side) which makes it impossible for you to agree, accept and add the wealth of information being offered to you to your library of knowledge or that which you could lay hold on and say, "this is mine. I mined them by obedience and diligence."

Brethren, which are you? He that hears and what he hears does him good by adding to his knowing, understanding and conceptualization or one that hearing brings confusion, doubt, decrease or destruction to? Do you know that you may hear false doctrine and it may make you loose yourself from right doctrine? In there, you decrease in learning. However, if you hear right doctrine and it purges you of falsehood, you can't and shouldn't be said to have decreased in learning. Rather, you'll still have increased because you've learnt what to uphold and what to let go of (which of course is poisonous and not health to you). In there, you're given a sieve.

I've found out by experience uncountable that when I read the materials of others (it's not only Christian write-ups), I do receive further insights and fresh communication either from the Bible verses they share (which may be interpreted differently by them) or their teachings. This is another way by which God fills Christians, teachers and all ministers. God will just quicken a part of what's being said to you. It would suddenly make a new sense to you. It would be novel, all new and sparkling interest in you; ready to be dug and explored. In that manner, having received what was not there before (now by revelation), you increase (in) learning. Increasing learning simply means profiting. It means making more money if you would. Remember the story on the talents, some made additional talents to add to the ones they started with. They're regarded as wise traders in this wise. Any who could increase what he has is wise. Diminishing is sorrow to any it finds. The fool couldn't double or increase what was invested in his care and so lost it to a profitable faithful servant. God has been merciful enough to give all of us a starting point. We're all endowed with gifts but can you make the light of it so shine before men that they'll say and you yourself would concur, "you've profited from it." Look, God's merciful enough sending us prophets and teachers. But, what have we been doing with them? Have we being stoning and killing them by our nonchalant attitude like many predecessors did or we multiply and attain by the instructions of their lips? Only you could say. Please, be your judge. 

Are you seeing how possible it is increasing learning now. That Bible verse if you read in KJV could be confusing because the preposition "in" was not added in the quoted verse. Check it out here (Prov.9:9, 16:21) in comparison in KJV and you'll find it to be same. 

Look, you can increase in learning. When you do, you become wiser because you'll be adding to the heap of wisdom you've learnt from God or acquired in life. May instructions of those under who you sit make your sea level rise. As you take in, may you swell. May famine of knowledge not strike you. May you by learning receive more wisdom, know hows and prosperous instructions on how to live the good life. In simple terms, you can increase in learning. You do when you act on what's being commanded. Doing that would make you see its recompense as benefiting and so rehearse the process. You'll have attained learning by having come to learn it permanently. While I can pray that you'll increase in learning yet it lies with you to add diligence, giving of attention and obedience to increase in learning. Gathering is hard if you don't know. There be many who detests and vomits acquiring. Some presences irritate them. They don't see them as superlative enough to esteem and receive from. Anyway, God will recommend men to you. 

That's why that place says, "the wise will hear...." Who's "the/that wise?" One who obeys whatsoever is said. Didn't the Bible says, "the doer is the blessed." That's the only fellow who increases in learning when he hears (listen and then act it out). I tell you, despite the fact that teachers are teaching, only few are increasing in learning. You know why? Few actors. They cheated without knowing one don't know until he knows (learn) by doing the instructed. You have not learnt until you learn by experience, practise or rehearsal. It's then you'll discover some things they didn't say yourself. The process becomes more widened and enlarged to you because you take time to research it out. It was a step by step work you did before arriving at the answer. That one - the researching or seeking to know therefore becomes flesh. It makes a mark indelible in you that becomes evidence you carry around even if you don't talk it. 

Save your earnings. The world knows that. Save consistently. They'll say they heard but only those who took the pain of doing same would see that indeed it is profitable saving money (by the time they begin to reap the harvest of having a saving). From that experience, they'll take that knowledge further having seen how sweet it is saving money by consistently saving. They'll resolutely commit and resolve to always save (the level they didn't get to at first practise) and from there taste a growth and increment from strength to strength. This is how people add one layer of wisdom to another until they eventually lay wisdom up. This inturn is what they could teach or use to instruct others because they have been  doers themselves - those who bear the marks and cost of doing upon themselves. They have testimonies and they can now share it. 

May I ask, have you been a fool decreasing learning (the percentage committed to him or that should fall to him) or a witty increasing the allocation given or already acquired by him. At this corridor, you're the decider of your fate. Oracle your path and eat from same. May you be wise to listen to others. The wise wouldn't have heard let alone increase in learning if he gave no heed to hear other wise or wiser teachers. But as he does, the tendency of increasing his sea level begins to befall him until you could call him the befallen who could now instruct others to be befell by the same "increasing learning" mantra. I say, "increase learning" because you "can increase learning." Take a step further and become superlative wonder! Arise the sea level!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.







Read I Sam 17:31-37

I Samuel 17:36 KJV

"36 Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God."

Saul said, "you are not able to go against him because he has been a man of war from his youth." That's David trying to survive his rookie years but a personality innocently is still trying to hinder him from entering professionalism. What could be the problem? They care so much for David and wouldn't want him lose his life like that. That's the reason for the warning. He has been a fighter but who knows you to be one yet you said you'll take him on. At this point, David was necessitated to prove a fact. Did the Bible not say we should have an answer ready for all those who enquire from us (I Peter 3:15)? David pointed out in his discourse. "I have been a shepherd and here are my accomplishments. I have slew both the lion and the bear. I have a background knowledge in fighting. It would be fitting if you allow me execute this project. At least, I am not a novice somehow and I wouldn't be starting from zero." It was this that was heard that settled all to let David have his fight. Immediately, Saul said to David, "go, and the Lord be with you." You must be convincing and persuading. Never be abstract in your persuasion. Present evidences. 

People might think less of you but evidences are always evident. David could have been forever shut up from fighting Goliath if not for the presentation of his former works in that line. Nobody believes you until we see testimonies of the jobs you've delivered on. If you're most especially in the creative world, either you're a graphics designer or a content writer etc, one of the things your employer wants to see before they trust you with their jobs is sample of your previous work. They call it a portfolio. It is a folder of series of works you've delivered on which won you more. David had that. God is speaking to someone. Never leave your place of assignment. Sticking to duties gives you preparation and experience that you have no thinking where it'll be valuable. David never saw Goliath coming. He only had a training in Warring 101. David was a shepherd. That was his job. But in his job description, it involves protecting the sheep. In the process of being a good shepherd, he learnt warring. Yet shepherding seems such a job that contradicts warring. In unseemly places and jobs, God will make your path cross with an experience that would give you entrance into your multimillion job or prepare you a future in your calling or career. Never despise any day of little beginning even if it would mean volunteering to gather valuable experience, building your Curriculum Vitae and portfolio. David started a volunteer. Jesse was not paying him. Even Eliab fought him saying, "with whom did you leave those few sheep" (18). That's to tell you how insignificant the job that prepared him was. The truth is you must prove your worth and there are levels and tasks on which you could build your worth up. The world is looking for a trusted hand, one in which they could commit the Goliath project to. May God make you win it as you bid for it. It took David bidding by explaining what he's capable of before he was let in. Never be reluctant to assuage the doubt of any concerning you. Let no man make mockery of your youth. Wisdom is not always age. Experience is always not adulthood. David had experience that almost all the soldiers there didn't have including Saul. Let your confidence be, "the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the bear will deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine because he'll also be like one of them." You see, no new task. One new task would always disguise as an old one. Your chances of succeeding is built up for having attempted similar tasks before. Today, don't shortchange yourself by fleeing from any assignment life or authorities are entrusting you with. That's your Potter's House, those who stay would have a story to tell and a preparation for their future inevitably.

PRAYER: Lord, may I not despise my little beginning and my insignificant achievements. May I overcome by testimonies. Settle me in the place of learning. May I not become critical of the assignment that's my launchpad into my future.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 8:1-11:20; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 21:28-29

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Tuesday, 23 August 2022





Read I Samuel 17:41-47

I Samuel 17:45, KJV

"Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied."

Brethren, there is confession of newbies different from masters'. When you're a newbie, that is a J.J.C. (Johny Just Come), your volatile reputation makes you have self doubt and less belief in yourself. You're always seeking affirmation erratically while gazing at experienced hands for strength. If there were a greater force or power to trust in, you'll release yourself and your faith to rest in such and their words. Do know that it is easier trusting in God in days of nothingness than our days of apprehension. Range from fields to fields, you'll see the simplicity unarguably by which people submitted and took up tasks during their beginning. This is David at the battle front. Apart from the local matches he had had with wild animals, he had never battled with any human before let alone a champion. This bout was his first professional fight. So, how did he went into battle that day? That's what God wants you see. He said: "thou (Goliath) come to me with weapons" - these are the things anyone would easily trust in. You'll be stupid as a human if you want to protect a city without setting guards. However, we know who indeed could keep a city. We know it is God who could make it not enter any man's mind to come break through. They may have the intention but He has the power over all His creatures to hold or let them loose. God determines our boundary. That's why a quick reminder in Psalm 127:1 would do. 

"But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts" - David said this also after Goliath had disdained him and boasted as to how he'll feed him away to fowls. He was counteracting Goliath not by what Goliath brought to the field or trusted in but by esteeming and acknowledging God. What you esteem and have utmost trust in as weapon would be revealed in the evil day. That is what your pronouncement and care would be around. That'll be what you'll care reaching for or invoking. For David, it was God. He couldn't have boasted in anything. When he told of his former achievements, it was to convince all to let him take on Goliath but never to dazzle, exercise pride or show dependence in his own strength. God as He said is in whose name he has come to do battle. What a thing! He didn't esteem himself as the warrior who would get it done. He rather said, "God will deliver you into my hands and I will smite you down so that all the earth may know that there's a God in Israel." What's David's end result for wanting to confront Goliath? So that all glory might be God's. That's the meaning of "so that all the earth may know there's a God in Israel." It is not, "so that they'll know I'm the son of Jesse or a mighty warrior." Did you see any boast in oneself there? All David said and exhibited counteracted all Goliath did. He so much trusted in his own might as to say, "choose a man that he may fight me. If he wins vice versa."

Brethren, emulate David. Always acknowledge God in your journey of what you'll face or that'll face you. Don't be wise in your own conceit or lean on your own understanding. God has wisdom and strategies to give you if you'll ever cultivate a heart and desire to find out. Invoke God, deliver the challenge to Him and at victory, attribute the glory also to Him. Only few become mature by years who still humble themselves before the Lord this way. Rather, they steal the show and name it theirs. They're under the influence of deception brought by mastery. Experience can endanger you especially if you're a minister. It is what won't make you enquire of God how He'll want you do a routine anew because you already have hows for it. David showed humility. He acknowledged God as He who will still give him victory like before in the face of his new challenge. God would like you be this humble at heart even if you have had a portfolio of achievement before. You may be an adult but you're still God's boy or girl. Reveal your need of Him. Never become Uzziah who thrusted himself into what was not his calling because he had reached the "made strong stage." This same Uzziah wouldn't have had such boldness to defy God in his early days (II Chronic.26:18). As you go, always carry the humility of "I just came" before God though with the inner confidence of "I've been here" before men. Men wants to see if you're competent and confident but God wants to see if you're teachable, referencing and loyal. May you always say like a newcomer, "I come to you in the name of the Lord" irrespective of how masterful or sophisticated you've become. 

PRAYER: Teach me the ways of disciples. May I esteem you as my greatest weapon and wisdom. May my sophistication not suffocate me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 4:1-7:21; 1 Corinthians 14:18-40; Psalm 37:30-40; Proverbs 21:27

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Monday, 22 August 2022





Read Ezekiel 37:1-11

Ezekiel 37:10, KJV

"So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army."

May God recover you. Until then, you'll lie down in utter uselessness. The story of the dry bones vividly brought this home. It reveals little or no usefulness of a forsaken vessel. These very dry bones are those of a vast army, once standing, raging and brave army. What has become of it now? The bones littering the valley only give evidences of once upon standing army. They're out of service; can't hold a sword let alone wave it. They're not different from artefacts now in museum. They're only good for sight seeing. They're no longer doing beings. They're in their retirement and are only meant to teach history or take people back on a memory lane. 

May God not leave you. May His commitment be ever with you. When vessels are no longer in use, they become instructional materials to moral lessons to honourable and vessels still in use on the importance of guarding against going out of God's service. If you don't know, God carried out Ezekiel in the Spirit to teach him a lesson by using these forgotten bones as teaching aids for such. He wanted to teach a lesson on "hope" and "possibility." You see, the relics of those soldiers have no other usefulness than that. They couldn't stand a vast army until God's command. They couldn't rage. They neither could attack. All of them have gone into eternal silence brought upon them by death. They've been shut up! Are you as well dead? Are you out of service and God's operation? Have you been discovered not to be violent again in the spirit? Do spirits now take you for granted and same manifests through people? God is standing you back. You will rise a great army yet again!

The testimony of these bones was that they were stood back. What a God, what a restorer and the bringer back of our yesteryears. It's a very painful thing to have known the life of exploit and suddenly enter into relegation. That's what happened to all these slain soldiers. However, they were found and recalled to their positions. God refurbished them. They were clothed and there rose up a great army yet again. God is set to set you too on motion. His thought towards you is still of good and not of evil. He's re-anointing, re-empowering and refurbishing you. On your feet, you'll stand a great soldier girded with sword. You might have been dismantled, having been left desolate but at the call of God, all graves shall open and wherever you're dead spiritually, you shall arise again. Yet, I say there's hope. Your graves have not been sealed. You're in the open valley where you could easily be sought after, found and recalled. You're not at all snared or hidden in holes. Today, let all graves give up their dead. I say, "dry bones, come back to life." People will not remember you and say, "you lost it." You'll be remembered for "ever coming back, ever tarrying still, ever continuing daily." Your rising shall be grand. You'll rise a Colossus and for God's great work on earth. You're made a new tool for God's use. Behold your destiny.

Isaiah 41:15, KJV 

"Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff."

That's you. That Ezekiel verse read, "and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army." So, they were great in number? We wouldn't have known outrightly if their bones was never fetched and compacted together and made into countable. So, they could still have some fight left in them? How would we have known if they were not first enlivened and then stood up (to get ready for combat and what they used to do). What was the purpose of an army standing on its feet? It depicts readiness, strength and proper equipping. Today, you're that army I see. May you be a Gad (a troop). May you run and not be weary but rather exchange strength for strength. May you have the strength of a troop and in battle do valiantly. 

PRAYER: Graves are opened, recovery has happened. Hallelujah.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 8:1-10:3; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 21:23-24

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Friday, 19 August 2022




A WAY OF ESCAPE - Lead and Feed Series 017

I Kings 17:7, KJV

"And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land."

All of us would come to a day and a place where we'll need God to create a way out of something for us. Some will reach a dire point, the peak of it all where in hotness they'll cry to God and in desperation seek for a way of escape. Even if this would be the only moment such people would acknowledge there's God, may He in such day take thought for you. 

Have you lost your job and you seem to have begun being in want? A process has begun and if there's no intervention, a giver may eventually become a beggar. But there's a work of intervention God does on the earth, He won't let you get where you'll be noticeably observed as being broke. The brook from which Elijah was taken life dried up but he was not embarrassed neither was he consumed by the famine because God orchestrated another way of escape for him to continue. You see, escape is what each of us can't but continually need. If we want to continue and live on in this life, we need an escape from God always. How often I enjoy God's salvation. Or else, we get trapped, fold up and go into extinction. You see, escape becomes important because we will always find ourselves in one mess or the other. Even if you're the most cautious, responsible, intelligent or smart; life and Satan will still create a need in your life even without your giving them any reason to do so. Meanwhile, some would have carelessness, jealousy and striving of people cause them damage. At some other times, we might be exonerated but at times we get punished with others and so need an escape or God's salvation. 

Psalms 91:16, KJV  

"With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."

Salvation there means deliverance which is otherwise best interpreted as "escape." The brook dried up and that could have been predicted as the beginning of Elijah's end. All of us may begin to factor in what would happen to him if there was no intervention but God came through for him. God didn't allow his feet get dashed on a stone. Though he was already going through the process of being in want, God didn't let Him reach there. An instruction to Zarephath saved him. He was recovered and restored to his former days of abundance. Look, God is your goal keeper. He'll save you and put you back. You'll be offered another way of escape. After Brook Cherith comes the widow of Zarephath. One place that stops working is what gives ample opportunity to God to find you the next. Our "escape" is daily and often. We need salvation basically because we'll face a lot of evils in this world. Where your first livelihood is dying, may God find you another. To those losing hope and under fire, may God unburden you. He's under obligation to see to it that you continue and you will. So shall it be in Jesus name. 

PRAYER: Lord, create a way of escape for me out of my own current temptation/challenge.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 1:1-3:15; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34; Psalm 35:17-28; Proverbs 21:19-20

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Thursday, 18 August 2022





I Kings 17:14, KJV

"For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth."

Elijah declared that what that widow has won't finish until the day the Lord sends rain to the earth. This is the cure for the famine predicted to last for three and half years. A timeline has been set and what all awaits is the end of three and half years. However, not all will see it. Some would have been consumed. Many would have dropped dead. The testimony of this widow to Elijah that that was her last meal, ready to be ate after which death follows reveals that many there be who won't survive or see the end of that three and half years famine. 

Elijah said, "until the day the Lord sends rain on earth." Let me ask you. How would you react and relate with a sibling you now see but who has been absent for three years? Such would be new in your sight. You'll want to be around them, listen and relate. You just want to catch up with the time missing. When the rain was to come that day, all were at attention. They were expecting when and how it would rain. This is like he who has been fasting and is now to break.. He'll appreciate eating better. That rain also symbolizes the rushing sound of revival. Some Christians have been experiencing spiritual famine and so have not enjoyed their relationship with God. Now, rain is falling. The Bible would make sense, prayer would interest you. Spiritual things will just be attractive to you.

That day also ends the manifestation of miracle which has been an improvisation to the unavailability of God's usual way of provision. That day could be likened to the growing again of Samson's hair. The power that had left him came back and he once wrought wonder.  May God restore you. May your banishment not be forever and to generations. May dry season be over for you. May drought in ministry, life and family stop. I open a new chapter upon you. A chapter of a new day, season and experience different from the former. I lay the axe of the anointing to cut off all pronouncements uttered to shut your heaven. Your sins are forgiven. You have seasons refreshing and you rejoice for same. 

PRAYER: Lord, cause a season refreshing over us. Let rain fall upon my nation's economy and mine. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 21:14-16

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Wednesday, 17 August 2022




REDEMPTION AT THE GATE OF DEATH - Lead and Feed Series 015

I Kings 17:12, KJV

"And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die."

Brethren, you won't know need. If it remains little for you to enter into a season of want where you'll expect and it won't come, you'll be aided. There's a ministry of angels that aid men so they don't dash their foot against stones (and incur some consequences or damages). You'll be lifted back to the height - your position. You'll be restored and you'll stand restored. Never to come down. "Never" I say. "Never", the Lord proclaims. That widow in answering  Elijah's request said what she has left was to be prepared for herself and her child after which they'll die. What's her expectation? That they'll die. She has zeroed and circled her mind. She knew that for sure. Who even knows whether what she professed was coming out of having witnessed some people drop down dead. So, she looked at herself as a no option woman who can't but have others' fate. She knew less that Elijah was her intervention. She was at the gate of death. She was already setting hope on dying sooner or later. No one get killed of hunger that once. It will take awhile but she foresaw the end for herself and her child. But I know a God who could rewind the situation that we've beheld to have happened in our mind. He turned their event around at the declaration of "this barrel of meal shall not be spent neither will the cruse of oil fail until the day the Lord sends rain to the earth."

Until! Until! Until! Her death was postponed and that of her son also. Her expectation went on vacation because of God's intervention. Are you there losing hope? Are you there having concluded on how things would be? No! Receive a miracle of redemption. I'll like you see a thing why God told Elijah to "get himself to Zarephath." How many of you see urgency, immediacy and command in that instruction." God intended it is now or never. Do you know why? If Elijah had delayed a day or slept over when God had said, "get thee to Zarephath", the widow and her son would have eaten their last meal and there may be no resources to miraculously work with. Then also, if Elijah's delay had spanned awhile: some days or months, they could have died already of hunger before his agreement to go to Zarephath. However, apart from the fact that Elijah was an obedient fellow, God created a circumstance to force him to obey so that he won't be slow or tarry for even awhile. What was it? God surrounded him with need. Did you know at arrival, Elijah was thirsty and very hungry? That's why he didn't first bless the woman but ask for water and bread. So, he too knew that a delay here means "my suffering." This is how God would create situation of straining for those who have keys to your blessing with them so they'll have no choice. I can assure you that if Elijah was eating and had had bread to spare at Brook Cherith, he would tarry awhile before leaving. God orchestrated it not happening that way to fast forward him to the redemption of a whole family. God will compel men for your sake. God is on the way. His servant is hurrying. All angels are on tiptoes. Heaven is running helter skelter to ensure that before your conclusive imagination happens, you receive hope. It will never be too late for you. Elijahs would arrive before you round up. You wont commit suicide before your helper comes. You won't have backslided before your husband shows up. A prayer that those who have given God ultimatum should mark. As you're being tempted, you'll hold on. You'll always have hope, hope, hope until hope eventually manifests as answers.

PRAYER: Lord, on need, I will not dash my foot against a stone. Create a way of escape for me where I've lost hope.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 21:14-16

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Tuesday, 16 August 2022




GET THEE DOWN TO JEZREEL - Lead and Feed Series 014

Read I Kings 18

I Kings 18:44, KJV  

"And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not."

Every "get thee to a place" is always for a purpose. Thank you Holy Spirit. It is to beat something or be ahead of an event that'll likely unfold sooner or later. The event here is caused by the same declaration of closed heaven (famine) prophesied by Elijah. The heaven he locked was to be opened now. Guess what it would look like if rain were to fall for the first time in three and half years. What sort of rain and with what intensity God would want it fall as to begin to bring the people out of such intense famine and dryness? It can't but rain cat and dog. A beat of its stroke would be so strong and painful on the human body. 

So, Elijah told his servant, tell Ahab (the king) to get himself down to Jezreel lest he be stopped. That isn't strange to us. We know rain can stop any especially if there's no umbrella or shelter for such to move about in it. Except you're ready to be really soaked, that's when you'll plunge into it without care. The reason for such swift move and instruction is, "lest you (Ahab) be stopped." That's why he must get to Jezreel before hand. For Elijah, "lest you be in want." That's why he must get to Zarephath on time as we saw yesterday. Those of you who are proud and are always offending those God would like you be at peace with, a day is coming that God would say, "get thee to him or her." You'll see that though you've heard God and don't want to disobey Him, you'll have reasons to be reluctant because of your conscience that'll prick you with the remembrance of all you've did. However, let this be your comfort also. If God tells you to get thee anywhere, it means those people will lack the capacity to say "no" to you even if you're their enemy but this shouldn't be why you'll be a devil amidst men or thorn in their flesh. The widow of Zarephath found Elijah irresistible. Such people must open up and come into agreement with God's bidding. You're not the one they're respecting and honouring that high but God Who they can't refuse Who is commanding them to see to it that you're sustained. Who's this instruction unto? Who must relocate if he won't be behind schedule, suffer harm or losses? Don't let God speak twice. Now is your time to move because what God envisaged would happen is gathering momentum to manifest. Elijah could assuredly gather it would rain. By the symptoms around, it is inescapable. From that, he instructed Ahab how to be saved from being stopped by the rain. May you be guided and ordered so you'll be ahead of world's events that have potency of causing harm or delay to people. Only few could foresee the event and take necessary caution towards it. Others would be punished. God is speaking to you, "escape therefore to the city of refuge. Make a move now to the city of light." Flee to secure provision, protection and comfort that you may live. 

PRAYER: Lord, I escape the wrath to come. I shall not be short-sighted and be punished. I shall see the evil to come and hide myself from same.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 9:22-10:39; 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 21:13

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Monday, 15 August 2022




GET THEE TO ZAREPHATH! - Lead and Feed Series 013

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

May I ask what the instruction was? Where was he told to get to? Why was he told to get there? Will getting there make any difference? Will restraining not matter also? People, welcome to another day. The Spirit is ready to wing you God's word. Let's travel on Morning Wings so that we might reach the uppermost end of the sea (which would be manifested in reaching the peak of our destinies on earth). 

God expressly spoke to Elijah and no fellow could even deny His telling him, "get thee to Zarephath." There are those who deny instructions. Joab did and he was confronted for denying an outright instruction of the king that should be weighty to him (II Samuel 18:12). Today, I want to show you why some still suffer though God has destined that they should be led and fed. The Lord is their Shepherd and is now coming to begin to feed them but by first issuing them instructions as to where and how to be fed but they seem deafened, non-challant and reluctant leaving the familiar they've known for the unfamiliar God is commanding. Let me tell you, you'll suffer much and make the Scripture that says, "the young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but those that seek the Lord shall not suffer good things" void by this your disobedience (Psalms 34:10). God said irrevocably and with every sense of responsibility to Elijah, "get thee to Zarephath." Listen, that was the responsibility of Elijah to see to. God knows where it's happening, where the next move is, where the cloud has gathered and where the carcass is. He only leads to where the green pasture is. The fact that there's "green pastures" means there are "brown or dry pastures" also. That's however not fresh meal. God desires you feed on the choicest meals of Zion if you'll be willing and obedient but if you'll become reluctant and afraid of what is ahead because you don't have all the details, you'll fall into want and suffer needlessly. That's why God is saying, "I have a solution. You, get yourself to Zarephath (outside the country, to another city or town in your country, to another job, to your friend's or pastor's house, the garage, the square, that restaurant) etc. There, I have commanded somebody to feed you (see to your sustenance). There, I have commanded your path and your helper to cross. That means, unless you're there, that provision can't be uncovered. You may not know the fellow but on getting there, identification would happen. The gravitational pull that happened at the valley of dry bones that drew bone to bone would pull you to the recognition of each other. You'll be locatable and both of you will come into agreement like Elijah and this widow did. Things are scheduled for locations and settings. If God is saying, "go and apply to that place because I have commanded you to be employed and sustained there while you're reluctant, if your brook dries, you'll suffer. Unless Elijah goes to Zarephath, that prophecy of being fed can't come to pass. His miracle is geography bound. His feeder is in Zarephath and not Syria. How many people has God appeared to in this manner who have wasted His instruction and are suffering for same needlessly? You've undone yourself. Lack of trust in God and fear of the unknown is costing you. You want God to tell you everything once and for all instead of being led a step at a go. You're joking. That wouldn't be faith again. God said, "get thee to Zarephath." Did you see any immediacy and urgency in that instruction also? It was even a command. Having received such instruction, it becomes sin for its holder to tarry or spend the night even where God has departed from and is commanding him to depart from also. As a matter of fact, if you're still where you should have departed from (at God's command), anything could kill you there. All the things that God's hedge of protection afore shielded you from while you were obeying God (by abiding where He first commanded you to stay) could now kill you. Why? You're in disobedience. This could open a crack in your hedge of protection. This is because while God has moved to Zarephath, you're still at the Brook Cherith. God has said, "get thee out of your country but you're still established there like a mountain." I bet it with you, what couldn't kill you before until that instruction could kill you now. Rumours of war, banditry, terrorism etc that you never esteemed previously could now break through your hold and make you unsettled.

God is saying to someone, before you and I could even revisit what I've told you and intended to make of you, "first of all obey, leave Brook Cherith (where you are presently) and depart to Zarephath (where I've commanded you should be). Until then, no second talk. I praise those who heard God and left for abroad or a new territory especially where there's no familiar face or a consciously prepared place for them at arrival. I mean those God sent there without having assurance of a system or person catering for their needs upon arrival like a student who get a full scholarship to study abroad. Such people would pack like Abraham and go where they've not been, only trusting in the God of their prophecy, Who will now ordain their path with the appointed helper. God has spoken to many like this without details of what's next. They only trusted. That's why God also is not ashamed to be called their God. If they've so much followed Him commitedly, He ought manifest to them commitedly. I'm hearing, "stop and get thee to Zarephath." In God's mind, you know where Zarephath is. The instruction is therefore not mysterious. As a matter of fact, you know how to get there. So, nothing seems too demanding but may disobedience not cage you and finally cost you.

PRAYER: Lord, make me obedient at heart. Let me hear you once and acknowledge with action seven times.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 7:73-9:21; 1 Corinthians 9:1-18; Psalm 33:12-22; Proverbs 21:11-12

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