Wednesday, 24 August 2022

INCREASING LEARNING: Learning to increase your sea level!

INCREASING LEARNING: adoring the wise and ameliorating the fools

May you become robust in learning. May you increase in learning. May more, some, one etc always be added to what you already have on ground. 

May you not be divided or subtracted from. Rather, I say witness addition and multiplication. I declare, be added to. Increase in learning. Increase your gathering, treasure, find, wealth and resources. No loss or retrogression where you could have profited anywhere and tended forward. You see, God argues not the fact that you already have some quantity with you or in you. What He's saying as His intention is is that you could add to it. Where and what would afford you add to your being a man of robust learning, knowledge or revelation is same that may be the stumbling block of some. 

That place says, "A WISE man will HEAR, and will INCREASE LEARNING; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (Prov.1:5)."

That means, "the fool will hear and will subtract (reduce in) learning." You see, you can hear, read or come upon a thing and it ruins you. Yet, it is intended to build you up and make you attain unto wise counsels and mastery. There are people who argue with obvious result and evidences evidential. All those can't increase in learning. They can't facilitate the purpose for which they're being taught. The information they're contacting is not adding a dime or nutrient to them because they disbelieve in it. Many there be who don't esteem their prophet. How could they be healed?

At times, not receiving the communicator or messenger may make you such who reduces in learning instead of increasing in it. Also, it may be because of inner self doubt or lack of clarification/understanding (on your side) which makes it impossible for you to agree, accept and add the wealth of information being offered to you to your library of knowledge or that which you could lay hold on and say, "this is mine. I mined them by obedience and diligence."

Brethren, which are you? He that hears and what he hears does him good by adding to his knowing, understanding and conceptualization or one that hearing brings confusion, doubt, decrease or destruction to? Do you know that you may hear false doctrine and it may make you loose yourself from right doctrine? In there, you decrease in learning. However, if you hear right doctrine and it purges you of falsehood, you can't and shouldn't be said to have decreased in learning. Rather, you'll still have increased because you've learnt what to uphold and what to let go of (which of course is poisonous and not health to you). In there, you're given a sieve.

I've found out by experience uncountable that when I read the materials of others (it's not only Christian write-ups), I do receive further insights and fresh communication either from the Bible verses they share (which may be interpreted differently by them) or their teachings. This is another way by which God fills Christians, teachers and all ministers. God will just quicken a part of what's being said to you. It would suddenly make a new sense to you. It would be novel, all new and sparkling interest in you; ready to be dug and explored. In that manner, having received what was not there before (now by revelation), you increase (in) learning. Increasing learning simply means profiting. It means making more money if you would. Remember the story on the talents, some made additional talents to add to the ones they started with. They're regarded as wise traders in this wise. Any who could increase what he has is wise. Diminishing is sorrow to any it finds. The fool couldn't double or increase what was invested in his care and so lost it to a profitable faithful servant. God has been merciful enough to give all of us a starting point. We're all endowed with gifts but can you make the light of it so shine before men that they'll say and you yourself would concur, "you've profited from it." Look, God's merciful enough sending us prophets and teachers. But, what have we been doing with them? Have we being stoning and killing them by our nonchalant attitude like many predecessors did or we multiply and attain by the instructions of their lips? Only you could say. Please, be your judge. 

Are you seeing how possible it is increasing learning now. That Bible verse if you read in KJV could be confusing because the preposition "in" was not added in the quoted verse. Check it out here (Prov.9:9, 16:21) in comparison in KJV and you'll find it to be same. 

Look, you can increase in learning. When you do, you become wiser because you'll be adding to the heap of wisdom you've learnt from God or acquired in life. May instructions of those under who you sit make your sea level rise. As you take in, may you swell. May famine of knowledge not strike you. May you by learning receive more wisdom, know hows and prosperous instructions on how to live the good life. In simple terms, you can increase in learning. You do when you act on what's being commanded. Doing that would make you see its recompense as benefiting and so rehearse the process. You'll have attained learning by having come to learn it permanently. While I can pray that you'll increase in learning yet it lies with you to add diligence, giving of attention and obedience to increase in learning. Gathering is hard if you don't know. There be many who detests and vomits acquiring. Some presences irritate them. They don't see them as superlative enough to esteem and receive from. Anyway, God will recommend men to you. 

That's why that place says, "the wise will hear...." Who's "the/that wise?" One who obeys whatsoever is said. Didn't the Bible says, "the doer is the blessed." That's the only fellow who increases in learning when he hears (listen and then act it out). I tell you, despite the fact that teachers are teaching, only few are increasing in learning. You know why? Few actors. They cheated without knowing one don't know until he knows (learn) by doing the instructed. You have not learnt until you learn by experience, practise or rehearsal. It's then you'll discover some things they didn't say yourself. The process becomes more widened and enlarged to you because you take time to research it out. It was a step by step work you did before arriving at the answer. That one - the researching or seeking to know therefore becomes flesh. It makes a mark indelible in you that becomes evidence you carry around even if you don't talk it. 

Save your earnings. The world knows that. Save consistently. They'll say they heard but only those who took the pain of doing same would see that indeed it is profitable saving money (by the time they begin to reap the harvest of having a saving). From that experience, they'll take that knowledge further having seen how sweet it is saving money by consistently saving. They'll resolutely commit and resolve to always save (the level they didn't get to at first practise) and from there taste a growth and increment from strength to strength. This is how people add one layer of wisdom to another until they eventually lay wisdom up. This inturn is what they could teach or use to instruct others because they have been  doers themselves - those who bear the marks and cost of doing upon themselves. They have testimonies and they can now share it. 

May I ask, have you been a fool decreasing learning (the percentage committed to him or that should fall to him) or a witty increasing the allocation given or already acquired by him. At this corridor, you're the decider of your fate. Oracle your path and eat from same. May you be wise to listen to others. The wise wouldn't have heard let alone increase in learning if he gave no heed to hear other wise or wiser teachers. But as he does, the tendency of increasing his sea level begins to befall him until you could call him the befallen who could now instruct others to be befell by the same "increasing learning" mantra. I say, "increase learning" because you "can increase learning." Take a step further and become superlative wonder! Arise the sea level!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.



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