Sunday, 31 October 2021





Acts 10:11-13, KJV

"11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."

God must have mercy on all those Peters who have received instructions but are tarrying carrying it out. God brought an opportunity to Peter in a sheet that looks like an alien vehicle. It was to evangelize the Gentile nation. It was a killed, dead and made ready opportunity. God had prepared even the house of Cornelius he'll be contacting first for him. It was so much a slain opportunity for him that he didn't had to minister Holy Ghost to them before they received it. Those one's eagerness, estimation and faith drew it to the shock of all. It fell on them. It was Cornelius who thirsted knowing God because God must have put it in him since He desires to reach the Gentile nations according to afore prophecies. In reaching souls, ministers take the gospel to them on their own initiative. It was a reverse in Cornelius-Peter's case.

However, when the move of Peter came that he should jump into, Peter was arguing with God. Tradition was fighting him. He was giving excuses why he can't go. Yet, "God kept offering him this opportunity over and over again." God kept showing His love and persistence that he should be the one and first choice to do the assignment for Him. God kept saying, "rise, kill and eat." He was saying, "have it. It's the opportunity and assignment I brought to you. Be the one to carry this oil; to discharge this responsibility." However, it all turned on deaf ears until something unfortunate happen. Do you want to know? The sheet withdrawn. The aliens returned! The opportunity was retrieved. The curtain was taken back! Though it was Peter that went to first evangelize the Gentile nation but because he did not surrender his will to "rise, kill and eat", this assignment was collected and re allocated to one sinner who later came to be known as Saul of Tarsus or Paul. God is sending to tell stubborn, waiting for a bigger sign children that if he should withdraw the sheet after his act of persuading you over and over again, you'll be grinded. You'll only be landlocked in Jerusalem in the great cathedral that looks like a graveyard and be doing administrative works. He won't send you to the field where you could see what will kill you but won't kill you because of God's faithfulness to you. It is either you append your signature to this paper by rising, killing and eating now in that simple manner or you forget a come back for life. Once the sheet is retrieved back to heaven, you're on your own without voice or sound. Do you know God is a wise and careful God. If he had came to Peter by saying, "Peter, I want to evangelize the Gentile nation, will you go?" Peter would have said yes because he'll see the honour of being such honourable vessel that God will use to contact those of strange languages. However, God didn't come realistically. He came like a man you'll think was just administering questionnaires that he won't use. He gave him a trance and asked him the same question while presenting him the same opportunity. Alas! Peter backfired! God could have given you mild persuasions. Yours may be sweet witness or inclination towards a thing or a place. That's that thing. Act it out immediately. Rise, kill and eat. You'll then see how much God will be committed to you on that journey and in that place though you did not even hear an audible voice while stepping out or see an angel. I pray you won't miss your sheet. You won't miss your opportunity. When you're being persuaded to come and have something, may you see it worthy heeding. May the spirit that despises, belittles, mocks or disdains destiny and great future not creep into your life for deceptive purposes.

PRAYER: You Aliens of heaven (that we know) who have brought the sheet, don't repent of your packages for me. Let me remain your first choice always. I append my signature.


Lamentations 3:40-66, 4, 5; Hebrews 1, Psalm 119:129-136

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Saturday, 30 October 2021





READ Acts 10

Acts 10:11-13, KJV

"11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."

When I asked the Lord, "how to gauge it has become an opportunity?" His reply was, "it will present itself." If it's not available, it's not opportunity. So, don't take it. In John 5, we didn't read that it was any of the invalids, priest or any fellow that goes to stir the water and say, 'it is ready, now leap and be healed." It's not what any man initiates. God sovereignly does at His time. None of those invalids lobbied for the favour of healing being done them. They only waited. How does their waiting translates into your experience today? It means, you should continue to do what you're doing - which your hand has found doing with all your might now until the time to change position has come. You may be a banker, driver, mechanic etc, continue being that. When the time has mature in God's mercy for you to leave that place to a new place, something like a violent reaction in the spirit will happen. When it does (without your initiation except that you're praying and fully expecting the 'trouble' to happen and the cloud to gather), that's when to go swiftly and take the opportunity. You will then dip the cloth in the dye; resign at work; relocate to a new destination or even break that relationship! Opportunities will always come slain. It will come presenting itself to you. It will give itself to you as take away. As long as you have the eyes that sees, you'll see this is mine to take. Don't come before the great congregation testifying God has done it all when you were the one going all around to see that the water is stirred. What I'm hearing is, "it will present itself. It will come dead. It will come prepared."

When it's an opportunity, the only voice you'll be hearing is "rise, kill, eat Peter." Was it Peter that made ready all those animals for himself? Was it Peter that led down that sheet? God did but what was God telling him to do, "act and take this opportunity!" Opportunities that you must take which will be righteous opportunities that won't deviate from "it's the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow will always come dead". It will come ready made and you'll know because if there's any demand following at all, it won't be unrighteous nor seen as demanding by you (the righteous). 

PRAYER: Give me 'dead' opportunities. Those that come slain and adds no sorrow.


Lamentation 2:7-27; 3:1-39; Philippians 1, Psalm 119:121-128

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Friday, 29 October 2021





Acts 16:10, NIV

"After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, CONCLUDING that God had called us to preach the gospel to them."

Having a vision is not enough. Seeing what to do or where to go: the opportunity to leverage on is at all not all answers. By experience, I even know that's not where you'll have the greatest battle of being obedient or stepping out. It is in RESOLVING: settling for yourself from the first premise of who speaks and what He says while then taking action by that. Resolving is hard. Do you know why? We don't want to kill Isaac which we have known in hope of what probably may or may not come. They'll say, "a bird at hand is better than two in the bush." But if you can resolve.... If you can like a man who has lost his sense: pack your bags, go take that flight even without knowing whither you're going or anyone there, you have waved to see the divine and God's supernatural hands. You must first resolve. You must say, "it's settled and that your life is not yours." You must not love your life unto death. If you're this steadfast, scaring you or boring doubt in you will be difficult. Paul resolved. What follows?

Acts 16:10-11, KJV

"10... assuredly gathering (concluding) that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. 11 Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to..."

The Bible says, "assuredly gathering." That's resolving. That's deciding. That's drawing the final line which you can't reverse. After that, what happens? The Bible recorded again, "loosing from Troas..." That is, they let go of Troas to go into the future of better things God had for them. The day they loosed from Troas, they murder their past with hope for the future ahead. They set their minds and their commitment to the new place. You may be experiencing doubt. God might have spoken to you and you may still remain where you should have loosed from. God spoke to Abraham yet he was still in his father's house. 

Genesis 12:1, KJV

"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country... unto a land that I will shew thee:"

You might have been spoken to and might have revealed your loosing from Troas to the authority over you but without his go ahead. You may need to stay and ask God to convince him. He that spoke to Cornelius also convinced Peter. It doesn't mean you did not receive correctly or you should let go of God's witness to you which has great reward. Don't force your way. Let God bring all men to the agreement of what he has told you. For those who haven't resolved however, may you assuredly gather that you should carry that step. May you have prove in your fist. Resolution is key! Bless you today, tomorrow and the next.

PRAYER: While at any cross road, teach me to resolve. I receive correct interpretation of God's communication to me.


Lamentation 1, 2:1-6; Titus 3; Psalm 119:113-120

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Thursday, 28 October 2021





Read I Chronicles 19

Acts 16:10, KJV

"And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

Let me show you as shown me why people are naive. Why like a wet kitten they shiver and hesitate in mind and then in action. There's one antidote for hesitation. Prove! Test! Be guaranteed! If you're with the medication called assurance, you will risk stepping out. Once you are, why should your reason still be clouded and your body not move? Paul in the Macedonian vision was said to have taken action after "gathering assuredly." After that, he resolved and said "indeed, God has sent us to Macedonia." In John 5 which tells the story of the invalids waiting for the moving of the water, why they always rush toward the stirred pool (their opportunity) is because they have proved it first of all to have been stirred - not by any person but by that visiting angel. The Bible didn't tell us their verifying process of this truth. We don't know whether they do see the angel appear in all glory and light. We don't know if it's a whirling sound of water being turned with strong force they do hear which always notifies them of taking a bold move towards the stirred pool (their opportunity). Whatsoever it is, they do test and within a twinkle conclude "it's time to launch."

The devil in I Peter 5:8 also don't strike unless he has seen somebody who has made himself ready to be devoured. He becomes assured of that first of all. You know, Satan also do prove all things before he holds unto that (a specific one) which is true. The Bible says, "can you carry fire in your bosom and not be burnt? [Proverbs 6:27]. We were also warned not to make provision for the flesh or else one will be assisting Satan against oneself. Doing that gives the striker the strike. Once he sights those who are tempting themselves, he comes in and it always results big for him. You see, he also learns the psychology of striking and entering action with boldness. It has never proved otherwise for him except where God wants to deliver his lawful captive from him. So, we can gather from these three places that the successes of the entities (Paul, the invalids and Satan who prowls to devour) result due to having proved all things to be certain before taking action. They moved because there was a verified reason to be spurred. That one can't be debated. They settled it first of all. Are you persuaded of who has spoken and what you've heard? Paul spoke of being persuaded. 

2 Timothy 1:12, KJV

"...for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

Before you will be persuaded, there will actually be more than an option before you but one will be more convincing than others. You'll just have high assurance that that one will work. You will tend or lean in vote or debate in favour of that one than others. That's God's leading. If you go for it, harvest will result. That's how to do market calculation and then strike. Here, you will need to know again and again how God speaks to you and be persuaded of who has spoken to you. Paul referring to this in another place was speaking with strong emphatic emphasis that: 

Acts 27:23-24, KJV 

"For there stood by me this night the angel of God, WHOSE I AM, and WHOM I SERVE, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul..."

Note "whose I am and whom I serve". Once this is settled, move even if the hills are being removed right before your face into the sea or if thousands and ten of thousands are falling away by your sides. Shivering stops when we gather assurance. This emboldens us to enter action as a striker and stop being a shiverer. It's time you tunnel your way in!

PRAYER: Enliven, embolden, equip, guarantee, assure me Spirit of the living God. My mountain is made strong.


Habakkuk 1, 2, 3:1-19; Titus 2; Proverb 26:3-12

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Wednesday, 27 October 2021




ON GOD! - NOW Series 005

READ John 5:1-6

John 5:3, KJV

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water."

May God come through for you. If He has not, you'll have to stay put. You'll have to lay low. Unless there's a move, no one moves. You can't manufacture what is not there. If you do, it won't yield to you. Today, I am caught up in the Spirit of the Lord and wholly praying that God will show you His mercy. I'm praying that God will at this time come for you. Unless He comes, you won't stop hoping, anticipating and remaining on tip toe. Until He comes, you'll still be desirous of your situation being amended. Why are we all looking unto heaven? Why were the invalids all seated with rapt attention and observation? They were waiting for their situation changer. The herald of joy whose feet announces healing. 

"...waiting for the moving of the water."

An elderly friend of mine who trades in Forex as a master was explaining the movement of Forex charts to me sometimes ago. He was saying, "once this happens like this and that happens like that, it's then he'll make his move and take the profit." You know, it's like getting into the flow of something when it flows. Great generals have learnt one thing: when to strike and when to refrain! Until what that my friend said would happen the way he only best knows how to describe happens, he will rather patiently wait for it to happen that way. He is not in a hurry. He has said his life depends on being awake while following the charts intricately with minor distraction. I was shocked at the rapt attention he gives to that thing. That's all because of money and it does pays him off.

Did you see the wonder of God also? We are needy ones who seek the big God for his needs. So, we wait. We all are leaning on God. It is He we have found to unburden to. All of us are just pilgrims at His corridor and balcony. Do you know how many in the whole world send requests to God daily? They want to collect from God. Pullings here and there. All on God.The invalids represent each of us that will always have a need to meet. Unless God shows up for us, we'll but continue to pray, trust and exercise faith.  That place says, "waiting for the stirring of the water."

The opportunity to come is the stirred water. The bus they must not miss; but till then, they will be seen waiting, observing; at readiness and attention to take this opportunity and ride on its ability, potential and what it has to offer to settle their need. It's like a man whose debtors must pay him before he settles his obligations. He'll wait till then. 

Currently, I'm also waiting for the stirring of the water in a particular area. I've been trusting God to take a step for years. Once the water is clearly seen to have been troubled, I'll be signalled it's time to act but I'm awaiting Him to show off with the final confirming sign of stirring the water as He assures. That's going to be the last sign that will say I should get into active activity of that thing. Until then, I'll have to be full of ears all around my body to detect when the opportunity has presented itself for me to take. I must be able to hit the candle stick or wicket sticks with the ball once that time strikes. The stirring of the water is what signals the jumping into the pool. Without that, no waiter launches into the pool. You may be ready like sin that crouches at the door or like a lion that prowls around looking for whom to devour. However, if the opportunity do not avail itself, you can't still take it. I therefore pray that there will be the stirring of the water now. Let there be a violent reaction. A great warming up. A great signalling and awakening. Let your opportunity, my opportunity, our opportunity show up. Let the transportation we will take show up. I ask for an eruption. A great violence and reaction in the spirit which will birth a physical manifestation in reality that will signal you to move. My spirit picks an image now. It's of sprinters awaiting a shot into the air. You will hear that shot. You won't tarry again but go on this long awaited journey of expectation. The shot is shot, sprint!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 52; Titus 1; Psalm 119:105-112

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021





Read Psalm 142

Luke 5:6, KJV

"And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

Whenever we gather, we don't do to come and sight see. We come to hear what Word God will speak which we can salvage or gather for ourselves and by that wage a good warfare. God has proved Himself faithful again. There's bread at hand. He said I should tell you that the "obedience side is the reaping side!" Let not that man think to himself he'll gather when he has refused instructions. Have you read today's passage? Jesus said, "launch out into the deep" to one Mr. Peter. After much reluctance, he did. Until then, something was not said of that process and until that was witnessed of him, the process also was not complete. What is the witness said of his action?

"...and when HE HAD THIS DONE (obedience side), he inclosed a multitude of fishes (reaping side) and his net break (reaping ride)."

Take it again. When he had what done? ...Cast the net into the sea. After taking that step, then he reaped. I'm hearing again, "don't let that man think he'll have a thing to show to all who has refused instruction(s). The obedience side is the reaping side." Until then, you can't enter into the reaping side let alone reaping ride. You, press that pedal and see what appears to you.

May I tell you what was brought me by angels with wings. They had earlier initiated me into their counsel. They said, "every instruction given but yet to be carried out is a debt you owe!" Only God knows how many debtors there be in the body of Christ and how much they owe. You may be financially buoyant yet owe debt with cries of "when will you pay railing at you?" Debt shouldn't be thought in terms of money only. There are debtors of vows all around also. Until you act out what you know the Lord wants you do, your hand is still not clean. Something is there by which you can be taken into accounts. If you do it, you're free of God!

"The obedience side is the reaping side and the reaping side is likewise the obedience side." If you want to enter into the spree of harvest and you really desire that, you'll climb in by the handle of obedience. It is it that opens what is closed. Instruction given but not acted is like one not given at all. Peter desired fishes and it showed in how he toiled and did all night. When his opportune time came to make it and blow real big, if he had refrained from acting on "launch out into the deep", none of his expectation would have been rewarded though he wanted profit. Expectation isn't as important as action. 

Those of you mourning and saying God has refused to satisfy you early, check if you've been despising instructions. Don't stop working the general ones and let roll of the personal personalized ones. Once you reconsider, automatically, things will begin to work as if your labour isn't involved. If you really desire to profit and take profit out of life, then you must live by "what is God saying, what has God said and what will He say? We call it daily word. They're words to be cherished than your daily necessary food. They're words by which you can't live alone. If you really want to succeed, then pay attention to these words for their suited given opportune time (Matthew 4:4). ...and may I tell you something? None of God's instruction is burdensome to act out! So, act!

PRAYER: Let the practice, practical and experimentation side be my obsession. My harvest shall no longer delay as I steps carry. Thanks Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalm 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16

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Monday, 25 October 2021





Read Luke 5:1-6, 

Confess Psalm 102 

Luke 5:4-6, KJV

"4 Now when he had left, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

There's an opportunity that you must quickly take. It's like profit that you must quickly rake in. It seems to me that things have been made ready but await your response in gathering same.

Jesus told Peter, "launch out into the deep". Those words aren't words that were spoken to prepare him. They were rather to stir action from him. He had long anticipated results.

"Launch out" means to proceed and take action concerning a thing which Peter in this place already know since he has been instructed concerning the deep. So, it was not preparation or thought time for him. It was launching time. 

When Jesus said "launch", He didn't say it from an empty stomach. He said it from assurance of what He knew would happen. Under the sea, fishes have already gathered awaiting Peter to launch out. Things have been put on ground. That's why it was Peter's opportune time. It's time to harvest and do cheaply without sweating unlike last night's. His time to gather what was not previously there. When Jesus said "launch into the deep", the fishes that were not available before heard the voice of their Maker and quickly came to do the bidding of He that created them and for which purpose He created them. I'm hearing concerning somebody that things that were not previously there are now there. Repositioning has taken place. A kind of bringing back. Things created to meet your needs won't flee from you. You will attract them and they will likewise be attracted to you. There will be mutual attraction. Those fishes had afore rejected Peter though he needed them. For that reason, he toiled (worked hard) to gather them all night, yet nothing. That's how wealth distances itself from people despite hard labour. You can have desire but fulfilment may not complement it. If you ask Peter if he desires fishes, does it not even show he was in dire need by his trying and retrying on the basis of hope whether he'll catch a thing. Yet, at night's end (when the day breaks), not even a dime. Some are labouring (putting in all) without compensation. Don't say it's impossible. Hard work doesn't equals reward all the time. He TOILED and then did ALL NIGHT. Despite this, no result! Have you not heard People say, "despite the night duty, the extra hour, is this all I get?" It means they got nothing! Night duty without pay! Look, I cause a change of your story. I call fulfilment to align with your desires. 

What God is saying is, "Now is the time to favour you. Your opportune time is now.

Psalms 102:13, KJV

"Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the TIME TO FAVOUR her, yea, the SET TIME, is come."

"The time to favour her and set time" means your opportune time. Things have been solved for you. Just use it to touch it and you'll have it! Midas touch I see.

PRAYER: Thank You the Spirit of ease. I'm not slow in possessing. I claim all that was not previously visible to see. I gather into barn. Seed time has become harvest time for me!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 48:1-49:22, 2 Timothy 4:1-22, Psalm 95:1-96:13, Proverbs 26:9-12

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Sunday, 24 October 2021





Read Acts 16:1-15

Acts 16:9-10, KJV

"9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

Do you know some don't know how to be led? That's dangerous! There are two major topics that all Christians must prioritize. Ministers must pay better attention to it. Then, full time ministers should have the best mastery of it. This is because your survival now or in the days to come actually is all on it. However, I'll say all should master and file both to its utmost.

They are how to live by faith and how to be led by the Spirit. If you have learnt this by rehearsing it like a babe who rehearses walking until he walks without faltering, your challenges are under your feet every time they rise.

Did you read about Paul's vision in that place at all? What did Paul resolve to do after he had had that vision? He resolved to go to Macedonia immediately while concluding that God had called them there.

"...immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia..."

That's the opportunity to take. That he has been called to come means faithful is He that called him out who will also do it by making things simple for him there. That he was called to come is the wind to ride on and Paul didn't waste time at all. He rather packed his bags and baggage to go where the next thing has been scheduled to happen. The address has been given. Move has moved. He didn't withheld. Rather, Macedonia straight! 

Where you are should stop being precious to you until the Lord speaks. The remedy to the fear of failing is deciphering who has spoken to you. Once you're persuaded that it is God, take the risk. Walk on water! Throw your net and be assured the fishes have gathered even if you don't have that knowledge yet. Paul was not presumptuous. He judged by the information (vision at hand) that it was God and not another waving them to come. That's why he stepped out. He was not acting on empty stomach but from a revealed position of "come on a journey I have gone to prepare things for your arrival."

"...assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

But before Paul's resolve, he had a vision where a man of Macedonia (probably because he dresses, speaks the language or has characteristics like one etc) calls on him to come and help them. 

You see, where God is working is where you must work as a minister. God has moved to Macedonia awaiting Paul. Tarrying behind will only be disobedience which will not only wastes one's whole commitment at the former place but rather won't make one have a corresponding result of one's labour. [I'm seeing the image of a man with a digger striking at a very dry hard ground. He wants to break it but it's not opening up]. If that describes you, don't lift that tool again. Leave that land.

Now, they put out. This is leading. He had heard and now he's launching out. He already examined what the vision could mean and who could have given it. That's why he resolved to go. This is different from you awaiting leading while putting on preparations towards an act. On the side of action, don't err. On the side of caution, do. If while you're thinking of launching out or you've even decided to or you're even on the way; then God now shows up, let whatsoever He'll say be your rudder thenceforth. This is where the word behind comes to aid you. None hears the word behind him who's not already journeying.

Isaiah 30:21, KJV

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

Take cognizance of something. God knows where need is. He knows where the cloud has gathered. Since He knows, he can situate you to relocate to that place. You might have been searching for the next big thing in your life and God may be saying "come over." But if you're unwilling to step out, you'll remain in the familiar and remain insignificant. You'll think you're still experiencing when a great adventure awaits you in Macedonia. "Anything we've tasted now can never be compared to the glory to come" is what I heard. Where Paul will work and later reminisces in smiles and thanksgiving is where God called him to. He'll never know how much he should appreciate God until he takes that step first and reap rewards that overflows. You may have the solution for need, goods for sale or services to offer but may be where it is not very needed and can't be rushed. For that reason, he that sees what opportunities is at hand to leverage on can call you out. Your success is tied to your obedience. If Paul won't waste the multitude of souls that are awaiting someone to come and do ministry in Philippi, he must unto Macedonia go. The instruction was clear, "come to Macedonia and help us". Macedonia is where the meal has been prepared but waiting to be served. All things at Macedonia have been made ready. The house he'll stay, food he'll eat, and those who will give attention to him like Lydia. Heaven has even already taken into account how many will be saved. These heavenly event planners have made ready at Macedonia. Why do a night again in Troas?

Perception is the key! Are you perceiving? Do you think you're being instructed? Are you believing you're receiving something new different from what you've been musing on yet you know does not originate from you or Satan after testing. Once you begin to get wind of such smoke immediately, act it out. Such smoke is fire in disguise. The results always defy gravity!

PRAYER: Appear for my direction. Guide me till I reach. Journey with me till I attain. Grant me strength to resolve and break off from all past into the adventurous future of great things.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 26:6-8

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Saturday, 23 October 2021





Read John 5:1-8

John 5:3-4, KJV

"3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."

What makes opportunity opportunity is the ripe time attached to it. Opportunity has deadline. If an institution is doing bonanza and you arrive after it ended, you may not be a partaker of their generosity. So, time is what makes opportunity relevant to humans. Opportunities are made for humans but humans must be made for it and then press into it. That's why a statement says, "strike the iron while it's hot!". Another also gives the reason for what appears to be the sudden promotion of some. It says, "time and chance happens to them all".

Ecclesiastes 9:11, KJV 

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

If that be, it means opportunities can make irrelevant and nonsense of qualifications at times. 

Let me ask you, if any of the invalids jumps into the pool afore it was stirred or after an inmate has tapped into the pool's residing virtue, will such fellow still be healed? The answer is no because we have an express instruction that says once the water is contacted by anyone upon stirring, only such receives his healing as the residing healing virtue is once and for all consumed. Let others in their droves rush in or lament their having being long there, yet they won't still receive healing because the power there is a disposable healing power and not always resident.

The Lord spoke to me and I heard. He said, "there's a time to take opportunities." He said, "don't come late because those who do aren't always partakers."

Have you seen surfers before? Do they carry themselves or they surf on the capacity of the wave? Have you researched the eagle also? Did you see that it also rides on the back of the wings to soar? In soaring, it just stretches its wings while the tempest bears it. No struggle, no effort, no insistence that it must work. 

The floating and soaring effortlessness offered by these two natural things are what opportunities are to us humans. Once you can keep watch: be awake and aware as to decipher an opportunity for what it is, what follows is for you to strike it. This is how some became wealthy. They received a stirring or heart direction towards something. They did it and it was a result. I've reaped great result by following the Spirit's leading in this wise also though I've been slow at times but I thank God who deals gently with me as a Father. It was told of a minister who met some other minister friends and asked them all to pull a particular percentage of their monies together in order to buy a particular portion of land that he often sees and which all of them also know. This man saw the land over time with heart's persuasion towards it before uttering it to them. However, none of the friends budged. They said, "why should they spend their money on a land that doesn't has prospects since the land isn't well situated?" This minister who received that heart felt persuasion won't let go. He rather pulled fund together and bought the land. It was some years after that one of the U.S. State Governments approached him for the land. That's how he rode on the wings of opportunities to become well by selling it to them. Yet, he got the land very cheaply years back. 

Look, don't miss opportunities. Your not missing it is actually tied to your own sensitivity. If you read that John 5, you'll see that all those invalids are sensitive watchmen, carefully keeping vigil for the arrival of the stirring angel. They know their lives depend on knowing when he arrives and when the stirring has been done. Those who feels dizzy can't take of that opportunity let alone those who sleep. 

One time, I needed to obtain something. When I woke up to doing that, I  discovered that the possibility for that was just closed. It pained me. I promised myself with all revenge that I won't miss the next one. Then, it was another year. Around a particular month, I observe that whenever I pray and also very often outside prayer, my mind would always go to the matter with heart persuasions to call and enquire from somebody. Over a month, I'll receive this heart persuasion but left it unattended to. Somehow, I just didn't call the person I knew had expert's say on the thing. Then one day, I was in prayer and the Lord confronted me with the consequences of missing it again due to carelessness and lack of prompt action. Before then, the Lord had staged like two embarrassing occurrences to bring me to a rude realization of how I must be awoken. It was when the final hard saying came in prayer I even remembered the  previous two rude incidents. Did you see how human ministers could also be?

So, I enquired. Believe it. The expert involved told me, "it has been available since." She even begs me for having forgotten not to update me since I've called her over time reminding her of my need to catch that opportunity. Yet, my life and future depended on that thing! 

Look, others may slumber but you must know it's your sole responsibility not to miss anything that God is offering you as an opportunity. Of course, it will come cheaply, relieving and satisfactory. If you miss it, you will have to wait another cycle of time to get it done. Some times, it doesn't even show up again. It just looks like a life line opportunity.

I pray for you that you will be conscious as you receive also a fresh baptism of time and what it says. "Knowing what time says is superior to having money at hand!" If when your opportunity is at hand you don't act correspondingly, you'll miss it and later lament. Some have money at hand but yet don't understand time. So, they wrongly invested or reaped the natural void of what opportunities give. May you not lament. May your spouse, land, house, wealth not finally depart to another. Also, the Lord might be talking to somebody to make enquiry and confirm because that, "the time for what you've been expecting is here." So, strike it now and see the result!

PRAYER: Let the Spirit bear me up and aid me where I need remembrance. May I not be stubborn, sluggish or procrastinating. I'm on time.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2 Timothy 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Proverbs 26:3-5

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Friday, 22 October 2021





READ Galatians 4:1-15

Matthew 17:5, AMP

"While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud [[b]composed of light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and [c]have always been] delighted. Listen to Him!"

What A will do that will satisfy God's heart isn't what B will do. The specific act may differ. Only that what Christians does to satisfy God's heart and earn His approval generally falls under being obedient and taking heed. For someone like Abraham, he believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. The specific act that would delight God and bring reward to you or me is what we don't know but let's in all our endeavours be obedient children.  When we have struck the deep of God's heart, we'll know we've done so because God Himself will raise dust and speak about it. It even shows in new promotions and approval. 

The first time a voice like the one above testified of Jesus being God's beloved was at Jesus' baptism. However, God didn't say "listen to Him". That tells you winning of heaven's recommendation is deemed fit by God and comes by and by. As it is occurring to my mind, it's as if God has a panel of divine host that checks with Himself if a Christian or minister has indeed satisfied His heart as to win His approval. Do you remember at creation, God the Father was not only the board member seated and doing it all? God the Son and Holy Spirit were around which reflects in the language used, "come, LET US create man in our own image..." Genesis 1:26.

When you have satisfied God's heart, He'll appear to decide whether you've pass your exams or not. Unless you're tried and you're found to have passed, your word don't come [Psalm 105:19].

"Listen to Him" that God the Father said places a higher degree of approval on Jesus. God is a careful God. He doesn't recommend a minister out in the hearing of others as one they should draw their demands on if the man has not been watched over the years to have a life that backs up what he professes. If he's not a doer of what God says and he preaches, God has no business showing him to the world as a beloved son or daughter that their gathering and obedience should be given to. Of Jesus, it has been afore said that people's gathering shall be unto Him.

Genesis 49:10, AMP

"The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people."

How it surprised me that when God wants to commend and compensate Jesus for being a beloved son, it was an instruction to "listen to Him" He gives out. It's a blessing when you're not refuted or rejected as a minister. Whenever a Christian is being refuted and rejected, he ought to find out whether he has first satisfied God's heart. Why did I say that? The Bible says, "when the ways of a man pleases God, He (God) makes even his enemy be at peace with him" [Proverbs 16:7]. So, all the remedy for acceptance is actually in pleasing God. If you can strive and seek to expend yourself to please this Father in heaven, if He turns to you, you'll be surprised at what He may reward you with especially if you're a minister. I guess it may be, "listen to him." After all the "you're my beloved son in whom I am well pleased", if " listen to him" don't follow, that beloved son is still like a heir who's but a child but who's under tutor and governor until the time appointed of the father for him comes. You break loose into the utmost and get trusted with the delivery of bread to others when "listen to him" follows "this is my beloved son". 

Those of you that have been longing to hear a voice like this or be promoted from one level to another by the delivering of a letter or news, it seems good to me to announce that your time has come. You will receive the good news and the joy shall be yours to rejoice in. 

PRAYER: Any letter of promotion I await, my word comes now in Jesus' name. May my life and living pleases you.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 26:1-2

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Thursday, 21 October 2021





Genesis 3:1, AMP:

"Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?"

You see, it is a certain behaviour or some enviable traits that God will see in you to be drawn to you. Do you know why God chose Jacob despite the fact that he was a supplanter? He loves the anointing. He cherishes the birthright. Esau rather was a despiser of holy things. What Jacob esteems, Esau disdains. For that reason, the blessing hits Jacob. God loves those who won't mind pursuing to have Him. He'll use and reside with them [Hebrews 12:16-17].

Satan likewise gets attracted to people on the basis of traits or behaviours that they have refused to prune themselves from. For example, if you're bossy, manipulating and stubborn, witchcraft will find you attractive to secure and use very well. If you continue to wish somebody evil and it becomes a habit until your thought is visible in the spirit, you will get to a place where a demon will be attracted to you to begin to grant your evil wishes to come to pass. So, you'll become powerful and satanically assisted. That's why you'll hear some say, "if i wish you evil, so shall it be!". Such needs deliverance. However, something in their lives was what attracted Satan to them. Nothing is causeless. 

In today's reading, Satan is said to be more crafty than all other wild animals. It means, "other wild animals are crafty but the serpent is craftier." Now, this trait didn't work in its favour at all. You know, in a class of some students, we may have one who is the most brilliant and because of that, he could be nominated to represent the school in competitions. The school gets attracted to him because of the brilliance he exhibits above others. So also, the devil, cultists, poverty, death, sickness, diseases, failure etc are generally gravitating towards people that have what they need to stay in their lives. That reminds me of how Jesus was inspected yet without anything of Satan found in Him. So, He couldn't be detained or found a useful material. 

If you look at today's verse, it says, "The serpent was more crafty than other beats." Did you see journeying there? It was not a day he became craftier. It took awhile. He grew in craftiness just like you can grow in your gift until you begin to manifest it at a very high level and draw all kind of men to God and yourself.  When the serpent was just crafty, it didn't attract Satan but when it became craftier [gotten to an enviable level] where it shows cunningness, brutality etc, Satan stepped in. Satan must have said, "the like of you I seek to partner with."

God is bringing a warning to all those who seems to have something but have more of it. It may be gift that you're extremely blessed with. Just know that both God and Satan will seek you. Since you have it really well, they'll both want to leverage on you and use you. Have you asked why the devil didn't enter into any other animal? It was because by their own nature, inclination, behaviour and act, they didn't make provision for him. They did not tend towards places where they'll make it comfortable for Satan to say, "this is a perfect host to indwell." He exhibits all the characteristics of a potential robber, scammer or prostitute. 

God wants you to try as much as possible to begin to prune yourself of negative behaviours as you go. You see, the devil can't enter into your life except there's an handle to climb by. If there's no crack in the wall, will the lizard enter? As simple as a behaviour or character of yours may seem to you, it is a flood gate to the devil to employ you as a useful instrument. A little chink in the armour allows the arrow. 

The snake at creation was created with craftiness just like other animals but the serpent allowed its own to flower and flourish until that becomes a leverage for the devil to indwell and use. When the devil was looking for body to indwell, he saw that one has been made ready for his use. He saw that one has been stimulated to welcome him. He saw that one has the right heart conditions that it takes to be devilish and act like a smart guy that won't be caught. 

God doesn't want you be the "odd one out." God doesn't want you to exhibit abnormality. He wants you to be kept in a confine where Satan can't find you as a host to use. I pray that you won't be sweet to Satan. All things in you strengthening Satan's arm over you is broken. Behaviour, traits, flairs, desires, inclinations etc that will open you to Satan are all wiped off in Jesus name. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not break the confine that will expose me to the devil. All seeds that makes me good looking to the devil are consumed.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28, 1 Timothy 6:1-21, Psalm 89:38-52, Proverbs 25:28

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Wednesday, 20 October 2021





John 6:70-71, KJV

"70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?  6:71 He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve."

There's always the "odd one out". Wherever there are people, a gathering or a group, there will be one or sum that will deviate. They will just go their own way and not be found in accord with what is justifiable and right. 

In today's reading, Jesus said, "did I not choose twelve but one of you is a devil?" Did you see the principle of the odd one out? Out of twelve disciples, one was the odd one out. His lifestyle and what he's known for departs from the testimony of others. May you always align. May you not go out of tune.

Let me quickly bring to your notice that you must live in such a way that you won't be found wanting let alone a statement like the one Jesus made here spoken of you or to you by an authority God has placed over you. It's not good when authorities that you yourself testify of being placed by God over you begin to comment negatively without reluctance about you or acts. 

Look at Judas Iscariot. When you look at his report sheet, you could see that he was the only one that was referred to as a devil because he's to betray Jesus: acting contrarily and he did eventually. When they observe your steps, ways and life, may they not find you to be containing an ingredient of those of the other kingdom.  

Jesus one time said, " offence must come but woe unto the man through whom offence comes [Luke 17:1].

When the prophecy of "let another take his bishopric" was prophesied [Psalm 109:8], the name of anyone or Judas that later fulfilled that prophecy wasn't mentioned but his inclination opened him to fulfilling that [Acts 1:20]. Don't forget, he has been helping himself with the money kept in the treasury ahead of time. He could have gotten somewhere where he wanted a bigger deal and so was opened to the devil who entered him to sell his master for thirty pieces of silver [Luke 22:3, John 13:2].

It is important that you refuse prophecies landing on you that are negative. It is where there's an airport that a plane would land. Without making provision to be used, you can't be used either by God or the devil. That's why the Bible admonished that we should make no room for the flesh. 

Romans 13:14, KJV

"But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."

If you make room for the flesh or Satan, you can't but be used. He'll enter and find you as a suitable vessel in his hands. Sin is always crouching at the door [Gen.4:7]. Satan is always prowling around like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour [I Peter 5:8]. What you say to him: resistance or acceptance is where the conclusion lies. 

Take inventory of your life where you are and see whether you're the odd one out or not. Are you the one deviating from what is called proper conduct. When others gather to praise God, you're at home. You've neglected the gathering of the brethren. You're now like a brand plucked out of fire that Satan can easily prowl on [Zechariah 3:2 ].

God is saying, "come in. Don't be left outside." Separation from the congregation of the brethren makes you feel not accepted, needed and estranged from them and the covenants. The thoughts of nobody wants me that's occupying your mind may be coming from how much you've left the association that should give you warmth and love.

Today, hear God's voice and stop fulfilling the odd one out prophecy so your separation temporarily won't be permanent. Why you must quickly be redeemed is so that you won't eventually be taken away. Judas started as the "odd one" but eventually became the "odd one out". Jesus said He has kept all given to Him except the son of perdition. Like the Master said or had prophesied here, Judas was actually destroyed. 

I pray that when they're counting and numbering those who are among the well behaved, you won't deviate from such group. In a classroom, there are students who are the "odd one" until they become the "odd one out." Nothing good is commented on them. They always draw special negative attention to themselves. If others are noisy, they'll be more noisy. That comment was written about the serpent. He was described as being more subtle of all the beasts God created [Gen.3:1].

May you not deviate. May your children be those who gives joy. May you be intact with the congregation of faithful and just saints. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 35:1-36:32, 1 Timothy 5:1-25, Psalm 89:14-37, Proverbs 25:25-27

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Tuesday, 19 October 2021





Read John 17

John 17:12, KJV

"While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled."

If you read this verse in KJV, it is written in red letters. This signifies it was Jesus speaking Himself. The context also proves that right. Jesus while speaking here was referring to all God has given Him to oversee and how He has kept them all except the son of perdition: Judas Iscariot who chose his way and went to his own place.

Acts 1:25, KJV

"That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place."

If you're a leader where you are, you can't but have men who you're called to see to their lives. These men are your responsibility. It is not God's will that one of them will suffer, diminish or be eventually finished. It is God's will that all committed to you will grow from leap to leap. The men of war under Moses lived up to this. After the battle, they took account of the warriors and found out that none is lacking. This is the testimony that all leaders should possess. 

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us."

Jesus, like one giving account for the ministry or job given Him on earth said He has endeavour to keep all the humans God gave to Him. He gave attention, labour, love, prayer and many sacrifices to see that none was lost. Meanwhile, He said "except the son of perdition." This principle of "One Odd Out" is always playing wherever there are men. You will see God having His men and Satan possessing some as well. 

The son of perdition is any who will choose his own way. One who will refuse restraint of leadership but insist to go the way of the lost. One who will deviate from the standard to live up to. That's the son of perdition. One that has been earmarked for destruction and can't but be destroyed. 

You must know that it is the road we take that leads us to a conclusion we envisage. If you desire a good conclusion but you're on the wrong path, you can't have it. Judas took the road that earmarked him for destruction. If he had repented, he would have been redeemed.

When Jesus said "except the son of perdition..." He meant except that one that despite all that we did to bring him back has refused redemption but like one drunk and lost continues to cling to what will be his undoing finally. Exactly like Jesus said, so it was for Judas Iscariot because he betrayed Jesus and hung himself for it when guilt filled his mind.  

God will come for inspection. The sheep of Christ must not diminish. A pastor must fight for the lives of his congregation over which God has made him overseer [Acts 20:28]. They are not his. They are the Lord's but he has been called and anointed to stand in a place where he could keep watch over all that God has given him.This is your responsibility. You must fight to see that all souls under your hands prosper, increases and become better. That's your prayer and your will for them. You must like Paul not withdraw from them anything that will help their equipping or prosperity in life. 

Acts 20:20, KJV

"And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house"

You must be free of the blood of any man. When Jesus was talking in that verse, He meant that. He was trying to show the Father His innocence. He was saying, "Father, I have tried all to keep all you have given me except one who says, "no, I want to be lost." God Himself agreed that one chose being lost. Jesus therefore won't be held accountable. May you not go your way but use your will to make good choices. When leadership seeks to have you under cover, may you not expose yourself to what can take you away without mercy. 

PRAYER: I am redeemed from all destructive endings. May all evil prophecies not find rest on me. I receive discernment to use my will for God's will only.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22, 1 Timothy 4:1-16, Psalm 89:1-13, Proverbs 25:23-24

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Proverbs 31:19, KJV 

"She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff."

Work is one of the things that God has called each of us to. Work is designed for us, so that through it we can manifest the spiritual blessings on us. Even God Almighty who rested on the seventh day had worked for the larger part of the week. He worked but He also did diligently. Adam himself was not idle, God gave him work to do. From these two instances, we could see work at play even at the onset of things [Genesis 2:2-3, 2:15].

When it concerns work, there are questions to ask. What work should I do? After that, how well should I work to manifest all the spiritual blessings or promises that eyes could see visibly? Today's Bible passage concerns the virtuous woman. One of her attributes that made her to be the favourite and one who excelled them all is her hard work. She worked but she was also a diligent worker. 

The Bible says, 'she lays her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff". The "spindle" and the "distaff" are weaving instruments. That's what she has found and she never let them go idle. The idea of "laying her hands on the spindle" shows her dedication to work. She is at all not lazy. Rather, she works and tarries at the weaving looms. 

Paul, while admnoshing us said if any won't work, such also shouldn't eat. He also said, the thief should stop stealing but rather should work [II Thess. 3:10, Eph.4:28]. From there, we could see that work eliminates being covetous of another's things until one illegally goes for it. Work, no matter how unesteemed it may be will give you the dignity of labour. 

If someone's hands could be found on her instrument of work, where should yours be found? Hope you're not laying your hands on what doesn't concerns you. If a healer is laying hands on people, that's his work he's doing. A banker on a mouse; a preacher holding the mic;  a cook holding a spoon and a driver holding the steering wheel are all working also. 

Don't forget that it is what you sow you will reap. Let your hands be on the instrument(s) of your profession. That's how to start fighting poverty and lack.  Give diligence and before you know it, wealth will begin to find its way towards you. Diligence will make you carry the mark of your work. 

PRAYER: Lord, teach me diligence at work. My reward as a worker shall not be hindered. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 31:27-32:44, 1 Timothy 3:1-16, Psalm 88:1-18, Proverbs 25:20-22

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Sunday, 17 October 2021





Read Proverbs 30:24-28

Proverbs 30:27, KJV

"The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands"

Do you know that you can outperform your deficiency? The Holy Spirit wants that to be concretized in you. Normally, we mourn what we don't have and blame what we couldn't do on same. However, we can be born anew mentally to begin to act differently. It is not all the time that deficiency is a permanent restriction. Due to growth and the kind of mindset some have come to arm themselves with over the years, they even believe that out of every deficiency, they can call out a blessing. Was it not out of the strong Samson scrapped honey? Without the strong being killed, who can of it gather honey? To kill the strong (a lion) is obviously a hard thing to do yet the testimony of getting what is sweet is from what poses difficulty being defeated.

In our Bible passage today, reference was made to some four things that are small but are extremely wise. 

Proverbs 30:24, KJV

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise"

So, what we are here to study is the wisdom of one of these four characters. They are the locusts. The locusts are said to be leaderless. They have no king. What is the function of a king? He gives the vision, agenda and guides all towards it. That's what the locusts lack. The entity that will instruct, manage and motivate them towards comportment of themselves is lacking in their lives. I have heard people attach misbehaviour to lack of parenting (mentoring) or parents. Some truths are in there because some have manifested the failure of lacking it but it's not always true. You also must not give excuses for failure because you lack a life's manager.  Meanwhile, what could have created deficiency for the locusts was not at all allowed by them. Despite the fact that they lack a king (someone to pack them together and tell them how to behave), the Bible recorded that they still excel. 

Where is their excellence manifested? "...yet, they match in bands!"

Do you understand that? That is, they don't have a scattered life. If you have seen locusts before matching, you'll know they're organized yet they don't have an organizer. When programmes are to be done, there's always the organizers. We put that on ground so that we won't suffer harm but that the programme will fulfill its purpose. That's what the locusts lack yet they still excelled.

Those of you who are giving excuses as to why you have failed or why you are how you are, you better let the years of blaming it on something or someone go. Embrace responsibility like the locusts. Let your testimony be, "...despite lacking this and not having that, I still made it." The locusts have no king yet all of them still match in bands towards a singular purpose. Not even one of them - even the youngest deviates from this attribute of excellence. You wonder where they pick the initiative for correct behaviour from. Even the forces of nations must be taught to go out or fight in bands or groups. But the locusts were not taught by another but intuitively picks that. It was a self taught thing. 

I pray that you will pick the revelation of things to live up to. That's what can mark you out. Each of us can be self taught. When we are self taught, many of our problems will be eliminated since we don't need A to put B right. We will do what's expected of us. Organizations, families, nations etc can then run as if it is being auto-piloted. 

One day, I told my younger brother to mind how he lives. I gave him instances and told him he shouldn't boast or pull rank by saying, "he has me to lean on." There are children who say that and despise what they can become on their own. John warned some people not to be self deceived as to say they have Abraham as their father also [Matthew 3:9].

You see, why was I telling my brother that? He was beginning to fail and not bringing forth corresponding results of his age. I told him, all of us have been fatherless for over a period of 11 years and we can't even put much on our mother. Should we not be self taught? Throughout my undergraduate days, my mother never called me once to ask whether I was serious. She knew it is me. I went with self determination. I didn't need a king over me to begin to show me the ABC of what to face. I hunted for it and pursued after it. When I got to campus, I was the one searching for the fellowship I later became her president and not Christians trying to harvest or salvage my soul. 

May your story be like this. Wherever you have deficiencies, may you receive the testimony of having not being limited by it because the natural thing is to be limited by what we don't have. May you however surprise the world as to put in their mouth stories of how you excelled despite your lack. Receive by revelation how to act in proper behaviour and be praised for same.

May the invisible Holy Spirit be King over you so that physical kings will call you a proper child and one to testify about. 

PRAYER: Father, I rise and perform beyond deficiencies in my life. I shall have a testimony to give while saying, "despite all..."

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Psalm 87:1-7, Proverbs 25:18-19

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Saturday, 16 October 2021





Psalms 18:35, KJV

"Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great."

None would have gotten to his destination if God's gentleness was withdrawn from such. The men we see in the kingdom and this mini life today as voices on the mountains they've conquered are those God's gentleness was abundant over. Do you know why? Men can't depart from being men. It is of men to err you know. However, we thank God for His mercies that are new every morning. 

The Psalmist, David of course said, "Your gentleness has made me great." Do you wonder what that means? It means God's exercise of tolerance and pardoning of his mistakes or relaxation on those that are strongly punishable and should have set him back but which has finally made him great. We all know that such man is blessed unto whom God doesn't imput iniquity [Psalm 32:2]. One time, David offended God and God in wanting to punish him told him to decide what punishment amidst some given options. He chose falling into God's hands [I Chronicles 21:12-14]. That act was an act of God's gentility. Imagine you still deciding your punishment. 

For this reason, he did not go into extinction but rather grew until by God's tolerance and bearing with him, he became all in destiny. The Bible recorded that David served the will of God in His own generation and slept with his fathers [Acts 13:36]. In serving God's will, he got to the height of destiny not because he exercised sinless perfection but because God was merciful on him. When I look at David and as well set Saul beside him, I saw one enjoyed gentleness while the other didn't. David was a first class offender that receives slight pardon. Though the sword never departed from his house yet that never disrupted his destiny of reaching that highest peak. Saul did his own but it swallowed him up.  If you look at the New Testament, you'll still be hearing the name David ringing as Jesus was addressed many times in relation with him [ Matt.20:31, Matt.21:9].

No man is without fault but let your prayer be that your imperfections will receive God's gentility. Whenever God looks at you, may He be filled with the compassion of a father never to measure judgement to you at all or does but not in full. If it's not in full, you can't go into extinction under such judgement. 

Psalms 103:13-14, KJV

'Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. 14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust."

One day, I was listening to a set man and General Overseer of a worldwide denomination that's headquartered in Nigeria. He was celebrating over three decades in ministry. Then, he thanked God who has been merciful on his mistakes. He said he has made some but he's grateful for having a Father for a Boss. Immediately, I comprehended him fully. Men of God are humans. No wonder David in another verse said this about the minister or the man God uses. 

Psalms 18:50, KJV

"Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore."

David could write about mercy because he was showered some. Show me the man whose life lacks mercy and I'll quickly prophecy he that can't go all the way up. Where are the beneficiaries of mercy? We are in Morning Wings Ministry. This is my sixth year in the ministry of writing and authoring of the Morning Wings Daily Devotional Guide. We're still pressing. It's already a decade in ministry which was clothed in days of small beginning during my undergraduate studies. If I look back, I have reasons to say, 'His gentleness has made me great."

I have human weaknesses and frailties. I have even known the terror of the Lord before but I thank God I can role model after that great minister that, "my Boss is also my Father. This is where the difference lies. In this we can put our trust that we'll go all the way up until we become what surpasses our labour and the imagination of those outside. Thank God we are not disobedient children also.

Only for His gentleness! That's why what appears still appears. That's why out of nothing, something is still daily being brought forth. That's why from what is strong and hard to conquer, we're daily gathering honey. I say, "for His gentleness over me, associates and those who have succoured us as partners or members, we glorify God!"

PRAYER: Pray for Morning Wings Ministry, the founder and writer of the devotional for a glorious years ahead. Pray that God will be gentle on your own mistakes too. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 28:1-29:32, 1 Timothy 1:1-20, Psalm 86:1-17, Proverbs 25:17

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Friday, 15 October 2021





Read Judges 15:6-14

Judges 15:13-14, KJV

"13 And they spake unto him, saying, No; but we will bind thee fast, and deliver thee into their hand: but surely we will not kill thee. And they bound him with two new cords, and brought him up from the rock. 14 And when he came unto Lehi, the Philistines shouted against him: and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed from off his hands."

Samson agreed with the men of Judah to bind him and hand him over to the Philistines. Those ones already came to him wondering what sort of evil he has brought on them since he knows they're under the Philistines. Yet, these Philistines are his own enemy. So, they reached a hypocritical agreement to bind Samson and hand him over under the pretext of Judah being visibly seen by the Philistines as a good subject. 

They did. When the Philistines rushed with a shout to apprehend him, something immediately happen to him. The Spirit came on him and when it does, the cords (strong and agile bounds) that were used to bind him became very relaxed, loosed like flax that fire has caught. Look at that experience. He didn't do anything by his energy. He didn't struggle to unbuckle the tie but when the Spirit came upon him, there was a relaxation and loosing of his bound for him yet without any effort except for willingness and desire to be loosed in order to fight the enemy. 

Yesterday, by the Spirit, I declared, "it is broken and solved." Today, God is coming for some other people again. This move must not be missed. Hear this, the Spirit also makes difficult things easy. Yesterday, it was the spoken word of the anointed but today, it is the Spirit Himself. Is that not why we have written, "...not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts" [Zechariah 4:6, KJV]. God is not trying to eliminate hard work where you should work righteously to gather but the issue is this, you can't break free by might or your strength where you're under spiritual bondage. Spiritual bondages don't break by effort. If someone is cursed, let him labour from today till tomorrow, his experience will be like that of Peter (though he was not cursed here) that toiled all night yet without catching a thing. He may try saving. He may try giving good customer service in order to retain them. He may even be making some money but he'll see that things are still not adding up. Why? It's spiritual limitation he's fighting and to fight that back, they don't by man's wisdom, personal discipline or improvement etc first of all but by the anointing destroying that yoke. If someone is cursed not to be buoyant financially and he's adding discipline to save, it won't still work. Such will only be frustrated. First of all, take authority over that spirit by which you're cursed. In anyone's life, I cast out such spirit. 

The Bible says:

Isaiah 10:27, KJV

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing [Holy Spirit]." 

When we invent things, we do to serve a particular purpose and eradicate a need. When God gives the anointing also, He does with the hope that we'll be wise enough to learn and understand that it is only the anointing that destroys the yoke. Look, it is not by weeping, shouting or hollering. If any one even lays hands on you void of the anointing, the yoke won't still be broken. But if he speaks the word only or touch you only and it's by God's Spirit (the anointing), you'll immediately receive a testimony of your chains or bound breaking, melting and relaxing or loosing its hold on you. Pay attention to me. God hasn't raised me at this season to partner with the Holy Ghost to show pity on your problems. He raised me with the speaker's mouth given to Jeremiah to pluck down or build up [Jeremiah 1:10].

"It became as flax caught by fire" is today's anointed word meant for your freedom. Samson was under bond but when the Spirit rested on him, the bound knows where to go without even being instructed. It was like that gate that opened to them of its own accord as they approached it. I decree, let your problems melt. Let it answer you by the reason of God's heavy presence heavily present today. Let yokes be destroyed. Let burdens be lifted. Let the deaf hear. Let the blind see. The dumb, speak. The lame, walk. Diseases and sicknesses are declared unwanted. It is the Spirit that sets free. Be freed where you desire freedom! 

PRAYER: It is the Spirit that sets free, man's effort profits nothing.  Thank God I'm freed.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalm 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16

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Thursday, 14 October 2021





Read Luke 5: 1-8

Psalms 18:34, KJV

"He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms."

There are people God is revealing to me today. The first are those struggling to subdue and have it answer them. Others are those who by reasons of grace, gift, promise, prophecy or the anointing and other divine elements always have it quick and easily subdued for themselves. 

Jacob was asked why it was fast for him. He said because the Lord your God (of his father, Isaac) brought it to him very quickly [Genesis 27:1-20]. There's always the God factor and I want it catch your attention today. We know Jacob lied but rather fetched his meat at home. Yet, through what he said, we are brought the revelation of God helping one to possess, conquer, master, subdue or receive on time.  

In today's verse, we read David's testimony. What was his testimony? He said, "it is the Lord who teaches my hands to war and to bend a bow of bronze." Without any sense of shame, he ascribed his achievement of being able to do difficult things to God. Hope you can flamboyantly do same. You may not know but he was saying that from a deep sense of gratitude. He was not saying it to boast but if you say he did, then his boast is still acceptable since it was a boast in the Lord. 

What did the Lord help him master? A bow of bronze. An artificial metal produced from iron, harder and more elastic than elemental iron; used figuratively as a symbol of hardness.

That's a bronze or steel. God helped David to bend it. Bending it means exercising a kind of dominion over it. Don't forget that steel is difficult to bend but God armed him to bend it. That's the God factor (God's teaching or special personalized instruction to him). Look, the God factor makes difficult things easy for you. David was blessing the God who helped him to bend a bow of steel. As it is being shown me, it's time for you to have such testimony of having defeated something hard and unbending. Look, the hands of David were made able to master and bring under subjection the strength of this bow of bronze. What are you trying to master that's not yielding, I say "they're broken! That's what I'm hearing".

Look, difficult things become easy at God's spoken word. That's your leverage in this kingdom. Peter toiled all night but when he repeated that same act at the word of Jesus that bids him to try again, it was an emptying of the sea into the boats. At my own prophecy today as God's anointed, I say, 'they're broken'.

Every difficult things in your life; the things you've been fighting but have been resisting: proving unsubmissive. I heard, "they're broken". It is broken therefore means it is finished. Difficult things have yielded today. They have snapped open for you. To build your house or complete it; to travel to your land of promise; to profer solution to an academic or social problem; to pay debt or raise money; to be freed of sickness, diseases or curses etc - all are broken and solved. Because God is subduing them for you by the anointing, you shall therefore find them submissive. When you labour where you've laboured but without profit before, because it has been broken and solved for you at God's Word, you'll see you'll come back with excellent and compensating results this time. It is now walk over. No more expending of energy and hitting of your head on the wall. I heard, " it is broken. It stands fast and changes not!" 

PRAYER: I receive the testimony of "it is broken and solved" in Jesus name. I share same soonest. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021





Read Psalm 18

Psalms 18:34, KJV

"He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms."

It is the will of the Father that all His children will be taught. He has made provision for them to learn the hows of getting things done in the kingdom way without deviating from kingdom practices. 

The Psalm of David which the Spirit has fetched for us for today's devotional refers to God teaching the psalmist's hands to war. The psalmist himself acknowledges God as He who trains his hands for war.  First of all, you can't be taught a thing you already know and ascertain you don't have to be taught again. So, for the psalmist to be taught by God, he emptied himself or became like a babe: declaring himself ignorant as to be imparted. This is the first position that God wants you to take today. Don't say, "I know already." If you do mentally, you can't have God teach you. The full are not filled. Even if He teaches you, you won't absorb it because there will be a battle of knowledge. If you won't empty yourself to be taught by God, then you can't be taught. You must acknowledge you're poor. If you come to this state, there will be a natural hunger created in you to pursue after what God has to teach you. You'll never want to waste it because you know that His teaching you is actually your own equipping. You'll therefore open up. Will you take this position below first of all or you've already apprehended?

Revelation 3:18, KJV

"I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Those who will ever buy must first have need. So, see your need. See your inadequacy that must be made adequate. Once you do, you'll graduate to the next class where the Lord will then take you into the secret place for practicals. The Psalmist was very specific. He said, the Lord taught his hands how to wage war and accomplish a particular hard thing - " bend a bow of bronze". Your own profession may differ from the psalmist's since he was a warrior. You may be a speaker. You may be a writer. You may be a marketer. If you are any of these etc, what will be trained will differ. It may be your mouth, mind that God must oil etc. Look, no one actually begins to do well unless he's actually trained by the Lord. Do you know why? God won't give common or generalized information that the masses have access to to such. The highest degree of doing well you can attain is through God teaching, exposing or revealing to you something that will mark you out from other competitors. What He did for David was to teach him how to subdue the unpopular and bend a bow of steel. It is not all warriors that could bend a bow of bronze. I hope you know there are many bows. We have one made from the flexible stick, plastic etc but the one God revealed its secrets to David was a bow of bronze or steel. May I tell you something? It is difficult bending that one. A steel is very much like an iron. Now, imagine what strength or technique it will take to finally bend a thing that's iron in nature. However, because of being taught, David learnt how to maneuver and put that bow to use. A bow that's never broken can't be used for war. "Broken" doesn't mean to destroy here. It means to master for use. You can't use a technique and profit from it if it has not first being properly mastered or understood. Look, don't let your pride push you away from being taught. It is then the Lord will take interest in you and not detest you from afar. He'll draw near to you and teach you how to operate your calling and career. Don't forget, He taught David how to excel in his and do the difficult - bend a bow of bronze. 

PRAYER: Ancient Teacher, your commitment hasn't changed. I receive the hows of handling the difficulty in life, marriage, calling or career. My testimony will be, "it's broken".

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

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Tuesday, 12 October 2021





Read Luke 10:17-20
Luke 10:19, KJV
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

One of the reasons why saints couldn't represent Christ effectively is because of the fear of being hurt. If you've seen the evils of the devil and have lived amidst those who exalted his works, having absorbed him as powerful and swallowed him as very absolute, you may be very much hindered believing in God's power that overwhelms Satan's. 

Jesus here was speaking to the seventy after their return. He said He has given them power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and then all powers of the enemy. They already used that same power and delegated authority. Jesus was referring to the devil, demons and everything they could manifest or invent. Jesus said He has given us power over them all.  Now, think of the power of the enemy that's in existence, that you've seen, that you don't know exists or that the devil could manifest. Jesus said the believer has been given power over such irrespective of its magnitude. Jesus said, we are empowered by the Holy Ghost to trample on them. "Trampling" or "treading" shows our dominion over them. We treat them as nothing to be scared of. We glory and reign over them in great subduing. What you can match on isn't something you obviously will see as a threat. You'll just treat it as nothing and powerless. That's what the devil, demons and all powers of the enemy should seem to us though we know the devil has power to hurt.  

Look, there's nothing the devil foams by that delegated authority in Christ and God's empowerment by the Holy Ghost that you can't counter. The seventy did in that place and came feeding Jesus back what they accomplished by His name. 

Now, we get to the part where fear is triggered. Jesus said "and nothing shall by any means hurt you". It means in the process of going about businesses of the kingdom for Christ, there may be potential scary things that may raise their heads to challenge you. In other words, attempt would be made by all these powers of the enemy to hurt you but Jesus assured that contrary to fear or what is popular in the minds of many people, nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

One of the reasons why people don't evangelize or act on the Bible in the area of healing or power side is because they believe something will hurt them. Look, God wants you to be solidified that as you go as His representative preaching the gospel, in His Spirit, by His own guidance, doing His own work, nothing shall by any means hurt you. It doesn't mean things won't try to hurt you but what does the Bible say.

Isaiah 59:19, KJV
" So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him."

Today, let fear be dispelled. The Spirit is with you. You have heard from the head of the church Himself that nothing shall by any means hurt you. Lay hands on the sick, cleanse lepers, do all the works of an evangelist and never think their sickness or problem will transfer to you. It is not you doing it but the Spirit doing it through you. You have Him as your defender and protector. 

PRAYER: I receive empowerment of God's Spirit. I dare to believe Jesus and do His works. Fear is dispelled in me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 19:1-21:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28, Psalm 82:1-8, Proverbs 25:9-10

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Monday, 11 October 2021





Read Luke 10:38-42

Luke 10:41-42, KJV

"41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

There are two types of children at the father's house. One is the content seeker while the other is the distracted type. When what is germane; what will be the ingredient of their future and calling is being communicated to them, you will see that one pays attention while the other disdains that wisdom. The wisdom you don't open to, how can you absorb?

This is why some have wondered why some children are more successful than others under the same parents. Do you know one of the reasons? Some open up themselves to the wisdom of their parents than others. The others didn't have the revelation of that wisdom's importance when it was being communicated. So, it became a permanent shortage in their future life which is now visible for everyone to see. That same thing do happen in church and wherever God has set a role model or influence to impart something into those observing their lives. In the congregation of many men and under the anointing, you'll notice that some have soaked into themselves the wisdom of the model and they're getting better for it. At times, there are physical symptoms of that. They can talk, move or react to things like that same man. So, the flow that's flowing for that model unconsciously will begin to flow for them. When Jesus told the disciples that they'll do great works and greater works they'll do, do you think He was speaking to those who weren't listening or haven't been listening to His instructions? Not at all. He was speaking to true sons like Elisha who will not stop following Elijah until the mantle for ministry can't but be torn for him so he could take his place also amidst the strong and the great. No one can do great things let alone greater things who has not been hearkening to some certain instructions somewhere.

John 14:12, KJV

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

Children who will manifest the father and manifest more than the father are those who have not detested equipping. You must decipher. You must be awake and aware. You must see and be touched. You must feel and be receptive. Stop being nonchalant. Pay attention to what pays. Ignore the minor and let what authorities give be what you're gathering. 

You can have a teacher but it's not your teacher who will determine solely what you'll be. He may be the most resourceful man but if his wisdom doesn't become yours, you will be the most poor fellow in destiny and manifestation. Have you seen Martha and Mary? Have you seen students who get distracted when the teacher is communicating and experimenting with molecules at their sight? Many parents complain their children aren't doing well. Why will they since they're the Marthas in class who haven't let girls stop infatuating them, colleagues distracting them and gadgets giving them another focus. But there are Marys in the classroom/life settings and under their tutors who have learnt to give attention to whom attention is due. They're those that graduate faster and are congratulated for having done well. Upon the year's end, may you have something to show for having being under the contact of a resourceful master. Marys will always but Marthas don't always have proves.

PRAYER: Lord, where are intentional distractions programmed into my life, I refute these strange weapons of failures. I receive new focus to follow my calling or career model.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 16:16-18:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3, Psalm 81:1-16, Proverbs 25:6-8

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Sunday, 10 October 2021





Genesis  4:4-5, KJV

"4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell."

There is one thing that all of us are dying for. It is to be commended. It is to be praised. It is to hear said to us, "well-done son or daughter".

You may not understand the plight of Cain until you've for once be in his shoe. Anyway, I am not justifying any of his conducts because he gave way to Satan. When Abel was commended because of the more excellent sacrifice he brought to God, Cain was angry and his countenance fell. Why did his countenance fall? He was also looking forward to being applauded but somehow the applause didn't go to him because he couldn't purchase a witness of having done well for himself. 

Hebrews 11:4, KJV

"By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh."

Do you know it's natural for us to feel happy when we're praised? When we are not, we feel punctured or deflated. Even children that shouldn't exhibit ego enter into their shells when corrected. If they've been jumping up and down before, you'll just observe them suddenly go into silence. Until you cheer them up or try soothing them, they'll feel rejected or dejected. At your trying to recuperate them, some of them may burst into tears because they're embarrassed of having being corrected. The same happens to adults. 

That's why women respond to words of affirmation and may be totally withdrawn when spoken to any how. No matter how unconcern you are or you may be, if all that comes your way is "you've not done well", I can assure you that even if you'll recover, you may first have a bowed head. This doesn't mean correction shouldn't be done or you shouldn't embrace it. You must know that it's always the corrected and perfected that can only manifest the excellence that will seem they are not accountable for when they look back. 

Psalms 141:5, KJV

"Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities."

So, all of us are dying for commendation. Is it not your prayer that you'll have such report for yourself also? The report of somebody saying, "you've done well. Receive my handshake." Meanwhile, it may not be so. Many covet reward but detests the work that produces it.

When God came to Cain, God asked him, " why are you angry? Why has your countenance fallen." God was concerned for him. Like a good father, God wanted to help him out of his moodiness and perspective of believing nobody cares for him especially God who should.  God knew what the problem was. God knew if he had been accepted, he wouldn't have sulked. He would have gone from one place to the other sharing the testimony. Cain's anger therefore was a rebellion against his being corrected. His killing his brother was a rebellion against being rejected. Does that not show to you there's one thing man craves which is to be praised. If he had gotten that, nothing of what we negatively know him for would have stemmed from him. 

From this teaching, we're also learning how important commendation and praise could be used to have the best of people. We know the truth must be told. God did and you must do. If anyone however refuses to heed truth when spoken, let such alone. But from this teaching, we have seen what impact praise, being accepted or commended plays and the part the other plays. The clamouring of any man is always to be accepted either by God or any other human. If that be the case, seek to satisfy authorities as to be commended. Please, don't do eye service. 

Today, I want to tell you to strive for God's certification first of all. If any man praises you when God speaks otherwise, you still have not passed. There are two men on earth, those who have done worthily of praise and those who haven't. In your journey, ensure you're an Abel and not a Cain. Those of you that have done well but your reward has being given to others shouldn't worry. Your reward will always come back and in a more excellent way. 

PRAYER: Father, may I not be rejected. Wherever you've given me the work of commendation, I shall not fail as a parent, husband or father.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

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