Tuesday, 21 January 2025




ARE YOU SINGLE? - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 008

I Corinthians 7:32-33, KJV

"32 But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:  33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife."

"Singles mourn to marry and the married mourns to divorce" is the quote I once came across on the net. Why would the married yearn for separation? It's because marriage is not without its own problems. Human relationship is one of the complicated systems that we have to keep understanding and seek to manage. Without coming to manage it properly, though divorce is not permitted but two that once was one might become two again (at separation). 

But for the singles, they are blinded by the joys of marriage and are held in hope. They don't usually see the struggles that be in two trying to be one or remain as one. Though not a command but a concession, Paul talks of "this present distress" for which it is good for a person to remain unmarried (I Cor.7:25-26). 

Are you single? Like Paul says, I have no command from the Lord for you not to marry especially if you don't fit into any of the three categories of eunuchs we had seen. You should therefore marry except by choice and reasons best known by you. Marriage is good and it should not be demonized. Paul admonishes the married to stick to themselves (I Cor. 7:27).

Meanwhile, being a single comes with its own blessings. Like a fish caught in an evil net is taken out of its natural habitat, once marriage takes you out of singlehood (which naturally avails you time for yourself and celibacy since we believe you've not been fornicating), you are bound to a spouse and you must seek to please him or her. Whether you're a man or a woman, once married, you're vulnerable to having divided attention. If you look at our verses for the day, it says, "32...the unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. 33 But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife 34 and his interest are divided. And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband" (ESV). 

Did you read that? I intentionally requotes everything in plain words for you to grab. Before I got married, I would study and listen to sermons all day long and at my spare time. Not again! I have someone to share part of my time with now. And if you have some children with that, the more dissipating and inadequate your time looks in your hands. I could recall while I was on campus, apart from school and fellowship, the only thing I do with my time is communion with God. I did it until while listening to sermons one day, I got anointed with God's Spirit and was impacted with the teaching anointing and all other manifestations on the fellow I was listening to. To have been impacted through sermons means I did that act for thousands of time and for an enough time to have possessed the same acts in the man I was looking at. He preaches and teaches very good and for long and I also do the same. He authors a devotional and I also authors a devotional. He destroys yokes by God's anointing on him and I do same. To have received the gift of the Holy Spirit through listening to sermons means giving it time and fellowship. I loved the man of God and cherished all his teachings. At that time, I could quote him and his sermons very much. 

I still do listen to sermons and my wife and family know me for that but not without hindrances now. While I was still single and having no one in my life, I would listen to sermons, fall asleep, wake up to find the sermon still playing. Now, I share the bed with my wife. I can't do that. Even when I'm playing a sermon or the kind of music that stirs my anointing, you might hear something like, "I want to sleep." It's a prompt that you either stop it or use earpiece and when you use earpiece, you still cannot be committed to the listening because you want to be alert to any alarm. Even when you think of going to another room, it doesn't always work. You'll hear, "let's sleep now! Isn't it bed time?" When your wife is telling you, "let's sleep", I hope you know what that means. It means, "I need your companionship and probably the other one too." So, marriage is a journey of inconvenience and sacrifice for your mate. If you're not ready, don't take it. 

That's why that place reads and says, "the unmarried has time to please the Lord and for things that concerns the Lord than the married." The Bible acknowledges that the unmarried has more time because he's not tied or bound to be obligated to anyone. 

So, once you leave singlehood (bachelorhood or spinsterhood) to marriage, your attention is shared between two entities (God and your spouse). It's a great fight. If you're weak-willed, you might sacrifice intimacy with God for fellowship with your spouse (that man or woman). 

For this reason, some might vow themselves to God. If there's a Queen of England who didn't marry till her death just for state matters, who told you if you perceive the call to exceptionally serve God you cannot be a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven - serving His will. There are places to take the gospel to that having a family or those you're emotionally attached to won't do. Such land is the land of "if I die, I die". The demand on some people is to enter a difficult terrain and break it with committedness that comes from not being attached to anything or anyone. God might find one or two like that. However, if you  hope for marriage, let your single or celibate life counts now. I thank God I got all the ingredients for my race before I even got engaged. I got anointed and started preaching dangerously and fierily as a student. I was in Level 3 readying for 4 when I got anointed. It's still that same anointing I've built on and I'm building on now. Your singlehood can be lost but you can make it count if you gather food for your winter in that summer. Please, be like the ants. Eat doubly because the journey is long and the days are now seriously evil. 

PRAYER: My bachelorhood or spinsterhood shall not come to nothing. I have an understanding of what to gather in it.


Matthew 14:13-36 & Genesis 49-50

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Monday, 20 January 2025




THE LIFE OF ANNA TEACHES A LESSON - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 007

Luke 2:36-37, NLT

"36 Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. 37 Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshipping God with fasting and prayer. 38 She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem."

What would you use your left over time to do? We ought to ask. Or else, wastefulness might result. 

There are those who are stopped and handicapped by accidents and unforseen circumstances of life. However, it liberates some other men and women into their calling or substantial life. A good example of the latter is Anna. She had only tasted seven years of marital life (or sex) that every single covet before her husband passed away. I don't know what informed her not remarrying. I can't say if it was brought about by devotion to her husband or just a personal decision to be married to the Lord. However, after the loss of her husband, she leveraged this unfortunate event to give herself wholly to the Lord. She entered into celibacy. She becomes an eunuch for the kingdom of heaven. 

No wonder, Paul advises the singles and the widows to stay as he is. Only that he reconsiders that they could remarry if they don't have the gift to stand and live in celibacy (I Cor.7:8-9). Anna's life is what God is using to teach us a great lesson that, "man shall not live by bread alone..."(Matt.4:4). Yet, this is still how far some people have gone with their lives. Their lives are not beyond living only for the ephemeral and the inconsequential. They're scrambling only for material things, seeking for wherewithal to live when the word from God's mouth has been jettisoned. Anna's story tells us that "living by bread alone" which is so exalted and prioritized by the Gentiles (Matt.6:31-33) could be reordered . Anna lived as a widow until eighty four years old. The Bible records that she starts to live that way just seven years after her husband passed away. We don't know Anna's age as at when the husband died but Anna could have lived at least 50 years as a celibate and a widow after her husband died. Widows or widowers can be very useful in God's vineyard if they decide not to remarry. 

However, remaining unmarried is not even the most important but why she didn't marry or what she converted that time that she could have shared with a partner to do. The Bible points out that she does something seemingly impossible. She doesn't depart from the temple but stays there day and night worshipping God in fasting and prayer. Don't think Anna lives in the temple so that she might feed off on the people. No! She's not a foodie. She does eat occasionally but we just read that she had a ministry of fasting and prayer. 

This dedication of hers to fasting and prayer before the Lord has so much cultivated her sensitivity and created an intimacy between herself and God so much more that God Almighty couldn't bypass her on the disclosure of who baby Jesus is. As a matter of fact, heaven knows her very much even if she doesn't preach a sermon on Saturday or Sunday. 

Looking at her challenging life, we learnt that we can do and live without what men are in a rush for. If we have food and clothing, we shall be contented. Life is not basically to spend on acquiring things. She didn't marry again and that meant she forgone sex also.  What men are dying for and which they have utmostly esteemed as the reason for life or why they're created is actually what she jettisoned when it came upon her to live as a celibate and a constant worshipper before God. Due to that call and life she heeded, she couldn't even reproduce herself in some children. She yielded it all up. A real eunuch for the kingdom she is! The Bible calls her a prophetess. I have no doubt that she is because she speaks accurately of Baby Jesus and reveals Him to all that are present. 

Don't be deceived, you can actually live above, "bread alone." When God authors life, He didn't intend we'll only spend it on the ephemeral but on the substantial which involves "the word of His mouth". That is, hearing what the Lord has to say about our individuals on daily basis, being guided by that to live as a shepherded sheep. It is from living and abiding by the word of His mouth that you'll get to live the life God ordained for you as your destiny before your conception. We're ordained, authored to live by "every word that comes from His mouth" and not live by "bread or physical things alone". It is that revealed will of God that'll prosper, satisfy and lead us to fulfilment. It is not by being in constant rush and pursuit of "bread alone" or the good things of life. Man according to creation or the ordainment of God must not live by bread alone. If he does, he can sustain the physical man but the spiritual man will be dead and his eternity with Christ could be lost. 

Anna let go of continuing to live only for bread alone and rather surrenders to living by every word from God's mouth. Her life of celibacy is calling us to the possibility that we can exercise discipline over our desires, gratification and ourselves; turn away from sin or what spoils us and be consecrated to the Lord. Like a called man or woman, she becomes dedicated to only one thing. Fasting and praying to worship God in the temple. Herein is the word of the psalmist fulfilled that says, "one thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple" (Psalms 27:4, KJV). 

PRAYER: My life worth more than bread alone. Teach me the real value and exchange for my life. I submit to leadership from your daily utterances.


Matthew 13:44-14:1-22 & Genesis 46-48

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Sunday, 19 January 2025




THE THIRD CELIBATES - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 006

Matthew 19:12, KJV "For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

You know who the third celibates are. They are those Jesus described as yielding up marriage to stay single just for the purpose of serving God and His kingdom. 

Unlike the second celibates, this may comprise both men and women alike. I don't have to give you names but if you ever put in your browser, "religious celibates and saints", you'll see an array of names and persons belonging to each gender. Men and women have served as celibates not only in Christendom and for the cause of propelling the gospel but even in other religions. Mention it, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. Most of the religions in our world today believe in celibacy - being an eunuch for a religious cause or yielding up of marriage in order to propagate certain divine mandates. 

It is in this context you can appreciate the words of Jesus that says in Matthew 19:29 that, "and every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."

Jesus acknowledges that to propagate the gospel, it might mean leaving home, going distances and being cut away from father, mother, siblings and your extended family. Though we should not seek to "put asunder what God has joined together" (Matt.19:6), yet we all know that this sacrifice even if it'll be temporary and on occasions might mean separation from one's own spouse or children. The Bible included wife and children amidst that number that of necessity must be forsaken. 

As not to be hindered at all, there are those who without being coerced (but from being convinced and having perceived God's call on them to do the extraordinary or serve as a layman) would submit to being an eunuch for the kingdom of God. It is a call and if you don't perceive it, don't heed it. When someone is therefore a celibate for the kingdom, God could build much on him and entrust him or her with much. One celibate wholly given to God might be carrying and discharging what a company of Christians should do. One major reasons will be because he is available for use for the Lord without any other quarters laying demands on him. This is in contrariness with the married who seeks to please his or her spouse and eventually has divided interests (I Cor.7:32-35). The same reason why some ministers choose to go into full time ministry is same that might propel those who are gifted for celibacy to give up their lives for the kingdom. 

Many know that the call on them might be that of suffering and one that might exert them. I don't know if Paul knew this or if Ananias told him privately (Acts 9:15-16). But Paul himself told us that the Holy Spirit testifies to him in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await him (Acts 20:23). This man, Paul remained a celibate till his death. He was married to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He broke new frontiers and reached new lands before many apostles of his day. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament. One of the reasons for that apart from the fact that a prediction or assignment outran him is the fact that he has no one to constitute weight to him. He doesn't have a wife as to think of looking back or a daughter whose when he recalls her face makes him have an emotional pull to go back home. He was a free man. A man without weight. A man who could run the race laid before him without anything drawing him back. And he ran to the finishing line and confesses, "I have finished my cause."

II Timothy 4:7, KJV 

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"

I pray, whether you're married or not, may you run to the finishing line. May you discern your call and embrace its details. Paul didn't copy Peter who had a wife. He realizes his gift for celibacy, capitalizes on it and does much more for God as an unmarried (I Cor.7:6-7). May we understand the intricacies and demands of our calls. 

PRAYER: Lord, I am well situated in Your will for me in this Year 2025. I have full comprehension of what's the Lord's will for me. I take His consecration on me.


Matthew 13:24-43 & Genesis 44-45

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Saturday, 18 January 2025




THE SECOND CELIBATE - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 005

Matthew 19:12, KJV 

"For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

Today, we continue Jesus' teaching. He says, "except those to whom it is given." We already identified those to whom it is given and the second in that category are THOSE MADE EUNUCHS BY MEN. 

What have we done to ourselves? What has our selfish desires done to us? What has greed turned us into? It has changed hearts of flesh to stone and made humans beasts. Since ancient times, men have devised means of keeping themselves in power and others in subjection to himself. Castration or emasculation is a typical example. No free man is usually castrated but slaves are. It's a painful process and we know that animals are also often castrated. Once a male animal is castrated, on the long run, it is a bye-bye to sex. If that however is still retained due to learned patterns or social cues, we sure know such animal cannot impregnate a mate due to the absence of testosterone. After such castration however, he might be seen developing more rapidly in stature. That's why animals are castrated. It could also be for the curtailing of population.

So also is human! He could be castrated. Down the line of history and even in the Bible, we have litterings of castrated people. Do you remember the Ethiopian eunuch that Philip baptized? He travelled all the way from Africa to Jerusalem (which was not so separated in those days anyway). He is a castrated or emasculated one whose penis and testicles might have been removed all together. According to Chambers English Dictionary, 10th Edition, to be castrated means, "to deprive of the power of generation; to remove the testicles from, to geld or emasculate, to render powerless, lacking an impact etc."

Do you know why he was castrated? So he might serve with focus and loyalty. Since we were told he also served under Candance, queen of the Ethiopians; that might be a necessity for his castration. 

Acts 8:27, KJV 

"And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship."

If you'll remember Esther and others who entered a beauty contest at the palace with her, you'll clearly recall that they were all placed under the custody of Hegai, the king's eunuch and women keeper. Do you know why he was left to those ladies without any looking back? What is harmful in him has been removed! He is as harmless as those ladies he's to serve. The king in his wisdom didn't post any male to their courts who has not first being castrated. 

Did you see human greed and selfishness? In the bid to have certain people for yourself only, you castrate others who are threatening or could post threat. Castrating is disarming we humans of what we're capable of. That's why one of our dictionary definition says, "to render powerless or ineffectual."

Zombie men therefore results! If you like, you can call them ladies as well. For they are ladies after castration though we know they are male by sex but who have been castrated. "Ladies" in the sense that they have been disarmed. 

These are those made eunuchs by men as sponsored by our mistrust and human experience we've had in this world down the line. They are the second set of people who can cope with celibacy like a fish in the water finds it easier and normal living in the water. That makes it their call because they've been subjected to it. It has been forced on them also and since they have no choice, it is that life of 'impotence' they'll now live. To such male men where they still be all over the world, they don't struggle with celibacy. They were castrated just to focus them for same purpose. You know, to wean them of the pursuit of women and other worldly desires and focus them on their 'calling' and the purpose of their castration which is to serve loyally as attendants. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to maintain my focus and chase this year.


Matthew 13:1-23 & Genesis 42-43

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Friday, 17 January 2025




IT IS FOR THE PRAISE OF GOD - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 004

Matthew 19:12, KJV 

"For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

Do you remember Jesus' reply to the suggestive questions of Jesus' disciples? They asked, "who sinned - this man or the parents that he was born blind?" But Jesus nullified both and said what happened to him was allowed so that the works of God can be made manifest in him. That is, heaven was waiting for a slated day to heal this man so that praise, glory and adoration might be brought again to God and so that all eyes might see that it is true that there's a Creator somewhere who created all of us and the universe at large. 

Yesterday, that was what God did. He returned to the beginning, made clay of the spittle and gave eyes to he who needed it. Yes, all for His glory. So that when people ask, "who did this?" We might say, "Jesus!" Therefore, bringing God and the kingdom glory. In extension and in like manner, he brought diverse healing to people irrespective of their deformities, sicknesses or diseases. 

Solution two however is this. God wants us to still praise him in our infirmities. Irrespective of what we are besseted or afflicted with, He wants us to serve Him in them - when it is convenient and when it is not. Do you remember Paul? He sought the Lord over the messenger of the devil that was in his body to humble him. He wanted it to be removed but he just had to live with it. He said, "three times have I sought the Lord to take it away." 

II Corinthians 12:7-9, KJV

"7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.  9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

I don't know how many times you have sought the Lord or medical help to rectify something that refused to yield. But you might need to open your understanding to see why it is allowed. For Paul, it was allowed to keep him humble. God doesn't want him to  boast in the flesh and so allowed a thing to humble him and make him see his humanity and how earthen and earthly he still is though God is using him mightily and supernaturally. 

Further more, since we are to be sold to Him, we ought not worry of life or death again. Paul says in Philippians 1:21, "for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." It means if you're still living even in your deficiency, let God be praised. Continue to do acts that'll make men see your light and give glory to your Father who's in heaven. Continue to bring praise and glory to Him even in your weakness, tribulation, infirmity or suffering. 

We all know Pastor Nick. He was born with a chronic syndrome that didn't afford him limbs. Though in that challenging situation, I tell you that his faith still sings hallelujah. He discovers his purpose and calling in life and he's living it. He's living for purpose so much that his deficiencies are not even seen or loud or raised as anthem of deficiency again. He's even married with children!

Do you know the mistake that many with deficiencies are making? They refuse to praise God even in their deficiency. Don't you know if you're lost in God and in purpose despite your deficiency, you'll be seen as better off, proclaimed and rewarded. People will wonder, "look at him, he is born blind but he's a world renown musician!"

You have the choice to either fold your arms and die purposelessly and uncelebrated or you rise above your deficiency in purpose and let God's aroma to this loving world be tasted through you. Many people have served God in thirst, hunger, war, pestilence, loss of all and family and even till death. So, are you any special? Should your being an eunuch from your mother's womb or by any accident stop you from bringing glory to God? Don't forget this Bible verse. It's for your sake it is written. 

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who's in heaven" (Matt.5:16). 

It means if you don't successfully arise or let your light shine, men would have nothing to see and nothing to thank and praise God for. Let your testimony be, "despite the infirmities, look at how far he has ploughed." Before the carcass of your spirit (body) drops, may you live with this understanding in view. Yes, in view!

PRAYER: Lord, may I not live as a horse or a mule without understanding. May I live for purpose and express your writings in me to the world.


Matthew 12:22-50 & Genesis 40-41

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THE MAN WHO CONFUSED ALL OF US - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 003

John 9:1-3, KJV

"1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

This popular story is lesson-packed for us. I called that man, "the man who confused all of us!" Do you know why? His case confused the disciples and when we hear or see such cases today, we still are lost, left wondering, doubtful and searching for answers. Many times, what we guessed happened is not always what happened. So, we do miss it. 

He's a man born blind. To the disciples, it is either his parents had sinned for him to have been born blind. Anyway, they asked Jesus, "who sinned? This man or his parents that he was born blind? This is how we all trace some anomalies to sin. We'll tell ourselves, "I hope that brother or sister didn't sin." However, this case is an exception. It was overruled. What the disciples were probably pining to hear never came. They would have wanted a decisive answer - like Jesus saying, "yes, it was the parents that sinned!" That's why they gave him those two options and if we thought critically, we'll see that out of those two options, only one was very valid and that one only points to the parents having sinned as suggested by Jesus' disciples. 

Jesus replies, "it was not that this man sinned or his parents did, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."

Now, listen up! When I started this series and stumbled on eunuchs born so from their mother's womb, Satan attacked me with doubts that it wasn't possible for anyone to be born so. I don't mean "created so" but rather "born so." All that God created is good but something might have gone off the handle. If it is correct that there's no eunuch born so, it means Jesus lied and the Bible is erroneous or untrustworthy. However, the Holy Spirit quickened the story of this man to me and it became an answer to wade off that thought and affirm the belief that indeed there are those born as eunuchs - either without or partially with sexual organs or less formed ones or with certain abnormalities that disqualified them. It might even be anything beyond my description in this teaching or my own knowledge but which truly exists or had happened. Just like this man was born blind - of his mother born blind, we can have eunuchs born so due to certain deformations also. 

Now, why does the story of this man fit? Now apart from the fact that he was born blind, there's one crazy and surprising thing about him. He didn't even have eyes at all. There were no eye sockets let alone eyes in them that we could then describe or call blind. All the blind men I have seen in my lifetime do have eyes, only that something might have gone wrong with the balls or their visuals. However, this one only had skin covering that part where eyes should be. That's wondrous! Isn't it! No hole whatsoever let alone a thing being fixed there. So, there was not even a testimony of "try to open your eyes once in his life because he has been in darkness all his days." Where his eyes should be situated is like a plastered wall across a window or a thin layer covering every place. No spot for eyes could be located. It has not been created whatsoever. Heavenly bricklayer and moulder didn't make that there or it was an anomaly at birth. Just like bricklayers do create a space for windows when houses are built, contrarily, this man's body had no window holes at all!

That explains the kind of miracle Jesus did on him. It is not a coincidence that Jesus says, "I am the light of the world" (John 9:5). Though not to be taken literally but it does explain that Jesus is about giving light of the body (eyes) to someone. Jesus therefore spits on the ground, made mud with His saliva and anointed the man's eyes with it (remember the creation story and how God formed man of the dust of the ground in Gen). Then, "go, wash in the pool of Siloam" was the next command. What results are the eye sockets, eyes and whatsoever components make up the human eyes. It was a creative miracle. Something that was not there got created. 

This is the first hope of anyone born a eunuch. If they say, "the place is close or didn't form properly", alright. I know someone who gave complete sound eyes to someone that didn't have it before. What about that? Take your miracle in Jesus' name! Is any part missing in your body? Is any organ damaged or problematic? Receive a replacement. Let God's creative miracle be worked on you. Are you impotent or having low sperm count or unhealthy sperm cells? Receive healing in Jesus' name!

This is the first hope of eunuchs born so of women. God has spare parts for every parts of our bodies. What is deficient can be made whole! It can be stretched, enlarged or enabled. Look, irrespective of what the condition is which resulted into being an eunuch born of a woman, God got it under control. I pronounce, let it come under control. So shall it be in Jesus' name. 

Now, of the two remedies and comfort I said God would provide, we've only seen one. Let's see the other in the next series. 

PRAYER: I am agile, strong, healthy, active as a man. Even as a woman, any part of me that has been deactivated or is unhealthy, I call for a healthy reset.


Matthew 12:1-21 & Genesis 38-39

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Wednesday, 15 January 2025




FIRST OF THE THREE CELIBATES - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 002

Matthew 19:11, KJV 

"11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

A matter that is scattered and fearful began to be raised yesterday. We began to examine "those who can receive that saying to avoid marriage or remain as celibates." After Jesus' reply to His disciples who said, "it is better that a man does not marry but remain single or a celibate for life", Jesus didn't stop there. He digs further to help them and us understand what he meant by, "except those to whom it is given." Jesus proceeds to list "those to whom it is given." They are as follows. 

a. Eunuchs so born from their mother's womb.

b. Eunuchs made eunuchs by men. 

c. Eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. 

These are the three "called types" that Jesus refers to as being able to receive the saying of remaining single or celibate. 

Of all these three categories, the one that is unbelievable to you and which looks like a myth or miracle is probably those who are born eunuchs from their mother's womb. To understand this better, we might need to explain who a eunuch is. For better comprehension, we'll need all the definitions on the term "eunuch" that's out there. From Chambers English Dictionary (10th Edition), we have the following. 

"A castrated man, especially one in charge of a harem or a high voiced singer; an ineffectual person, lacking in some way in force or power."

For the establishment of more truths, I'll extend to surrounding words formed from "eunuch" from the same dictionary. 

a. Eunuchism: the condition of being a eunuch. 

b. Eunuchoidism: a condition in which there is some deficiency of sexual development and in which certain female sex characteristics, eg high voice, are often present.

Also, let's check the Bible. Deuteronomy 23:1 talks of males with crushed testicles or chopped off male organ. Isaiah 56:3 talks of the eunuch who says, "behold, I am a dry tree" - that is infertile and unable to reproduce. Also, according to the Romans, eunuchs are classified into three types. 

a. Spadones - infertile males from birth. 

b. Thlibiae - males whose testicles had been "pressed" or Thladioe - males whose testicles had been "crushed."

Note: Pressed and crushed are very similar. 

c. Castrati - males whose unit was cut off or lost altogether. 

On general basis, it might also mean, "those who lack sexual desire or the ability to have sex. They may be the castrated, deformed or impotent. Going by all these meanings and definitions, we can reach an agreement that eunuchs are sexually males though their societies in which they existed or exist (if there are any today) might see them as "unmanly man" because they cannot reproduce or father. 

These meanings would lead us into the understanding we need. I am not a medical practitioner (the type that works in the hospital). However, if you do ask them, they'll tell you that there are those born eunuchs. That condition where there's deficiency in sexual development in some might make some so. That's what Jesus refers to as "eunuchs born so from their mother's womb." Something might have gone wrong and due to that, an abnormality results (a rare disorder it'll be I believe) which therefore produces one without properly formed (sexual) organs. I'm believing that's how it should be or something closely related to that. 

Now, these people are born so and by being born so are made to live so as eunuchs. I told you in series one that they didn't choose that lot themselves. They more likely would want to escape that fate. It makes them estranged to normal and healthy people. I wonder if they'll fully find acceptance in the company of all men. They'll be discriminated, mocked and rejected of people. They might see beauty or handsomeness but they are just not well capacitated to satiate it. For this reason, they'll endure and remain as eunuchs. They are those born from their mother's womb this way. 

I pray for you. May your baby form well. May that pregnancy in you develop all necessary parts without any anomaly. You'll give birth to a proper child. Moses is described as a "proper or goodly child" (Exo.2:2). The more reason why the mother doesn't want to yield him up. It's because something positive stands him out uniquely even as a child. It's a proper, complete and whole child you'll escape or vomit. And if there's any mother or child reading this who has found himself in this condition of being a eunuch born from the womb, God has purposes for it. Follow me into series three to see God's love and comforting purposes for it. 

PRAYER: O Lord, now or later, I consecrate my children to you. No harm, injury or evil must impede or limit their expressions. That includes sexual expression in your defined confine.


Matthew 11:1-30 & Genesis 36-37

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