Wednesday, 15 January 2025




FIRST OF THE THREE CELIBATES - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 002

Matthew 19:11, KJV 

"11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

A matter that is scattered and fearful began to be raised yesterday. We began to examine "those who can receive that saying to avoid marriage or remain as celibates." After Jesus' reply to His disciples who said, "it is better that a man does not marry but remain single or a celibate for life", Jesus didn't stop there. He digs further to help them and us understand what he meant by, "except those to whom it is given." Jesus proceeds to list "those to whom it is given." They are as follows. 

a. Eunuchs so born from their mother's womb.

b. Eunuchs made eunuchs by men. 

c. Eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. 

These are the three "called types" that Jesus refers to as being able to receive the saying of remaining single or celibate. 

Of all these three categories, the one that is unbelievable to you and which looks like a myth or miracle is probably those who are born eunuchs from their mother's womb. To understand this better, we might need to explain who a eunuch is. For better comprehension, we'll need all the definitions on the term "eunuch" that's out there. From Chambers English Dictionary (10th Edition), we have the following. 

"A castrated man, especially one in charge of a harem or a high voiced singer; an ineffectual person, lacking in some way in force or power."

For the establishment of more truths, I'll extend to surrounding words formed from "eunuch" from the same dictionary. 

a. Eunuchism: the condition of being a eunuch. 

b. Eunuchoidism: a condition in which there is some deficiency of sexual development and in which certain female sex characteristics, eg high voice, are often present.

Also, let's check the Bible. Deuteronomy 23:1 talks of males with crushed testicles or chopped off male organ. Isaiah 56:3 talks of the eunuch who says, "behold, I am a dry tree" - that is infertile and unable to reproduce. Also, according to the Romans, eunuchs are classified into three types. 

a. Spadones - infertile males from birth. 

b. Thlibiae - males whose testicles had been "pressed" or Thladioe - males whose testicles had been "crushed."

Note: Pressed and crushed are very similar. 

c. Castrati - males whose unit was cut off or lost altogether. 

On general basis, it might also mean, "those who lack sexual desire or the ability to have sex. They may be the castrated, deformed or impotent. Going by all these meanings and definitions, we can reach an agreement that eunuchs are sexually males though their societies in which they existed or exist (if there are any today) might see them as "unmanly man" because they cannot reproduce or father. 

These meanings would lead us into the understanding we need. I am not a medical practitioner (the type that works in the hospital). However, if you do ask them, they'll tell you that there are those born eunuchs. That condition where there's deficiency in sexual development in some might make some so. That's what Jesus refers to as "eunuchs born so from their mother's womb." Something might have gone wrong and due to that, an abnormality results (a rare disorder it'll be I believe) which therefore produces one without properly formed (sexual) organs. I'm believing that's how it should be or something closely related to that. 

Now, these people are born so and by being born so are made to live so as eunuchs. I told you in series one that they didn't choose that lot themselves. They more likely would want to escape that fate. It makes them estranged to normal and healthy people. I wonder if they'll fully find acceptance in the company of all men. They'll be discriminated, mocked and rejected of people. They might see beauty or handsomeness but they are just not well capacitated to satiate it. For this reason, they'll endure and remain as eunuchs. They are those born from their mother's womb this way. 

I pray for you. May your baby form well. May that pregnancy in you develop all necessary parts without any anomaly. You'll give birth to a proper child. Moses is described as a "proper or goodly child" (Exo.2:2). The more reason why the mother doesn't want to yield him up. It's because something positive stands him out uniquely even as a child. It's a proper, complete and whole child you'll escape or vomit. And if there's any mother or child reading this who has found himself in this condition of being a eunuch born from the womb, God has purposes for it. Follow me into series three to see God's love and comforting purposes for it. 

PRAYER: O Lord, now or later, I consecrate my children to you. No harm, injury or evil must impede or limit their expressions. That includes sexual expression in your defined confine.


Matthew 11:1-30 & Genesis 36-37

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