Tuesday, 14 January 2025




EXCEPT TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 001

Matthew 19:10-11,KJV

"10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given."

If the case of a man be so with his wife...how? If a man cannot divorce his wife for every cause except on the ground of fornication, the Bible says such husband who divorces his wife to marry another wife commits adultery while the man who marries the woman put away commits adultery also. 

To this, the disciples reply, "if the case of a man be so with his wife...if he is this way handicapped, it is not good to marry." To this, Jesus gives a reply, "all men cannot receive this saying (or calling), except they to whom it is given."

This teaching or series is examining that last part of what Jesus says which is, "except those to whom it is given." What does that mean? What does Jesus intend when He says, "not all men can agree not to marry or do without marriage or the having of a companion except THOSE TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN." This, "to whom it is given", what is it?

Before we get to the answering of the question, "who are those it is given", we'll tarry for now on an introduction to whom it is given. When Jesus says, "except to whom it is given", He meant except those carrying that call. The call not to marry but remain celibates. Remaining a celibate - lifelong celibate like Jesus or Paul takes a call. If it is not given to you; if you're not either structured naturally with a body that can't avail marriage, you must have been made impotent to such emotions by men or you must have been endowed with superfluous grace of God, discipline and extreme self control to remain a single. We'll see in coming series what Jesus called these three set of people who are called to such life of celibacy. 

Now, in the face of all these, one thing might be staring us in the face and that's the fact, "except to whom it is given or conferred", it is hard, almost impossible or outrightly impossible (in the words of Jesus) to receive the saying of remaining a celibate. 

Like we all know, it takes calling to do certain things. When we say people are called, it means they have been chosen or destined to do something or achieve an intent in particular. For that task, they'll have natural or supernatural equippings for its achievement. The way God has created some of us, we cannot receive the saying to avoid marriage. Avoiding marriage means avoiding sex and we're just not ready for that because we are most importantly not made for that or wired to live that way. That's why it's not every normal and completely healthy human being in their body has become a Catholic Father or taken a vow of celibacy and abided by it. Rather, God made us ready for marriage. We came with sexual organs and emotions that'll drive it. It is this that spoil and disqualify us. When Paul says, "to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman, her own husband" (I Cor.7:2), that's what he was saying. He meant we are not all created to endure, "except for those like him who can remain as he is" (I Cor.7:7-8). Except for those who are enabled not to see it as a necessity and helped to live above that emotion or its desire (I Cor.7:37). So, on plane one, it'll be difficult to receive that saying and stay unmarried or as a celibate. Why? God, first of all didn't call us to that life by making us without emotions or by accident being birthed with damaged sexual organs. If he had called us to it, we'll probably not have had sexual organs at all. Those without those (if there are those born without it) are people who naturally can receive that saying on plane one. They are ready-made or customized for it. Just like calling is something divine that God chooses you for and chooses for you, that life and lifestyle is naturally chosen for them and conferred on them because they lack the body that desires sex. In simple term, such are like angels on earth who neither marry or are given in marriage (Matt.22:30). 

If there were such people created without sexual urge or emotions and some of them were asked before their creation, they might have told God to make them completely healthy like any other man or woman. However, God chose a life of a celibate for them and to make it easier for them, he didn't give them the instrumentalities to fulfill any sexual desire. A sign that God is calling them to separation. Such people visibly could see that they have been 'enclosed" and "decided" for. They are not left with any other option but to embrace this life and road God has etched. 

Calling is "except to those whom it is given." If it is not given you; if you're not made that thing or enabled for it, you cannot function as expected in it. We cry, may God enable us to live expressly and fulfillingly in our calls. 

PRAYER: Show me my call and let me see what I'm most suited and fitted for. May I stop ploughing another man's field.


Matthew 10:24-42 & Genesis 34-35

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