Monday, 5 August 2024




WHEN YOUR THINGS DELAY - Capacity Building Series 005

Matthew 13:5, KJV 

"Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:"

God uses delay to mature Christian virtues in us. It'll be good if you understand the purpose of delay. This way, you'll cooperate with the Holy Spirit to learn and be in the right receiving state for what you're expecting. 

The plant in our text is described to have, "sprung up forthwith!" Everybody knows that seeds take time to germinate. That's because they need to first send root, sustainable roots downward. We know that there's no life without the root. It is through the root  nutrients are passed and communicated to the entire body of any plant. Also, good root system provides support against contrary wind etc. 

However, this plant in view jettisons all those. Rather, 'forthwith it sprung." This is a community of people who don't pass through the door. They rather come through another way to access the sheepfold. What does Jesus call them? Thieves and robbers, for having broken process and order of things (John 10:1-3). 

The word, "forthwith" suggests immediacy or promptness. Instead of tarrying and seeking to make appearance after maturity, they rather pursue after exposure. Such people will put those doing it right under pressure of time to compromise or reexamine themselves though they aren't wrong but remain God abiders. By the time a fellow given to bribery and corruption establishes himself with some physical tangibility that all eyes can see, it could make the real Christians question God and even query their Christianity. However, make no mistake, God doesn't approve of such sudden appearance that has no foundation or solidity. Everything is timed and put under due process by God. Beware of microwave rising! The Bible talks of time in its variety of manifestation i.e time to be born or die (Eccl.3). Before death would result, one must therefore have spent some years which will culminate in ageing and consequently death. That's the natural process of things when not broken. So, there's an outline and a process that results in whatsoever we eventually see appear. It takes time to reach an end or that conclusion. When the order is broken, things might appear faster than planned anyway. In the natural, that's why early death is a breaking of that process. And when it happens, no one is ever happy with it. An explanation fitting the seeds that forthwith sprung up.

Brethren, always tend towards the side of clear conscience. It is not everybody whose things quickly appear who cut corners anyways. Some didn't. They might be young but might have paid the greatest sacrifices or received the favour of the Lord. The time to favour them might have come since the time to favour individual varies (Psalm 102:13). However to those you know to be law breakers and sinners whose shoots appear when your own root is still in the soil, be rest assured that when they're swept away by the flood (if they don't repent), your house shall be standing in observation of them. The Bible says, "a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked" (Psalm 91:7-8). When the wicked are being recompensed, you'll be there watching and sympathizing and testifying to other witnesses on the dangers of cutting corners. 

Those plants due to lack of depth eventually withered away. That withering is the just recompense for having cut corners in the first place. While they are gone; you'll be here watching and sipping tea. The wicked shall not always endure. They shall not tarry in the congregation of the righteous. Like the wind drives away the chaff, they shall be driven away. But the righteous shall stand still.

PRAYER: Give me solace in your Word and in my doing it right when my things delay. May I not hurry the process out of ordainment but let patience have its full effects that a rounded man might be produced.


Romans 8:18-39 & Psalms 70-73

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Sunday, 4 August 2024




BUILT ON THE ROCK - Capacity Building Series 004

Matthew 7:25, KJV 

"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock."

Jesus in a parable talks of two buildings and builders. One builds on the rock while the other builds on the sand. When it rained and the floods came and the wind blew, the house on the sand came crashing down while the one built on the rock stood to stand. 

This is a lesson for us all. God is calling us to give effort in the right direction and do that which we want to do once and for all rightly. Choose to build your house on the rock against the easy choice of building it on the sand. There'll always be the easy way out. One time, I needed a certification and I met someone who supposedly was to guide me in the process of exam registration. The fellow rather told me if I could pay a particular sum of money (which was very affordable for me) that he'll get me the certificate. As simple as that was, that's a test of "on what I'll build my house." I can choose to build on falsity or I build on truth. When I build on falsity, I'll always be at the risk of looking over my shoulders whether I would be found out one day. Moreso, I'll live in torment of being exposed by the fellow who had helped me out. What if he comes to repentance tomorrow and in being sorry for all he did spitted some few names he had helped out. Would I say he was immature not keeping shut when he was under holy conviction?

In the natural when building on a rock, it is more rigorous, time, energy and resources consuming. If you'll build on a rock in the physical, you can't but go on to blast the rock and dig rigorously to have a way or foundation into it. Such act is back bending and breaking. Such labour could best be described as "toiling." Compare that to digging the ground (the soil). Which one opens faster? The soil. As a matter of fact, the fellow building on the ground might have carried his building to lintel level or roofing when the one on the rock is still labouring towards laying the foundation. 

Don't cut any corner. Give it all it'll take to survive and endure. Your life extends beyond you. It reaches your downlines. Those who are building on the sand are building to terminate when they die while those who are building on the rock are building to surpass themselves. Those are the people who want to have a work that'll stand as a testimony to generations to come which they did in godliness as demanded of God and honoured by the moral codes of men. When you build on the rock (all righteous and lawful foundations), your work will endure long after you're gone. Choose wisely what you build on and with what you build!

PRAYER: Wean me from all desires to have gain where I have not sown. I surrender to the process that makes the difference.


Romans 8:1-17 & Psalms 68-69

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Saturday, 3 August 2024




Happy New Month!!!


Proverbs 24:10, KJV 

"If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small."

The Bible speaks the truth and lie not when it says, "if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." In a movie shut by an iconic Nigerian cinematographer, a sudden attack is launched by a group of youth activists against the ruling monarch and his crown of office seized and taken away. While questioning the head of the police force and king's guard, and criticizing him for the ill preparation in resisting the invaders, he mentioned failing due to the surprise attack launched at his men. An elderly statesman replies, "do you not know that surprise is part of the battle antics?'' In other words, that chief is correcting the head of the King's Guard from seeking any ground for excuses because none is  actually acceptable. The deed is done! Being a force member, he should have known better and anticipated likewise. 

When people fail, they tend to give excuses. It just makes sense looking for someone to blame or pass the bulk to. However, the Bible is making no excuse or ground for such. It says bluntly, "if you fail in the day of adversity, your strength is small." No understanding of nonsense! The writer searched and couldn't find the cause for the failure of men in the day of adversity other than their strength being small. Any person's strength being small could then have come from zero preparation or ill preparation. What the Bible is saying in essence is, "if your strength and preparation were huge and strong enough, you wouldn't have been defeated in your day of adversity. You would have withstood and having done all, stand." People fail when they themselves are not sound, strong and secured. When you are not and adversity breezes up, it can't but make a mess of you. 

A sailor once blamed the wind for being too strong for his ship to withstand. Other sailors with bigger and stronger ships shut him up and blamed him for sailing a weaker vessel on the high sea. If he had put preparation of a stronger ship in place and had not spared any cost at building such needed for sail on the high sea, he wouldn't have incurred harm or came to loss. Is somebody there mourning or blaming another for his failure? Your answer might be here. It may be that you were the enemy of yourself instead of blaming a colleague for your failure now that you have your examination result to see. If you had studied well personally, you'll have been equipped with enough content to put down. Why blame your friend for not helping you to cheat in the exam? Would you have been comfortable cheating? Your failure was caused by your small academic strength. Accept!

In building strength, you'll get to a place of boredom having repeated the same act time after time. That's actually when your ingestion of strength into yourself actually began. Once you're beginning to hit that boredom level after doing much to acquire strength, that's when to actually go on to give more attention to acquire more. As such, you'll come to a place of incomparable strength where when you are spent, you won't finish and where when demands call out to you, you'll give liberally. As such, you'll come out of the furnace like gold instead of being consumed like stubble in your day of test and temptation. So, do away with all other excuses for human failures and collapses. All those diverse failures and collapses are summed up in one thing that is inadequate - "small strength". Don't be a man or woman of small strength. Enlarge capacity in all areas of life, especially what you call your calling or life's work. 

PRAYER: I shall not fail, fall or falter. I gather that I may not scatter in test and time of temptation.


Romans 7:7-25 & Psalms 64-67

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Friday, 2 August 2024




Happy New Month!!!

HAVE YOU PREPARED INDEED? - Capacity Building Series 002

Genesis 41:49, KJV

"And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was without number."

I wouldn't stop asking if indeed the claims of preparation I heard about some students I was in charge was true. I kept calling and asking if they had prepared indeed for their approaching exams. They were shocked at my repeated calls and enquiries on same. When one asked why I was asking, "I said I needed them to have evidences of preparation until which no one should be assured." It is not the confession of having prepared or being ready that qualifies anyone for what he's expecting. What does is having proofs of having prepared. When you do, you'll have assurance plus any physical tangibility testifying to your preparation. Until you have prepared, you haven't prepared. The Bible describes the preparation of Egypt for the seven years of famine this way. Joseph (the manager in charge of The Grain Project) just didn't store grain, he stored grain until he had assurance that the predicted famine would not be able to hurt any hair of their heads. How did I know that? The Bible has this to say: "and he gathered grains as the sand of the seashore, very much until he left counting." 

Did you read that at all? Two things are there indicating the thoroughness of Joseph's preparation. First is 'his gathering grains as the sand of the seashore." The sand of the seashore which cannot be counted or numbered brings to mind such quantity that can feed a nation or multitudes conveniently. It is this that culminates in the second where he lost numbering. Previously, Joseph could measure how much grain he had gathered. He could keep statistics at one level but he got to a place of preparation that his preparation even overwhelmed him. He himself couldn't begin to measure how much grain they had collected again because there was just too much of it that might be troubling to the human mind. Another reason for his inability to ascertain by numbering again may be the lack of adequate measuring unit or measurement for the quantities they've now gathered. We are aware that at this time Egypt was a well developed civilization in the world. They have several invented measures and measurements for things. However, the quantity they experienced which came from the multitude of grains they'll in their history gather might have lacked a proper invented measurement to measure same. Or, the use of that language might have been the writer's way to suggestively acquaint us with such unprecedented quantity in which he gathered. 

Irrespective of which reason, Joseph had an overwhelming plan for the famine to come. That's why they were not short of bread though they had to sell to other nations and even accommodate Israel, another nation in Goshen (part of Egypt). God is asking of you preparation and plan that'll overwhelm what He has called you to do. God doesn't want us to be caught unawares or as ill prepared. He doesn't want us to faint and collapse for lack of respect for adequate preparation and plans. Rather, having done all (preparing), He wants us to be able to stand and stand still when the event might have happened and passed. The choice is yours - to be a listener or a despiser. Your choice will attract on you consequence or reward for which you're either happy or full of regrets. However, I'll counsel you to choose life by putting in place overwhelming preparation. So, don't think you've done enough until you've done enough. Study more, gym more, rehearse more and go the long road even if it calls for painful labour, secret cries and sacrifices. It'll show at the end that you gathered grains overwhelmingly like the sand of the sea shore. That's because you'll still be in existence when others have gone into relegation. When unanticipated responsibilities or burdens are suddenly added to you like Egypt that accommodated Israel, you'll be able to fund it with grains that you've acquired with your time and effort. Only those without enough preparation can't sell to others or accommodate them. That's why some are stingy! If you're expecting just a baby, take my counsel, prepare for two. That's putting overwhelming plan in place. 

PRAYER: Open my eyes to the coming famine (spiritual and economic) on the world. May I begin to gather grains for sustenance for both.


Romans 6:15-7:1-6 & Psalms 60-63

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Thursday, 1 August 2024




Happy New Month!!!

GIVE EXTRA EFFORT - Capacity Building Series 001

Matthew 13:5, KJV

"Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:"

Much will be required of you and because much will be required of you, do well to give extra attention to go the extra mile. This request to give attention may even be for the many unsuspected demands of years to come that'll come on you. You may have a glimpse of who you'll become but no one has a full comprehension of it. As such, gather in such large chunk so that you can't be put to shame when those demanding days appear. Some people's manifestations were poor because they were ill equipped. If you ever fail in the day of adversity, it simply means your strength is small.

As the sower sows, the destinies of the seeds he bears and sows are revealed. Their destinies and outcomes are however determined by which environment or habitat they fell into. Some seeds as they were casted with right intention from the sower chose their place by falling on a stony ground. You may be unsuspicious of its being a stony ground for the superficial soil on the stone on which they fell. However, do see correctly. Once you do, the hypocrisy of the earth on which they fell will be revealed to you clearly. 

Now, these seeds quickly sprout than it should have been under normal condition. This owes to the fact that there is no much earth for them to dip or send roots into. So, they develop weak roots hindered by the hardness of the stone on which they are settled. Now, it's possible for a J.J.C (Johny Just Come) or an inexperienced person to praise them for having quickly germinated when they lack the major thing needed to draw nutrition and support the shoot they've sent upward. There are those this illustration typifies who are without the foundation or strength that can sustain their lives. Going to church doesn't necessarily makes you a Christian and even when you're born again without becoming a disciple, you'd chicken out when tests come. Like this plant, you'd withered away at the appearance of heat or intense sunlight. You won't be able to endure hardship, thrive and then survive eventually. 

God wants you to give attention. It may take years for you to launch what God is calling you into but let it be when you do, you're thoroughly furnished, having paid the prices required for continual sustenance unto every good work. I know people who started something and closed it down for having been presumptuous at the start. They didn't gather strength and resources that make a man survive differing season as it comes or changes. Strive to send root downward before shoot upward. Men may be deceived by the sudden untimely sight of shoot upward but in no time, your hypocrisy shall be revealed for lack of strong root downward. The Bible says, "in no sooner the sun arises, the grass/flower withers" (James 1:11). Your test will come. If you call yourself a wife or a husband, your test will come. It's your test that'll reveal if indeed you've made preparation for the married life or not. God is asking us to beware of false foundation or quickie ineffective preparation that lacks the ingredient of solidity for perpetual existence. You're a project. Decide to build yourself on Christ, the solid rock. Know Him, as they that know their God shall do exploit. Let Him be your identity giver. As such, you'll have the confidence, right ethics and ability to survive in the world we are. However, ensure you cut no corner in whatsoever you'll be searched out doing. Pay the full price always. Send roots downward even if it takes days without appearance of shoot upward. Don't be given to the praise of men (who measures by who first shoots upward) but rather seek God's approval who calls for solidity and roots downward. Of Him, you'll have commendation and by such right principle, you'll succeed when others fail; endure when others are discontinued. 

PRAYER: I make the right choice of which ground to grow in. I choose to listen to ministers and teachers who are grounded (have much soil to grow in). I am planted in the right doctrines and so I'm firmly planted and nourished. My beliefs are godly and goodly. I remain solid and unshaken.


Romans 6:1-14 & Psalms 56-59

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LEVERAGING YOUR GIFTS - Your Baby Series 024

Acts 16:16, KJV 

"And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying."

Don't emphasise gifts at the expense of character, vice versa. However, gift is powerful. Your gift is your leverage to greatness. Succeeding and becoming prominent is often by one's gift. That's why the Bible says, "the gift of a man will make a room for him and bring him before kings or prominent men" (Prov.18:16). Only that you may need character to keep such open door. Gift is your aid and God's resources to you to excel where He has set you. It is what makes someone supernatural when functioning in it and natural when out of it. Gift excels skill though you might need to still be trained in your gifting. Without the gift of the Holy Spirit, no one can do ministry and be successful. Jesus says, "but you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem...and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8).

Until the Holy Spirit comes first, we're unqualified for ministry because ministry can't be by human power or might but by God's Spirit. Until then, you're not sent. 

That's why every minister needs empowerment of the Holy Ghost from on high. Then, the Holy Ghost do bring gifts into our lives. I know a young adolescent of 15 years old who's very good with dates and history. He could tell you the atrocities of King Leopold of Belgium in Congo and chronicle the road to independence of many nations with the mentioning of names, facts and exact locations. History just interests him. Thanks to his aptitude for study also. No wonder, he excels in the arts/humanities. I believe God gifted him in that line especially. He even once sought launching a blog on African history and politics while forecasting studying History and Diplomatic Studies later on. Imagine that!

The young lady here surprisingly knows things by divination. Instead of leveraging God's revelatory gifts and discernment by the Holy Spirit, she fetches information supernaturally and illegally through aids of a demon by diving into the spirit realm. Divination is what Joseph refers to when he plans the detaining of his younger brother, Benjamin. He told them, "don't you know a man like me can surely divine" (Gen.44:15). That is, find things out supernaturally. 

I basically want to teach on your leveraging your gifts. Through divination, this damsel has access to accurate and truthful information. She keeps harassing the apostles with their identity and work. A foolish fellow could have taken her for a prophetess but Paul by discernment rebuked that spirit of divination by which she soothsays things. When that happens, there's no little stir because the hope of gains of those who owns her is gone. They have been making money through the supernaturalness (though demonic) of this damsel. That lady became a nobody after the authority of Christ stripped her of that special ability. That special ability while it was retained however made her a sort of 'god.' It made the gullible (who don't know she was soothsaying) give her a lot of respect because of her supposed divinity - of being godlike or heroic. But it took another person in his own gift to arrest her and bring her to judgement. You can't pick the devil with your head. Your leverage are your gifts: discernment, word of knowledge etc. 

Same way this girl is special, functioning optimally, extraordinarily and surprisingly in her special ability, so also is how God's gifts make potent anyone who has it. I once heard of a child who prophesies and was baffled. A child prophesying is nothing short of the supernatural. No one could have fed her with such information because they were even beyond her exposure. However, a gift makes her do that effortlessly and intricately. The Bible also talks of Philip the evangelist (a gifted man himself) having four daughters who prophesies (Acts 21:9). 

Leverage your gift and you can fulfill your calling. Every calling is a bundle of gifts in manifestation. That's why "gifts and calling" appear as a pair in a place like Romans 11:29. 

"For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."

Don't be ashamed of flowing in your gift. If you're thinking you're exhibiting a gift that's strange to you or unusual, seek counsel and you'll be encouraged to know you aren't operating by a familiar spirit etc. Your gift will power your calling and through this, you can serve the will of God in your generation and attract "all these things (Matt.6:33)" that people are dying to have. 

PRAYER: We pray for the free flow of the Holy Ghost in all institutions of our world. When He hovers on something, repair is brought to it soonest.


Acts 28:17-31 & Psalms 30-31

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Judges 14:3 KJV

"3 Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well. 4 But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel."

I said in series 022 that your child would be stirred towards his calling and manifesting of same. Let's go further and see the new thing God is saying today. That being propelled or stirred towards what has been foretold or written of one is not just a once and for all thing. Your calling is a force and a grace. You can't cage it. When it's present, it'll speak and open doors for itself. That's why many have been surprised hearing the testimonies of those who rose to stardom from nothingness. The question is, "how possible since discouragements surrounded them?" It could have been lack of connection, finance, platform, education, supportive people etc. 

Do you want to know why they rose and floated? It's because their callings created occasions for them to take. The calling will attract events by which the called will rise. Such is the case with Samson in his ministry. 

One time, Samson came with a very strange request to his parents. He wouldn't stop singing it to their ears. He had gone to Timnath and had seen a daughter of one of the pagan Philistines. His demand is that his parents would get her for him to marry. The parents immediately refute it. They criticized him and convinced him alike to marry from his own people. We all know that God has commanded the Israelites not to mix in marriage with foreigners lest they turn their hearts after foreign gods. Samson's parents must have recalled that to him when they asked him if there was no lady amidst their own kindred he could marry. 

First, I'll like you mark something. Desire is powerful and it is not everyone who desires or longs after same thing. While Samson is dying for this Philistine lady, another will be contented to marry and dwell with a lady from his kindred and that'll be because his own calling is not making such demands on him. I'm not saying God sanctions marriage to unbelievers but even at that, God might have a use for it. It may be mistake but God can use it for His own glory. However, the foundation of the Lord on this matter stands sure. It is still, "do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever" (II Cor. 6:14). 

However for Samson, his calling was intentionally pushing him towards latching unto that lady and that lady in particular. He keeps telling his parents, "get her for me, for she pleases me well." Don't be surprised when your kid asks for some weird things as gifts or exhibits desires (not sinful) after the unconventional. You might be expecting hearing being taken to an eatery or amusement park to dine and play but only for him to ask being taken to the studio where sound is recorded. He might have been obsessed with seeing how broadcast is transmitted. He might even ask you for a professional camera or a thing that's ahead of his age as a gift. You might want to douse him with another but if he persistently asks for same, do avail him that. You might even had chastised him for asking too extravagantly or strangely but he just wanted to rejoice and be satiated by that sublime feeling of the called. Do you know why that occasionally do happen? The calling of everyman wants to gather the materials needed for the fulfilment or manifestation of that same calling. That's why Samson wouldn't let go. Something in him latches unto that Philistine lady but his parents couldn't understand. They were still trying to stick to orthodoxy when God is saying, "rise Peter, kill and eat." Yet, their Peter keeps refusing, saying, "not so Lord. I have never eaten anything unclean in my life." May God forgive those parents who couldn't read their kids correctly that it is his calling that was asking for that definite thing at that definite time. 

The Bible says, "but his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines..." May we not be married to tradition when God wants to break it for a cogent reason. Thank God Samson persisted. That window granted him opens a wide touring doors of ministry through which he wrecked the Philistines and truly begin to deliver his people. 

If Samson never connected to this lady through marriage, the events that led to her and her father being burnt wouldn't have happened. As such, the stage wouldn't have been set for the revenge cycle that Samson begins to unleash on the Philistines. It is this little door (that his parents couldn't see) but which was caused by God to bring to pass His earlier promise to them that started it all.   That singular attempt of marriage opens all other doors that people would call great doors in Samson's ministry. Through it, he later has the testimony of, "heap upon heap." The parents were praying for that day of deliverance and manifestation to come but when the time, occasion and event that would lead to it all came, they were ignorant of it. The Bible says, "his father and his mother had no idea that God was behind this, that he was arranging an opportunity against the Philistines who lorded it over Israel then."

Parents, be sensitive or your child might be hindered by you from doing what will shoot him out. Curtail your excesses. Do not be drunken in superstitions or tradition but be led of the Spirit or else, you might clip his wings from humming and singing round the house thereby halting the manifestation of a world renown singer. Beware or you might separate him from friends meant for his destiny. While God brought the occasion, Samson's parents couldn't reason it right but Samson persisted because he could as well understand the demands of his calling. He has come to maturity now and to the purpose for which God began to visit and stir him up from that distant past. It's not to keep shut and sit calm with the anointing but to cause a change to his people's situation that now matters. So, he was in agreement with that occasion the Lord brought and so gave persistent mouth to it through his untiring requests. He persisted because he could sense, "now is the time, this is the ride I have long awaited and now destiny shall begin to happen for me." May you not deny your child the connection to the road, people and places critical to his journey. If  God had sought the permission of Jacob on taking Joseph to Egypt, affection might have slaughtered his agreement. For some reasons God sees, He'll just use providence to work for us. Do away with your fears, stereotypes and prejudices and be in the here and in the now with God and on the same page with the calling and demands of that child of yours. He's just being prepared for a journey. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to understand my child, his calling and his divine moments. Forgive me for criticizing and cutting his calling attempts down.


Acts 28:1-16 & Psalms 26-29

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