Thursday, 1 August 2024





Judges 14:3 KJV

"3 Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well. 4 But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel."

I said in series 022 that your child would be stirred towards his calling and manifesting of same. Let's go further and see the new thing God is saying today. That being propelled or stirred towards what has been foretold or written of one is not just a once and for all thing. Your calling is a force and a grace. You can't cage it. When it's present, it'll speak and open doors for itself. That's why many have been surprised hearing the testimonies of those who rose to stardom from nothingness. The question is, "how possible since discouragements surrounded them?" It could have been lack of connection, finance, platform, education, supportive people etc. 

Do you want to know why they rose and floated? It's because their callings created occasions for them to take. The calling will attract events by which the called will rise. Such is the case with Samson in his ministry. 

One time, Samson came with a very strange request to his parents. He wouldn't stop singing it to their ears. He had gone to Timnath and had seen a daughter of one of the pagan Philistines. His demand is that his parents would get her for him to marry. The parents immediately refute it. They criticized him and convinced him alike to marry from his own people. We all know that God has commanded the Israelites not to mix in marriage with foreigners lest they turn their hearts after foreign gods. Samson's parents must have recalled that to him when they asked him if there was no lady amidst their own kindred he could marry. 

First, I'll like you mark something. Desire is powerful and it is not everyone who desires or longs after same thing. While Samson is dying for this Philistine lady, another will be contented to marry and dwell with a lady from his kindred and that'll be because his own calling is not making such demands on him. I'm not saying God sanctions marriage to unbelievers but even at that, God might have a use for it. It may be mistake but God can use it for His own glory. However, the foundation of the Lord on this matter stands sure. It is still, "do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever" (II Cor. 6:14). 

However for Samson, his calling was intentionally pushing him towards latching unto that lady and that lady in particular. He keeps telling his parents, "get her for me, for she pleases me well." Don't be surprised when your kid asks for some weird things as gifts or exhibits desires (not sinful) after the unconventional. You might be expecting hearing being taken to an eatery or amusement park to dine and play but only for him to ask being taken to the studio where sound is recorded. He might have been obsessed with seeing how broadcast is transmitted. He might even ask you for a professional camera or a thing that's ahead of his age as a gift. You might want to douse him with another but if he persistently asks for same, do avail him that. You might even had chastised him for asking too extravagantly or strangely but he just wanted to rejoice and be satiated by that sublime feeling of the called. Do you know why that occasionally do happen? The calling of everyman wants to gather the materials needed for the fulfilment or manifestation of that same calling. That's why Samson wouldn't let go. Something in him latches unto that Philistine lady but his parents couldn't understand. They were still trying to stick to orthodoxy when God is saying, "rise Peter, kill and eat." Yet, their Peter keeps refusing, saying, "not so Lord. I have never eaten anything unclean in my life." May God forgive those parents who couldn't read their kids correctly that it is his calling that was asking for that definite thing at that definite time. 

The Bible says, "but his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines..." May we not be married to tradition when God wants to break it for a cogent reason. Thank God Samson persisted. That window granted him opens a wide touring doors of ministry through which he wrecked the Philistines and truly begin to deliver his people. 

If Samson never connected to this lady through marriage, the events that led to her and her father being burnt wouldn't have happened. As such, the stage wouldn't have been set for the revenge cycle that Samson begins to unleash on the Philistines. It is this little door (that his parents couldn't see) but which was caused by God to bring to pass His earlier promise to them that started it all.   That singular attempt of marriage opens all other doors that people would call great doors in Samson's ministry. Through it, he later has the testimony of, "heap upon heap." The parents were praying for that day of deliverance and manifestation to come but when the time, occasion and event that would lead to it all came, they were ignorant of it. The Bible says, "his father and his mother had no idea that God was behind this, that he was arranging an opportunity against the Philistines who lorded it over Israel then."

Parents, be sensitive or your child might be hindered by you from doing what will shoot him out. Curtail your excesses. Do not be drunken in superstitions or tradition but be led of the Spirit or else, you might clip his wings from humming and singing round the house thereby halting the manifestation of a world renown singer. Beware or you might separate him from friends meant for his destiny. While God brought the occasion, Samson's parents couldn't reason it right but Samson persisted because he could as well understand the demands of his calling. He has come to maturity now and to the purpose for which God began to visit and stir him up from that distant past. It's not to keep shut and sit calm with the anointing but to cause a change to his people's situation that now matters. So, he was in agreement with that occasion the Lord brought and so gave persistent mouth to it through his untiring requests. He persisted because he could sense, "now is the time, this is the ride I have long awaited and now destiny shall begin to happen for me." May you not deny your child the connection to the road, people and places critical to his journey. If  God had sought the permission of Jacob on taking Joseph to Egypt, affection might have slaughtered his agreement. For some reasons God sees, He'll just use providence to work for us. Do away with your fears, stereotypes and prejudices and be in the here and in the now with God and on the same page with the calling and demands of that child of yours. He's just being prepared for a journey. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to understand my child, his calling and his divine moments. Forgive me for criticizing and cutting his calling attempts down.


Acts 28:1-16 & Psalms 26-29

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