Thursday, 12 October 2023





Read Gen. 42:5-28

Genesis 42:7, KJV

"7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said, From the land of Canaan to buy food".

Brethren, this is the beginning of the drama. Joseph saw and knew his brethren! He not only saw but he knew them. If he had seen and had not known them, they might have been free of the drama to follow but that didn't prove for them. What follows is that he makes himself strange to them. He refuses to show himself to them as he that they could be acquinted with. Rather, he disguises himself by not letting his identity known or become unravelled. He made himself strange to them! 

Where he could have spoken in Hebrew, he didn't. He rather speaks the Egyptian language and have it interpreted to them. Where he ought not to have taken interest in their cause or matter, he rather probes and digs deeper. He calls them spies! He behaves rudely to them. The fact that Joseph saw and knew them brought them all these untold 'sufferings' or let me call it, 'recompense' that they faced without knowing it was Joseph who was trying to examine them and see if there's still any wicked way in them. All those acts he put up are the Joseph's pranks. 

What are you doing there that can go into the future to await you? You ought to be careful and discontinue from such. That day as Reuben would testify, he told them that they must not touch him but they did (22). Thirteen years down the line even without knowing it's the same boy they had mishandled, Joseph's brothers meet him face to face. Then, the Bible recorded, "and he saw them and knew them!"

Some of you, you did your rubbish back then in secondary school. Don't think there are those who can't recognize you now though you have grown differently in appearance. There are those you bullied who if they should see you now will still recognize you. Some might see you and not know you but those your sinful life and unruly acts have affected negatively or destroyed can't but see you and remember you for the indelible injury you gave them. Even without having met you, they see your face in their minds often and regret ever meeting you. That's because you were their link into misbehaviour and sin. Joseph couldn't have forgotten his brothers even if they forget him. Do you know why? Through them, he has all his unforgettable memories. Is it of being sold into slavery and being kept in chains or of ascending to the majesty of greatness? He can't just forget! How will he forget that day when he begged at the top of his voice that he should not be sold? His cry was not different from Jesus' who cried in Gethsemane that the cup would pass over Him yet without any saving from the Father? He just had to drink the cup in the company of grace given Him. All the same, Joseph was pushed away and kidnapped into another land. But this act of his brethren was to be remembered. It happened that they'll visit Egypt where Joseph now rules and reigns. At such time when Joseph could do with them like he desires (though dealt with them in forgiveness and unrevengefullness), they came to Egypt to buy grains and the Bible records that when Joseph sees them, he recognizes them. 

But I hope you note that they didn't recognize him one bit. Do you know why? None of them could have envisioned Joseph wouldn't have died indeed. As in, that's the lot of sold slaves. However, this one is the Lord's. The Lord has need of him. He's saved for a purpose. What's this teaching up to? Teaching and telling you to treat your neighbor like yourself. The reason is because even if distance separates you today, the gap will be closed tomorrow and when it does, those you have suffered, maltreated, abused etc would meet you and recognize you also. Even in the absence of revenge, you still don't want to face such past. The unfortunate part is to bear the sword like Joseph and then seek to trouble you. God can deliver you but you'll sure have some regrets. For this reason, live as testimony in the community of men that you might have clear conscience to say like Samuel, "whose ox have I taken from you? (I Sam. 12:3)."

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to give to any a negative experience that'll be indelible to them. Only remembered by what we've done. My remembrance is sweet. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 19:1-21:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28; Psalm 82:1-8; Proverbs 25:9-10

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Monday, 9 October 2023





John 1:19-20, KJV

"19 And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? 20 And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ".

What would you do if you were mistaken for a great man yet knowing it was a mistake? Will you take it in or confess in truth that you are not he? In the play, The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol, a young man was mistaken for the government inspector by some corrupt public officials. Capitalizing on this, he robbed them of their resources as they sought to court his favour and win his approval. Mistakes concerning identity will continue to be made but if you were taken for another, will you confess in truth that you were not he or rather leverage such ignorance and extort men, basking in the honour and esteem that's never yours to take. 

In today's reading, some delegates were sent to enquire after who John is. His ministry is established at this time. People know John and as he's causing wave, people have doubts if he were not the Messiah they were expecting. On that note, a delegate was sent to unravel his identity and bring back report once and for all. 

John is very sincere. He confesses in truth that he's not the Christ - their greatest expectation nor any they might take him for. It would have been to his esteem, honour and glory (though vain glory) if he said he was the Christ. Every eyes would have been turned to him as the Messiah and he would have been magnified than usual. Imagine being the one the books have for long foretold! However, he confesses saying, "I am not the Christ". Despite the fact that this enquiring delegate are sheepish for deception and seek suggesting to John what they thought he might be, John didn't take advantage of any of their suggestions. He could have settled for one of the identities he was thought or believed to be. He refuted it all to give a balanced and proper identity of who God, destiny or purpose called him. 

John 1:21-23, KJV

"21 And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. 22 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? 23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias".

One subtle way of lying and misdirecting people is by nodding to wrong impressions of people of you. It's as simple as somebody saying, "you graduated with First Class" and not correcting that view when you actually graduated with "Second Class Upper". Because of vain glory or your wanting to enjoy some air of greatness, you might let it slip but that amounts to lying and sinning before God. That is wearing another identity that you are not. It is hypocritical and sick of anyone to do that. It's a revelation of the works of the flesh in manifestation and you must seek today not to take more than it's allocated to you or esteem yourself beyond the measure dealt you. Truth is a great virtue before God. Being truthful reveals your faithfulness. In this manner, you'll be a man of honest report and not one in fear of being uncovered.

The great question the world is asking our individual today is, "who do you call yourself that we might have an answer for those who sent us?" I hope in the process of introducing yourself to them, you wouldn't exaggerate or seek to look too good or great than you are. Don't take on an identity of who you are not or haven't become. It'll attract battles that you as well are not prepared for to you. It is who we are or have become that helps us handle what comes our way in adversity or challenges. Every calling and person has his battle. Imagine John adding Jesus' battles: hatred and rejection from the elders etc to his own. He wouldn't like it. When you become a Jacob coating yourself with animal skin in order to look like Esau and find acceptance, you can't but remain and accept to be lost under that other person's identity lest you're found out. You therefore begin to carry him around and not yourself. On that note, you start a journey different from what God ordained and who God called you. In this way, you can successfully miss your purpose as the voice of one who ought to be crying in the wilderness to becoming the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world. It doesn't take long for hypocrisy to be uncovered. All hidden things shall be brought to light and declared. Never be threatened or bullied to look big or give out a great name of yourself than you are. As for me, I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings. I am not you or another. I know myself, confesses myself, live myself and fulfill myself. What about you? Are you in another man's skin or you are plainly you?

PRAYER: Lord, save me from all forms of hypocrisy, subtle deceptions and lies. My heart is whole and void of vain glory, inordinate hunger for fame or a great reputation. I bear what You name and call me. Your name is my name. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27

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Sunday, 8 October 2023





Exodus 1:19, NIV

"19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."

That will happen to you if you're pregnant. It will be your testament. The Hebrew women are Christian women today and we have this written so that we might know that such good experience could become ours also. But beyond confessing that verse as a pregnant woman, you ought know that there's another big responsibility that lies on you as an expecting mother. 

The confession we have documented here isn't from quacks but professionals. You'll nowadays want to call them nurses who help in the delivery of babies. They are certified and have the experience as well. Such job is not what you bring quacks into. It's a matter of life and death and life must superimpose itself on death so that both mother and baby might live after the labour and delivery. It is therefore from such mouths we have the testimony on what vigourousness or let us say exercise can do to/for pregnant women. That confession eventually becomes a recommendation and what preggies should do.

According to that verse, the Hebrew women deliver before the midwives come? They deliver! But delivering before the midwives come isn't just a receiving they attained by doing confession but because of the diligent work they do. Don't forget that Israel (men and women) have become slaves at this period in Egypt. A new Pharaoh who doesn't know Joseph has arisen and is therefore using them like water. He even sets taskmasters over them who makes their lives bitter with all kinds of work. All the children of Israel have their hands on one thing or the other. No idle hand. Some even built treasure houses - Pithom and Rameses for Pharaoh (Exo.1:6-14). So, no one is excluded in this national slavery. Israel is put to work until their sigh begin to escape to God. You see, that's how much Israel (including those pregnant women) have been put to work. 

Now, because they are not lazy, lay about, sitting idle like a bag of rice in a corner all day but bodies that are engaging and have engaged activities to its peak, they arrive at a place where their bodies are trained to yield up whatsoever it has in it when it's its time to be yielded up. Much work and hard labour have given their bodies the vigourousness needed for quick ejection of the baby at its time. They've come to a place where because of being hardworking and having become a hard worker, they even have the natural raw energy to push or labour at delivery time. The word, "vigorous" means physically strong and active. It even means being mentally strong and active. If you see anyone faint at delivery time, he may be one of the lazy types who's not mentally prepared and physically strong or active. He lacks strength to accomplish the task and sees it through. But if she had been engaging work, unconsciously her body would have become sporty and prepared for the diligence of delivery. The diligence of delivery is not what you can short cut. That's why recommendation is being made to preggies at the hospital on the need to exercise or become active and readied for that day. You must know that your general well-being is the well being of that foetus. If you're lively as King James Version puts it, you'll deliver as soon as the labour pangs come. But if you're not, your body won't just open up on time and there'll be many consequences following. May you by yourself be able to deliver and not need to be operated on. May it be that your body will obey and not refuse to let go of what it has kept safely for nine months. The Bible says, "as soon as they hear of me, they obey me..." May you command such obedience when it's delivery time. May your body give way and obey you as soon as the signal to poo the baby out calls. It will not fail. 

So, seek not to be idle. Working or doing ordinary chores exercises you. Don't be indiscipline. Don't because of pregnancy become inactive. Don't suddenly become a sloth. Don't resign from your work except you need rest or a medical expert calls you to it. Just by working: teaching in a classroom, attending to your clients and walking here and there at home, cooking, cleaning and doing chores, you'll really be getting yourself ready for fast, safe and very efficient delivery. Don't be hypocritical and become like those who feed themselves to obesity in months but seek to bring themselves to normalcy at an instance. Readiness is not what you cultivate at an instant. It's a training given to the body by time. While all the pregnant women of Israel didn't intentional plan to be that vigorous, yet their slavery and being under an oppressive rule served them well. The enemy meant it for annihilation but the Bible says, "but the more they afflicted them, the more the children of Israel multiplied and grew" (Exo.1:12). There can't be multiplication of people without safe birth happening. The successfully births recorded by Israel women therefore comes majorly from the fact that they are vigorous, lively, readied and effected to yield whatsoever they hold in them instantly at its season and as soon as nature calls for it. Preggies, emulate this women and put yourself in the zone of life even before that D-Day. I see you returning home and your baby with you.

PRAYER: Lord, I am in the zone of life. I won't cast my young. I shall carry my pregnancy to term and my delivery shall be fast and smooth. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27

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Saturday, 7 October 2023




SHALL OVERSHADOW YOU! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 005

Luke 1:34, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

The power of the Most High shall overshadow you! Today, the power of the Highest shall engross you! You will find no way of escape. Rather, the power shall soak you and wear Himself upon you so that you might be engulfed and totally swallowed up and enveloped by Him. I pray once more for someone desirous of being used by God, let the power of the Most High overshadows you. When it does, you'll be known for what you've never been known for before. When it overshadowed Mary, she became pregnant without having known a man. She defies the natural and its laws!Unless you're overshadowed, you simply can't do the impossible or be known for it. First, for it to overshadow you, it must overcome you and then write itself over and upon you. That's actually what's taking place now. As you're desirous, seeking after and very much open to be clothed and empowered, God's power is falling on you now. I declare, be swallowed up by the power of the Highest. 

Today, God wants to lay bare before us the word, "overshadow" as used in that verse. What does it mean to overshadow? It actually means to surpass and take over. It means to eclipse, obstruct or cover totally! When the Bible says, "the Holy Spirit shall come upon Mary and that the power of the Highest or Most High shall overshadow her", the expression "overshadow" as used there connotes a total take over or wearing of the Holy Ghost on her so much more that Mary won't be visible again but the Holy Ghost (or His work in her life). Indeed, that happens when supernaturally she conceives and somebody like Joseph sees God's work in her. Joseph became afraid to therefore take Mary as his wife. He has to be persuaded before he could take her as his wife (Matt.1:20). When a thing is overshadowed, the overshadowed disappears to the background and is absolved by the one casting the shadow.

If the power of the Highest does not exercise and seek to overhaul Himself on Mary, then it might be impossible for Mary to have done the impossible of conceiving supernaturally. Let me picture how it happens to her using the physical shadow as example. Let's say Mary was standing when the power of the Highest came to overshadow her. When the power does, it casted a shadow on her and swallows her up. The shadow comes on her. It covers her totally. Now, as that shadow nears and closes up on Mary, by power divine, conception takes place that immediate Mary was touched. How? Because Mary has been erased and God has now been established on her. The One who's now on top now and who's now finding expression now is God who has worn Himself on Mary. To overshadow therefore means to overwrite. It simply means being mantled upon. Overshadow in another sense has to do with "overtake". Mary had to be overtaken. If not, Mary wouldn't have conceived without a man. It is not known anywhere that it is of a woman to conceive without the semen of a man but because that process was overtaken, swallowed up and challenged to the background by the Holy Spirit, the old passed and the new order is established. 

Shadow is a word that occurs in the Bible and it's a very powerful element to study. If you don't know, shadow is a weapon. Without making appearance somewhere, your shadow can. Shadows have been sent to trouble people before. It is one of the subtle act of welfare. That's why the Bible says in Psalms 91:1 saying, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". When you dwell under or in the secret place of the Most High or the Highest (as we've been saying), you'll find security under God's shelter. His shadow is what is referenced as shelter. Instead of something hitting you when it comes against you, it encounters or hits your refuge (under which you've taken cover). So, in that sense too, God is our refuge under whose shelter we hide. He has therefore overshadowed us by casting His wings of protection over us. He's the mother hen and we're the chicks who trust under His shadow. God is like a built house or a tower that we have run into. It sure gives refuge and if He's the Almighty (the greatest and the I can do God at every time) as Psalms 91 says, we're assured of security under His shadow or wherever His shadow extends to - depicting His governance or rulership.

So, when that place says, "the power of the Most High will overshadow you", it means don't overthink it, God will take you over and when He casts Himself on you, something will immediately befall you - and that'll be conception. The moment a part of His shadow touches you like this, conception starts or better still takes place. That's God's power. Overshadowing is a reality. No one is overshadowed by the Highest who's overshadowed by another spirit or person. The reason is simple. No one beats or defeats the Highest. If your vessel will always be yielded to God and not be given or yielded to another spirit, no other spirit can take you over. If the Highest has marked you for Himself by incubating on you or by wearing or leaving His shadow to cast Himself over you, who then will therefore see you attractive to possess or indwell?

Today, there shall be deliverance for those that wrong spirit is indwelling which is not Christ's. I bind and cast such out in Jesus' name. Any evil spirit that has taken over people and overshadow them by making them captives of sin and misbehaviour, I declare, loose your captive in Jesus' name. Let the Most High's power and shadow be casted on you now - destroying your works. Like a rainbow will cast itself in the sky for a sign, let God's shadow come on you and claim you for Himself now. All of you - those of you that a shadow is beating, tormenting or has been driving mad in reality or in dreams, I call you saved and clefted under God's shadow now. I rebuke the torment of that shadow, frustrate it and destroy that weapon of war. May no other incubation dominate you but the Holy Spirit's. May no other spirit hover over your water except the Spirit of the Lord. You're His possessed and taken over!

CONFESSION/PRAYER: I am your possessed and taken over. I yield myself to you that Your supernatural abilities might overtake my natural abilities and so help me do the impossible. I am overshadowed and overtaken! People shall see the results of the Holy Ghost being written over me. I decrease and You increase. Jesus is glorified!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27

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Friday, 6 October 2023




LOOK AT YOUR RESOURCES - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 004

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

Today, God wants to show you your resources and as well your equipping. In Today's reading, Mary received a promise. It's a promise of the Holy Ghost. It is promised by Gabriel that, "the Holy Ghost shall come upon her and the power of the Highest shall overshadow her". We know the Holy Spirit but I want to describe Him to us using a specific name by which He was called here. 

Part B of that statement says, "and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you". Let me ask based on that verse who or what shall hit and engross from top to bottom Mary? You'll say, "the power of the Highest!" That's our resources, Mary's equipping and ours. Without the power of the Highest, Mary couldn't have gotten pregnant. It is however this power that is imparted upon Mary that made her do the impossible. The power of the highest! Who's the Highest? The Highest is God! Literally, "highest" is the superlative of "high". Highest is higher than "high" and "higher". Nothing is higher than "highest" or anything described as the highest. That will mean the topmost after which nothing is topmost. So, when the Bible says, it's the power of the Highest that'll overshadow Mary, it is saying that the power that will overshadow her and which off course eventually overshadowed her is the highest and topmost power available any where in heaven, on earth and wherever you go to seek it. 

The power of the Highest! The power of He that nobody rules or supremes over. That's what the Bible says of Jesus in Philippians  2:9-11 that "9 wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father". Jesus' name is the greatest and the highest and has coverage everywhere and in all realms. It is popular than the American Dollar in the realms and is more respected than the American president in the Spirit. It is the power of the Highest! The Highest is the Highest! Beside Him, there is none again as contemporary. So, if this be your equipping and the resources by which you'll be enabled to do impossible things or bring to pass all you have been told, tell me who or what can resist you since what you'll be doing will be by the greatest and highest power available anywhere!

This is your justification and why I'm well assured that if you're indeed in pact with the Highest, there'll be no mountain you can't scale as there'll be no more impossiblities in your experiences. Rather, the power of the Highest with you shall prove to be bigger always than any mountain you might encounter. 

The Bible says He who comes from above is above all (John 3:31). When the Bible also says, "and the power of the Highest will overshadow Mary", it's a reference to where God resides (the heaven) which watches and rules other spheres of lives and spirits. If He's the Highest and you know as a minister, should you not believe that you shall heal the sick, loose the tied colt and do many wonders and yet go unhurt even when challenged. Why should you still be afraid that per chance something can still hurt you when it has been forbidden with the sure word, "and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10:19). If you're hurt, your operation is either not by the power of the Highest but if it's by Him, He'll superimpose and take authority over all those higher and high spirits. He's the Highest and there's none beside Him. It is by this He rules supreme and by this we are revealed as His unconquerable arms. Believe in the Highest and His power.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for the Highest power. By this, my dreams are fulfilled and my operations are done. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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Thursday, 5 October 2023




THAT WHICH IS IN YOU IS A HOLY CHILD! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 003

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

You won't be the one to say that which you have or carry is a holy thing. No! It has not been given to humans to judge or certify for themselves what is holy or unholy. That's because they're fretted with errors and lies. Rather, it is God who'll witness whether that which you have conceived or running by is a holy thing. What makes it holy is first of all its authorship.

God knows all things that take life, source or root from Him. The Bible says, "the Lord knows those who are His...(II Timothy 2:19). If He knows those who are His, it means He knows those who are not His as well. You don't use that type of expression when you're not seeking to make a distinction between two groups. God is He who will send a testater  and send your certificate of certification also. He sent Gabriel to Mary and Gabriel knowing for sure that Joseph or any man isn't the origin of what would be birthed by Mary testifies that what shall be birthed of her is a holy thing which shall be called the Son of God. There's always a verification process in marking "whose is it!"

When John the Baptist came, he didn't know who the Christ was but the One who sent him told him, "on the one you see the Spirit rest and stay [as you baptize many], that's He who carries the Spirit without measure and is the son of God". 

John 1:31-34, KJV

"31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God".

You can't lie your way through. If your thing is unholy because its authorship is not of God, it shall be deciphered as unholy and you shall immediately have your result when you're paid to your face by the sincere communication of the Lord. Mary didn't advocate or canvass for any specialness of Jesus or His being called a holy thing. The very author of that pregnancy rather sees Jesus in the womb as holy and so calls Him holy. Your own thing also will bear witness to itself. Whether it is what you founded or what God does, it'll attract its own remark. One will be dubbed holy and the other unholy. For this reason, let all your acts, initiatives, inventions be a direct inspiration and mobilization of God. The thought to birth Jesus started in God before the vision was shared with a woman who accepted responsibility for that. Self authoring separate from God is not always safe. It's rather a display of arrogance and a prediction of future trouble. If your thoughts however coincides with God's thoughts, then congratulations on your authoring having met the major requirement of authorship. However, ensure your vision, aspiration, purpose etc you're given to is a direct inspiration from God. That makes it divine or below; holy or unholy!

PRAYER: Lord, I attract your satisfactory remarks. I'm doing it right; I therefore reap right. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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Wednesday, 4 October 2023




HOLY CHILD! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 002

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

May what you have and operate by be a holy thing. Angel Gabriel, the visiting angel to Mary says, "when the Holy Ghost comes on Mary and the power of the Highest overshadows her that she'll conceive and that which she shall conceive shall be known as a holy thing or child". It is the birth of this holy thing that'll become the Son of God!

When your conception is from above, from God or is the direct product of the Holy Ghost, I said yesterday that it would be holy. It can't be otherwise. I established that truth in yesterday's devotional. Meanwhile, when it is not, it is unholy. Its name will be an unholy thing. And, do you know how an unholy thing behaves? It behaves wrongly, unruly and frustratingly. It seeks to trouble those who it is committed into their hands. It always defies restrain and curbing when it begins to act out of hand. If you have gone to ask a child from other gods, you may get ready for such an experience. That child will be joy that won't give joy. Joy in that you're happy having one at least or at last but he or she can't live continually being joy to you. He or she will rather dampen your heart. This is where we have to be all warned to exercise patience and not seek by sin, crime or the occult whatsoever our hearts long for. The repercussions attached to some momentary blessings (but which comes from the devil) is too harrowing not to be termed a lifetime of imprisonment and regret. That's why there's no other place where every good gift and every perfect gift is reputed to still come from if not from above - from the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Good and perfect gifts not only has to do with child bearing. It extends to wealth and prosperity amassing. Some have gone to the devil for this blessing. But what does the Bible say of such?

Proverbs 10:22, KJV

"22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it". 

If the blessing of the Lord prospers, increases, multiplies or if the Lord gives generously without reproach or repercussions, how does the devil then gives and what accompanies his own giving? If God's giving is all pure and full of blessedness, is the devil's that also? Obviously no! Only God's blessing adds no sorrow or brings repercussions with it. 

It means any blessing, child, wealth, fame etc that is not from/of God will eventually frustrate, gag up and aspyhiate its possessor. That's why in all your endeavour, you must seek to be caught with only one thing - the holy thing. If you do it the right way, what you'll have will earn the remark of being holy - either a physical baby or even wealth. I don't want to have a wealth that I'll receive specifications on who to spend it on or how much I can spend or give to others. That's wealth with incapacitation. It is the work of the devil restricting you from what he has gathered for you. If it were God, you're at liberty (though not of careless spending) but rather of a good steward. 

When a child is a holy thing like Jesus, He can't begin to misbehave around. He knows that the vows are on him. He knows that he is called to an uncommon life of difference separated from the majority and their misbehaviours. Holy means sanctified, separated and called to a life. It means ordained, dedicated or committed to a path or way of life even from the womb. As you'll testify, Jesus didn't bring sorrow of heart to His parents. Rather, Mary knows Him enough to tell his disciples that whatsoever He tells them, same they should do (John 2:5). How did she know that Jesus' commandments would yield results? Because she had seen it at home. Jesus must have first wrought some miracles at home - the domestic level. Probably the multiplying of bread or the healing of Joseph or Mary herself. A holy thing brings joy because it has been gotten or fetched from the source of everlasting joy - where all enviable gifts come from. An unholy thing brings weariness of heart and instability. It's an unholy child that wears misbehaviour, rudeness and rascality as a mantle. Something just go wrong with them alluding to how or where they were gotten from. Despite a thousand pleas from parents to make them happy, they just can't but do the opposite - cause sorrow and that's because of their foundation and the tree from which their branch stems. They do what they know to do best - cause trouble and sorrow. Nothing holily about them. Rather, they must raise the dust and make a mess of life. 

Holy things are holy; unholy things are unholy. That which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit. It has no other name by which it may be called or addressed. So, be straight with yourself and ask if all the things you have or operate by are holy (having earned that remark from God like Gabriel told Mary)? It isn't Mary who called her conception a holy thing, Gabriel (on behalf of God) did. You need attestation. If we come to check your labour, will heaven call and endorse it as being holy or otherwise?

PRAYER: Lord, let all my possessions and initiations proceed from Thee that I may receive the remark of operating a holy thing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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