Sunday, 8 October 2023





Exodus 1:19, NIV

"19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."

That will happen to you if you're pregnant. It will be your testament. The Hebrew women are Christian women today and we have this written so that we might know that such good experience could become ours also. But beyond confessing that verse as a pregnant woman, you ought know that there's another big responsibility that lies on you as an expecting mother. 

The confession we have documented here isn't from quacks but professionals. You'll nowadays want to call them nurses who help in the delivery of babies. They are certified and have the experience as well. Such job is not what you bring quacks into. It's a matter of life and death and life must superimpose itself on death so that both mother and baby might live after the labour and delivery. It is therefore from such mouths we have the testimony on what vigourousness or let us say exercise can do to/for pregnant women. That confession eventually becomes a recommendation and what preggies should do.

According to that verse, the Hebrew women deliver before the midwives come? They deliver! But delivering before the midwives come isn't just a receiving they attained by doing confession but because of the diligent work they do. Don't forget that Israel (men and women) have become slaves at this period in Egypt. A new Pharaoh who doesn't know Joseph has arisen and is therefore using them like water. He even sets taskmasters over them who makes their lives bitter with all kinds of work. All the children of Israel have their hands on one thing or the other. No idle hand. Some even built treasure houses - Pithom and Rameses for Pharaoh (Exo.1:6-14). So, no one is excluded in this national slavery. Israel is put to work until their sigh begin to escape to God. You see, that's how much Israel (including those pregnant women) have been put to work. 

Now, because they are not lazy, lay about, sitting idle like a bag of rice in a corner all day but bodies that are engaging and have engaged activities to its peak, they arrive at a place where their bodies are trained to yield up whatsoever it has in it when it's its time to be yielded up. Much work and hard labour have given their bodies the vigourousness needed for quick ejection of the baby at its time. They've come to a place where because of being hardworking and having become a hard worker, they even have the natural raw energy to push or labour at delivery time. The word, "vigorous" means physically strong and active. It even means being mentally strong and active. If you see anyone faint at delivery time, he may be one of the lazy types who's not mentally prepared and physically strong or active. He lacks strength to accomplish the task and sees it through. But if she had been engaging work, unconsciously her body would have become sporty and prepared for the diligence of delivery. The diligence of delivery is not what you can short cut. That's why recommendation is being made to preggies at the hospital on the need to exercise or become active and readied for that day. You must know that your general well-being is the well being of that foetus. If you're lively as King James Version puts it, you'll deliver as soon as the labour pangs come. But if you're not, your body won't just open up on time and there'll be many consequences following. May you by yourself be able to deliver and not need to be operated on. May it be that your body will obey and not refuse to let go of what it has kept safely for nine months. The Bible says, "as soon as they hear of me, they obey me..." May you command such obedience when it's delivery time. May your body give way and obey you as soon as the signal to poo the baby out calls. It will not fail. 

So, seek not to be idle. Working or doing ordinary chores exercises you. Don't be indiscipline. Don't because of pregnancy become inactive. Don't suddenly become a sloth. Don't resign from your work except you need rest or a medical expert calls you to it. Just by working: teaching in a classroom, attending to your clients and walking here and there at home, cooking, cleaning and doing chores, you'll really be getting yourself ready for fast, safe and very efficient delivery. Don't be hypocritical and become like those who feed themselves to obesity in months but seek to bring themselves to normalcy at an instance. Readiness is not what you cultivate at an instant. It's a training given to the body by time. While all the pregnant women of Israel didn't intentional plan to be that vigorous, yet their slavery and being under an oppressive rule served them well. The enemy meant it for annihilation but the Bible says, "but the more they afflicted them, the more the children of Israel multiplied and grew" (Exo.1:12). There can't be multiplication of people without safe birth happening. The successfully births recorded by Israel women therefore comes majorly from the fact that they are vigorous, lively, readied and effected to yield whatsoever they hold in them instantly at its season and as soon as nature calls for it. Preggies, emulate this women and put yourself in the zone of life even before that D-Day. I see you returning home and your baby with you.

PRAYER: Lord, I am in the zone of life. I won't cast my young. I shall carry my pregnancy to term and my delivery shall be fast and smooth. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27

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