Saturday, 7 October 2023




SHALL OVERSHADOW YOU! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 005

Luke 1:34, KJV

"34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

The power of the Most High shall overshadow you! Today, the power of the Highest shall engross you! You will find no way of escape. Rather, the power shall soak you and wear Himself upon you so that you might be engulfed and totally swallowed up and enveloped by Him. I pray once more for someone desirous of being used by God, let the power of the Most High overshadows you. When it does, you'll be known for what you've never been known for before. When it overshadowed Mary, she became pregnant without having known a man. She defies the natural and its laws!Unless you're overshadowed, you simply can't do the impossible or be known for it. First, for it to overshadow you, it must overcome you and then write itself over and upon you. That's actually what's taking place now. As you're desirous, seeking after and very much open to be clothed and empowered, God's power is falling on you now. I declare, be swallowed up by the power of the Highest. 

Today, God wants to lay bare before us the word, "overshadow" as used in that verse. What does it mean to overshadow? It actually means to surpass and take over. It means to eclipse, obstruct or cover totally! When the Bible says, "the Holy Spirit shall come upon Mary and that the power of the Highest or Most High shall overshadow her", the expression "overshadow" as used there connotes a total take over or wearing of the Holy Ghost on her so much more that Mary won't be visible again but the Holy Ghost (or His work in her life). Indeed, that happens when supernaturally she conceives and somebody like Joseph sees God's work in her. Joseph became afraid to therefore take Mary as his wife. He has to be persuaded before he could take her as his wife (Matt.1:20). When a thing is overshadowed, the overshadowed disappears to the background and is absolved by the one casting the shadow.

If the power of the Highest does not exercise and seek to overhaul Himself on Mary, then it might be impossible for Mary to have done the impossible of conceiving supernaturally. Let me picture how it happens to her using the physical shadow as example. Let's say Mary was standing when the power of the Highest came to overshadow her. When the power does, it casted a shadow on her and swallows her up. The shadow comes on her. It covers her totally. Now, as that shadow nears and closes up on Mary, by power divine, conception takes place that immediate Mary was touched. How? Because Mary has been erased and God has now been established on her. The One who's now on top now and who's now finding expression now is God who has worn Himself on Mary. To overshadow therefore means to overwrite. It simply means being mantled upon. Overshadow in another sense has to do with "overtake". Mary had to be overtaken. If not, Mary wouldn't have conceived without a man. It is not known anywhere that it is of a woman to conceive without the semen of a man but because that process was overtaken, swallowed up and challenged to the background by the Holy Spirit, the old passed and the new order is established. 

Shadow is a word that occurs in the Bible and it's a very powerful element to study. If you don't know, shadow is a weapon. Without making appearance somewhere, your shadow can. Shadows have been sent to trouble people before. It is one of the subtle act of welfare. That's why the Bible says in Psalms 91:1 saying, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". When you dwell under or in the secret place of the Most High or the Highest (as we've been saying), you'll find security under God's shelter. His shadow is what is referenced as shelter. Instead of something hitting you when it comes against you, it encounters or hits your refuge (under which you've taken cover). So, in that sense too, God is our refuge under whose shelter we hide. He has therefore overshadowed us by casting His wings of protection over us. He's the mother hen and we're the chicks who trust under His shadow. God is like a built house or a tower that we have run into. It sure gives refuge and if He's the Almighty (the greatest and the I can do God at every time) as Psalms 91 says, we're assured of security under His shadow or wherever His shadow extends to - depicting His governance or rulership.

So, when that place says, "the power of the Most High will overshadow you", it means don't overthink it, God will take you over and when He casts Himself on you, something will immediately befall you - and that'll be conception. The moment a part of His shadow touches you like this, conception starts or better still takes place. That's God's power. Overshadowing is a reality. No one is overshadowed by the Highest who's overshadowed by another spirit or person. The reason is simple. No one beats or defeats the Highest. If your vessel will always be yielded to God and not be given or yielded to another spirit, no other spirit can take you over. If the Highest has marked you for Himself by incubating on you or by wearing or leaving His shadow to cast Himself over you, who then will therefore see you attractive to possess or indwell?

Today, there shall be deliverance for those that wrong spirit is indwelling which is not Christ's. I bind and cast such out in Jesus' name. Any evil spirit that has taken over people and overshadow them by making them captives of sin and misbehaviour, I declare, loose your captive in Jesus' name. Let the Most High's power and shadow be casted on you now - destroying your works. Like a rainbow will cast itself in the sky for a sign, let God's shadow come on you and claim you for Himself now. All of you - those of you that a shadow is beating, tormenting or has been driving mad in reality or in dreams, I call you saved and clefted under God's shadow now. I rebuke the torment of that shadow, frustrate it and destroy that weapon of war. May no other incubation dominate you but the Holy Spirit's. May no other spirit hover over your water except the Spirit of the Lord. You're His possessed and taken over!

CONFESSION/PRAYER: I am your possessed and taken over. I yield myself to you that Your supernatural abilities might overtake my natural abilities and so help me do the impossible. I am overshadowed and overtaken! People shall see the results of the Holy Ghost being written over me. I decrease and You increase. Jesus is glorified!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26; Colossians 3:1-17; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 24:27

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