Wednesday, 4 October 2023




HOLY CHILD! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 002

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

May what you have and operate by be a holy thing. Angel Gabriel, the visiting angel to Mary says, "when the Holy Ghost comes on Mary and the power of the Highest overshadows her that she'll conceive and that which she shall conceive shall be known as a holy thing or child". It is the birth of this holy thing that'll become the Son of God!

When your conception is from above, from God or is the direct product of the Holy Ghost, I said yesterday that it would be holy. It can't be otherwise. I established that truth in yesterday's devotional. Meanwhile, when it is not, it is unholy. Its name will be an unholy thing. And, do you know how an unholy thing behaves? It behaves wrongly, unruly and frustratingly. It seeks to trouble those who it is committed into their hands. It always defies restrain and curbing when it begins to act out of hand. If you have gone to ask a child from other gods, you may get ready for such an experience. That child will be joy that won't give joy. Joy in that you're happy having one at least or at last but he or she can't live continually being joy to you. He or she will rather dampen your heart. This is where we have to be all warned to exercise patience and not seek by sin, crime or the occult whatsoever our hearts long for. The repercussions attached to some momentary blessings (but which comes from the devil) is too harrowing not to be termed a lifetime of imprisonment and regret. That's why there's no other place where every good gift and every perfect gift is reputed to still come from if not from above - from the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Good and perfect gifts not only has to do with child bearing. It extends to wealth and prosperity amassing. Some have gone to the devil for this blessing. But what does the Bible say of such?

Proverbs 10:22, KJV

"22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it". 

If the blessing of the Lord prospers, increases, multiplies or if the Lord gives generously without reproach or repercussions, how does the devil then gives and what accompanies his own giving? If God's giving is all pure and full of blessedness, is the devil's that also? Obviously no! Only God's blessing adds no sorrow or brings repercussions with it. 

It means any blessing, child, wealth, fame etc that is not from/of God will eventually frustrate, gag up and aspyhiate its possessor. That's why in all your endeavour, you must seek to be caught with only one thing - the holy thing. If you do it the right way, what you'll have will earn the remark of being holy - either a physical baby or even wealth. I don't want to have a wealth that I'll receive specifications on who to spend it on or how much I can spend or give to others. That's wealth with incapacitation. It is the work of the devil restricting you from what he has gathered for you. If it were God, you're at liberty (though not of careless spending) but rather of a good steward. 

When a child is a holy thing like Jesus, He can't begin to misbehave around. He knows that the vows are on him. He knows that he is called to an uncommon life of difference separated from the majority and their misbehaviours. Holy means sanctified, separated and called to a life. It means ordained, dedicated or committed to a path or way of life even from the womb. As you'll testify, Jesus didn't bring sorrow of heart to His parents. Rather, Mary knows Him enough to tell his disciples that whatsoever He tells them, same they should do (John 2:5). How did she know that Jesus' commandments would yield results? Because she had seen it at home. Jesus must have first wrought some miracles at home - the domestic level. Probably the multiplying of bread or the healing of Joseph or Mary herself. A holy thing brings joy because it has been gotten or fetched from the source of everlasting joy - where all enviable gifts come from. An unholy thing brings weariness of heart and instability. It's an unholy child that wears misbehaviour, rudeness and rascality as a mantle. Something just go wrong with them alluding to how or where they were gotten from. Despite a thousand pleas from parents to make them happy, they just can't but do the opposite - cause sorrow and that's because of their foundation and the tree from which their branch stems. They do what they know to do best - cause trouble and sorrow. Nothing holily about them. Rather, they must raise the dust and make a mess of life. 

Holy things are holy; unholy things are unholy. That which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit. It has no other name by which it may be called or addressed. So, be straight with yourself and ask if all the things you have or operate by are holy (having earned that remark from God like Gabriel told Mary)? It isn't Mary who called her conception a holy thing, Gabriel (on behalf of God) did. You need attestation. If we come to check your labour, will heaven call and endorse it as being holy or otherwise?

PRAYER: Lord, let all my possessions and initiations proceed from Thee that I may receive the remark of operating a holy thing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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