Tuesday, 3 October 2023



Happy New Month!!!



Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

Let me ask you, "is your vision, dream, aspiration, desire and yearnings holy?" Are they? Do you know which they are - holy or unholy? You ought know. Knowing will help you shut up unholy visions and seek to pursue only the mind of God. 

There's what is known as divine conception. Divine conception is true. Literally, Mary conceived by divine conception. Don't forget that the word of God to her is that, "the Holy Ghost will come upon her and the power of the Highest shall overshadow her..." So, it is. The power of the Highest indeed engrosses her and when it does, conception takes place so much more that we have a testimony of that which is in her being a holy thing!

There are things to observe. Mary's conception is the Lord's doing and not the act of any man. She herself acknowledges it not being any man's deed when she enquires as to how getting pregnant and giving birth to a son called Jesus would be when she has not yet known any man. It's that exact question that leads Gabriel to say, "don't worry, the power of the Highest shall overshadow you". Now, because her conception is divine, the child in her is as well a holy thing. This is cause and effect in action. Our vision, dreams, aspirations, desires, thoughts, imaginations and conceptions generally are either products of divine conception or are not. If your aspiration comes by divine inspiration, they'll be holy aspirations. They'll be visions not motivated by flesh nor ones Satan is initiating or seeking to perpetuate. Rather, they'll be able to be traced to God and God praised for them. What makes an animal have the life of its parent is that it is given birth to by the same parents. Naturally, there'll be a transitivity of the traits and lifestyle of the mother to it. Even if that puppy is not yet barking or that chick yet crowing, it's just a matter of time. 

Listen to me, the one who impregnates you with the dreams of your head, visions of your mind and aspirations of your heart is a direct trace to whether it is holy or unholy. It is the Holy Spirit who comes upon Mary and so her own conception is a holy thing. It is the power of the Highest that overshadows her. It is not another thing that's responsible. It is not any other power at all. If it were, Jesus wouldn't have been called a "holy thing". What makes Jesus a holy thing or a holy child even before birth is the fact that it is God who begat and originate Him. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. No one can change that principle. It ever remains static. If you join yourself with the devil, you're of the devil, and if you join yourself with God, you're of God. You can't be halfed into the two sides. Where your vision comes from is what hints at what sort of vision you have or you can run. Any vision that's not a direct conception from heaven; any vision that God isn't the one who inspires or injects you with its thoughts on the long run cannot be thoughts of good and welfare. They'll rather create trouble and lead to trouble somewhere someday. They'll lead to deception and the manifestation of the devil's works. But when a conception is given you because the Holy Spirit first overshadows or comes on you, then you can wait to see the fruits of it. That's the vision that God will seek to fund. Jesus is a holy child - the product of the Holy Spirit inseminating Mary. Don't you think God will accept responsibility and be jealous for Jesus' sake and so act like a physical father would towards Him. That's why God told Joseph to take Mary back as his wife (because it was His fault and He was to blame for getting Mary pregnant with Jesus) and not the work of any man. That's why God also sent the wise men who gifted Jesus gifts that would have been converted to money to take care of Him for awhile. That's why God was not slack to even tell the authority figure in Jesus' life - Joseph to even take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt because Herod seeks the child to kill. All these reveal the jealous thoughts of God over Jesus (that holy thing) which He originates.  

Why do you think God was so committed to Jesus who He caused to this earth? It's because Jesus as a physical child is the direct work of His. So, He can't but be obligated to fund, protect and encamp round it. So also, if what you say you carry in your mind is a holy thing coming from God, you'll receive every support possible on this earth. If you're a Black man, even a White man will help you in ensuring that vision is fulfilled. It doesn't matter how many people are antagonizing you or the vision, they'll just become the resisted while you'll become the assisted of the Lord. 

So, let me ask you, the work in your hands, the vision you're running with, who inseminated you with it? If you should be caught by heavenly inspectors to have been impregnated and put into the condition of he (with a burdened heart - who wants to do or live for something) yet without God's inspiration, instead of your vision being fed, watered to flower, it shall be starved to wither and die. You can have a gigantic vision of building a tower whose top will reach the heavens. That's not a problem. Who gave you will be. If that vision at inspection is caught to have been fleshly inspired, Satan or demon granted, God shall seek to pluck it down. You must know the only thing God supports is what is not against His will. As far as the tower of Babel is concern, it's a direct conflict with God's will of having nations and tongues. May you be a man whose conception comes from God so that you might earn the testimony of running with and doing a holy thing!

PRAYER: Lord, reveal to me any vision or burden I'm running with that's not a conception or insemination from you. I pack such off to do Your only inspired will. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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