Thursday, 5 October 2023




THAT WHICH IS IN YOU IS A HOLY CHILD! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 003

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

You won't be the one to say that which you have or carry is a holy thing. No! It has not been given to humans to judge or certify for themselves what is holy or unholy. That's because they're fretted with errors and lies. Rather, it is God who'll witness whether that which you have conceived or running by is a holy thing. What makes it holy is first of all its authorship.

God knows all things that take life, source or root from Him. The Bible says, "the Lord knows those who are His...(II Timothy 2:19). If He knows those who are His, it means He knows those who are not His as well. You don't use that type of expression when you're not seeking to make a distinction between two groups. God is He who will send a testater  and send your certificate of certification also. He sent Gabriel to Mary and Gabriel knowing for sure that Joseph or any man isn't the origin of what would be birthed by Mary testifies that what shall be birthed of her is a holy thing which shall be called the Son of God. There's always a verification process in marking "whose is it!"

When John the Baptist came, he didn't know who the Christ was but the One who sent him told him, "on the one you see the Spirit rest and stay [as you baptize many], that's He who carries the Spirit without measure and is the son of God". 

John 1:31-34, KJV

"31 And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water. 32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. 33 And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost. 34 And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God".

You can't lie your way through. If your thing is unholy because its authorship is not of God, it shall be deciphered as unholy and you shall immediately have your result when you're paid to your face by the sincere communication of the Lord. Mary didn't advocate or canvass for any specialness of Jesus or His being called a holy thing. The very author of that pregnancy rather sees Jesus in the womb as holy and so calls Him holy. Your own thing also will bear witness to itself. Whether it is what you founded or what God does, it'll attract its own remark. One will be dubbed holy and the other unholy. For this reason, let all your acts, initiatives, inventions be a direct inspiration and mobilization of God. The thought to birth Jesus started in God before the vision was shared with a woman who accepted responsibility for that. Self authoring separate from God is not always safe. It's rather a display of arrogance and a prediction of future trouble. If your thoughts however coincides with God's thoughts, then congratulations on your authoring having met the major requirement of authorship. However, ensure your vision, aspiration, purpose etc you're given to is a direct inspiration from God. That makes it divine or below; holy or unholy!

PRAYER: Lord, I attract your satisfactory remarks. I'm doing it right; I therefore reap right. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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Wednesday, 4 October 2023




HOLY CHILD! - Eclipse Of Your Sun Series 002

Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

May what you have and operate by be a holy thing. Angel Gabriel, the visiting angel to Mary says, "when the Holy Ghost comes on Mary and the power of the Highest overshadows her that she'll conceive and that which she shall conceive shall be known as a holy thing or child". It is the birth of this holy thing that'll become the Son of God!

When your conception is from above, from God or is the direct product of the Holy Ghost, I said yesterday that it would be holy. It can't be otherwise. I established that truth in yesterday's devotional. Meanwhile, when it is not, it is unholy. Its name will be an unholy thing. And, do you know how an unholy thing behaves? It behaves wrongly, unruly and frustratingly. It seeks to trouble those who it is committed into their hands. It always defies restrain and curbing when it begins to act out of hand. If you have gone to ask a child from other gods, you may get ready for such an experience. That child will be joy that won't give joy. Joy in that you're happy having one at least or at last but he or she can't live continually being joy to you. He or she will rather dampen your heart. This is where we have to be all warned to exercise patience and not seek by sin, crime or the occult whatsoever our hearts long for. The repercussions attached to some momentary blessings (but which comes from the devil) is too harrowing not to be termed a lifetime of imprisonment and regret. That's why there's no other place where every good gift and every perfect gift is reputed to still come from if not from above - from the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Good and perfect gifts not only has to do with child bearing. It extends to wealth and prosperity amassing. Some have gone to the devil for this blessing. But what does the Bible say of such?

Proverbs 10:22, KJV

"22 The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it". 

If the blessing of the Lord prospers, increases, multiplies or if the Lord gives generously without reproach or repercussions, how does the devil then gives and what accompanies his own giving? If God's giving is all pure and full of blessedness, is the devil's that also? Obviously no! Only God's blessing adds no sorrow or brings repercussions with it. 

It means any blessing, child, wealth, fame etc that is not from/of God will eventually frustrate, gag up and aspyhiate its possessor. That's why in all your endeavour, you must seek to be caught with only one thing - the holy thing. If you do it the right way, what you'll have will earn the remark of being holy - either a physical baby or even wealth. I don't want to have a wealth that I'll receive specifications on who to spend it on or how much I can spend or give to others. That's wealth with incapacitation. It is the work of the devil restricting you from what he has gathered for you. If it were God, you're at liberty (though not of careless spending) but rather of a good steward. 

When a child is a holy thing like Jesus, He can't begin to misbehave around. He knows that the vows are on him. He knows that he is called to an uncommon life of difference separated from the majority and their misbehaviours. Holy means sanctified, separated and called to a life. It means ordained, dedicated or committed to a path or way of life even from the womb. As you'll testify, Jesus didn't bring sorrow of heart to His parents. Rather, Mary knows Him enough to tell his disciples that whatsoever He tells them, same they should do (John 2:5). How did she know that Jesus' commandments would yield results? Because she had seen it at home. Jesus must have first wrought some miracles at home - the domestic level. Probably the multiplying of bread or the healing of Joseph or Mary herself. A holy thing brings joy because it has been gotten or fetched from the source of everlasting joy - where all enviable gifts come from. An unholy thing brings weariness of heart and instability. It's an unholy child that wears misbehaviour, rudeness and rascality as a mantle. Something just go wrong with them alluding to how or where they were gotten from. Despite a thousand pleas from parents to make them happy, they just can't but do the opposite - cause sorrow and that's because of their foundation and the tree from which their branch stems. They do what they know to do best - cause trouble and sorrow. Nothing holily about them. Rather, they must raise the dust and make a mess of life. 

Holy things are holy; unholy things are unholy. That which is flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit. It has no other name by which it may be called or addressed. So, be straight with yourself and ask if all the things you have or operate by are holy (having earned that remark from God like Gabriel told Mary)? It isn't Mary who called her conception a holy thing, Gabriel (on behalf of God) did. You need attestation. If we come to check your labour, will heaven call and endorse it as being holy or otherwise?

PRAYER: Lord, let all my possessions and initiations proceed from Thee that I may receive the remark of operating a holy thing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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Tuesday, 3 October 2023



Happy New Month!!!



Luke 1:35, KJV

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God".

Let me ask you, "is your vision, dream, aspiration, desire and yearnings holy?" Are they? Do you know which they are - holy or unholy? You ought know. Knowing will help you shut up unholy visions and seek to pursue only the mind of God. 

There's what is known as divine conception. Divine conception is true. Literally, Mary conceived by divine conception. Don't forget that the word of God to her is that, "the Holy Ghost will come upon her and the power of the Highest shall overshadow her..." So, it is. The power of the Highest indeed engrosses her and when it does, conception takes place so much more that we have a testimony of that which is in her being a holy thing!

There are things to observe. Mary's conception is the Lord's doing and not the act of any man. She herself acknowledges it not being any man's deed when she enquires as to how getting pregnant and giving birth to a son called Jesus would be when she has not yet known any man. It's that exact question that leads Gabriel to say, "don't worry, the power of the Highest shall overshadow you". Now, because her conception is divine, the child in her is as well a holy thing. This is cause and effect in action. Our vision, dreams, aspirations, desires, thoughts, imaginations and conceptions generally are either products of divine conception or are not. If your aspiration comes by divine inspiration, they'll be holy aspirations. They'll be visions not motivated by flesh nor ones Satan is initiating or seeking to perpetuate. Rather, they'll be able to be traced to God and God praised for them. What makes an animal have the life of its parent is that it is given birth to by the same parents. Naturally, there'll be a transitivity of the traits and lifestyle of the mother to it. Even if that puppy is not yet barking or that chick yet crowing, it's just a matter of time. 

Listen to me, the one who impregnates you with the dreams of your head, visions of your mind and aspirations of your heart is a direct trace to whether it is holy or unholy. It is the Holy Spirit who comes upon Mary and so her own conception is a holy thing. It is the power of the Highest that overshadows her. It is not another thing that's responsible. It is not any other power at all. If it were, Jesus wouldn't have been called a "holy thing". What makes Jesus a holy thing or a holy child even before birth is the fact that it is God who begat and originate Him. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. No one can change that principle. It ever remains static. If you join yourself with the devil, you're of the devil, and if you join yourself with God, you're of God. You can't be halfed into the two sides. Where your vision comes from is what hints at what sort of vision you have or you can run. Any vision that's not a direct conception from heaven; any vision that God isn't the one who inspires or injects you with its thoughts on the long run cannot be thoughts of good and welfare. They'll rather create trouble and lead to trouble somewhere someday. They'll lead to deception and the manifestation of the devil's works. But when a conception is given you because the Holy Spirit first overshadows or comes on you, then you can wait to see the fruits of it. That's the vision that God will seek to fund. Jesus is a holy child - the product of the Holy Spirit inseminating Mary. Don't you think God will accept responsibility and be jealous for Jesus' sake and so act like a physical father would towards Him. That's why God told Joseph to take Mary back as his wife (because it was His fault and He was to blame for getting Mary pregnant with Jesus) and not the work of any man. That's why God also sent the wise men who gifted Jesus gifts that would have been converted to money to take care of Him for awhile. That's why God was not slack to even tell the authority figure in Jesus' life - Joseph to even take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt because Herod seeks the child to kill. All these reveal the jealous thoughts of God over Jesus (that holy thing) which He originates.  

Why do you think God was so committed to Jesus who He caused to this earth? It's because Jesus as a physical child is the direct work of His. So, He can't but be obligated to fund, protect and encamp round it. So also, if what you say you carry in your mind is a holy thing coming from God, you'll receive every support possible on this earth. If you're a Black man, even a White man will help you in ensuring that vision is fulfilled. It doesn't matter how many people are antagonizing you or the vision, they'll just become the resisted while you'll become the assisted of the Lord. 

So, let me ask you, the work in your hands, the vision you're running with, who inseminated you with it? If you should be caught by heavenly inspectors to have been impregnated and put into the condition of he (with a burdened heart - who wants to do or live for something) yet without God's inspiration, instead of your vision being fed, watered to flower, it shall be starved to wither and die. You can have a gigantic vision of building a tower whose top will reach the heavens. That's not a problem. Who gave you will be. If that vision at inspection is caught to have been fleshly inspired, Satan or demon granted, God shall seek to pluck it down. You must know the only thing God supports is what is not against His will. As far as the tower of Babel is concern, it's a direct conflict with God's will of having nations and tongues. May you be a man whose conception comes from God so that you might earn the testimony of running with and doing a holy thing!

PRAYER: Lord, reveal to me any vision or burden I'm running with that's not a conception or insemination from you. I pack such off to do Your only inspired will. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; Philippians 4:1-23; Psalm 75:1-10; Proverbs 24:17-20

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Monday, 2 October 2023



Happy New Month!!!


TOO GOOD TO BELIEVE - My Sign Series 005

Hebrews 11:1, 3, KJV

"1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 3Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear".

That's the gospel - too good to believe! That's incredible - too good to believe. The Bible says, "why would you think it incredible (difficult or impossible) that God should raise the dead? (Acts 26:8).

There are many too good to believe in people's minds. Some of us have lesser too good to believe because of our journey with the Lord and how by faith and experience we have learnt that, " nothing shall be impossible for God to do". However to the heathen and those whose growth is impeded (though born again), many things are too good to believe to them. Those who things might be too good to believe excusably will however be those who'll be seeing their long seen signs for the very first time in a long while. Having lost hope in recovery and reoccurrence, it'll become too good to believe to them. 

When you see your signs again, there's a question you'll ask. It'll be, "is this really real?" It'll just be too good to believe. Jacob reasoned that it was too good to believe and he wouldn't have believed if not for the wagons he saw. It was then he said, let me go and see my son Joseph before I die". 

Genesis 45:25 - 28, KJV

"25 And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father, 26 And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not. 27 And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:28 And Israel said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die".

What he heard about Joseph being governor over all Egypt and being alive, it was too good to believe for him. It just became a too good news to him. I'm seeing some people in that picture. Your lost signs that shall be recovered you shall be too good to believe. You will doubt it and any who hears shall doubt and question its possibility with you also. Not that you're an express doubter, a failure or a faithless Christian. However, because of the sun you have for long seen shining, your faith has been tampered with and this might have buffeted you, condescending you to a place where you can no longer understand simply and immediately by faith. Yet, the Bible says, we understand (believe) by faith (Heb. 11:3). 

Those of you who have long seen your signs, listen to me. It'll come with the waters. Yet, it'll come flowing with the waters. It'll come with this new month. It'll come and not withold and when it comes, it'll be too good to believe. Look at Peter, Herod is planning executing him. James had been executed and though the church prays for Peter with zeal and all fervency, yet they doubted that God would be that fast to swing into action in saving him. His immediate rescue became a debate and a too good to believe news. How did I know? When Peter was delivered from his difficult and naturally impossible hole (in the prison), when he came knocking, nobody believed it was him. As a matter of fact, other disciples to whom his news of escape and arrival was broken called Rhoda mad - telling her it was Peter's angel she had seen. They saw their signs again and couldn't believe it. Peter who was taken was restored back to them but when this sign came back, it brought with it awe and unbelievability. It became too good to believe!

Acts 12:13-16, KJV

"13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda.14 And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate.15 And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel.16 But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished".

Nothing more. Did you read that? It became, "and when they had seen him for themselves, they were astonished". You will be astonished. Your sign which you thought had gone and gone for good shall reoccur to you and you shall be astonished. God will throw you into shock and overwhelm you with surprises when your long gone spouse reunites with you or that lost thing comes back home. It will become too good to believe. It will become the gospel truth. It will become the news. It will become the testimony. I see you at the door soonest - opening it up to your lost but returning joy. I see a door opening ushering in your signs. I see a Rhoda at the gate telling you of it even before you chance upon it yourself. You gotta believe. Friends, believe. It is flesh and blood that'll appear to you and not an angel or the fellow's ghost. It will be reality and not a scam of any sort. 

CONFESSION/PRAYER: I receive the too good to believe news. My doubt shall be overridden as I receive my lost signs. Indeed, I'm made for signs and wonders. God is causing one!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10

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Sunday, 1 October 2023



Happy New Month!!!


A RESTORER OF THY YEARS - My Sign Series 004

Ruth 4:14 - 15, KJV

"14 And the women said unto Naomi, Blessed be the LORD, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel.15 And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him".

Today, lost signs shall be found and restored again. Today, lost years shall be restored. God shall do something that'll lead to the restoring of your pined away years. I told you yesterday of how Jacob was revived. His soul was already dying and his bones weakened but an energy caused by hope birthed a new life in him when it is broken to him that Joseph yet lives by the same mouths that had lied to him about his death. He therefore was revived. His lost years was restored. He immediately became a youth and was young at heart again. He wanted to live and continue living once again. He immediately agrees to go and see Joseph before he dies. Where does that energy come from? Supplied by that good news and his aroused hope. 

Genesis 45:27-28, KJV

"27 And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived: 28 And Israel said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die".

Look, there's a news that brings healing and reviving. Even if you were on the sick bed, it would stand you up and heal you instantly. Such that'll meet your need and fit where you're needy is what the Lord is bringing your way today. What good, reviving and healing news do you need to hear? It's coming your way right now. You'll yet live once again. Life will once more makes sense to you again. You'll no longer despise life but embrace living and that'll be because you shall be restored your lost signs like Jacob was restored his lost son, Joseph.

What happened to Naomi in today's reading? She found her signs - her long gone signs again. How, you'll ask? When Obed is born by Ruth through Boaz (the nearest kinsman redeemer), all the women who heard of that joy gathered together and gossiped saying, "praise the Lord who has provided a redeemer for your family! May this child be famous in Israel. May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter in law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons!"

Did you hear what the women said, "may she restores Naomi's youth?" You may want to ask what happened to Naomi that led to the depreciation and loss of her youth. It's the total loss of her husband, Elimelech and two sons: Mahlon and Chilion. In her words at her return to Israel, she went out full but came back empty. She even told everyone not to call her Naomi but Mara (which means bitter) - Ruth 1:20-21. But the arrival of Obed (the new born baby of Ruth and Boaz) changes the narrative and gives her new hope. It revives Naomi who was a dying at that time. Life was not making sense for her. It seems the memory of the dead (her own husband and her two sons) would forever perish and not be named again. She has been hit severely by that loss and recovery or finding of her signs just seems impossible. However, God who ordains a lamp for David raised a hope for her. She was recovered and revived by the birth of Obed like the women gossiped. Obed becomes a restorer of her years to her. Immediately she heard of the new birth, she adopted the new baby and the Bible records, "16 Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own. 17 The neighbour women said, "Now at last Naomi has a son again!" And they named him Obed. He became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David" (NLT). 

May you see your signs again. May the lost be seen again. May the lost reoccur again. Did you read what those women testify of Naomi? They said, "a son has been born to Naomi again". Meaning, Naomi has seen her signs again. She once lost two children but this one has become a restorer of her years and a revisitation of God's mercy - causing hope in her again. Her children are what she missed very much and that's what the Lord in Obed brought back to comfort her.

I am hereby solidified that those of you who have lost husbands or children will see your signs again. How? If it's temporary separation occasioned by divorce or stubbornness of heart and not that they are dead, God will eventually causes a reunion between you both. On another ground if the husband is dead, the wife left behind may give birth to a child that'll be a sign alluding to the past sign (the father). There's nothing hidden that won't be declared the Bible says (Luke 12:2). I'm also caused to say there's nothing lost by you that won't be recalled or found. You shall see your signs again. Hope shall testify to you and life shall once more makes sense to live. 

PRAYER: Lord, restore my lost, lonely and wasted away years. Cause me to hear joy in my innermost being and let every broken bones rejoice. I receive this joy this new month.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10

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Saturday, 30 September 2023





Genesis 40:15, KJV

"For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon".

This is pitiable Joseph speaking here. He has been pressed and troubled on all sides. As at the time of confessing this, he is threatening to break. The archers have solely grieved him as Jacob later identifies. But thank God that his bow abides in strength (Gen. 49:23-24). Thank God he keeps receiving a ministration of encouragement, hope and life that there's an expected end to await and stay alive for. And it indeed came. We all knew it came. Hallelujah! God is faithful. 

But here, Joseph makes a statement that will cause us to flashback a little. Joseph didn't want to travel abroad (go to Egypt). Like Africans whose ancestors were taken in big ships across the Atlantic to Haiti, Cuba, the Carribean, Jamaica, Brazil, America etc to work as forced labourers and slaves, God had to force Joseph out because He has intention of seeing to the fulfilment of his dreams which he'd seen, was joyful and boastful about. So, he was forcefully set on a journey of, "I don't want to go". He was left with no choice and that is clear in his speech. He said, "for I was stolen away from the land of the Hebrews". Do you know what it means to steal? It means to actually kidnap. Man kidnapping has been since. Many Africans were kidnapped to be sold as slaves actually. But while in Egypt, he lost all connection with Jacob and home. He is in an entirely different land with no familiar face to call unto. He probably doesn't see any other Hebrew beside himself. Imagine that. He only hears some people of other tongues but he is by himself. 

Jacob also wouldn't be comforted and when the garments of many colours was sent him, he wept sore (Gen.37:35). He wanted to be reunited with Joseph but he must have given up all hope. Occasionally, a ray of hope that he would one day see Joseph might reoccur to his mind but he might be too quick to discard it because he has enough prove on Joseph having died. May I tell you something? Many people there be who have been lied to that their children are dead. That is just a lie to keep you calm and shut you forever from further enquiry. But as my Lord lives, you shall receive him or her back alive. Irrespective of who is lost who you're expecting to see again, like signs they shall reappear but in flesh and blood in Jesus name. 

But do you know that despite the gulf, the plans and workings of man that Joseph will never reconnect with family, he actually does. First, when Jacob sees proves that he is still alive - seeing the gifts and wagons he sent to bring him to Egypt, the Bible records that, "and Jacob was revived". 

Genesis 45:27, KJV

"And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:"

Previously, he was dying and wearing off with nothing to live for or expect again. Life has borne hard on him but at that news came hope. Eventually, at his death bed, Jacob reveals how much God had exceeded his expectation. 

Genesis 48:11, KJV

"And Israel said unto Joseph, I had not thought to see thy face: and, lo, God hath shewed me also thy seed".

He was not thinking of seeing Joseph (his sign) again (because he had believed in a lie) that his child had died abroad, at war, at the sea or has gone with a woman and never to come back again. Those are the common things people believe in. So, such belief would collect prayer from their mouths and expectation from their hearts. Rather, it is quietness and occasional sorrow of heart when remembrance strikes them of this their lost sign. However, Jacob not only sees Joseph, he sees his children with him. He receives more than his expectation. May I tell you that you'll see your signs and then see your signs of signs. God will bountifully load you with new experiences that'll exceed and topple the former. The kind of find ongoing now is one that'll shock you to the very core. You wouldn't have believed in such type of recovery if told you but for the fact that you're the one experiencing it yourself. So, all of you who have lost people or forgotten about them (when you have been lied to that they are dead), get ready to receive them back. My Father is saying, they shall find their ways back home. He's saying, they are marked people who He is with and so they can't get lost successfully and eventually. They must return. They're properties that must be refunded. They're coming home. You can now prepare a feast, be full of expectation and see the miracle. Those coming back home this time include age long mad people who have been let go because their cases have defied healing. The hand of the Lord is upon them, they shall be miraculously healed, found and turned back home. No more confession that, "we see not our signs". God's voice is found and located on the waters. It's a visible, identifiable miraculous sign. 

Psalms 29:3, KJV

"The voice of the LORD is upon the waters..."

Today, locating, discovering and marking of all your disappeared signs comes handy. You shall no longer wait unending. 

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the restoration and refunding of people and hope exceedingly and beyond expectation. We see our signs again and we're rejoiced.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10

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Friday, 29 September 2023




MY SON WHO'S LOST - My Sign Series 002

Read Luke 15:11-32

Luke 15:22, 24, KJV

"22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry."

The Bible talks of a son who is lost. You may not know that there are many people in our world with children that they have for long not heard from let alone see. They see not their signs in that regard. Those signs are lost. Disconnection has happened. The father is somewhere and the child is in another place. The mother is in the distance and the son at that end of the earth. Connection is just not happening. Though there's yearning and thought of reuniting often, yet these two ends or worlds still never meet. Imagine two lines that never meet irrespective of how the graph is plotted. However, God is chattering such technique of the devil over whomsoever's life it has been effected. Whereever something invisible but powerful just hold it like that - keeping two separate people who should be indivisible divided, I ask for the judgement of that evil power. Or don't you know it's possible for a man to leave for abroad and contrary to his plans and arrangements with the wife he left behind refuses to come back to pick her unto himself. What I want you to see is that some it happened to didn't do it intentionally but rather because of the manipulation of the evil one and those who take desire in separating two united persons. In such case, the parties concerned will seek to reunite but it won't just add up. They won't just see or find their signs. Yet, this may be the boy that the Mama used to cherish, sing for or even sold her tangibles to send abroad. But what has happened? Through enchantment and divination, they have shut that boy overseas so that he won't even have a remembrance of the mother let alone home again. Imagine a mother calling his own son and the son saying, "do I know you or have I ever talked to you before?" When did it happen that a sheep could no longer hear the voice of his shepherd when the Bible says, "my voice they know" (John 10:3,5,14). You'll immediately dissect that it's either that boy is naturally and outrightly mad or by some supernatural forces, he has been made mad or madened.  In such case, it is an evil power and watch over them that is keeping them both in their two different worlds. At times, none of them will even have the remembrance of each other so that the remembering person does not fight for the forgetful. Some children are therefore lost to peer groups - cultism, prostitution, scamming, misbehaviour etc and have chosen to stay in those worlds with peers who have now become their families. The parents can only pray and anticipate that God will one day make their signs to appear. However, that sign is lost at the moment. It's like a signal that has vanished and is no where to be found. No more sign or revelation of it near but it sure can still appear and be found. I have proves from the Bible on it being found and that's what I now share above any earthly experience.

Jesus gave a parable of a wealthy man with two sons. One crazily and in haste approaches the father and demands that he shares his living and gives him his part. The father obliged him. This boy in a few days pack and takes a journey to a far away land (far away from home, where he'll be a total stranger and no familiar face will identify him). There, the Bible records he squanders all with riotous living. He became friends with ragamuffins, prostitutes, Saturday boys, sinners - men and women who have escaped from home and are lost in life and purposes. These are those parents have sought and hoped for but have not found or received back. He made them his surrogate family. He was enjoying their company and he thought he had found true family. But when his wealth flees, reality struck as he was all left alone. He had to employ himself out. This way, he learnt some hard lessons that brought him to his senses. Due to the economic hardship in that land as occasioned by famine, he fain would have eaten the pods that the pigs eat but even that was not given to him. This way, he was brought to his knees. He calls himself to counsel that it'll be better to return to his father. It was he who even made us know that his father's servants have bread enough to eat and to spare and he, the son is here perishing. 

You see, he has seen reasons to go back home. But, is he the only one who has been looking forward to a reunion? No! The father has been onlooking and expectant all time. He is so expectant that the day he sees him from afar off, he runs to meet and embrace him. It turns a reunion that calls for a celebration. 

Luke 15:20, KJV

"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him."

The truth is this. You don't have eyes or heart for what has not been your thinking all day. You see, both the father and the son see their signs (what was lost again). They found themselves! The father meets the son he had once known (but lost) again just like the son once again comes into the company of his father and love. Each of them saw their lost signs. They received themselves back. Today, God has given me the ministry of John the Baptist and that's what I'll be doing now (Luke 1:17). I'm to turn the hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers. Anyone here who has lost a child to the world, sin and promiscuousness is receiving them back now. If yours was kidnapped or stolen, you'll receive him back alive. What the Lord is saying I should declare is that, "you will see your signs again". It'll come with the water. Mark that! The voice of the Lord is on many waters! (Psalm 29:3). That sign can be found vibrating, billowing and shaking in great movement while sounding the deep. If the voice of the Lord (as a sign) could be found upon the waters, by that you shall have your catch also. The sign of the Lord exists on the water and is visible to identify and recognize. Your own signs shall become present and visible now also irrespective of where it has gone lost or has been taken to. You'll no longer be dribbled by Satan! You're seeing your signs. You'll feel the joy of before. David prayed that God will restore to him the joy of his salvation and make him hear joy and gladness [like before]. What he was asking for is his sign which had always delighted and titillated him but which is now gone after sinning and being beaten by guilt (Psalm 51:8,12). Today, your signs will appear again. All your broken bones will rejoice again. What is in disappearance shall come floating home. Receive your signs. Receive the visitation of anything lost and mourned. 

PRAYER: Lord, be it unto me according to Your restoration plan. I am reinstated and I now see my signs. Like God's voice visible on the water, my signs shall float home and be marked by me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10

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