Friday, 29 September 2023




MY SON WHO'S LOST - My Sign Series 002

Read Luke 15:11-32

Luke 15:22, 24, KJV

"22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry."

The Bible talks of a son who is lost. You may not know that there are many people in our world with children that they have for long not heard from let alone see. They see not their signs in that regard. Those signs are lost. Disconnection has happened. The father is somewhere and the child is in another place. The mother is in the distance and the son at that end of the earth. Connection is just not happening. Though there's yearning and thought of reuniting often, yet these two ends or worlds still never meet. Imagine two lines that never meet irrespective of how the graph is plotted. However, God is chattering such technique of the devil over whomsoever's life it has been effected. Whereever something invisible but powerful just hold it like that - keeping two separate people who should be indivisible divided, I ask for the judgement of that evil power. Or don't you know it's possible for a man to leave for abroad and contrary to his plans and arrangements with the wife he left behind refuses to come back to pick her unto himself. What I want you to see is that some it happened to didn't do it intentionally but rather because of the manipulation of the evil one and those who take desire in separating two united persons. In such case, the parties concerned will seek to reunite but it won't just add up. They won't just see or find their signs. Yet, this may be the boy that the Mama used to cherish, sing for or even sold her tangibles to send abroad. But what has happened? Through enchantment and divination, they have shut that boy overseas so that he won't even have a remembrance of the mother let alone home again. Imagine a mother calling his own son and the son saying, "do I know you or have I ever talked to you before?" When did it happen that a sheep could no longer hear the voice of his shepherd when the Bible says, "my voice they know" (John 10:3,5,14). You'll immediately dissect that it's either that boy is naturally and outrightly mad or by some supernatural forces, he has been made mad or madened.  In such case, it is an evil power and watch over them that is keeping them both in their two different worlds. At times, none of them will even have the remembrance of each other so that the remembering person does not fight for the forgetful. Some children are therefore lost to peer groups - cultism, prostitution, scamming, misbehaviour etc and have chosen to stay in those worlds with peers who have now become their families. The parents can only pray and anticipate that God will one day make their signs to appear. However, that sign is lost at the moment. It's like a signal that has vanished and is no where to be found. No more sign or revelation of it near but it sure can still appear and be found. I have proves from the Bible on it being found and that's what I now share above any earthly experience.

Jesus gave a parable of a wealthy man with two sons. One crazily and in haste approaches the father and demands that he shares his living and gives him his part. The father obliged him. This boy in a few days pack and takes a journey to a far away land (far away from home, where he'll be a total stranger and no familiar face will identify him). There, the Bible records he squanders all with riotous living. He became friends with ragamuffins, prostitutes, Saturday boys, sinners - men and women who have escaped from home and are lost in life and purposes. These are those parents have sought and hoped for but have not found or received back. He made them his surrogate family. He was enjoying their company and he thought he had found true family. But when his wealth flees, reality struck as he was all left alone. He had to employ himself out. This way, he learnt some hard lessons that brought him to his senses. Due to the economic hardship in that land as occasioned by famine, he fain would have eaten the pods that the pigs eat but even that was not given to him. This way, he was brought to his knees. He calls himself to counsel that it'll be better to return to his father. It was he who even made us know that his father's servants have bread enough to eat and to spare and he, the son is here perishing. 

You see, he has seen reasons to go back home. But, is he the only one who has been looking forward to a reunion? No! The father has been onlooking and expectant all time. He is so expectant that the day he sees him from afar off, he runs to meet and embrace him. It turns a reunion that calls for a celebration. 

Luke 15:20, KJV

"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him."

The truth is this. You don't have eyes or heart for what has not been your thinking all day. You see, both the father and the son see their signs (what was lost again). They found themselves! The father meets the son he had once known (but lost) again just like the son once again comes into the company of his father and love. Each of them saw their lost signs. They received themselves back. Today, God has given me the ministry of John the Baptist and that's what I'll be doing now (Luke 1:17). I'm to turn the hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers. Anyone here who has lost a child to the world, sin and promiscuousness is receiving them back now. If yours was kidnapped or stolen, you'll receive him back alive. What the Lord is saying I should declare is that, "you will see your signs again". It'll come with the water. Mark that! The voice of the Lord is on many waters! (Psalm 29:3). That sign can be found vibrating, billowing and shaking in great movement while sounding the deep. If the voice of the Lord (as a sign) could be found upon the waters, by that you shall have your catch also. The sign of the Lord exists on the water and is visible to identify and recognize. Your own signs shall become present and visible now also irrespective of where it has gone lost or has been taken to. You'll no longer be dribbled by Satan! You're seeing your signs. You'll feel the joy of before. David prayed that God will restore to him the joy of his salvation and make him hear joy and gladness [like before]. What he was asking for is his sign which had always delighted and titillated him but which is now gone after sinning and being beaten by guilt (Psalm 51:8,12). Today, your signs will appear again. All your broken bones will rejoice again. What is in disappearance shall come floating home. Receive your signs. Receive the visitation of anything lost and mourned. 

PRAYER: Lord, be it unto me according to Your restoration plan. I am reinstated and I now see my signs. Like God's voice visible on the water, my signs shall float home and be marked by me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 57:15-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10

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