Sunday, 11 December 2022




THE RABBLE ROUSERS - His Pleasure Series 012

Read Gen. 21:9-13

Acts 5:36-37, KJV

"36 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought. 37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed."

In every system, there's the constitutionally recognized system or government and there's usually a faction led by a significant leader opposing this recognized government. That "recognized" as used there doesn't mean the constitutionally system itself is always God instituted but it means, "according to the law of that land or to others where they may be watching from", they believe power of the state is currently concentrated into a specific hand - and so that system with power gains acceptance and their backing while the other is jettisoned. That's why in matters of war, such external system will only send troops to support the system it firmly acknowledges as legal in order to crush its rival and the internal rabble rouser. Meanwhile, I am speaking in relation to a God set up, institution or cause that a fake or satanic cause seeks to topple. 

This illegal and ungodly cause is a rival and usually do become a great threat to the legal institution or setup. This is who Ishmael is becoming to Isaac before Sarah discerned it and have him sent away from the child of promise or line God has something to do with. Ishmael was mocking and trivializing the child of promise. When will contest of who the heir is or is superior or is the father's son not start? The matter displeased Abraham because Ishmael is also his son but God said Abraham should submit to it (Gen. 21:9-13). This morals what God will favour: what His will caused or what flesh/Satan brings to existence? Though God promised to make Ishmael great yet his measure of greatness is lesser than Isaac's because we know it isn't Ishmael God chose to pass the covenant blessing through. And if you look at it today, you'll see that there's still a rancour between what the Lord caused or has made (in the nation Israel stemming from Abraham to Isaac and then to Jacob) and the rabble rousers (the Arabs) stemming from Ishmael which Abraham caused in the flesh by not waiting for God's promise. Also, you could see the opposition between Christianity and Islam - stemming from these same two children of the same father.

There's always the rabble rouser or an illegal system that's the shadow or fake of the reality. What it has as plan is a takeover in order to fully substitute the will of God and what God has made. That's why God is committed to sending Ishmael away and committed to ensuring nothing fake or false overthrows what His own hands cut.  Even in our days, no legal government will allow terrorists and insurgency to substitute them or take over the country. The terrorists are good example of a cause or revolution that's illegal, marauding and anarchical that must be stopped. If not, the country might be turned upside down, government seized, those in power executed and peace disturbed. In some instances, countries could be steeped into wars and endless crisis because an illegal power holder grabs it by force. This is why when Theudas rose up with his doctrine and promises, the Roman military did not allow him to go miles with it. He was beheaded and killed with his followers while some of them were scattered. Beware of joining a losing cause. A cause that's only full of jangling with nothing profitable to come from it. Nothing profitable shall come from the Theudases' and Judases' causes because it's not the Lord's Made in the first instance. If God ordains it; if it is of God as said by Master and Elder Gamaliel, it can't be overthrown. Rather, any who oppose it will be found guilty opposing God. It is your duty to mark those whose heaven is pregnant but won't give rain. Never associate or join their cause. If you do, you'll be made an example like Theudas, Judas and their followers. God is jealous for you and is moving to protect you. May you forever know which rising to join and ones to abstain from. May you not fight a losing battle. May you have sight to see the end of things before they start. May your work not be broken. May you not found and fund what God would consider as mere jangling and creation of noise with the cymbals. May you be the man whom God rather resides with and starts a thing with. May you be that John from God (John 1:6). May your work, steps and origin be traceable to God and not flesh or the occult. I pray and counsel, be the man with the authentic calling, work and worth. Be preserved in hard times when you have the choice of choosing from alternatives that'll determine whether you live or you fold up.

PRAYER: Lord, give me understanding to discern causes, fellows, tools, rallies, campaigns not to join. In my journey of destiny, may you rather show my Philip that Ethiopian Eunuch to join while teaching my Nabal the disguised king in that distressed David to welcome.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Saturday, 10 December 2022




THE RISE OF A REVOLUTION - His Pleasure Series 011

Acts 5:36, KJV

"For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought."

Today's teaching is the continuation of "His Pleasure Series" but it's also the beginning of a new move in the same series. We still have ten or more days to go from today in this new direction. I'll plead that you should follow. In every generation, there's always the promise or prophecy that people are waiting for. These promises or prophecies always have markers or time boundaries attached to them. There were prophecies that won't find fulfilment until a fellow is born, matures and even enter into his purpose of creation. If you consider John the Baptist, Jesus and even the virgin, later known as Mary that prophecy found fulfilment on, you'll agree that prophecy is attached to time and people. When it's time for a prophecy or promise to find fulfilment, the elements may disappear, something unusual as a sign may begin to happen. It may be the heavy oppression of a people. It may be the heavy corruption of a nation. All these are what would give birth to a renewal, wiping and cleanliness. For Israel in Egypt, when they drew near the promise, we were told that they grew in population massively (Acts 7:17). That sign answered to a thing which God had predicted would happen. It's a sign, symptom or marker of a prophecy. Only few would ever wonder and ask, "why this sudden explosive population?"

Who you must be is therefore to ever be in fellowship with the Holy spirit. He is the Spirit of sensitivity and awakening. There's nothing coming on the surface of the earth that He has not known and can't give you notice about. He told somebody not to get involved with that just man and every matters that will concern Jesus (Matt.27:19). In this way, you'll know what move to join and abstain from. The reason is simple, if you join yourself to a move, system, institution, parade, match, rally, cause that the Lord has not made, it will not only be vulnerable to destruction but if destruction comes on it, you may be punished with sinners and reap their rewards. Theudas was not only slain but many who bore affinity with him were and scattered. Just like there's a prophecy or promise for each generation, so is a revolution in every generation. This revolution is what key persons in that generation may surf on and rise to power with. They'll therefore become pioneers or a setter forth of a new era or doctrine that people will practice from that time henceforth. These are people who religions, denominations, systems, processes, a great cause, move could be associated with as they were the ones who spearheaded it or brought about the revolution. 

A revolution is a move and a great stirring up. You can't look at all physical signs to discern which move to join. This is why you must be in intimacy with the know it all Spirit so you won't pass on and be judged like the simple and so you won't refrain and miss the move that could have caused you to rise into headship in the new revolution or state of the nation. That's why I love the military. In coup de tat, they plan all the way before toppling an existing government. They know it's consequential being found out. So, they learn which system to topple and what time to topple it. Striking at the wrong time when all things are not perfect and without the fear of missing is danger. This is what a spiritual man must watch. You're watching not to miss a move as well as not to jump on a ride that you'll be destroyed with the multitude who couldn't read the sign that, "this is not the appointed move, time, person (to go with) or even tools to execute with." May you however say, "now is the day and today is the time." May what you've picked in your Spirit as a time to come eventually come. May it be that when it comes swiftly like a wind or ride, you'll be found sensitive and bold to join the move that can rouse you to the head. David was at home but Jesse perceived a time, a cause and a move and so sent him to battle. David didn't come back home empty ended. He came back home with a great name and a chieftaincy in the army. This is he that none would ever reaconwith as a soldier but when Goliath's head fell off, "they sang David had killed his ten thousand" even though it was just one (but a big one) he had killed (I Sam.18:7). I pray for you, you'll sense what's about to happen and you'll be moved to join a person, relocate to a place or affiliate with a system. You'll smell the move and time. You won't stay in Jerusalem at the time kings go forth to battle and you should lead the battle (being on the frontline of the cause; spearheading the move). May delegation that stained David not find you out. May you not sleep when you should be on the move. May you be above the spirit and debauchery of this age to understanding what the will of God is (because you're not drunken with wine which is debauchery). May the spirit of successful revolutionists possess and dominate you. May you not exercise forwardness where cautiousness should be primary.

PRAYER: This is the time of prophecy and promises, let the markers appear. What my spirit and soul were hovering to decode, may I find. I receive sensitivity to join the right chariot. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Friday, 9 December 2022




THOSE WE CAN NOT MALTREAT - His Pleasure Series 010

Acts 5:35, KJV

"And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men."

Apart from God's work that we should not maltreat, God's messengers shouldn't as well. Gamaliel not only warned "men of Israel" concerning the new cause gaining ground but warned them of its setter forth. He'd said, "men of Israel, take heed unto how you treat this men." I don't care how you treat the rest but you sure can't treat Mr or Mrs Ambassador anyhow. He has a system that you don't want to collide with behind him. While that system or network seems not on the scene yet it is real and ready to fight any who will hinder him to establish the mandate and will of that system that sent him out. All of us Christians are Christ's Ambassadors in that we're to fulfill the great commission. As God's sent out, protection is one of the things guaranteed us and that wouldn't have been promised if there's never need to anticipate one. Jesus said, "go and I'm with you till the end of the earth." That "I'm with you" worth more than millions of Kuwaiti Dinar if its revelation will ever dawn on you. It means He'll never leave you nor forsake you. It means He'll bless those who bless you and curse or oppose those who oppose you. In short, "I'll be your standby" is what Christ promised. Before you call, I will answer is what it means. It means He'll be near you at all times. If this be what a disciple or a minister stands to enjoy, then it is death to confront such a fellow. Why will his opposer won't be consumed seeing the opposed has not come in his own name but in the name of the Lord God of Host? Or did the disciples go out preaching in their own names? What were they rather warned not to speak of (Acts 5:28)? Jesus! If that be: if it be that they have Jesus as their Master who has now ascended and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, then it means He lives not only to intercede for we saints but also to be our standby as manifested in the Holy Ghost on the earth now. 

Jesus said in Matthew 10:42, "and whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Generally speaking, it means doing good to any sent one will attract rewards. If doing good will attract rewards, will opposing them be lightly treated or allow to slip?  No! That's why Jesus said that it will be tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on that day  than for any who doesn't believe but rather oppose and resist them (Matt.10:15). You may maltreat anyone but please, don't maltreat anyone who's established to have been called and sent. If they've not breached the fence themselves as to be insulted or disregarded, God will show forth mightily on their behalf and even if they have left the jurisdiction of the anointed, still refrain. It's better not to trespass and let God judge all unfaithfulness than you being judged for any violation. Christians have an OWNER. All sent out ones and called ones have an OWNER. They have an Advocate who rivals their Adversary. Let this remembrance be in you which is now in those who are already found guilty so that you won't trespass. Rather reverently do the below (Matt.10:40-42) and you shall be blessed.

PRAYER: I receive caution not to misbehave and be judged. I harbour and do good to all sent ones.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Thursday, 8 December 2022




FOUND TO FIGHT AGAINST GOD - His Pleasure Series 009

Acts 5:39, KJV

"But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

Why all of us should be weary of standing up against a thing we haven't established its origin is basically because by chance, it may be of God and if it's of God and you're caught still fighting it, you'll pay dearly for it. If you have ever experienced the terror of God, if He speaks once, you'll take heed seven times. Paul says, "knowing the terror of God, we persuade men (II Cor.5:11). There's none that has ever felt the displeasure of God who does not shiver when the Lord of host (Sabaoth) Himself visits him for warning. When Abimelech, the King of Gerar took Sarah, he knew God by experience and restore his wife. The terror of God hits him though it was in a dream (Gen.20:3-9).

Today's charge is, "lest you be found fighting against God." It is better to abstain from what you don't know its source because if it's from God and you stand against same, it will swallow you up. In essence, we'll also say God has a supervisory role to play over His kingdom. He knows what to allow or disallow. As it concerns revolutionists, He knows whether to shut them off or spare them. Let's leave judgement to God is the admonishment of Gamaliel. "If it's of men, it will come to nought but if it's of God, ye can't overthrow it; lest you be found guilty."

"Guilty" of what? Guilty of persecuting what's the Lord's. As far as we have evidences in the Bible, no one does it and escapes it. On the way to Damascus, Jesus appears to Saul and says, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" When he asked who that was, he was shocked hearing, "I am Jesus whom thou persecute.  It's hard for you to kick against the pricks (Acts 9:4-5). Did you read, "it's hard for you to fight against me and win?" There's no one who does it that's not found guilty. Part of the people God doesn't hold guiltless are the number who persecute and disallow His pleasure or will from prospering. Till then, we all know what Saul has been doing. He has hauled many of the Way into the prison and is even on his way to have many arrested who confessed the Way. That's persecution of what He does not know belongs or originates from the Lord - the same God He is wrongly jealous for by persecuting those of the Way (Phil. 3:6). God won't remain silence if you're on the nerves of those He sent for His own cause. He will arise and quicken salvation for them and I tell you, you will be found guilty if you're ever their persecutor. Today, we should check who we've been or who we are and desist from being same. Have you persecuted an ignorant or righteous man, a Christian or even a minister bearing the gospel? You've basically persecuted God and you owe Him a heartfelt apology. His forgiveness only is what will absolve you. Instead, do good to those of the household of faith and it shall be reckon to you as casting your bread upon the waters. Even in many days from now, you'll find it. Even after your departure, your downline will receive God's favour for same.

PRAYER: Lord, where am I found guilty even ignorantly, I plead for forgiveness? I submit to allow Your will flourish. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Wednesday, 7 December 2022




YOUR ANCHOR: BECAUSE IT'S OF GOD! - His Pleasure Series 008

Acts 5:39, KJV

"But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

May your fate be the one described in this verse. May it be that you and your work will be from God. When you are, you can go to rest. The joy of "I'm doing it right" will be yours. You'll therefore be envied by many who knows they're not doing it right and are already judged to be doomed even if you don't know they are. Brethren, do you know that just like there's no peace for the wicked, there's none for any whose work isn't from God also? There's actually no peace for them. Many times, they anticipate the inevitable. They have counted the cost before agreeing to the blessings of the devil but sacrifice time is always painful and with deep groaning for them. How easy and effortless it is for a labourer under our loving God? He doesn't exert force on you neither does His blessings carry consequences. He gives liberally without reproach. When you have His blessings, you'll tend towards wealth and riches because His blessings doesn't lead to eventual diminishment. Minister, is your work "of God?" I plead with you today, "let your work be of God." I'm not saying you should convert what you began under flesh or Satan to God's work. No. That's not how it's done. You must first slay that one and die of that even without any intention of running with another. You must be freed from the error or false spirit under which you've operated and tarry on our God whether He might ever send you. Why many wouldn't do this is because of the shame of disengagement with what might have had some influence in the natural. Don't inherit the world and lose your soul. 

That place read, "if it be of men, it will come to nought but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." Don't you want that kind of report concerning your work? It's not that they won't try plucking it down. They will. Did the Bible not say, "they'll gather but will their gathering prosper is the question?" They might defame you by slandering, libeling but God is saying, "they can't overthrow you." They might even make a cook up of blazing you off with a woman, the promise is that you'll escape the snare of the fowler still and yet be found clean. Escaping it is what will make you intact and unsinged. To be overthrown means to be unseated. That's the intention of many fleshy people and that includes the government of a nation at times. They don't want anything that'll become too popular than them. A thing that will substitute the government and begin to give the citizens hope. Such may reveal their irresponsibility and switch loyalty and focus on them to the provider of their needs. They don't want attention to be shifted or diverted from them especially if they've been before you. It will seem you, the set man is more popular than they are and has collected the whole nation for yourself. This is why you'll see many sponsored attacks: covert and overt being directed at you. But all in all, what's your anchor, "but if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it?" The key to not being overthrown is actually not by being deeply connected with politicians in your location. It is never being in association with some deep under world cult also. It is not even your being brilliant naturally. It is rather having signed an accord with God. The Bible says, "if you're in peace with God, He has power enough to make your enemies, even the strongest of them all to be at peace with you (Prov.16:7). Don't rack your head for search on how He'll get it done. Just hold unto the fact that He's the God of all the earth. He created them, you and all. If He does, He could command them too. When did the manufactured begin to disobey its manufacturer? 

Brethren, I'm having a great pull of heart to ask you to resign to God. Let your work purely be of God. Let the testimony that'll testify of you be "there was a man sent from God, whose name was John (John 1:6, KJV). With this (being from God), there's no territory you can't take, there's no barrier you can't break and there's no system you can't acquire. If you're of God, you'll always be absolved. They'll cook their evil but they'll relent and say, "let him be." They'll always and continuously have a  change of mind concerning you because your Lord, who you worship day and night would have gone ahead you to warn men concerning you. He'll tell them, "have nothing to do with that righteous man or you'll suffer a lot for his sake." That's even if God has not started suffering them already like He did in this verse (Matt.27:19).

PRAYER: I anchor on You Lord, I can't be overthrown. Father, let me find your forgiveness for not being from you. Accept me back. I surrender. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Tuesday, 6 December 2022




TO NOUGHT IT WILL COME - His Pleasure Series 007

Acts 5:38, KJV

"And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought."

God wants me to speak by another exposition to you. Let's expand the word, "nought." Let's ask, "what does it mean?" It means "nothing; zero; traceless; to extinction; become valueless or worthless; vanished; finished; numbered, found wanting and ended." It summarily means it will lack continuance and be disappeared. It will come to nothing visible to be recognized by men again. It means it will be broken and divided. It will be overcome and run over by another. It will become the last. It will cease functioning or doing activities. It will run out of production or its very purpose of establishment. It means it will lose face, its good name (if it ever establishes any) and diminish in fame, strength, power and glory. In the end, you'll seek it and find it not. If the relics were ever available, that would only be the witness that upon this place once stood what men once chanted and esteemed as great. 

One day, I heard an elderly minister talk painfully of another very elderly minister. He said he was too obscure to be known by our new generation and that during his time - when God was using him,  it was helicopter he used to share handbills in Ijebu Ode, Nigeria. I was shocked. I enquired, "this same Ijebu Ode?" He nodded. But it seems everything has waned and the glory has departed. That day, my heart went out genuinely after that very elderly minister. I was never elated by his obscurity. Imagine a minister who rose to a a height when many couldn't even thought of buying a vehicle, it was a flying machine he was using to create awareness about his programmes. How great would he have been then? Then, what dwindled him? Some things might have happened to cause this but that's all about the memory I want you to bear in mind as it concerns this teaching. A work can come to nought. That's not our intentional prayer against anyone except they're fake and false. But I was very disturbed four to six years ago when I learnt this. The memory of that man of God didn't leave me on time. Days and months, I kept thinking about him, how unhappy and regretful he might have become since he was broken while I wish I could restore him. When Gamaliel says, "if it be of men, it will come to nought", Gamaliel intended it would so happen that men won't remember it again. In that, such work will stop being the talk of the town. Previously, it might have been the rave of the town - what everybody gossips about. They might have been commanding nations but God forbid if a work should suddenly be found by heaven not to have proceeded from them, it doesn't matter the height it has reached, it will come descending down. I'm not saying that of this helicopter minister was shut for this same purpose but I wouldn't even remember what the cause was if it was ever mentioned that day or speculated on by that elderly minister speaking to us. When a work has been marked by the Working Committee of heaven to be crashed, if they install another board of trustees, rename or rebrand, pump in more fund, employ new staff or put new regulations in place; all these would not be enough to stop it all. It's like repainting a grave that it's inside is full of rotten bones yet you want to make its appearance white, clean, beautiful and attractive. That's deception and God could see through it even if men are apllauding it. Since such work is not God's doing or has stopped being God's doing (probably it has now being brought under Satan or flesh), it'll not be marvellous in people's sight again and so it'll be relegated to stay in the background forever. I believe something firmly because God taught me by revelation and my growth by time. It's that God is an administrator and that He exercises control and supremacy over His inheritance to the very ends of the earth. As He is looking at the Body of Christ today, He knows ministers to call home to be with Him even before their time is fulfilled so they won't backslide. They've been compromising and God could see it through what many are calling new styles stemming from them. God's enough to get that done. It's just our own job to pray for those ministers and that their soul be preserved eventually but if they persist in error, God will serve them quit notice from His work and if they refuse to quit the work, He may serve them quit notice from the earth or send them into oblivion while yet alive. And from the little I know, having being known and not known again is a terrible thing especially when God relocates the work you used to do into somebody else's hands who you can identify. It will forever pain you with a huge sense of looming regret for betraying God's trust.  

The remedy to not being brought to nought is therefore to be God's and continually stay under God. God is like a compliant officer who goes all around to ensure people are complying with a particular regulating rules and regulations that guide their trade or profession. If He finds you in violation, God doesn't need to withdraw your calling and gifts since those are even without repentance. He'll just sit on you, raise another to overshadow you. God did this to Saul. David overran him. The moment a life has stopped pleasing God even if it's at his apogee of greatness and has established great and respectful name, God can pluck it down, punish his disobedience by ensuring he's shadowed so that his influence does not bear on many sons and daughters and by same replicate after his corrupt kind. Beware, lest God overshadows you and relegates you to the background. Nothing scares anyone to hell than being alive and watching people do what he was once called to do. You'll daily be tormented on earth even if you'll finally end it in heaven.

PRAYER: Lord, give one more chance to all ministers and greatness that You have benched and intentionally overshadowed. Let their hair grow again. Let their stump bring forth shoot. Mercy, Lord!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Monday, 5 December 2022




THIS COUNSEL - His Pleasure Series 006

Acts 5:38, KJV 

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

Gamaliel said that to warn the persecutors of the Way and we've been on same for days now. Today, God wants us see what counsel is and so gain some understanding from it. First of all, let me quickly say, counsel may be of God, Satan or Men. What is "counsel?" It is "a course of action, an event, a scheme, a plan, an intent or purpose." When Gamaliel says, "if this counsel be of men", he meant if this purpose (of their preaching Christ) be of men, it shall come to nought but what if it's of God? "They (the persecuting council) can't overthrow it but rather be found guilty (Acts 5:39).

Now, may I ask you, "is the counsel or work of preaching Christ of any man?" Was it the disciples who originated it or instructed themselves to preach Christ? Today, God wants to correct some of you who have good intention and so start something but which God isn't it's author. You can't be a pastor, teacher or stand in the five fold ministry offices for instance without a direct call from Jesus, the Head of the Church Himself (Eph.4:11). He must call you to His work Himself. "Call" anyway should not be narrowed down to hearing an audible voice only though might come through that. That's rare. Only few men began ministry hearing an audible voice. I myself didn't hear one but I was more than persuaded because I came under a great motivation and compelling stronger than myself to start ministry. Also, God gave me words to run with from His Word. Afore that time, I always wanted to stay hidden though I was once a campus president. Also, I could relate all these to the prophecies that were given post my birth while other things that I've now heard and experienced from God and men have further confirmed my call. Having a desire for ministry is good and it may lead you into God's work but be sure of He who has placed such desire or burden there. Ask, "what or who's prompting this?" This will make you be at peace with God; established, not easily mocked or discouraged by people. Confidence is good but I say assurance is better. 

When Jesus was to leave, what command did He give His disciples?  "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8, KJV). Did you see that? Who made them witnesses? Jesus or men! Our answer settles it. Meanwhile, that you've seen, heard and known doesn't automatically transfer you into a witness. God may still want to keep you with Himself. But the moment you hear, "go and be my witness", it means you've been released and your time of revealing has come. It also means you have the backing of He Who sent you or releases you to go and be His witness. You're simply His ambassador or representative and so He has obligation to keep you and see to it that His pleasure in your hands find fulfilment. Have you sent yourself? With whose motivation, propelling, stirring or energy did you start this work? Who launched your pad into the planet Moon, Mars, Venus or others where you now occupy? Are you the one allocating yourself or God is the One administering you (to where He sees needs and want needs met)? We are human resources in the hands of God. What material resources become in your hands to meet your needs is what we become in God's hands to meet His needs. Are you sure the Lord is your Shepherd on this matter? By whose words do you live daily and get guided or is it by bread alone? Then, you can't but be sense ruled and carnally minded since nothing of God authors and is regulating you. 

The "counsel" of being witnesses is Jesus' (God's) initiated. He told them, you'll be my representatives in Jerusalem etc until you reach the ends of the earth. The disciples were once eyewitnesses of all He did and so were later called to be witnesses of same. May we all settle now and not tomorrow that the counsel which is not man's is what will tarry. Go and start your thing and let's see how far your energy will take you. By the time you begin to sink, we'll watch and see who you'll cry to for salvation. Peter got an immediate extension of hand because He first received a call to step out. He was put on that journey and launched out by the words of the Master Caller - Jesus Himself. He didn't presume (Matt.14:28-31). Presumption is dangerous and it has made many Christians and ministers sink at a juncture of "I don't know how" again or at a moment of intense persecution/warfare where they get tired and jump out. Today, we have seen that the counsel or work for which the Apostles are being persecuted isn't what they flagged humanly. It's rather a command of God to be witnesses that made them one. So, they can hope to always have His backing. Is yours same? This "counsel, ministry, setup, work, entity, institution", who birth it and who inspires it? Which word from God's mouth could it be traced to? Settle this or be forever doubtful and in fear of a great shaking.

PRAYER: God's Counsel is also His Pleasure. May it continually prosper in my hands. Lord, I pack up what I've humanly set up to wait on Thee. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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