Tuesday, 6 December 2022




TO NOUGHT IT WILL COME - His Pleasure Series 007

Acts 5:38, KJV

"And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought."

God wants me to speak by another exposition to you. Let's expand the word, "nought." Let's ask, "what does it mean?" It means "nothing; zero; traceless; to extinction; become valueless or worthless; vanished; finished; numbered, found wanting and ended." It summarily means it will lack continuance and be disappeared. It will come to nothing visible to be recognized by men again. It means it will be broken and divided. It will be overcome and run over by another. It will become the last. It will cease functioning or doing activities. It will run out of production or its very purpose of establishment. It means it will lose face, its good name (if it ever establishes any) and diminish in fame, strength, power and glory. In the end, you'll seek it and find it not. If the relics were ever available, that would only be the witness that upon this place once stood what men once chanted and esteemed as great. 

One day, I heard an elderly minister talk painfully of another very elderly minister. He said he was too obscure to be known by our new generation and that during his time - when God was using him,  it was helicopter he used to share handbills in Ijebu Ode, Nigeria. I was shocked. I enquired, "this same Ijebu Ode?" He nodded. But it seems everything has waned and the glory has departed. That day, my heart went out genuinely after that very elderly minister. I was never elated by his obscurity. Imagine a minister who rose to a a height when many couldn't even thought of buying a vehicle, it was a flying machine he was using to create awareness about his programmes. How great would he have been then? Then, what dwindled him? Some things might have happened to cause this but that's all about the memory I want you to bear in mind as it concerns this teaching. A work can come to nought. That's not our intentional prayer against anyone except they're fake and false. But I was very disturbed four to six years ago when I learnt this. The memory of that man of God didn't leave me on time. Days and months, I kept thinking about him, how unhappy and regretful he might have become since he was broken while I wish I could restore him. When Gamaliel says, "if it be of men, it will come to nought", Gamaliel intended it would so happen that men won't remember it again. In that, such work will stop being the talk of the town. Previously, it might have been the rave of the town - what everybody gossips about. They might have been commanding nations but God forbid if a work should suddenly be found by heaven not to have proceeded from them, it doesn't matter the height it has reached, it will come descending down. I'm not saying that of this helicopter minister was shut for this same purpose but I wouldn't even remember what the cause was if it was ever mentioned that day or speculated on by that elderly minister speaking to us. When a work has been marked by the Working Committee of heaven to be crashed, if they install another board of trustees, rename or rebrand, pump in more fund, employ new staff or put new regulations in place; all these would not be enough to stop it all. It's like repainting a grave that it's inside is full of rotten bones yet you want to make its appearance white, clean, beautiful and attractive. That's deception and God could see through it even if men are apllauding it. Since such work is not God's doing or has stopped being God's doing (probably it has now being brought under Satan or flesh), it'll not be marvellous in people's sight again and so it'll be relegated to stay in the background forever. I believe something firmly because God taught me by revelation and my growth by time. It's that God is an administrator and that He exercises control and supremacy over His inheritance to the very ends of the earth. As He is looking at the Body of Christ today, He knows ministers to call home to be with Him even before their time is fulfilled so they won't backslide. They've been compromising and God could see it through what many are calling new styles stemming from them. God's enough to get that done. It's just our own job to pray for those ministers and that their soul be preserved eventually but if they persist in error, God will serve them quit notice from His work and if they refuse to quit the work, He may serve them quit notice from the earth or send them into oblivion while yet alive. And from the little I know, having being known and not known again is a terrible thing especially when God relocates the work you used to do into somebody else's hands who you can identify. It will forever pain you with a huge sense of looming regret for betraying God's trust.  

The remedy to not being brought to nought is therefore to be God's and continually stay under God. God is like a compliant officer who goes all around to ensure people are complying with a particular regulating rules and regulations that guide their trade or profession. If He finds you in violation, God doesn't need to withdraw your calling and gifts since those are even without repentance. He'll just sit on you, raise another to overshadow you. God did this to Saul. David overran him. The moment a life has stopped pleasing God even if it's at his apogee of greatness and has established great and respectful name, God can pluck it down, punish his disobedience by ensuring he's shadowed so that his influence does not bear on many sons and daughters and by same replicate after his corrupt kind. Beware, lest God overshadows you and relegates you to the background. Nothing scares anyone to hell than being alive and watching people do what he was once called to do. You'll daily be tormented on earth even if you'll finally end it in heaven.

PRAYER: Lord, give one more chance to all ministers and greatness that You have benched and intentionally overshadowed. Let their hair grow again. Let their stump bring forth shoot. Mercy, Lord!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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