Wednesday 7 December 2022




YOUR ANCHOR: BECAUSE IT'S OF GOD! - His Pleasure Series 008

Acts 5:39, KJV

"But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

May your fate be the one described in this verse. May it be that you and your work will be from God. When you are, you can go to rest. The joy of "I'm doing it right" will be yours. You'll therefore be envied by many who knows they're not doing it right and are already judged to be doomed even if you don't know they are. Brethren, do you know that just like there's no peace for the wicked, there's none for any whose work isn't from God also? There's actually no peace for them. Many times, they anticipate the inevitable. They have counted the cost before agreeing to the blessings of the devil but sacrifice time is always painful and with deep groaning for them. How easy and effortless it is for a labourer under our loving God? He doesn't exert force on you neither does His blessings carry consequences. He gives liberally without reproach. When you have His blessings, you'll tend towards wealth and riches because His blessings doesn't lead to eventual diminishment. Minister, is your work "of God?" I plead with you today, "let your work be of God." I'm not saying you should convert what you began under flesh or Satan to God's work. No. That's not how it's done. You must first slay that one and die of that even without any intention of running with another. You must be freed from the error or false spirit under which you've operated and tarry on our God whether He might ever send you. Why many wouldn't do this is because of the shame of disengagement with what might have had some influence in the natural. Don't inherit the world and lose your soul. 

That place read, "if it be of men, it will come to nought but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." Don't you want that kind of report concerning your work? It's not that they won't try plucking it down. They will. Did the Bible not say, "they'll gather but will their gathering prosper is the question?" They might defame you by slandering, libeling but God is saying, "they can't overthrow you." They might even make a cook up of blazing you off with a woman, the promise is that you'll escape the snare of the fowler still and yet be found clean. Escaping it is what will make you intact and unsinged. To be overthrown means to be unseated. That's the intention of many fleshy people and that includes the government of a nation at times. They don't want anything that'll become too popular than them. A thing that will substitute the government and begin to give the citizens hope. Such may reveal their irresponsibility and switch loyalty and focus on them to the provider of their needs. They don't want attention to be shifted or diverted from them especially if they've been before you. It will seem you, the set man is more popular than they are and has collected the whole nation for yourself. This is why you'll see many sponsored attacks: covert and overt being directed at you. But all in all, what's your anchor, "but if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it?" The key to not being overthrown is actually not by being deeply connected with politicians in your location. It is never being in association with some deep under world cult also. It is not even your being brilliant naturally. It is rather having signed an accord with God. The Bible says, "if you're in peace with God, He has power enough to make your enemies, even the strongest of them all to be at peace with you (Prov.16:7). Don't rack your head for search on how He'll get it done. Just hold unto the fact that He's the God of all the earth. He created them, you and all. If He does, He could command them too. When did the manufactured begin to disobey its manufacturer? 

Brethren, I'm having a great pull of heart to ask you to resign to God. Let your work purely be of God. Let the testimony that'll testify of you be "there was a man sent from God, whose name was John (John 1:6, KJV). With this (being from God), there's no territory you can't take, there's no barrier you can't break and there's no system you can't acquire. If you're of God, you'll always be absolved. They'll cook their evil but they'll relent and say, "let him be." They'll always and continuously have a  change of mind concerning you because your Lord, who you worship day and night would have gone ahead you to warn men concerning you. He'll tell them, "have nothing to do with that righteous man or you'll suffer a lot for his sake." That's even if God has not started suffering them already like He did in this verse (Matt.27:19).

PRAYER: I anchor on You Lord, I can't be overthrown. Father, let me find your forgiveness for not being from you. Accept me back. I surrender. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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