Monday, 5 December 2022




THIS COUNSEL - His Pleasure Series 006

Acts 5:38, KJV 

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

Gamaliel said that to warn the persecutors of the Way and we've been on same for days now. Today, God wants us see what counsel is and so gain some understanding from it. First of all, let me quickly say, counsel may be of God, Satan or Men. What is "counsel?" It is "a course of action, an event, a scheme, a plan, an intent or purpose." When Gamaliel says, "if this counsel be of men", he meant if this purpose (of their preaching Christ) be of men, it shall come to nought but what if it's of God? "They (the persecuting council) can't overthrow it but rather be found guilty (Acts 5:39).

Now, may I ask you, "is the counsel or work of preaching Christ of any man?" Was it the disciples who originated it or instructed themselves to preach Christ? Today, God wants to correct some of you who have good intention and so start something but which God isn't it's author. You can't be a pastor, teacher or stand in the five fold ministry offices for instance without a direct call from Jesus, the Head of the Church Himself (Eph.4:11). He must call you to His work Himself. "Call" anyway should not be narrowed down to hearing an audible voice only though might come through that. That's rare. Only few men began ministry hearing an audible voice. I myself didn't hear one but I was more than persuaded because I came under a great motivation and compelling stronger than myself to start ministry. Also, God gave me words to run with from His Word. Afore that time, I always wanted to stay hidden though I was once a campus president. Also, I could relate all these to the prophecies that were given post my birth while other things that I've now heard and experienced from God and men have further confirmed my call. Having a desire for ministry is good and it may lead you into God's work but be sure of He who has placed such desire or burden there. Ask, "what or who's prompting this?" This will make you be at peace with God; established, not easily mocked or discouraged by people. Confidence is good but I say assurance is better. 

When Jesus was to leave, what command did He give His disciples?  "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8, KJV). Did you see that? Who made them witnesses? Jesus or men! Our answer settles it. Meanwhile, that you've seen, heard and known doesn't automatically transfer you into a witness. God may still want to keep you with Himself. But the moment you hear, "go and be my witness", it means you've been released and your time of revealing has come. It also means you have the backing of He Who sent you or releases you to go and be His witness. You're simply His ambassador or representative and so He has obligation to keep you and see to it that His pleasure in your hands find fulfilment. Have you sent yourself? With whose motivation, propelling, stirring or energy did you start this work? Who launched your pad into the planet Moon, Mars, Venus or others where you now occupy? Are you the one allocating yourself or God is the One administering you (to where He sees needs and want needs met)? We are human resources in the hands of God. What material resources become in your hands to meet your needs is what we become in God's hands to meet His needs. Are you sure the Lord is your Shepherd on this matter? By whose words do you live daily and get guided or is it by bread alone? Then, you can't but be sense ruled and carnally minded since nothing of God authors and is regulating you. 

The "counsel" of being witnesses is Jesus' (God's) initiated. He told them, you'll be my representatives in Jerusalem etc until you reach the ends of the earth. The disciples were once eyewitnesses of all He did and so were later called to be witnesses of same. May we all settle now and not tomorrow that the counsel which is not man's is what will tarry. Go and start your thing and let's see how far your energy will take you. By the time you begin to sink, we'll watch and see who you'll cry to for salvation. Peter got an immediate extension of hand because He first received a call to step out. He was put on that journey and launched out by the words of the Master Caller - Jesus Himself. He didn't presume (Matt.14:28-31). Presumption is dangerous and it has made many Christians and ministers sink at a juncture of "I don't know how" again or at a moment of intense persecution/warfare where they get tired and jump out. Today, we have seen that the counsel or work for which the Apostles are being persecuted isn't what they flagged humanly. It's rather a command of God to be witnesses that made them one. So, they can hope to always have His backing. Is yours same? This "counsel, ministry, setup, work, entity, institution", who birth it and who inspires it? Which word from God's mouth could it be traced to? Settle this or be forever doubtful and in fear of a great shaking.

PRAYER: God's Counsel is also His Pleasure. May it continually prosper in my hands. Lord, I pack up what I've humanly set up to wait on Thee. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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