Monday, 17 October 2022




BROUGHT INTO A LARGE PLACE - Large Place Series 001

Psalms 18:19, KJV

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me." 

Brethren, the Psalmist says, "God brought him forth into a large place..." "Into a large place" immediately begins to make us question where the Psalmist had been before. If He says, "God brought him forth into a large place", then it reasons to say he must have been a man of narrowness and one acquainted with straitness. Till then, he never had room enough for manifestation. So, his saying that immediately hints at the deliverance of the Lord to him from his straitness and land of contest and limitation to where he now has the ocean for himself as platform to manifest. In that same verse, he then said, "he delivered me." Deliverance is always from something evil to something good. So indeed, with what the Psalmist expressed, he had to be delivered from all the possible things hindering full blown manifestation. His deliverance is therefore from narrowness, restriction and limitedness round about. There's nobody who's caged or in prison that ever has free movement or could do what any unhindered human would do like the exercise of free movement or freedom of association. A measure is immediately put on him and he's defined by it. He may has plans but his plans are always overruled because of the location and situation he has found himself in. Consider all the apostles who were jailed many times as typical examples. While in the prison, they either couldn't do the work of evangelism or do it well. God knows this and on many occasions had to save them and put them back on the streets where their feet would be unhindered to roam and continue spreading Him. This is bringing forth into a large place. A place where one has freedom of movement and could act freely, unhindered and without fetters. 

A large place is such that allows and affords you many opportunities of manifestation. In a large place, it looks as if you have charmed everybody to believe and fall under your spell. In a large place, you have all the time to yourself to show off all God has been secretly wrathing in you. You seem to have time enough to be felt or experienced. In a large place, no one puts a cost on what they'll be doing for you. Since it's a place God solely opens and brings you into, no man has the mouth to reproach you for what they've done for you. In a large place, you're unrestricted and uncontested with. The floor is yours. A large place is then also a place where at your appearance, everything is provided for. The table would have been set and made ready for you. What they await is your appearance to take your place. Your manager awaits you in such place. Sponsors would be readily at hand there. All of them will be dying to do your bidding. Once God opens up a place to you called the "large or wide place", you have space enough for any manifestation or display that might have been crossing your mind for years yet without any opportunity to let the world see what you're made of. Tis show time there! A wide place is a land teeming with opportunities. Everybody accepts you because God must have gone ahead you to persuade them of you. There will be a kind of submission and unto you their gathering and hearing shall be. In a wide place, you can jump up if you will, you can shake if that's what is coming to your mind, you may run if that's the next thing you want to show them and you may fly yet none would put a measure or restriction on what you should ever be able to do. Wide place is your arrived time for manifestation. The unhindered! In a wide place, I see a door of many opportunities but without or little opposition. I see a destiny that is disrobing to let loose all He has been prepared for. It's a place of impression: to impress, make one's mark and establish one's reputation and prowess for what he'll be forever known for. 

I say, "be brought forth into your wide place." Let all narrowness, restriction and your daily dying and requesting for an open space for manifestation and opportunities receive a solution. Be brought where there's room enough beneath your feet to run and manifest. The Psalmist has that revelation when he says: "thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip (Psalms 18:36, KJV). How does God enlarge people's steps under them? It is by giving them enough space or room so that they'll be able to carry wide unrestricted steps. If you're in a very narrow place where you can't even turn adequately, you'll be mandated to move and not at a very fast pace or with wide steps. Such narrow space immediately places a restriction on how wide you could select steps but what happens when you're brought into a large space? You may take a quantum leap if you want. There's just room enough for anything that crosses your mind. All your "misbehaviours" are accommodated by the space enough provided. A wide place is the dream land of anyone whom God has been working secretly on and doesn't want to go unnoticed with his gifting and calling. At a bringing forth to a large place, the world receives them, are satisfied and blessed for having been privileged to see what lies in their gulf. Be brought into your wide place today. A place where God has spread a table before you. Yes, in the presence of all. 

PRAYER: Lord, bring me into my large place.  A  place where I'm afforded and awaited with every opportunities to aid my manifestation without restrictions.

PRAYER: Lord, bring me into my large place. A place where I'm afforded with every opportunities to aid my free manifestation without restrictions.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 28:1-29:32; 1 Timothy 1:1-20; Psalm 86:1-17; Proverbs 25:17

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Sunday, 16 October 2022





Genesis 1:1-2, KJV

"1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

First of all, let me speak to those with callings. If you're digging a verse and God still has more to do from it especially if you're a teacher, He'll continue to brighten, dazzle and stir you on that verse. Your interest will be sustained to keep digging it tirelessly even if you've tilled that particular place before. That's because God has a purpose to achieve through your teaching it out. When the Spirit of God hovered upon the surface of the waters and did for long, it was for incubation. Something was soon to be birthed. A tarrying and focus on anything can't be purposeless. God stayed on that water because He had seen something to work on and later to call forth. So, once God has not finished dealing with His people on a matter or if it were the people who had escaped His dealings, God could come through with such encounter again. Such revelation though afore tilled would be loaded with fresh benefits to take which you'll definitely find attractive to explore. There'll be a new side of it to see and you'll have a rejoicing in your heart like never before. In that way, you'll know that God still has a thing for His people from the same place and on the same revelation. If not, He won't be going and coming on it; hovering and ploughing it. God is intentional please. 

Last year around July-August, I began teaching on destiny land or Rehoboth because God brought me into its revelation and understanding massively. I later found out that a father in the kingdom slated a gathering with the same theme, "Rehoboth" for their International Ministers' Retreat. I was made strong and very much delighted. This year again, August - September to be specific, God took me back to Rehoboth and I began to teach on it. A series even came from it again. Would God not have a purpose for recalling me to till with emphasis a particular truth to the body of Christ? Now, things on Rehoboth, the finding and settling in that destiny land which also has to do with being granted a platform for  manifestation and yet without restriction or contest is turning in the mind of God again and He has found me to express it. I thought it had ended but the Spirit wants us further still. It is this furtherance specifically called for by God's Spirit that assures me God has a definite plan to take, relocate and situate some who have or haven't contacted a message on this before to where they'll be rested, situated and where there won't be contest from any quarters to debate what they've been called to do. Rather, they'll have room enough and free hand enough to either go left or right in the multitude of the space God will give them. 

If it has not finished you'll know because it'll keep surging and bubbling. A hovering will still happen. God might do this by reviving interest in the former revelation even by giving you a new verse to till yet in line and perfect thematic symphony with the last. God has come to brood over us and to invoke with a great stirring which path to go again. As we launch into this series titled, "Large Place" Series, may God make your path cross with your destiny. May God ordain your time to be now and cause you to be given free hand of manifestation instead of being fought, hindered and restricted from being fruitful in your land. Gates will open to you of their own accord and you'll have light and know-hows on journeying into destiny. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not escape all you want to make me in destiny. Loose me into destiny and cause every man and forces on earth to receive me so. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalm 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16

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Saturday, 15 October 2022





Read Matt.5:13-16

Matthew 5:15, KJV 

"Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."

You are the light of the world. A city that's set on a hill can't be hidden. You are meant for manifestations: a kind of signs and wonders to the world. You have a place and God's intention and commitment to see you to same is very much settled. Everybody will have their days of little beginning. This day is characterized by humility in achievement. No name, no fame yet there may be calling, the anointing, glory and God's approval on you. That day is like a candle lit and put under a bushel. That candle also has a light to shine to its world but its light has been hindered, described, curtailed and covered. So, people wouldn't be able to taste of its far reaching capabilities. What is the capability of any light? To make people see. But because this one has not been given an entrance into the body of Christ or the world at large, it still remains where its light is not known for what it could do. It has the light, the very thing that everybody is seeking to rejoice in and by which they want to be enlightened so they won't fall or grope in darkness but because it's not yet meeting its ordained season or because it has not been endorsed by God, this light with all its capabilities remain hidden and unprofitable like a candle under a bushel. His geography has been defined. It can go far but not further. That bushel is also an instrument and device that Satan and those who don't want you to shine do initiate to curtail one's glory, name and fame. They won't want you to fill the room like the alabaster box containing ointment that was broken here which immediately set loose the fragrance and perfume coming from it (Mark 14:3). Only God knows what your calling could become if it's not hindered or curtailed. As it spreads its branches, tentacles and wings, it may reach nations and even continents. People might have been orchestrated to see beyond your light as it transcends the shore of your nation but are you still under a bushel? Are you still under a man who calls himself a mentor but yet has become an overbearing father. If he has lost sight of what you should become and has slipped into selfishness, may God lift his thumb off you so you might rise and go all the way spreading your light without definition of boundary or manifestation. Don't wrestle him, wrestle God to free you and take you further. He'll do His own work. 

But here's another lit candle. This one is as well lit and with the same capabilities as the first. However, this one has found or let me say gotten to its Rehoboth - a place where room is made for it. A place where if he wants to shine and burn a thousand times, he's all allowed. He's on his height, on the platform of destiny known as the lamp stand to give light to all in the room and people are willing to rejoice in his light as long as it tarries. This candle is that performer, artiste or star who's not restricted. On the stage, it displays its capabilities freely and eloquently and becomes the manifested and famed candle not because he has the light but because his light and unique gifting and abilities are allowed to be expressed and have been brought out where they could be contacted and experienced. I therefore pray that if you have a manifestation to manifest, may God bring you into a wide place for your feet. May the One I cry to day and night spread a table before you even in the presence of your enemy. May he allow you to leave your neighborhood or community into a location and place of acceptance where the ground is made ready for you and where destiny has ordained you should encounter your purpose of living and giftedness. It is not that the candle under the bushel has no light to display but a lamp stand or environment was denied it. Today, you won't become again and again victim of your curtailing environment, human or satanic doings.

PRAYER: Set me on my lamp stand, on my heights. I colonize my hills. Free me into destiny.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15

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Friday, 14 October 2022





Read Acts 5:25-39

Acts 5:38-39, KJV

"38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God."

The counsel of Gamaliel in the council of the elders is what many need to heed today. There are many who sincerely have a call or mandate on them. They begin to show traits of greatness or of a call towards an area but same is discouraged and shut down. Why don't we allow them and watch the genuineness of what they said they've discovered or are manifesting. No one should have fear amidst us brethren putting his gifts to test or his abilities to work. Even if it never worked as he thought, he should be comforted, ministered to as not to be used by any familiar spirit in the wrong office and encouraged never to relent being a co worker with God. He should find himself again and he will.

There's much room for testing. None ought to be afraid to launch out and see to be proved right or wrong. The elders in today's passage weren't allowing that. They were after shutting the disciples down. They'll want them to preach no more in the name of Jesus. They've been afore jailed but miraculously brought out by an angel who sets them to preach without again. The elders counselled together to have them killed but this admonishment of Gamaliel sets them free as to what process and test every work anyone says he's starting should be subjected to. 

"The Lord has called me!" That's good. If the Lord has called you, we'll see whether your profession would become manifestation that'll continue or it'll be a thing you'll start that'll be dissolved. What God wants us know is this. He has overall administrative power and control over His kingdom. He knows what to permit or shut down. Ahead of time as pointed out by Gamaliel, two men have risen and have drawn multitudes after themselves. What were their fate? They were scattered, their works dissolved and their lives terminated. Why? It is not of the Lord. Everyone should hear that and fear. If you're not called into an office or a thing, you shouldn't hurry into it or fake it. You'll only go and not go further. You'll only start and not continue. It won't be long before you'll become an object of mockery. Being called doesn't mean having learnt all the knowledge in this world but it means having the commitment of God with you as the called and that one, money can't buy. That was the test Gamaliel had learnt God to be faithful to and was calling all those elders to submit to, embrace and let God "sieve the wheat from the chaff."

I found out that many people are unnecessarily jealous for God. The jealousy of the elders here set them in conflict with God. The very one they might be fighting for. How deceived humans may be? Yet, God has set in motion processes to sieve off the godly from the ungodly and the called from he who called himself. What is God's has a way of being fed by Him to continue and transcend times and seasons. The persecution doesn't matter. The killing of its adherents only makes faith of others stronger while bringing more to the faith. Despite wanting to break their work, they grow because this is the work the Lord recognizes. He ordains this.  But for as many that have not been initiated or endorsed by God, their destinies are like those two broken works that Gamaliel mentioned. This should be our comfort because God is a God Who separates between the wheat and the chaff. The ungodly will not always stand in the congregation of the righteous and if you've been jealous for God as to why some desecrate His altars, I'll say He's nearer than you think. 

Psalms 1:4-5, KJV

"4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous."

God's judgement is nearer and He'll take away every pseudo work and pseudo ministers from His vineyard. Their judgement is near and has gone ahead them. They shall not always continue. But he who does the will of God shall continue and have his work planted. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit my work for divine test in fear. May my work win your approval. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

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Tuesday, 11 October 2022





Isaiah 51:1-2, KJV

"1 Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. 2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him."

At your coming to the earth, God does not have to give you money. In fact, He won't give you money but He'll pack you with gifts and calling. That's your provision for the journey and it's that one that determines what or who you'll become on earth. The calling and the gifts are two capsules that harbour your greatness if tilled. 

Romans 11:29, KJV  

"For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."

Your calling is a manifestation of your gifts while your gifts are also manifestations of your calling. They unravel each other. This is why much emphasis must be laid on discovery. You did not arrive empty and hollowed on the inside. You came full but must go empty after letting the calling use your body and humanity. You're human but you carry God's writing and mandate in your spirit. At salvation, you receive God's nature and on going, you have clarity as to what your purpose should be. Then, discharge is what is left. Your calling will be clearer and louder than anything that'll be pouring into your soul. It'll become or create a pathway inside you telling you, "this is the way. Walk therein." All of us have what we must live for. As we fulfill it by time, we have some minimal level of satisfaction to ease us. Hunger and unsatisfactoriness is what God uses to call us to pursue it further until we each fulfil our course. Once you're acknowledged to be called, unnatural or gifted in a thing by your community, peers, elders etc, ensure it doesn't slip. Rather, nurture same to a peak where your gifts or calling would be useful to you without you necessarily giving it the attention of being useful to you. God is a God of disguise. He doesn't place the future as a whole in your hands but He requires of you faith to carry steps to unfold what lies beyond as you go.

Once you discover calling, and you begin to push that you fulfill it, as you attack a mandate on earth on behalf of God, you're not doing so without an earthly reward. God has destined that your reward be kept in your calling - in the one you till, plough and seriously heed to. The labourers deserve their wages was what Jesus Himself said. Is Jesus telling you something that as long as you do the job you'll have the wherewithal? You won't transcend the earth before you'll begin to reap the rewards of tilling your calling. God made it so.

Calling do expand also. What is inside it can't be underestimated. As a matter of fact, all of us don't know what our neighbour could become if he ploughs his calling and let that equipping of God possess him to become somebody for God in his own time. You have heard of many great men - those who did the extraordinary and the impossible. You wondered how. All they did was aided them by their callings. In your calling, you're taking over. It is no longer you but the God of the calling or the caller. That's why the Bible says, "faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it (I Thessalonians 5:24, KJV).  Today, God is making calling delightful to one or two. You should enter into your calling. Look at Abraham your father and Sarah your mother. Look at what God made out of them after calling them out alone and making demands of Isaac on him. They became father and mother of nations. That's your story and your end. If you walk the path of the calling, everything you ever desire will satisfy you as you go. What you yet don't have is in your calling somewhere in the future reserved for you. 

PRAYER: Lord, draw me after my purpose. No more reluctance. I yield to your call for my life

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 14:11-16:15, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13, Psalm 80:1-19, Proverbs 25:1-5

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Monday, 10 October 2022





Matthew 3:1, 5, KJV  

"1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, 3 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan,"

There's no place where a calling is based that it won't become the desire of the people. Remoteness of the place doesn't matter. What is very sure is that calling has an attracting power. Something of it will draw people. Something of it will make all seek it. This is John the Baptist in the wilderness. The wilderness is obviously not a very good place to go to situate a ministry but here he is in the wilderness and yet all goes to him. If there was water there, he'll probably have baptized all of them there. Calling has potency. It has potency to turn remoteness into a city. Once you're given calling and you begin to till it, the next thing you'll begin to see is God's commitment. There's no bargaining about that. This God's commitment will make you find water even if you dig on the rock. That's what calling does. 

Look, if as a man of the calling, you're thrusted to the dunghill or the backside of the town, you shouldn't argue. It will only take awhile before all the community will come out to you. Where you are will become the new centre that kings will covet. It'll be where people want to stay and live. It's because apart from calling attracting, there's something in every calling that retains and holds people. It is where the carcass is, the vultures or eagles gather (Matt.2 4:28). They not only visit but they also want to stay till the carcass persists. In the calling of any anointed minister, there's something to gather round, rejoice in or covet after. There's something to troop out to listen to. By experience, that thing always hold people. They'll always want to come back. 

The fact that calling spreads and it could take a settlement for itself could be chronicled through Isaac's life. First of all, Abimelech told Isaac to go out from them because as a prince, just as a person, he has become greater than them all. It seems Isaac is spreading too much. Multiplication is happening in a way that it seems he wants to absorb the Philistines until it'll look as if he was the one who lent them land to live. Out of envy, Abimelech sent him packing. This brought him to Esek. Yet, they wouldn't allow him stay there because it is too close to them. They knew like a gourd, he'll soon grow towards them again. By contention and strife, he moved to Sitnah and they wouldn't allow again. They had to collect the well he dug in that new settlement again. Since there's no wherewithal to take life from, he moved again until he must have justifiably moved away from their jurisdiction and places where their bolt of envy is easily jolted up (Gen. 26:16-22). But we've just learnt from Isaac that wherever calling is settled, it always become the envy of people. Also, calling is not afraid of pioneering a new settlement. That calling can't but be fruitful in that land. The fear of not letting him settle in Esek and Sitnah has very much to do with soon colonizing those places and looking towards them and they don't want him make them insecure. How does it happen? Calling! Covenant blessing. 

There's nothing I like than pioneering a church. As in planting a church and watching it grow. It makes me prove the calling. A believer can plant a church but any called man will have better results planting a church and I like watching that. I like seeing forests become a new place where commercial life begin to spring from. I like seeing a dilapidated but renovated building become where people raise holy hands. I like seeing people begin to covet such place and that's because someone came to plough it. That's because a calling is walking there. No matter the unfortunate story attached to a land or a place, that holds until a calling starts work there. Calling has power of overhauling that evil to making that place better reputed. The reputation that'll go henceforth about that place would make headlines in order to attract people. People who had known the gothic scenes happening there before would come and prove it and would find that, "this water has been healed." All on calling. The equipping of a man or woman given him or her to take over a place for God and erect God's kingdom there and manifest same for the liberation of mankind. Today, God has delighted in you. Where you are is where He is. By that calling on you, we can't put a limit on what God can do through you. Till the calling!

PRAYER: Lord, situate us where there's need. Open our eyes to till the calling. Anoint missionaries and church planters for more. Let people, lands and houses open up to them. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

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Sunday, 9 October 2022





John 4:34, KJV

"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."

Once you discover your calling and heed same, you have a thing to pursue. Calling is not for the lazy and if you've been afore lazy, it's time to labour and stretch to the length of your calling at heeding same. Calling gives you a meat to eat daily. It gives you something to muse over, busy with, take thought on and give concentration to above others. God does not intend that any man of the calling will live lackadaisically. Jesus modeled same to us through His life here. The disciples couldn't get Him to eat. He had seen the greatest muse, the very purpose for which He's alive to live for. He told them, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish His work." A called man knows what to live for and prioritize above others. 

"My meat is to do the will..."

One, it is not Jesus' will but the will of He that sent Him. Your calling is not what you string together but what is given you to manifest on earth. Like a coding, it'll be left in you. It'll be so clear to you that you'll know what God in heaven declares you to be separate from who or what you shouldn't be. Personal discernment would always be there. 

"to do the will of He that sent Me."

Jesus is sent. Every man of the calling is sent. None sends himself. Coupled with their being sent is a message to preach or an act to manifest. As long as you're raised and sent by God, you'll have your own manifestation.

"And to finish His work..."

Only few in the Bible ever finished the work given them. That is their allocation. Once you start doing the calling and living it out daily, you'll have a witness if you're really progressing or not. Till now, no device has been invented to measure the level of inner satisfaction coming from doing the calling or not. However, each person will have discernment as to whether he's fulfilled or not. If you're being fulfilled but there's still much land to cover, you'll receive a beckoning in your spirit to pursue after another thing that God is shining in you. This is how somebody's work as the called don't finish until it is finished. Some began with a lone church and moved to having branches in their nations. Then, they moved on the media. From there, they had a drive to go to other nations. From there, they built great schools, orphanages and hospitals. It just continues on and on like that. This is how each thing that you ought to do next will be manifesting itself to you until you have totally finished His work. Anything any calling founds is actually not for that calling but for people to tap into. This is why we have to pray for anyone anywhere carrying calling that they'll find it to express. If not, humanity somewhere will suffer it. 

It's therefore my prayer that as you push to do what you've found as food, God will help you to finish this His very will so that you might confess even like Paul that you've finished your course (II Tim.4:7).

PRAYER: Invigorate me with passion, vision and energy to pursue calling and purpose anew. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 10:1-11:23, Colossians 3:18-4:18, Psalm 78:56-72, Proverbs 24:28-29

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