Monday, 17 October 2022




BROUGHT INTO A LARGE PLACE - Large Place Series 001

Psalms 18:19, KJV

"He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me." 

Brethren, the Psalmist says, "God brought him forth into a large place..." "Into a large place" immediately begins to make us question where the Psalmist had been before. If He says, "God brought him forth into a large place", then it reasons to say he must have been a man of narrowness and one acquainted with straitness. Till then, he never had room enough for manifestation. So, his saying that immediately hints at the deliverance of the Lord to him from his straitness and land of contest and limitation to where he now has the ocean for himself as platform to manifest. In that same verse, he then said, "he delivered me." Deliverance is always from something evil to something good. So indeed, with what the Psalmist expressed, he had to be delivered from all the possible things hindering full blown manifestation. His deliverance is therefore from narrowness, restriction and limitedness round about. There's nobody who's caged or in prison that ever has free movement or could do what any unhindered human would do like the exercise of free movement or freedom of association. A measure is immediately put on him and he's defined by it. He may has plans but his plans are always overruled because of the location and situation he has found himself in. Consider all the apostles who were jailed many times as typical examples. While in the prison, they either couldn't do the work of evangelism or do it well. God knows this and on many occasions had to save them and put them back on the streets where their feet would be unhindered to roam and continue spreading Him. This is bringing forth into a large place. A place where one has freedom of movement and could act freely, unhindered and without fetters. 

A large place is such that allows and affords you many opportunities of manifestation. In a large place, it looks as if you have charmed everybody to believe and fall under your spell. In a large place, you have all the time to yourself to show off all God has been secretly wrathing in you. You seem to have time enough to be felt or experienced. In a large place, no one puts a cost on what they'll be doing for you. Since it's a place God solely opens and brings you into, no man has the mouth to reproach you for what they've done for you. In a large place, you're unrestricted and uncontested with. The floor is yours. A large place is then also a place where at your appearance, everything is provided for. The table would have been set and made ready for you. What they await is your appearance to take your place. Your manager awaits you in such place. Sponsors would be readily at hand there. All of them will be dying to do your bidding. Once God opens up a place to you called the "large or wide place", you have space enough for any manifestation or display that might have been crossing your mind for years yet without any opportunity to let the world see what you're made of. Tis show time there! A wide place is a land teeming with opportunities. Everybody accepts you because God must have gone ahead you to persuade them of you. There will be a kind of submission and unto you their gathering and hearing shall be. In a wide place, you can jump up if you will, you can shake if that's what is coming to your mind, you may run if that's the next thing you want to show them and you may fly yet none would put a measure or restriction on what you should ever be able to do. Wide place is your arrived time for manifestation. The unhindered! In a wide place, I see a door of many opportunities but without or little opposition. I see a destiny that is disrobing to let loose all He has been prepared for. It's a place of impression: to impress, make one's mark and establish one's reputation and prowess for what he'll be forever known for. 

I say, "be brought forth into your wide place." Let all narrowness, restriction and your daily dying and requesting for an open space for manifestation and opportunities receive a solution. Be brought where there's room enough beneath your feet to run and manifest. The Psalmist has that revelation when he says: "thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip (Psalms 18:36, KJV). How does God enlarge people's steps under them? It is by giving them enough space or room so that they'll be able to carry wide unrestricted steps. If you're in a very narrow place where you can't even turn adequately, you'll be mandated to move and not at a very fast pace or with wide steps. Such narrow space immediately places a restriction on how wide you could select steps but what happens when you're brought into a large space? You may take a quantum leap if you want. There's just room enough for anything that crosses your mind. All your "misbehaviours" are accommodated by the space enough provided. A wide place is the dream land of anyone whom God has been working secretly on and doesn't want to go unnoticed with his gifting and calling. At a bringing forth to a large place, the world receives them, are satisfied and blessed for having been privileged to see what lies in their gulf. Be brought into your wide place today. A place where God has spread a table before you. Yes, in the presence of all. 

PRAYER: Lord, bring me into my large place.  A  place where I'm afforded and awaited with every opportunities to aid my manifestation without restrictions.

PRAYER: Lord, bring me into my large place. A place where I'm afforded with every opportunities to aid my free manifestation without restrictions.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 28:1-29:32; 1 Timothy 1:1-20; Psalm 86:1-17; Proverbs 25:17

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