Monday, 10 October 2022





Matthew 3:1, 5, KJV  

"1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, 3 Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan,"

There's no place where a calling is based that it won't become the desire of the people. Remoteness of the place doesn't matter. What is very sure is that calling has an attracting power. Something of it will draw people. Something of it will make all seek it. This is John the Baptist in the wilderness. The wilderness is obviously not a very good place to go to situate a ministry but here he is in the wilderness and yet all goes to him. If there was water there, he'll probably have baptized all of them there. Calling has potency. It has potency to turn remoteness into a city. Once you're given calling and you begin to till it, the next thing you'll begin to see is God's commitment. There's no bargaining about that. This God's commitment will make you find water even if you dig on the rock. That's what calling does. 

Look, if as a man of the calling, you're thrusted to the dunghill or the backside of the town, you shouldn't argue. It will only take awhile before all the community will come out to you. Where you are will become the new centre that kings will covet. It'll be where people want to stay and live. It's because apart from calling attracting, there's something in every calling that retains and holds people. It is where the carcass is, the vultures or eagles gather (Matt.2 4:28). They not only visit but they also want to stay till the carcass persists. In the calling of any anointed minister, there's something to gather round, rejoice in or covet after. There's something to troop out to listen to. By experience, that thing always hold people. They'll always want to come back. 

The fact that calling spreads and it could take a settlement for itself could be chronicled through Isaac's life. First of all, Abimelech told Isaac to go out from them because as a prince, just as a person, he has become greater than them all. It seems Isaac is spreading too much. Multiplication is happening in a way that it seems he wants to absorb the Philistines until it'll look as if he was the one who lent them land to live. Out of envy, Abimelech sent him packing. This brought him to Esek. Yet, they wouldn't allow him stay there because it is too close to them. They knew like a gourd, he'll soon grow towards them again. By contention and strife, he moved to Sitnah and they wouldn't allow again. They had to collect the well he dug in that new settlement again. Since there's no wherewithal to take life from, he moved again until he must have justifiably moved away from their jurisdiction and places where their bolt of envy is easily jolted up (Gen. 26:16-22). But we've just learnt from Isaac that wherever calling is settled, it always become the envy of people. Also, calling is not afraid of pioneering a new settlement. That calling can't but be fruitful in that land. The fear of not letting him settle in Esek and Sitnah has very much to do with soon colonizing those places and looking towards them and they don't want him make them insecure. How does it happen? Calling! Covenant blessing. 

There's nothing I like than pioneering a church. As in planting a church and watching it grow. It makes me prove the calling. A believer can plant a church but any called man will have better results planting a church and I like watching that. I like seeing forests become a new place where commercial life begin to spring from. I like seeing a dilapidated but renovated building become where people raise holy hands. I like seeing people begin to covet such place and that's because someone came to plough it. That's because a calling is walking there. No matter the unfortunate story attached to a land or a place, that holds until a calling starts work there. Calling has power of overhauling that evil to making that place better reputed. The reputation that'll go henceforth about that place would make headlines in order to attract people. People who had known the gothic scenes happening there before would come and prove it and would find that, "this water has been healed." All on calling. The equipping of a man or woman given him or her to take over a place for God and erect God's kingdom there and manifest same for the liberation of mankind. Today, God has delighted in you. Where you are is where He is. By that calling on you, we can't put a limit on what God can do through you. Till the calling!

PRAYER: Lord, situate us where there's need. Open our eyes to till the calling. Anoint missionaries and church planters for more. Let people, lands and houses open up to them. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 12:1-14:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 24:30-34

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