When God comes to you to qualify you as the unqualified, may you not disqualify yourself. Aaah, that's a great prayer put within the cleft of my heart for you. May you be fitted. Grace qualifies you but you can still reject grace. When mercy is being extended to you like this, you could still make fun of it even if it would be because of ignorance. When the sceptre was extended to Esther, that was an act of mercy. If she however didn't take it by touching its tip, she would have been treated like one who still didn't find mercy (like one the sceptre was not for once stretched to). You must accept God's provision for you to be preserved. If any rejects it, he gets condemned though he was provided for and included for preservation in God's salvation package. So, I'll say all sinners should repent for it is not the will of the Father that ye be lost. Receive the whole truth that Christ commends His love to you while you were yet sinners. He died for you!
When God's dispatch (those two angels) arrived in Sodom, they told Lot after their confirmation and establishment of what is truth that he should hurry up and get himself, family, whatsoever and whomsoever belongs to him still left in the city out of it because the Lord has planned its overthrow. To Lot, it didn't sound too high or whiskey. At least, he had learnt God's ways from Abraham. He believed that and he moved in fear to go seek the two people that he could call his. Look at mercy. Not that they have become his properly but one's daughter's husband to be is still one's. He went after his sons-in-laws to be. Lot has two virgin daughters and these were their fiancés. Let's hear desperate and concern Lot speak to persuade them.
Genesis 19:14, ESV
"So Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters, “Up! Get out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city.” But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting."
What response did he get? Mockery, scoffing and jesting. They scoffed at him. They were just looking at him and wondering whether papa was alright. Everything he said was like, "common, this can't happen. Destruction from heaven, from God. Where would it come from? It's just impossible." They added all together and it still didn't sum up to them. Did they not have a record of God once destroying the earth? So, they waved it off. They called it an impossibility.
Did you see mercy come for them but they were not yet persuaded? Mercy wanted them to leave the city and not be partakers in the wrath to come but they didn't still heed. Now, why didn't they heed? Why brethren? Their belief! It was fundamentally and totally different from that of Lot. That's why I said in the beginning that they were not even qualified first time but because they were related to Lot and we know it is an established rule in the Bible that God would spare sinners because of a believer, so God decided to save them with Lot's household. Yet, they disqualified themselves. Their not being of one belief with Lot made them share in the communal wrath of Sodom and Gomorrah. God had appeared to Lot in the flesh as two men who knew God's counsel. They told same to Lot who believed but when he told them same, they scoffed and took him for a jester. I'll like you see something with me. Their rejection revealed what Lot's daughters would be facing at home if they eventually marry these heathens. When they say this, Lot's daughters would say that. If Lot's daughters say, "dear, do you know I saw an angel?" He'll say, "it's your fever bringing blurred vision." You see, contradictions would then lead to confusion. Lot's daughters would suffer a lot for this I know cause probability might exist if they try to persuade their husbands to believe them, they might get in their throats one day, feel undermined and challenged by these wives and then beaten up to establish their authority. That's what happens when you marry those who don't share your belief. You'll suffer for it in the fact that you'll rarely come to agreement. Both of you would hold two different views and then you won't be able to walk together because you're living in dissonance to Amos 3:3. If you're wrong and your spouse is also wrong; do you know you're in agreement compared to a couple where one spouse is wrong and the other is right? They won't be able to establish agreement, union and unity but the two wrong couple won't have problems with mutual understanding and enjoyment of each other.
Brethren, the person you want to marry is a Christian, that's good. You've done well not to be yoked together with an unbeliever (II Cor.6:14). No problem. Denominations have done damage to the body of Christ as each denomination has built on a part of the truth rather than the whole also. In this denomination, they believe in baptism by sprinkling but that denomination firmly opposes it. It goes on like that and multitude are following the 'truths' they know. The husband did baptism by sprinkling, the wife said it was a scam and that immersion is what is genuine (which off course she was baptised into). This is the problem of denomination that would cause wobble walk of two people with themselves. It wasn't long the man beats the wife up for saying he was not properly baptized! When asked, he said "she always prove herself a better Christian than himself." So, in your choice of a marriage partner, ensure you marry your belief wholly. Any contradiction in belief between you and your spouse is a danger. Mind you, the contradiction may be on any issue of life. My ministry father told us of a woman who believed couples should not have sex on Sundays. She said, it is dedicated unto the Lord. Sunday is not even the sanctified Sabbath and even if we're to manage it as same, nothing says sex should not be had with one's spouse on any day except by the agreement of each of you to give yourself to God's things or spiritual exercises (I Cor.7:5). Until this woman heard my ministry mother preach the truth, she never bulged. Their marriage was filled with a degree of disharmony because this woman won't allow Sunday sex but call it unholy and unapproved by God. She's been freed now and the husband could let loose the rein even on Sundays. Except for the fact that the husband was very patient, a half converted Christian would have turned it into another thing.
Even today, there are those without that don't believe in Christ's coming. Tell them that this world shall come to an end one day and they'll burst into laughter. If you're not a believer enough and one without shame, you can't preach to such 'cause they'll humiliate you and prove to you you're following fallacy. Yet, Paul said we have not followed cunningly devised fables. The Bible isn't a lie. If you as a sister or brother falls into such fellow's bosom, you'll always be opposite poles. The mistake people made in the days of Noah that led to only few being saved was made in the days of Lot and only a household with the exclusion of a member was saved from the region of Sodom and Gomorrah. Same is still going to be made again on personal ground in choice making and on issues of eternity which would consequent in heaven or hell. It is not too late. Are you in any of such relationship? Persuade yourselves into correct agreement with each other. Look for someone to settle grey and disparity areas with you. If the other won't agree and you feel this is future danger, act resolutely to come out if you're already in? If you've not yet received Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then your name won't be recorded in the book of the Lamb. This is eternal loss of one's soul. Prevent this and hearken to this admonition which says, the time of ignorance God has winked at but now he commands all men to repent. Believe and be saved! If you are already, take heed before you go into marriage to have the same foundational beliefs as your spouse to be. Not settling this would cause disagreement, disunity and probably divorce which God hates and is unwanted for us.
Olusola ADEJUMO,
Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.
+234 81 3704 6812.