Sunday, 1 May 2022


SUNDAY - 1ST MAY, 2022

Happy New Month!



Proverbs 22:6, KJV

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Once more, I'll say, don't vow at all. Vow is dangerous if you'll be unfaithful with it. If you're a truce breaker whenever a thing is lent you, it may mean you won't fulfill your vow. Here is a child that is still in heaven. His spirit has not been released to come enter and become a foetus in the mum's womb or let's even say he is already in the womb, but here is someone opening his or her mouth to say, "this is how you shall live." The child is far cut off from what they're saying though he or she may be receiving signals of it and throbbing in the womb. Do you know you could do harm or good by vowing a child away before their birth? Parents do that without consulting with the so called child as to know what sort of life he wants to live. Any way, you don't owe your child such obligation but you owe God. If you enquire of God the life (destiny) He has set for your child and by that revelation orders such, you won't be wrong. If also you decide to order your child in the ways and will of God as already revealed in the Holy Bible, it won't be wrong. But if you vow him into the wrong life or destiny, you won't like it. Let me say a thing. Our vow is not as powerful as the act that follows to process or see that vow to fulfilment. What do I mean? Let's assume you vow a child would become a doctor but refused to train him in the path of becoming that, I can assure you he might not become that doctor. God blessed Hannah with a heart to probably know what was in God's heart in that in her vow, she stipulated such child of hers would be given to the Lord. Does that not coincide or let's say set the stage for a prophet God would need later when we know Eli's sons became reprobate to God? So, Hannah prayed and vowed in line with what God would do. The Holy Spirit is given us to always tune our frequency to where we'll hit the appropriate by praying according to God's desire. We're at more advantage than Hannah. 

A robber may give birth to a child and may vow to his Creator (not his Father. He himself acknowledges that God is not his Father) that the son would become a robber after him. What do you think he'll do if he means it? He'll begin to teach him pickpocketing and buy him books written by robbers on the psychology of entering without notice and picking without observation. Do you know that to a larger extent, he'll achieve his aim? Since a child knows nothing at birth and the mind is in tabularaza form, he'll follow sheepishly until either the Lord has need of him to collect him for Himself or until the child by discovery rebelled to live on in such way. Now, let's ask ourselves the big question. If the child rebelled, would God be unhappy with him or still demand of that child to submit to his father since God wants people's vow to Him to be performed? It is zero and God would have none of that. That vow from the onset was anti-God though man might train his child to fulfill and live in that way but I knew God wouldn't have approved that or let me say I knew the God the Christians serve wouldn't have approved that. You'll agree with me there may be a religion where they vow to concentrate their child to an anti-God and anti-human way even before his birth? How do you explain children soldiers, suicide bombers etc? They groomed them right from after weaning so that by adulthood their conscience would have been seared as not identifying differences between good and evil again. Don't forget that the scripture that says, "teach a child in the way he should go..." is as well dangerous! Why? Because except God's salvation, if a parent trains a hired killer, he might till death be one except by God's interruption. So, use this power of being a parent very well by vowing and training (committing your children) into a line or pattern of living that's the Lord's and His only. The safest of these people are those who vow by vowing what the Lord already fixed the child to be. Knowing or having an inkling on destinies of children before vowing them away matters a lot so you won't set their lives in contradiction with God's best plan later. We may take Hannah as an example though no prophecy sincerely told us that Samuel would be a prophet of the Lord. We could say he became one having began to relate with that realm to the exclusion of others with all attention and love for it. But we might as well ask where he got his love from. If there was no specially inputted love in him from God, he might have departed or strayed from that way when he reached the age of accountability. He could have said he'll like to become a hunter, goldsmith or what have you. So, I'll say Hannah hits a frequency in the spirit before vowing so much more that she vowed the child into the future God was planning for him. May your vow coincide with destiny.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Judges 13:1-14:20; John 1:29-51; Psalm 102:1-28; Proverbs 14:15-16

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