READ Galatians 4:1-15
Matthew 17:5, AMP
"While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud [[b]composed of light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and [c]have always been] delighted. Listen to Him!"
What A will do that will satisfy God's heart isn't what B will do. The specific act may differ. Only that what Christians does to satisfy God's heart and earn His approval generally falls under being obedient and taking heed. For someone like Abraham, he believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. The specific act that would delight God and bring reward to you or me is what we don't know but let's in all our endeavours be obedient children. When we have struck the deep of God's heart, we'll know we've done so because God Himself will raise dust and speak about it. It even shows in new promotions and approval.
The first time a voice like the one above testified of Jesus being God's beloved was at Jesus' baptism. However, God didn't say "listen to Him". That tells you winning of heaven's recommendation is deemed fit by God and comes by and by. As it is occurring to my mind, it's as if God has a panel of divine host that checks with Himself if a Christian or minister has indeed satisfied His heart as to win His approval. Do you remember at creation, God the Father was not only the board member seated and doing it all? God the Son and Holy Spirit were around which reflects in the language used, "come, LET US create man in our own image..." Genesis 1:26.
When you have satisfied God's heart, He'll appear to decide whether you've pass your exams or not. Unless you're tried and you're found to have passed, your word don't come [Psalm 105:19].
"Listen to Him" that God the Father said places a higher degree of approval on Jesus. God is a careful God. He doesn't recommend a minister out in the hearing of others as one they should draw their demands on if the man has not been watched over the years to have a life that backs up what he professes. If he's not a doer of what God says and he preaches, God has no business showing him to the world as a beloved son or daughter that their gathering and obedience should be given to. Of Jesus, it has been afore said that people's gathering shall be unto Him.
Genesis 49:10, AMP
"The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people."
How it surprised me that when God wants to commend and compensate Jesus for being a beloved son, it was an instruction to "listen to Him" He gives out. It's a blessing when you're not refuted or rejected as a minister. Whenever a Christian is being refuted and rejected, he ought to find out whether he has first satisfied God's heart. Why did I say that? The Bible says, "when the ways of a man pleases God, He (God) makes even his enemy be at peace with him" [Proverbs 16:7]. So, all the remedy for acceptance is actually in pleasing God. If you can strive and seek to expend yourself to please this Father in heaven, if He turns to you, you'll be surprised at what He may reward you with especially if you're a minister. I guess it may be, "listen to him." After all the "you're my beloved son in whom I am well pleased", if " listen to him" don't follow, that beloved son is still like a heir who's but a child but who's under tutor and governor until the time appointed of the father for him comes. You break loose into the utmost and get trusted with the delivery of bread to others when "listen to him" follows "this is my beloved son".
Those of you that have been longing to hear a voice like this or be promoted from one level to another by the delivering of a letter or news, it seems good to me to announce that your time has come. You will receive the good news and the joy shall be yours to rejoice in.
PRAYER: Any letter of promotion I await, my word comes now in Jesus' name. May my life and living pleases you.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 26:1-2
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