Wednesday 20 April 2022



I did a very long teaching which I released on our ministry's platforms today. It's not yet on the blog. After that, I wrote this short comment to encourage the brethren to read it and probably read by breaking it into bits. It was while doing that I narrated my experience of being anointed and taught on how to listen to or read sermons. 

"You may read them in bits. Please, mind this. They don't read or listen to a particular sermon once. 

The more you listen to it or read it, the more you see wonderful things from there. The more the Spirit of the message possesses you. There's a thing like that. 

When I got anointed, it was by watching the videos of the teacher God knitted my heart with on campus. I was watching a video titled "Covenant Compliant Life" one day when I found out something coming on me. That ASF Secretariat in TASUED, I used it to the fullest and I thank Sis Kemi Babalola (we're from the same town, home church (though different branches) and same diocese) who would bring me food many times. I love her Amala. Kai, she's a homely woman and we had known each other before I came to meet her in TASUED. We were choristers in our home churches before each of us gained admission. 

From then when I teach, there's this appeal my words carry and I'm always persuaded internally that I'm having the attention of people and that I'm on point. 

Anointing wets you so that you won't remain a dry preacher. It is rhema that gives life and not logos and until you're anointed, logos won't break loose for rhema to come out. 

Until then, you may not see wonderful things from the Bible. So, when you read, read a teaching as many times as possible, things that are happening to you there are uncountable beyond my mention in this short comment.

Also, when you've listened to a sermon before or read a thing before and a part there is reoccurring to you or becoming appealing to you again, go get it and soak it in again.

It is your spirit thirsting for the living Word or awaiting a special encounter in that sermon (which is to be listened to again). It may also be that your spirit, that is human spirit is seeking to reinforce a truth into himself or herself. So, always give heed to learn these operations of the spirit. Summarily, once you have that urge or thirst to revisit, you'll be fulfilling this Psalm.

Psalms 84:1-3, KJV

"1 How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! 2 My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.  3 Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God."

THEN, let us consider Psalm 42:1-2.

"1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. 2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?"

Did you see the panting of the soul after God in those two places? The panting of your soul after anointed messages is actually a seeking after God. Unless you listen again, you'll observe you're not contented and the thirst in you not still doused. God allows that thirst to put Himself in the soul of Christians. He uses that same way to call us into fellowship. Prayer and bedroom revival may break up from there. If you go back to read that teaching or listen to that sermon as being prompted, being appealed to, being encouraged or soothed at heart to do, you may not know when the Lord would come on you to give you a teaching to write from there, song to compose from there or a comfort to receive from there. The answer you've been looking for, fasting and praying for may be there. Until we obey, we don't know what would break loose from our obedience. Until Jeremiah trusted to obey God to first rise to go to the potter's house, he never had inkling as to what God would say neither did God speak. You too, when you're prompted to go reread a teaching, search it, ask it and read it again. You don't know how much your obedience would profit you until you obey. Only launchers would inclose a great draught of fishes at the Master's command. The reluctant will remain the same. May you not. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812