Wednesday, 20 April 2022




DID DAVID INDEED KILL HIS TEN OF THOUSANDS? - Don't Downgrade Yourself Series 006

Read I Sam. 17

1 Samuel 18:7-8, KJV

"7 And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. 8 And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?"

At the battle against the Philistines, God used David to kill Goliath while the rest of the Philistines turned back when they saw their champion was dead and were pursued by the Israelites' soldiers and killed (I Sam. 17:51).

At the arrival of the soldiers, they were met by women who with their creative ability have composed a song to celebrate the victorious occasion and acknowledge all those that should be acknowledged. In the song, David's and Saul's names were strewn into it with David given the larger share of the conquest. They said, "Saul has defeated his thousands but David, his ten of thousands." Yet, we all know David only killed a fellow - and that's Goliath. Then, where came, "David has killed his ten of thousands if indeed he only killed Goliath?" What you have to quickly understand is this, a leader worth many of his followers. Yea, we're not trying to show unreasonable superiority between those up there and those down here. That's why you and the president of your nation don't receive the same security preference. They're on the look out for him, not you. Consider these places that shows a leader is a multitude of his people (II Sam. 18:3, I Kings 22:21, Matt.26:31).

So, it is now rightly being interpreted if we say that though it was only Goliath that David killed, but because he was a principality, a giant, a great warrior that causes fear in people, a mighty mountain and obstacle that many fear and regard as "can't be confronted let alone defeated", he qualifies being regarded as multitude. Even Saul discouraged David by saying, "he has been a man of war from his youth." That's to tell you how much he was referenced. If that be, it is this importance of who David killed that made the women sing in that manner. Goliath worth ten thousands of the Philistines! That's why when he died and it was verified so by his soldiers, they fled. He was their salvation - in whom they put their trust. 

We're on the matter of not exchanging one's honour for stubble like Barak did. God called him to go war against Sisera with a mandate and an assurance of victory but he refused and demanded that Deborah (a woman, whose jurisdiction and specialization isn't warfare as deemed fit by heaven who did the selection) go with him. Deborah was not reluctant to put a proposal on the table that then, the honour would be women's. So it was. Jael, a woman was the one who killed Sisera and in that manner, the men or Barak couldn't have the honour of killing the general unto themselves yet it is the general that matters. I don't care if you kill a million soldiers. We're all on the outlook for who puts the commander to rest. That's the shepherd. Strike him and see the sheep scatter.  Rather, Jael was sung as the one who really won the victory. I'm I making sense at all? Today's teaching is to show you that what any leader protects is the honour. Look at Saul. Though he was reluctant and scared fighting Goliath yet he never played with the honour when the women sung David for having conquered to the uttermost and won the real victory for them. He was discontented. Every man at the home setting without necessarily becoming jealous or envious of their wives must in this way seek to better them. Let's ask ourselves. Indeed, who should ten of thousands be accounted to? It should be Saul. Though it wasn't accounted to him yet he saw the need and regarded it as a violation (anyway he didn't do the job). He said "what else could David not have, to even the Kingdom?". He understood the kingdom is next after such acclamation. That's the zeal that didn't consume Barak when making that deal. He sold the trophy to the female's clique and wasn't troubled. No generation of males would read what he did that would pray for him because he reduced the honour of the office of men.  Wherever you are, seek to win the honour. If God has called you to do it, don't delegate it. He who calls you is always faithful, who also will do it. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me be filled with zeal and jealousy to possess what is mine. When others are giving hard work to possess a reward for themselves, may I not be a spectator.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 19:1-20:9; Luke 19:28-48; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 13:12-14

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