Thursday, 2 September 2021





READ Judges 15

Judges 15:6, KJV

"Then the Philistines said, Who hath done this? And they answered, Samson, the son in law of the Timnite, because he had taken his wife, and given her to his companion. And the Philistines came up, and burnt her and her father with fire."

I heard, "we have done much harm to the enemy, we can't at this time repent or prove innocent of such acts." For all these harms that you and I have done our arch enemy, Satan, a retaliating band is on the outlook for us. We shouldn't be scared. Though He pursues after us, Christ is our strong tower. By Him, we'll continue to dare and dip fingers in his face yet go scot-free in Jesus' name.

Like somebody who has sinned deeply to the extent that he convinces himself in error that he can't be accepted again (though he still has a chance and God won't in any wise cast him away), so seems our own case. Since you and I agreed to do ministry and go on that path, you can't but be followed after for your many offensive works. If you want peace with Satan, you wouldn't be born again at all let alone heeding God's call to ministry. That you enroll as a Christian who faithfully does the will of God means you'll be followed after. 

In today's passage, we see Samson avenging the giving of his wife to his best man. He destroys the farms of the Philistines and this touches them to the core. This is typical of our spiritual exploits as Christians and ministers. How we set the captives free from the clutches of  hell. Didn't the Bible say, Satan specializes in not opening the prison door for his prisoners to go home (Isaiah 14:17).

Such man is He who we have robbed by might of the anointing and collected his prey from his mouth as we preach, crusade all around, do deliverance, counsel etc. Don't think you're not making impact. These quotes you're sending out is affecting hell. By that only, you've attracted his attention like Samson attracted that of the Philistines. When the anointing rests on a man, it does not only become an announcement and make headline in heaven but in hell. You're therefore in sight!

Satan will respond. Don't think he doesn't know who has collected his prey from his mouth. The Philistines asked, "who has done this (exploit)?" It was fed them, "Samson." In retaliation, they went to burn down his wife and her father. If Satan can't immediately get you (which is his core target), he'll launch attacks at your associations. 

When Jesus says no one says yes and looks back, it is very valid. 

Luke 9:62, KJV

"...No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

You have signed in O man of God. You have done much havoc and already have enough records for which Satan will pursue you. You can't say you don't mean all you were doing. You can't go on vacation spiritually now. You can't afford to backslide now. Doing any of these is actually making yourself a cheap meat for the devil who has you in mind to hurt for the blows you've dealt him. Only Satan can chronicle how much hurt you've done him. No Samson knows actually. 

The tracts you thought no one read has brought loss of souls to hell. Why won't he seek you to pay for that damage? You may be shouting hallelujah that you're bringing profit to God. However, you've also brought losses to the devil. No business person wants losses. God and Satan are business men. They trade in the souls of men and rival to have them. You have by your works accrued many enemies. Don't pedal down now for you've been declared wanted: dead or alive by hell. 

Despite this unleashing of hell at you, behold your resources. 

II Kings 6:16, KJV

"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them."

As long as you don't make provision for the flesh or give the enemy an occasion to blaspheme God like David mistakenly did, you can't be reproached by Satan nor anything of his found in you (II Samuel 12:14). So, continue to bring losses to Satan while not forgetting for once that each of your hurt to him makes you more wanted.

PRAYER: Lord, may no unrighteousness be found in me that Satan can accuse me of. I repent of all hidden and unconfessed sins. I purge myself of all weapons of hell that are alive in me. May I avenge the Lord daily.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, Psalm 44:1-8, Proverbs 22:10-12

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Wednesday, 1 September 2021





READ Acts 8:26-40

Acts 8:29, KJV

"Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot."

You see, only God knows who will do you favour or from whom you will reap benefit. You might not have taken a step since but if you hear the voice of the Spirit any time, I'll like you run towards obeying that voice like Philip the evangelist does.

God saw a prospect in the Ethiopian eunuch. He's like a made ready field that has been ploughed but awaits the seeds. Philip becomes the sower who preached Jesus to him from the place he couldn't understand which he was reading from the book of Isaiah. Only God knows what you don't know. That's why if He tells you to join yourself to that fellow in business, friendship or even marriage, you should. God has seen a need in his life like that of the Ethiopian eunuch that needs to be met and it's you who would meet it. More importantly, God has seen there would be a return to you also from such person you might joined. Imagine what profit it is to the kingdom of God that the Ethiopian eunuch received Jesus. God profits and Philip himself profits for having gotten him born again. This man plays a part in bringing the gospel to Africa. Isn't that a thing to be deposited into Philip's account also. If he had withdrawn joining himself to that chariot, the man wouldn't have been born again and the gospel might not have reached many (Africa). This man already escaped Jerusalem and God didn't want him escape. So, who will get him for God?

I Kings 19:17, KJV

"And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay."

God didn't plan that a fellow escape Jerusalem and then escapes Philip the evangelist. If he does, he'll cross continental boundaries into his country empty handed and heart emptied. 

Don't forget that this eunuch is said to be a man of influence who serves under Candace, queen of the Ethiopian. God is after influential people. The door that an influential man can open through his influence to the gospel is actually of emphasis. All of these comes from someone's heeding "join yourself to this chariot". If the major political officers of your country receives Jesus and become disciples, your nation may begin to be kingdom like.

Are you hearing your call today? That brother or sister must not bypass you. You know whom God is saying already. He is just pointing a finger to the fellow for you. God is saying "stop looking for chariots that might or might not pass. It is this current one going on I'm saying You should join."  If God is saying, join yourself to him or her in whatsoever level of relationship, I'll like you take it for what God calls it even if you don't see the prospects. God is your eyes and why He's saying "join yourself" might not be clear to you until you actually join yourself to such chariot (person or individual).

Also, this is a call to be sensitive to recognize those who have been made ready by their afore contact with the gospel but yearns for salvation (but who knows not how to go about it). I sense God is calling you to a finished work. He wants the praise to be yours. He has done the work but wants it to be labelled "if not for you". This is God's quick work which He wants to do upon the earth.

Look, today, when you hear the voice that says " join yourself to that chariot", do not rebel. Like Philip, display great faith and rather proceed to carry that instruction out. Don't mind how the Ethiopian eunuch looks nor his nationality in being joined to him etc. Once you contact him, it is good things to the satisfaction of your soul that will come from there. If God is saying that's the fellow and you're afraid because you don't want people label you as a gold digger, I'll say "don't miss your chariot." Who instructs you is greater than those who accuse you. Beware that the chariot however waits for no one. Even if it waits for awhile, it shall move consequently. So, let me say today is the day of salvation (day of acting), tomorrow might be too late.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27

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Tuesday, 31 August 2021





READ Deuteronomy 30

Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"

Don't defend God. He is a cheat. What sort of teacher gives exams to his students and yet shows them the answer to pick. Are options not before them? Have they not being taught? Shouldn't he leave them to now make their choice? That's a teacher but not God.

God is a jealous God who cares to the extreme for His children. While coaching the Israelites on what their attitude to be as they warm up to possess Canaan that's before them, he told them he has placed before them life and death (a summary of all He has been saying) and that they should choose life. After God sets these two options before them, you'll think He'll leave them to themselves to choose which one seems good in their own eyes. No, He didn't. He rather whispers to their ears after setting the exam questions and placing it before them what answer they should but pick. This is where God is a cheat. What teacher sets the paper for his students to be tested after a thorough teaching yet guides them diligently up to the answer? That's what God rather does. 

When you have a biological father like God, to miss it is going to be hard. It will take both the devil and life conspiring together to make you fail. Why did I say that? Your father would do all in his capacity to see that you excel over life and win over Satan. God doesn't want them miss it. Despite the answer to the question being "life" as set before them, do you know some could still have gone for "death." It is then you'll wonder whether those ones have not been hearing the sermon God has been preaching since the beginning of that chapter before setting the choices before them. We can not be much baffled because after teaching students in the classroom what their answers should be in the examination, they still do go for the wrong one. That's why God took initiative, instituted Himself to guard against this likely mistake.

Today, may God institute into your life people who will have more than a passing interest in you. I mean those who will want to sacrifice everything to see you're properly guided and eventually makes it. The heavenly Father is such a beautiful One who cares not only for our life on earth but in the afterworld. This propels Him to telling us to choose life.

How many of you have chosen life? If you're still in the kingdom of darkness, you have not. You have to be translated into light, the kingdom of His dear son, in whom we have redemption, even the forgiveness of sins, (Colossians 1:13-14). Until then, you have not chosen life but death. Submit to God today and receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

There's no profit in choosing death over life. God has seen that which is why He went all the way to teach and teach the Israelites to choose and prefer life above death. This is not the matter of 'they have eyes to see'. It is the matter of wanting you to make it. A matter of life and death. God wouldn't have done that if He doesn't want you make it. He knows if life is not chosen, it is death. If you therefore choose death, your life isn't secured. He won't allow you make this costly mistake that would result into eternal blame in eternal flame. A reason why God has chosen to leak the answer to you now. The answer to what God said you should choose has been stealthily told you, "LIFE." Go for it! Shade that as the answer this morning please.

PRAYER: Thanks for Your counsel and multitude of good thoughts for me. May You ever delight in me as to properly guide me to life. May I not miss step with You.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6

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Monday, 30 August 2021





Read Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11:2, KJV

"For by it the elders obtained a good report."

By what did the elders obtained a good report? We said, faith. Now, if you look at that place, you'll see that faith is a thing that works because it has been afore worked. We said it has been proven. The Bible says what?

Deuteronomy 19:15, KJV

" the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established."

What makes faith appealing to us and a thing we want to work also is because it has been proven and we know that it can't fail if we rightly work it. Some people were testified to have obtained by faith. It means for faith to be proven, it not only took a person but myriads to purchase that good witness for faith. That's why I can't doubt the workability of faith. With the numerous people that worked faith under their own different circumstances in the Bible, I am sure that should convince anyone that faith has been thoroughly proven and concluded on to be trustworthy if worked.

We humans are skeptics and if you tell someone that a thing works, he'll like to collect from you proves and testimonies that it works. Many people are shying away from being the first user now. They need someone who has done the trial for them. Look, we are not left without a witness. We can without shame give an answer to such people's question. That place says, "for by it the ELDERS received a good report."

What did you see there? "Elder" or "Elders?" It says elders. Faith has been thoroughly proven. It was worked by A and it worked. B also worked it and it worked yet, it never stopped with them. Righteous Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph etc all worked it and it proved for them. Even if we have reasons to doubt the workability of faith before, we have none again because it has been indeed tested to be a thing that holds fast. 

Psalms 12:6, KJV

"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

That's what makes God's word infallible. It has been tried. It's trustworthiness is like a silver refined seven times. How will that silver look? New, pure, neat without any impurity. But did they just arrive at that height? No. A silver that's trusted is one that's not only tried once but indeed tried and tried until it can be ascertained that it is pure. Such long process of attainment of infallibility is what faith passes through before its commendation and recommendation to us.

No one can call us a cheat over that because all these people mentioned in Hebrews 11 that worked faith worked it at different times and on different circumstances yet faith still answered them.

God's Word is pure like silver tried or refined seven times. Faith is proven as well because it was worked by myriads of elders that obtained results. Through many, it was proved to be sure. Imagine if you're asking about the soundness of a product and you can meet ten people to testify about such product, will you not be convinced? 

Today, I can say receiving by faith is not archaic though faith and its working passes from the hands of some elders to us. It answered them long time ago and it will answer us in our own time. People wrote their chronicles of faith. Men will rise to speak and write about ours. No one operates faith that doesn't become a hero. It is time for the world to tell your story of faith. It's time for you to deploy faith to do heroic deeds.

May you have an answer.

PRAYER: Father, let the pen of people write my story of accomplishment by faith on earth too. Let me surmount by faith and defeat by faith.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, Psalm 44:1-8, Proverbs 22:10-12

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Sunday, 29 August 2021




FAITH IS PROVEN - Series 001

Read I Samuel 17:38-40

Hebrews 11:1-2, KJV

"1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report."

By what did the elders obtain a good report? Faith! Imagine that. Look at how important faith is. You can't come to God and not do so in faith or else, by what will you receive what you're desiring? How many wants to withdraw money from the automated machine who won't first of all insert a card? That card is faith in today's context and without it, you can't obtain money from the ATM. 

Faith is proven! Faith has been proven to respond in a way. For this only, you should rejoice and be made strong to operate faith. Do you know why a bird  perch on a tree? Obviously, one of such reasons is to rest. In its perching, the bird believes in the swiftness of its flight to escape if the branch breaks than the branch not breaking. For the bird, there's an alternative which is even a better choice than any other. Indeed, the branch can break but here, faith can't fail if properly worked. We don't have any other alternative like a bird. If it is one, we must be sure we are sure it works and stands solid.  So, come along and trust faith by which all men obtain.

In today's reading, David told Saul he can't go to battle with an unproved armour. Do you know what that means? That is, he has not been familiar with it nor tested it as to come to believe it for delivery. A thing you're not familiar with is a thing that will confuse you. You can't manipulate, maneuver or bring it quickly under your subjection to understand its operation and use at such a late or emergency hour and have it perform to you like somebody who has acclimatized with it for years and by it, he has proven he could get result. 

Don't go to battle with something untested is the first warning that echoes from my spirit to you. Don't marry someone who has not been examined and proved to be a life partner that you'll be secured with. Don't switch to a technique you have not worked and known to be sure indeed. If you haven't mastered a rule, you don't use it. These were the excuses of David to Saul. I can't go in this, for they are not proven! Proven by who? Saul or David? David himself off course. If he tries going in that armour, the fact that they've not be proven by him will begin to show. He'll be deficient even walking well. Have you seen someone that puts on a heel shoe for the first time? It looks as if he'll fall right. Is that the kind of fellow you'll tell to wear such shoes to a sought after event where she'll be the face of the people? She should get ready for some sort of disgrace. You'll soon hear laughter. How better it is if she goes in the sandal she's used to. Her walk won't be hindered and then she can manifest properly also. She'll be comfortable and not have any inner fear or doubt about her operations also. These were the things David was vulnerable to if he had gone in Saul's armour. 

I say again, don't go in something untested! Prove all things and hold unto which is truth only! Even in the military, they test weapons, strategies and techniques before finally deploying them. At factories, they don't launch products without first administering to a sample of the population. Nothing just suddenly hits the market like that. They need to first collect feedbacks on its operation before they send it out like wildfire. What they want is something that they can boldly call people to purchase. They have to therefore buy boldness for themselves first of all over that product by collecting the testimonies of people in honesty and truth like the general populace who will later use it. Only then will they be assured they have a product indeed.

By faith, the elders obtained a good report. What good news to hear! No one obtains good report by prayer, studying of the Bible or fasting as said here. It is by faith! Now, that place subtly tells us why we should trust faith. It says, "by it, the elders obtained a good report." Who are these elders? The likes of the patriarchs, Gideon, Deborah, Abel, Jephtah, the four Hebrew men etc. If you read Hebrews 11, you'll see the numerous list of characters who shut the mouth of lion, received their dead back to life etc yet by this important thing called FAITH. Look, the list is endless. Even the supposed writer of Hebrews was exhausted mentioning names and chronicles of faith. Those ones are the elders. They existed before us. They worked faith before us. When they worked it and it worked, then the Bible now calls us to work same. God is not trying to fool us or make us break our backs by telling us to fly into the air with a thing that can't carry us. No, this ain't false hope [like our American brothers would say]. This is for real. It is not a cunningly devised fable we've been called to believe but something that people have worked, worked, worked down the line of different generations and has proven to fetch handsome results. Always, that thing yields. Who will read Hebrews 11 and see all the achievements there who will not like to work faith or exercise its release for the obtainment of what he so desires? Who? The outcomes there are just too rewarding, forceful and energetic. They will turn you from inside out.

Oooh! Faith is proven just like Jesus died, resurrected, ascended and lives forever more. No one can really deny such reality even if he refuses to believe such claims. So also, faith has been proven to give a solid base to any who might want to work it.

This is how I'm looking for a forerunner to make my journey simple and trust God to make me some for those to come. Those elders did the greatest work by testing faith until by over the years working could profess it works. It is then they could now present it as something to trust for the withdrawal of your own desire, need, wants etc any time or any day. Testing something to present it as infallible to men is hard work. Ask inventors.

Faith that proves for the elders is a guarantee of faith that will prove for you. If it had not worked for them, I'll tell you to ignore it and not waste your time over what some haven't testified of "of delivering like wonder and burning like fire." Meanwhile, this one, I can trek miles to debate its surety.

What has been your long or short time desire? By faith (which has been tested, proven, worked, cultivated, practiced and assured to deliver), you can as well receive them. Don't doubt when ye pray, rather believe that whatsoever ye ask is done. 

PRAYER: Lord, I climb to you with the handle of faith that's proven, I tear from You by the demand of faith today. Give me wisdom to test things, hold unto which is true, so as not to call others to believe in falsehood or trust in same.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6

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Saturday, 28 August 2021





Read Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11:32-34, KJV

"32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: 33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, WAXED VALIANT IN FIGHT, turned to flight the armies of the aliens."

Isn't this contradictory? "To wax valiant in battle!" How can you continue to be strong in something you've been doing? Boringness or monotony of the task ought to depress you. If it were something you do but didn't expend energy, I'll also agree it is easy keeping at it. However, let soldiers chronicle their narrative to you at battle. You'll know that the events of battle saps strength and decreases energy. If you look into the context in which that place was written, it's a context that reveals the traditional way of waging war. This involves fighting with swords and skill. It is physical clashing that involves killing of the opposite force. I know the opponent won't want to give in like that too. So, imagine a soldier who is waxing strong in fight yet that's after he has singlehandedly killed many soldiers. Take all other soldiers and put them in the same experience of having combated many soldiers as well and yet still standing. Can you mention how easy it will be defeating one soldier let alone many skilled soldiers? So, any who could have gotten to three hundred for instance must have done so by skill, swiftness and perseverance. Lifting of sword, shielding or throwing of javelin isn't easily come by as you think. It takes effort to stay in battle when you clash with an opposing opponent. 

One time, I went into a very minimal days fast with my beloved and another sister. Due to some reasons, I couldn't post for prayer an organized collated prayer points for our first day and didn't encourage them on our created group to be persistent in what we were doing. Around afternoon, I stood up to drop there a quote on prayer and to put adrenaline inside them that men ought to pray and not faint. After that as I ruminated on having persisting faith, this part I quoted from Hebrews hit me. The Spirit told me, "let me show you he who will win battles. It is he who wax valiant in battles."

There's difference between fighting or warring and waxing valiant in it. There are many people who started a thing but did not continue in it. To start is easier, to progress is hard. Staying on a thing and not turning back in it until one sees and conquers is where the hard work lies. So, any that enters into a battle and keeps fighting by not getting physically wearied until he gets to a place of victory is such that'll be praised for having entered into battle at the first instance. 

When you wax valiant, you grow much stronger. Instead of you lapsing back, decreasing in strength as you use your energy to resist and slaughter the enemy, you rather increase in strength for the accomplishment of what you've started. Your swiftness, speed, wavering, waving, shielding and other skills would still be deemed intact and corresponding. In a physical battle as I'm saying, any that dies may do so on the ground of having decrease in strength. That's why they call warriors men of valour because it involves accomplishing a hard task. When you're valiant in battle, it means you're not tired nor have you given in though you've been fighting for awhile on the battle field. Physical warriors expend physical energy and the tendency is there to be so weak as not to lift a hand again. Any who gets here will become a victim of the opponent force.

But as for you, may you wax valiant in battle. What is your destiny? The path of the just is as the shining light, it shines more and more unto the perfect day. There's no decrease. The sun always increases in intensity as the day goes on. That's the picture of any born again in a spiritual battle. It is not for you to faint but wax valiant.

Show me the faith that wins and I'll show you a persisting faith. You have to pray until you pray through. The day Daniel knelt was the day his answer was sent but there was an hindrance to his receiving it. However, though he didn't see any physical result, he kept on praying (persisted) until by his same prayer, notices were brought to heaven of the fact that the holy messenger hasn't reached Daniel. That led to the dispatch of Michael who mediated and contested with the Prince of Persia. 

Wax valiant in prayer like a warrior would wax valiant in battle. It is better not entering a spiritual warfare than entering it and waxing cold. One will become a victim there and then.

I say, "by faith, they wax valiant (firm, resilient, robust, stout, bold, brave, courageous, strong, daring, determined, staunch) in fight."

This is a fight (bout, wrestling, boxing) - you too, hang in there without blinking the eye.

PRAYER: I receive the warrior's spirit that wax valiant in battle. In marriage, ministry, business, intimacy with God, parenting etc, I go from one degree of strength exhibition to another.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22

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Friday, 27 August 2021





READ Genesis 5:19-24, II Kings 2:1,11-12

I Kings 2:1-2, KJV

"1 Now the days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he charged Solomon his son, saying,  2 I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man".

The way of all the earth is the path that all must take. No one can say he won't take it when his time comes. This gives all men one destiny of passing through the same road - physical death in this context.

Of all human beings, Enoch didn't see death and Elijah didn't. These ones broke this process of the way of all the earth. What equalizes all men seems to exempt them. They rather took another path to the same destination - eternity before the Father. They didn't die, get buried to perish in the soil. Even Jesus who died and was buried resurrected without decay to ascend into heaven (Matthew 28:5-7).

What is the way of the whole earth God wants you to avoid today? One day, I heard a General Overseer said when God called him as a founder; people were not founding ministries but were joining one even when it's obvious that they have the calling of a founder. Those ones took the easy path (joined an already known denomination, were given houses and were being paid) which is the way of all the earth. The road they took is like the wide gate, admission into it is easy. The narrow path is scarcely trodden by men except by those who will to their own hurt reject all antagonizing voices to follow God's. There are many users than producers, followers than leaders and eaters than sowers. The commonest path is the way of all the earth. It has the greatest devotee and adherents. For fear, public or popular opinions, some shrink back from threading the path of their uniqueness that will single them out and reveal them to the world to taking the commonest that can't separate them as a mould of God built for speciality on this earth. They follow the crowd into the world's crowded arena. He ought to become a painter but he has followed after Medicine. He has gone to a place where God didn't earmark he shines. Now there, he struggles to compete instead of supernaturally being above board. Even if he succeeds there, he can't ever amount to the totality of destiny's dictate for him in Painting.

Somebody may say, "you're calling people to purpose because of the affluence? Who don't know prestige, wealth etc follows a purposeful living." Being called as a founder isn't prestigious at the start. That's why I don't question a man if he says he's called as a founder. I know it's not easy to pretend when called as a founder. Even if it's pretence, it shall be discovered before a mile's walk. No one says he's called into a uniqueness as a founder for instance when he knows it's easier tapping into what some men have already originated from the ground than groaning to build from the scratch.

There is the way of all the earth the devil wants you too to take. He just wants you too be like the rest and be assembled together with them. Once you're convinced, persuaded or assisted into that path, you've sold out destiny. You will just be there running somebody's race. I do ask myself. What is next after marriage? Will I settle down to begin to raise some few children and be satisfied with that only and then make supplications to God that my children become what I couldn't become. I said "no". When I look at my heart, I saw there's an invisible pull calling me to where I should be. I believe I should be known even to the ends of the earth and heard from in many languages. This is not ambition coming from self but one that the Lord Himself laid there when He was making me in secret and curiously wrought me in the lowest parts of the earth. When God wants you to come out and make a name for yourself through Himself, don't be shy, reluctant or be made unwilling by what denomination, religion, belief, value or system etc might say. If there's a thing I'm grateful for for years, it's a constant sense of calling in me calling me to where I should be and what next I should do. If God destines you for a unique path, on your inside, you'll be hearing a call that will be speaking louder than thoughts persuading you to push towards an area of the circle. A place will just appeal you and if you show persistence there, you'll have your mark made for eternity to bear you witness.

I believe God won't deny you the voice. Guidance is always available for those God is calling from following the common way of all the earth. God will open a channel in you that will be clearer than the discovery of Jordan's or Red Sea's bottom. Since this channel is totally opened, there won't be hindrances to hearing and discerning the path that's calling you to come. By God's breath, the foundations of the earth were laid bare and seen. This same God can cause you to see the very bottom of what road to take. 

God has a great future for you which awaits you if you can trust and follow His leading (whose channel) is revealed inside you. God don't hide from those He seeks to guide out of the way of all the earth. He reveals himself early to them to call them to their inheritance. If you heed, your testimony will swallow regrets. God is not partial. He wants all men come to His knowledge and stop taking the way of all the earth but rather pursue after individual mandates stocked into them purposefully. That's the only road in making of stars. If you won't silence this voice until your heart becomes seared or stony, you'll mark the differences later on between those God called who follows and those He called who withholds.

PRAYER: Lord, let me find my uniqueness, accept it and live in it. May my mandate not be substituted, perverted or unfulfilled.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalm 40:11-17, Proverbs 22:2-4

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