Sunday, 29 August 2021




FAITH IS PROVEN - Series 001

Read I Samuel 17:38-40

Hebrews 11:1-2, KJV

"1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report."

By what did the elders obtain a good report? Faith! Imagine that. Look at how important faith is. You can't come to God and not do so in faith or else, by what will you receive what you're desiring? How many wants to withdraw money from the automated machine who won't first of all insert a card? That card is faith in today's context and without it, you can't obtain money from the ATM. 

Faith is proven! Faith has been proven to respond in a way. For this only, you should rejoice and be made strong to operate faith. Do you know why a bird  perch on a tree? Obviously, one of such reasons is to rest. In its perching, the bird believes in the swiftness of its flight to escape if the branch breaks than the branch not breaking. For the bird, there's an alternative which is even a better choice than any other. Indeed, the branch can break but here, faith can't fail if properly worked. We don't have any other alternative like a bird. If it is one, we must be sure we are sure it works and stands solid.  So, come along and trust faith by which all men obtain.

In today's reading, David told Saul he can't go to battle with an unproved armour. Do you know what that means? That is, he has not been familiar with it nor tested it as to come to believe it for delivery. A thing you're not familiar with is a thing that will confuse you. You can't manipulate, maneuver or bring it quickly under your subjection to understand its operation and use at such a late or emergency hour and have it perform to you like somebody who has acclimatized with it for years and by it, he has proven he could get result. 

Don't go to battle with something untested is the first warning that echoes from my spirit to you. Don't marry someone who has not been examined and proved to be a life partner that you'll be secured with. Don't switch to a technique you have not worked and known to be sure indeed. If you haven't mastered a rule, you don't use it. These were the excuses of David to Saul. I can't go in this, for they are not proven! Proven by who? Saul or David? David himself off course. If he tries going in that armour, the fact that they've not be proven by him will begin to show. He'll be deficient even walking well. Have you seen someone that puts on a heel shoe for the first time? It looks as if he'll fall right. Is that the kind of fellow you'll tell to wear such shoes to a sought after event where she'll be the face of the people? She should get ready for some sort of disgrace. You'll soon hear laughter. How better it is if she goes in the sandal she's used to. Her walk won't be hindered and then she can manifest properly also. She'll be comfortable and not have any inner fear or doubt about her operations also. These were the things David was vulnerable to if he had gone in Saul's armour. 

I say again, don't go in something untested! Prove all things and hold unto which is truth only! Even in the military, they test weapons, strategies and techniques before finally deploying them. At factories, they don't launch products without first administering to a sample of the population. Nothing just suddenly hits the market like that. They need to first collect feedbacks on its operation before they send it out like wildfire. What they want is something that they can boldly call people to purchase. They have to therefore buy boldness for themselves first of all over that product by collecting the testimonies of people in honesty and truth like the general populace who will later use it. Only then will they be assured they have a product indeed.

By faith, the elders obtained a good report. What good news to hear! No one obtains good report by prayer, studying of the Bible or fasting as said here. It is by faith! Now, that place subtly tells us why we should trust faith. It says, "by it, the elders obtained a good report." Who are these elders? The likes of the patriarchs, Gideon, Deborah, Abel, Jephtah, the four Hebrew men etc. If you read Hebrews 11, you'll see the numerous list of characters who shut the mouth of lion, received their dead back to life etc yet by this important thing called FAITH. Look, the list is endless. Even the supposed writer of Hebrews was exhausted mentioning names and chronicles of faith. Those ones are the elders. They existed before us. They worked faith before us. When they worked it and it worked, then the Bible now calls us to work same. God is not trying to fool us or make us break our backs by telling us to fly into the air with a thing that can't carry us. No, this ain't false hope [like our American brothers would say]. This is for real. It is not a cunningly devised fable we've been called to believe but something that people have worked, worked, worked down the line of different generations and has proven to fetch handsome results. Always, that thing yields. Who will read Hebrews 11 and see all the achievements there who will not like to work faith or exercise its release for the obtainment of what he so desires? Who? The outcomes there are just too rewarding, forceful and energetic. They will turn you from inside out.

Oooh! Faith is proven just like Jesus died, resurrected, ascended and lives forever more. No one can really deny such reality even if he refuses to believe such claims. So also, faith has been proven to give a solid base to any who might want to work it.

This is how I'm looking for a forerunner to make my journey simple and trust God to make me some for those to come. Those elders did the greatest work by testing faith until by over the years working could profess it works. It is then they could now present it as something to trust for the withdrawal of your own desire, need, wants etc any time or any day. Testing something to present it as infallible to men is hard work. Ask inventors.

Faith that proves for the elders is a guarantee of faith that will prove for you. If it had not worked for them, I'll tell you to ignore it and not waste your time over what some haven't testified of "of delivering like wonder and burning like fire." Meanwhile, this one, I can trek miles to debate its surety.

What has been your long or short time desire? By faith (which has been tested, proven, worked, cultivated, practiced and assured to deliver), you can as well receive them. Don't doubt when ye pray, rather believe that whatsoever ye ask is done. 

PRAYER: Lord, I climb to you with the handle of faith that's proven, I tear from You by the demand of faith today. Give me wisdom to test things, hold unto which is true, so as not to call others to believe in falsehood or trust in same.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6

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